Liorary, U of 0 Welcome to the 8th Annual Vernonia Friendship Jamboree FRIDAY EVENTS Oregon Journal Juniors Queen Coronation High School Stadium 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY EVENTS ★ VOLUME 42. NUMBER 30 Free Fishing for Kids (Age 10 and under) Sunset Strip Trout Pool Bus Leaves Joy Theater___________ 5:30 a.m. ★ Demon i Friendship Jamboree Horseshoe Tourney City Park Courts--------------------------- 9:30 a .m. Qualifying Starts at 8:30 a.m. ★ Parade City Council Authorizes New Equipment VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1964 Multitude oí Activities Offered b y '64 Jamboree Vernonia has begun to take on the the Yeung Oregonian and Journal people and visitors here for the Jam Monday evening, the meeting of holiday air this week as residents Junior traveling troupe will be pre boree. place special displays in windows sented in front of the high school the city council was presided over and engage in a frenzy of float build grandstand and at this, the Jamboree HORSESHOE TOURNEY by C. E. Miller, president of the ing activities. queen will be crowned. The Vernonia Frendship Horse council, in the absence of Dr. T. M. Anderson Park-------------2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. One window display which has at shoe Tournament is set for Satur Hobart, mayor. tracted a lot of attention all week is FISHING PLANNED day, July 25, according to Owen (Grand Entry—1:45 p.m.) Kids will have a special heyday Enevoldsen, chairman. Courts at the Fire Chief Charley Hickman ap the one entitled “old things” in the Saturday morning when they board city park have been readied and peared before the council to, ask for windows at Nichols Variety store. The program given here outlines the bus provided by James Davies some added cement work places all Vernonia versus Banks the purchase of eight sets of pants, and go to Sunset trout pools to fish. of them in good condition for this boots and coats for the fire depart events which are to take place so High School F ie ld _______________ 7:00 p.m. Melvin Schwab, chairman for this years event. ment members and for four addition that little explanation is necessary. event, advises all those who go to The kick-off far the whole affair The revolving trophy which was al helmets, and the council approv ed the request. He further asked for comes Friday noon when the circus take their own fishing poles and bait new’ last year and was won by A1 Portland Music and a plastic bag for bringing home Richardson, will be at stake. It and a hose drying tower to be built. The opens on the field opposite the Amer their fish. They will be back home American Legion Hall .........„ 9:00 p.m. the other trophies for the various council fire committee is to meet ican Legion hall and adjacent to An by 8 a m. derson park. Rides Friday afternoon classes are now on display in the with the department members to The rest of the events for Satur window of the drug store. consider this request further. A re and until 9 p.m. will be only 10 cents I.O.O.F. Hall—3 Trophies..................9:00-10:30 p.m. day and Sunday are well outlined on when accompanied by the tickets be quest for a portable pump was re Enevoldsen states that qualifying the program and will take place as jected and the request for the crea ing given by the merchants named will take place from 8:30 to 9:30 scheduled. Trophies for various tion of a $1000 fund as a start to elsewhere in this issue. a.m. and that classes C and D will I.O.O.F. Hall........................................10:30-1:00 a.m. events are on display in windows of Friday night, the variety show of wards accumulating the price of a pitch off at 9:30 a m. Classes A and business places. new truck was answered with infor The Natal Grange ladies will op B will pitch off at 12:30 p.m. mation that the $1000 fire truck fund These who have a qualifying score High School Gym _____ 8:30 p.m. to Midnight erate their chuck wagon again this should be left in its present status year at both the horse show and the from a state or previous tournament as an unappropriated balance which may use it. logging show. could not be used during the current Entrance fees for class A and B The big question in everyones mind year. is whether the weatherman will co are $2.00 and for class C and D, The council authorized the start of Swimming instruction will be of operate. The Jamboree has had hot $1.00. proceedings to annex to the city the fered at Perry's Sports Camp start weather for the past seven years and HORSE SHOW READY Rebekah Social Club sewage lagoon area and also to an ing July 27, according to an anounce has never yet been rainy. It is hoped City Park nex certain areas in First addition The Vernonia Ridge Riders Saddle 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ment made Monday by Robert Per that weather will be good again this which were by-passed but completely ry. The fee for children’s lessons will year, with perhaps a little toning club have everything in readiness surrounded by previous anr**v«tfons. for the annual Jamboree horse show be $5.00 for two weeks. For adults down of the heat of former years. VSP&SS Tracks An ordinance implementing the an which will be held at Anderson park ---------------------- 11:45 m. and the teen swim the charge will nexation of blocks 13 and 14 in First Saturday afternoon, following the Departs for Banks______________ 1:00 m. be fifty cents per session. Special rates for the Vernonia- addition was passed under emergen parade. Arrives in Vernonia___ 4:30 m . Because there are no dressing fa Banks excursion train trip sched cy clause by unanimous vote. James Johns, club president, states uled for (his Sunday afternoon. Authorization was given to the pur cilities swimmers must wear suits that the club held a picnic and prac July 26 will be $3.00 for adults chase of the new police car from to and from the camp. tice day at the park last Sunday to Opening Ceremonies___ 1:00 m. and $1.50 for children. This spec The schedule for July 27-31 and Vernonia Auto company for a price complete preparations. Fire Department Exhibition 1:05 m. ial is for this one day only and August 3-7 will be as follows: of $1998. Registrations will be taken from one trip only. Logging Show_______________ 1:30 Monday through Friday, 9:00-9:45 m. A motion was passed to allow the 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., according to The special trip is scheduled Grand Prize Drawing_______ ... 3:30 m . City of Banks to salvage usable wire a.m., beginners, 7 and 8 year olds; Johns. The grand entry will be made to leave here at 1:00 p.m. and from the field lighting system at the 10:00-10:45 a.m., beginners. 9 and at 1:45 p.m. and the games will start return here at 4:30 p.m. city park in exchange for removal older; 11:00-11:45 a.m., intermediate at 2:00 p.m. and continue until 4:00 > To Banks of the light poles from the field since 'children who know how to swim but p.m. Ribbons will be awarded in all want further instruction). ART EXHIBIT they are becoming dangerous. events and there are high point tro Evening schedule: Tuesday, 8:30- The Vernonia Society of Art end phies for both juniors and seniors. Various other discussions related to street work, need for grass mow 9:30 p.m., adult lessons; Wednesday, Crafts is arranging an art exhibit The events included in the pro 8:30-9:30 p.m., teen swim (12-21); in the corner room at the Vernonia gram are as follows: Saddle Bridle ing and miscellaneous matters. The next council meeting will be Thursday, 8:30-9:30 p.m., adult swim Clinic building formerly occupied and Go; two-man flag race, musical 'over 21 years of age). held August 3. by the upholstery shop. Members of ropes, barrel race for junior juniors, Final registration for lessons will the society have painted it in pre juniors and seniors; buck and squaw be made at the camp next Monday paration for this event. race, sack roping, hat race for jun morning when swimmers report. Work done by both children and ior juniors, goat tail race and cow adults in the classes taught by Mrs hide race. Elva Goss and also from the paint Johns stated that the club has one Saturday and Sunday—Vernonia Golf Club for fun classes taught by Mrs. Car urgent request for all horses to be 9on Strong will be on display. In kept away from the picnic area ¿mil addition, paintings done by local the trailer area. They arc to be kept The Vernonia Fire Department is artists will be exhibited engaged in a busy week which com in the horse show area only. This is The building will be open from very important to prevent any acci menced Monday night with a work Akio Yamaguchi, Vernonia’s for Friday evening through Sunday eve dents in which spectators or picnick night at the hall to prepare the build eign exchange student who lived with ning for the enjoyment of both local ers might be injured or frightened. ing and equipment for the Jamboree Saturday morning, July 25, the Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hobart firemen will turn out in force at this past year, boarded a Japan Air 5:00 a.m. to wash the streets for the Lines jetliner in San Francisco Wed festive week end Sunday .they will nesday of this week to return to be engaging in a water fight with Japan. We, your mayor and council members, officially proclaim JÉAST The flight was arranged by the the forestry crew from the Pittsburg < ■ I July 24-25-26 Friendship Jamboree Days for 1964 and request Guard Station as part of the Logging American Field Service for 134 Japa every citizen to participate and make this eighth annual event nese high school students whom the Show. the greatest success ever. Remember, each of you is host to AFS selected to live for 11 months This past week, two members of the local department represented the in the homes of American families those who come here. Wear a friendly smile, speak a friendly Vernonia group at the monthly meet while attending local high schools. hello and extend the hand of friendship to all. ing of the Columbia-Washington The group arrived in the United Mayor T. M. Hobart Firemans association, with Forest States on August 24, 1963. (ouncilmen: ( ’. E. Miller, L. E. Stiff, Ixiren Atkins A tour of the United States and Grove as hosts The members at and Horace Hertel a visit to Washington, D.C. climax tending were Bill Ritz and Larry ed their stay in the states. Recorder, Walter Linn ST. Gamer. ----------» At their last regular business meet ing, July 13, the firemen set the date of August 30 as the time of their an nual picnic. This is a family affair with the usual food, games for the GRAUT children, and visiting for the parents. Forms at 10:00 a.m. at SP&S Tracks Moves out at 11:00 a.m. — Register by 10:30 ★ Ridge Riders Horse Show ★ FFA Semi-pro Raseball Game ★ Jamboree Ball ★ ★ Teen Age Hootenanny Teen Age Dance ★ Square Dance Swim Lesson SUNDAY EVENTS Dates Are Set Cowboy Breakfast Steam Excursion Train Arrives ★ ★ Logging Show—City Park Excursion Train Departure WEEKEND EVENTS ★ Gem and Fossil Show—V.F.W. Hall ★ Country Fair Exhibits ★ Circus—Plays Vernonia All Three Days ★ ★ Poker Golf Tournament Firemen Set Weeks Events Columbia County Historical Society Museum Open House Circus— Located by Legion Hall AFS Student Returns Home PARADE ROUTE P-R-O-C-L-A-M-A-T-l-O-N S T, j u o a or Q. ^1 JUQ<r£S> tnFSTH/V O * CD ' 'i - Local Delegate At Conference Dr. Thomas M. Hobart has been in Chicago this week in the House oi Delegates of the American Osteo pathic association at its annual busi ness meeting, July 19-22, at the Drake hotel. The 138 member House of Dele gates is the policy-making body of the osteopathic profession While in session tlie liouse studied group med ical insurance plans and proposals to expand osteopathic educational and hospital facilities It also elected 1964-65 association officers. The fourth annual conference on health care plans was held in con junction with sessions of the house ONE OF THESE Pretty girls, from left, Sharon Bruns man, Carolyn Krieger and I^iura Eloeter, will be crowned as queen of (he eighth annual Vernonia Friendship Jamboree Friday evening at the Journal Junior show. A beautiful new crown is awaiting to be pla< ed on the head of the winner. Miss Fran Dinger, 1963 queen, will do the crowning.