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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1964)
CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE: Coldspot refrigerator with full length freezer at tap. Good condition $25. Phone HAzel 9-3663. 28t3c SERVICES_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after 5:00 p.m. 46tfc Ocrnonia Eagle 6________ THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1964 WANTED MERION blackberry pickers want NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the ed. Also, U-picks. Starting around FREE LIFE INSURANCE on yow undersigned as executrix of the es July 20. Virgil Allen, Buxton, Ore tate of Harold J. Dimbat, deceased, savings deposit with Vernonia Credit gon. Located on Strassel road, just Union. 864 State Avenue, Vernonia has filed her final account in the FOR SALE: 8-yr. old mare, hall off Vernonia highway. Call Banks 17tfc County Court of the State of Ore Arabian and half Thoroughbred, sad gon for Columbia County, and that EAst 4-2059. 29t3c dle and bridle, $300. Ap|>rox. 2 doz. Monday, July 27, 1964, at the how WANTED: Cherry pickers, over 16 ribbons won in 4-H riding event«, of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of PROCESSING PLANT years of age. Cash paid at time of Contact Dick Elliott, Mist Rt. "28t3 said day and the Court Room of said Slate Inspected picking, $2.00 per box. Pete Matiaco, Court has been appointed by said CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 31295 W Garibaldi, Hillsboro, Ore FOR SALE: Antique table and six Court as thé time and place for the gon. Phone MI 8-4803. 28t3 Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday chairs, black walnut, $30. See at hearing of objections thereto and the Hogs: Thursday, Friday fill noon House 21, OA Hill. 28t3 settlement thereof. BERRY pickers wanted now. Local Cutting and Wrapping Date of first publication, June 25, berries. Pebble Creek road (McDon U-Pick strawberries, 10c per lb. John Sharp Freezing 1964. ald road i. Frank Sears, HAzel 9- Bailey farm, 4 miles from Buxton Smoking and Curing Date of final publication July 23, 3103. 27t3 on Bacona road. Bring containers. Free use of Stock Trailer 1964. ___________________ 27t3c Shop Res. Want to buy farm for cattle and Ustain Dimbat, Executrix EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 horses. Must have water and build SECOND GROWTH fir pole wood John L. Foote Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call for sale, dry, $16 per cord. Leave or St. Helens, Oregon On Fern Hill Road Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write ders at Vernonia Eagle office for Attorney. 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore Harold D. Peterson, Buxton, Oregon. 26t5c ______________________________ltfc gon. 20tfc ____________________________ 27t4 CLA REN CE R. WAGNER, county Haberman's Meal NOTICE FOR SALE: Handmade Crowsfoot hemlock gun case. Will hold five guns. Has ammunition space. $59. Contact Mrs. Jean N ew er evenings, HAzel 9-6585. 27t3c FIREWOOD for sale. Call Crown Construction company, HA 9-5832. 27t3c U-PICK Marshall strawberries, 10c lb. Virgil Allen, Star Rt., Buxton. On Strassell road just off Vernonia high way. 26t4c FRESH FLOW ERS for any occa sion. Flow ers w ired anyw here. R uth Steers, HAzel 9-5384, 15tfc FLOW ERS TH A T PLEA SE. F in est in flow ers for all occasions. P lants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flow ers speeded by long distance or w ired anyw here. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ____________________________ ltfc FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE: 866 Rose Ave. 50x134. $t|66; 1058 2nd Ave. $125; East 4th east of Nehalem River, $1400 Terms. See signs. Meissner, Deer Island. 397-3166. 29t3c FOR SALE: One three-quarter acre river lot. Also other lots of all kinds. Contact Justin anti Murel Folken. HA 93415. 28t3 BILL HORN z REALTY and ' Vernonia Insurance Bank Bldg. nia asun ! w-.jf Exchange HAzel 9-6203 Remodeled Iwo-lxlrm home, like new, large lot, concrete foundation. Five acres, attractive 3-bdrm home. electric heat, $4300 Three-bdrm. furnished home. $3200 LISTINGS WANTED Columbia River Real Estate V E R N O N IA B R A N C H L IS T IN G S W A N T E D FOR SALE-Car, Truck FDR SALE: 1952 DeSoto 4-<lr sedan, mechanically good, tires fair, new transmission and clutch $65. Sec at 101 North street. 29t3c FOR RENT FDR RENT: Two bdrm house, all electric, 224 North street Call HA zel 9-5834 or HAzel 941203 Mrs. John Krinick, fifth house on Tenth street, Riverview. 29t3c FDR RENT: Tw olxlnn house, BAB Box. Timber route Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 29tl FDR RENT Three-room house plus hath, utility room, partial basement. Near downtown $25 per month Call HAzel 9-3867 after 6 pm . Dr. will _______ _________________ 26tfc CHERRY TREE Apts. C om plete ly furnished except bedding, dish- e>. Rent includes all utilities, heat, lights, water. P rivate bath, k it chenettes 830 Second St. HAzel 9 5042 H. J. "Hill" Edison, Mgr. __ _________________________I4tfc Oernonia E.njle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Sheriff and Tax Col- lector of Columbia County, Oregon, in accordance with the requirements of an Order entered by the County Court of Columbia County sitting for the transaction of county business on May 20, 1964, will offer for sale at public vendue the following de scribed real estate in Columbia County, to-wit: Lots 5, 6, and 7, and East half of Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 7 North, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Oregon. Columbia County has become the owner of said premises by reason of the foreclosure of delinquent tax lien and said premises will 1 m ? sold to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand but in no event less than $22,000.00. Said sale '.vill be conducted at 10 a.m., on the 17th day of July, 1964, at the West front door of the Co lumbia County Court House in St. Helens, Oregon. Roy S, Wilburn, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Columbia County, Oregon. First Publication: June 18, 1964 Last Publication: July 16, 1964 ____ _________________________25t5c CARD OF THANKS 0018. Private ing w ork. We wish to express our deep ap preciation to the many neighbors and friends who extended sympathy to us through cards, flowers, memorial gifts, and other kindnesses. Also, we a re so grateful for all those who through the months gave blood to help our loved one in his struggle for life. Your concern and helpful ness has meant much to all of us. Mrs. Edith Crowston Bob, Dick and Marvin Crowston Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crowston and family Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crowston and family Mr. and Mrs. Jack Odam and family 29tl surveying, engineer 24tfc CLASSIFIED RATES~ THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum, 4c each. Three insertions tor the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER NO infornidtion on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini mum charge $1.00. No informa tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid mailer: Rale: 10c per type line. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c each. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the untluhsigned as executrix of the estate of Atla Cripps, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Monday, July 20, 1964, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said day and the Court Room of said Court has l>een ap|M>inted by said Court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Date of first publication. June 18, DON’T FORGET D O R O T H Y ’S COFFEE BREAK. 17tfc CAROL Hartman, fire baton twirier, thrills audiences where- ever she appears with the Young Oregon-Journal Junior traveling troupe. She will be seen here July 24. No Job Is Too Small and No Challenge Too Big MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, F o rest G rove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Cards, billheads, business and social forms of eveiy type get careful, creative planning and prompt precision printing here. For results wor thy of you, at low cost, see us Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing M eat fo r sale, an y q u a n tity . C a ttle R eceived S u n d ay and M onday u n til noon. Hogs received T u esd ay and W ednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take Tillamook road Z’/j mile, take first iefihand road. THE VERNONIA EAGLE ltfc Regular Exercise Can Provide Both Physical and Mental Tonic, says AMA 1964. Date of final publication. July 16, 1964. Jean N ew er, Executrix John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon. A t t o r n e y .2 5 t 5 c City of Vernonia, Oregon ADVERTISEM ENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for the furnishing and installation of water lines, valves hydrants and appurtenances and ad dressed to the City Recorder, Ver nonia, Oregon, and endorsed “P ro posal for Riverview Water Distribu tion." will be received at the office of the City Recorder, Vernonia, Ore gon, until 8:00 P M . Oregon Stand ard Time, on the 3rd day of August, 1964. The m aterials required are 8,049 lineal feet of 6 inch Class 150. As bestos Cement Pipe; anti 5,007 lineal feet of 4 inch Class 150 Asbestos Ce ment Pipe and Fittings anti Valves anti Fire Hydrants, 6 inch pressure reducer, and 1,644 feet of 2 inch galvanized iron pipe. A supplier may submit proposals for all of the following schedules in sofar as his materials are called for. Proposals shall be submitted on prescribed forms furnished by the City. Specification;. Rid Forms anti In formation fur Bidders may be ob tained nt the office of the City Re corder. City Hall. Vernonia, Oregon H ie right Is reserved to reject any and all proposals, to postpone the award of orders for a period rug ex ceeding thirty i30> days, anti to ac cept such proposals as are to the best interests of the City of Ver nonia. Dated this 8th day of July, 1964 CITY OF VERNONIA, OREGON By Walter F Linn City Recorder Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail m at ter. August 4. 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3.50 surveyor, Court House, St. Helens Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- N A T IO N A I (O lT O tlA l Ï $ Stretcher (4 to 10 time»). Reach high, rise on loos. 1 1 High-stepper ( 10 Io 20 steps). Run in place, pump ing knees and arms. Side Bender (6 to 15 times). Raise first one arm then the other straight over head. Curl (6 to 15 times). Starting on beck with knees bent, bends behind heed, tuck chin end "curl" as far forward as possible, aiming elbow to opposite knee. Stride Squat (6 to IS times). Hands behind head, stride forward deeply with right leg. Keep left toe in place, left knee off floor. Return and eier- cise opposite. JX V Push-up (6 to 15 tim et). Men on bends end toes; women on bends end knees. Starting in raised po sition. with trunk end neck straight, lower trunk to two inches from floor end return. ISOMETRIC EXERCISES — Compressor (6 to 15 times). Lie spread eagled on back Roll onto hip and with leg and arm straight touch toe to opposite hand. Return and eiercise opposite Twister (6 to 15 times). Sit with legs end arms eatended straight. Touch fingers to opposite too. Return and eiercise opposite. There’» more to physical fitness concerned about strength and en than mere muscles, but you can’t durance in a push-button age. Rut the fact is, the human be truly healthy and a bund’, of body was not designed for push flab at the same time. buttons but for work, said Dr. To be physically fit you must White. "The absence of dynamic be both medically fit and dynam fitness through lack of physical ically fit. The two don’t neces exertion is a detriment to health. sarily |to hand in hand, points out Furtherm ore, m uscle tone, or Raymond L. White, M.D., director lack of it, ran be a factor in of Environmental Medicine and your whole outlook on life." Medical Services for the Ameri Strength and endurance, devel can Medical Association. oped through regular exercise, "Medical fitness means body leads to skill and agility and soundness. This can be deter adds to poise and grace. Not only mined only by a medical examin do daily tasks become easier, you ation. Dynamic fitness or ’action also look better and to feel more capacity* is a m easurem ent of at ease in social situations. strength, agility and endurance," Even more evident, however, are he said. the benefits to physical health. “A person who shuns activity may get a ‘clean bill of health’ from his doctor but if he can’t endure even slight exertion, he’s hardly physically fit. On the other hand, neither is the athlete with a chronic or undetected health problem." In a sense it seems silly to be The following eaercises do not involve movement, but rather muscular con tractions. One of their advantages is that many can be done at times and places where normal eaercise would ba impossible, such as in the office. Hold each contraction force« fully for six seconds. Repeating is not necessary. and blood vessel diseases. Active people have fewer heart attacks and a better recovery rate when such attacks do occur. The best exercise is enjoyable exercise. Activities such as hik ing, swimming, skiing, tennis or gardening along with their phys ical benefits can provide relief from tension, thus serving as a safe, natural tranquilizer. When there is no opportunity for taking exercise in such form, however, a daily walk and series of calisthenics can provide much the same tonic. Above are a few examples of sc ie n tific a lly sound e x ercises, taken from the AMA pamphlet, “Physical Fitness.” Used daily, Dr. White pointed out. they will help to increase muscu Since exercise is a factor in lar strength, body suppleness and weight control, it indirectly aids motor reaction, and to improve cir •’n preventing degenerative dis culation and other body functions. ease», such as diabetes and ar Start out slowly. Dr. White thritis, which are more prevalent warned, and gradually work up in the obese. to the point where yon ran do Evidence indicates that exer all of th ese ex er cise s qu ick ly cise also may help prevent heart without stopping. 11 ) Orgun Grinder. Puih hand against hand, than pull hand against hand. ( ) ) Bird. Fut hack a t h and s a g a in s t d a o r iambs, than pash palms ia tha $«tr>» manner. ( 4 , S d w p io * Rusk P«I"M against door jambt, then straight- en o m i kigk againtt | 4 * b i « a d push ag««n. (5 ) S ie ti« . S ittin g « • Ik bock « f o lt o ! o*o door j«mb push < • • ! « f o lt o ! e th e r side. Ikon puah ether fool io seme manner.