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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1964)
H I j i t u-a t u t u f • t H > .n < n n m w . m « r m w - —w o n a i-g a u n t» — C O A S T TO C O A S T S T O R ES BRUNSMAN HARDW ARE F IN E & ELECTRIC F U R N IT U R E WE D E L IV E R ENDS T H IS WEEK 2 4 In ch FREE < MOTORIZED BRAZIER At a s te r c ra ft 4” WALL BRUSH (C T 0 5 1 0 -5 ) AMBROSE Brownell, center, pointing out to the holly growers many dif ferent varieties of holly grown in his arboretum. Group Attends Holly Workshop Approximately 75 members and guests attended the Holly Workshop held at the Ambrose Brownell Holly farm in Milwaukie according to Tom Zinn, Columbia county agent. Holly growers from Columbia attending the tour were Carl Brandenfels, pres ident of the association, Ray Her- stine, Scappoose, Ross Kesser, Rai nier and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Shep pard and son Iront Vernonia. Brownell started the workshop in the morning with a tour of the arbo retum denoting the various varieties of holly from all over the world. Brownell, often referred to as the Dean of Holly, pointed out several varieties that he propogated himself. During the morning session a dis cussion on box size and freight rates was presented to the group by sever al representatives of the paper indus try. The afternoon session began with a series of lectures on diseases, in sect control and nutrient require ments of holly. David Passon, Clackamas county agent, Dr. Robert Ticknor, research specialist at the North Willamette Experiment farm in Aurora, and Tom Zinn presented the afternoon program to the associa tion. Although the weather continued to threaten during the morning session the high attendance was attributed to the wide spread interest in the holly growing industry. $4.95 Valu. W ith 4 G a llo n s o f E x c e lin H o u s e P a in » ! E5 > IE_ j U n b re a k a b le S quare PLASTIC CONTAINERS C o a s t-T o -C o a s t • • E x c e lin " lì e HOUSE PAINT G ALLO N L ln z e e d o il b as e p a in t re q u ire s no p rim e r. B l i s t e r r é s i l i a n t . L o w lu s tre f in is h . E x c e lle n t h id in g p o w e r. I h r. d r y . C o m - p le t e ly w a te r r e s is t a n t . T o o ls w ash o u t in w a te rl UL a p p ro v e d m o to r, s w in g -o u t s p it . C ro n k - ty p e g rid a d ju s t e r . M e ta l h a n d le , ru b b e r tir e d w h e e ls . A q j a . ( S E i 4 2 5 - 5 ) /o f°r W ith l id s . P i n t s i z e . F o r r e f r ig e r a t o r or fro ze n fo o d . (W C O M 5 -0 ) Model FD 11-64 — 10.51 cu. ft. capa city, 30" width, 59%” height, 71-lb. zero zone freezer. Automatic de frosting refrigerator section. Snowcrest White 5 (T A A 9 5 only................................. QUESTION: I am receiving wi / dow’s benefits. I have my own social security number but I have never worked any in “covered employ m ent." Will there be a lump-sum A t e , n o r O s c illa t in g 6 Tran si sto r death payment paid on my acocunt LAWN SPRINKLER RADIO numlter when I die? 9 / 1 6 ” x 60' M a d e B y • ‘ T h e rm o s " ANSWER: No, there will not be LAWN Q u a rt S iz e a lump-sum payment in the event of HOSE A d v a n c e d c ir c u it r y ! T o n e - VACUUM BOTTLE W a te r r e c ta n g u la r a re a s T r u e s p e a k e r . L e a th e r c a s e , your death because you yourself N ic k e l p la t e d , m axim um up to 1 5 0 0 eq . f t . P errr.a- D e p e n d a b le , l e a k - p r o o f e a rp h o n e a n d 9 v o lt b a tte r y . v o lu m e c o u p lin g . 8 y r . g u o r- have never worked under social se « e a te d m o to r. (H E 0 1 4 0 S 5 ) v a c u u m b o t t le . ( W K 0 4 1 8 -1 ) F M E 0 1 0 6 -0 ) a te e . (H E 0 2 1 9 -5 ) curity and are not, therefore, an "insured worker.” F u n n e l Top SPRAY 3 - 1 / 2 G a llo n QUESTION: I have a friend who Biltweli Sofa Bed and PAINT COMPRESSED gets disability payments from an Rocker Set other federal agency. Does this mean AIR S c o f t e e Reel <5 he will qualify for social security SPRAYER ROD COMBINATION disability payments, too? M ANUFACTURES Z f' f eg $1.19 ANSWER: Not necessarily. To get L I S T P R IC E & social security disability payments $ 2 0 .9 0 he must be too disabled to do any work. Some programs only require I 99 H e re p e r fe c t 8-Inch Fans F o ld in g p a i n t - c o n be treed on i n that you be too disabled to do your Reg. $6.95 .. Now LAWN CHAIR te r io r an d e x te rio r! regular job. G u a ra n te e d n o t to c lo g l Kegularly f ^9 $ 9 9 A s s o r te d co lo rs to QUESTION: I am a social security F o r a p p ly in g w e e d k i l $3.69 jfe c h o o s e fro m . beneficiary and am planning to take l e r . and in s e c t s p ra y s . 1” e q u a r e d alu m in u m tu b in g 4 O Z . S I Z E ............. 4 4 c A ls o fo r s p r a y in g e o t t le . a vacation for two or three months. 2!4” b r ig h t y e llo w w oven 18 in c h d is c h a r g e tu b e 2 4 O Z . S I Z E ......... $1.33 During this time, I will be traveling S c o tte e ’ *6 6 ** re e l w ith w ith a d ju s t a b le n o z z le - p l o e t ic w e b b in g , ( F T 2 2 5 0 - 4 ) 12 In c h b ra s s pum p. N o 2 p c M 6 * sol id g la s s a great deal, but somebody will be ru s t. rod In ebony fin is h & at home to receive my mail. Do I 52 Gallon s p e c ie co rk h a n d le . F or have to do anything about changing ---------- -.S ilver S eal *h e fis h e rm a n v/hn c p - , Electric my address? p r e c la te s fir.»» e •. • A rm stro n g Budgetone WATER ’-’ e n tl (S N 2 £ 2?-? J ANSWER: As long as somebody is I MFATFR v in y l floor covering at your home to receive your mail Square $-g 2S $54.88 and will hold (he checks in a safe Y ard __________ 1 R o to -C o a s te r P.O.a. rwvrw.«, aragm place fory ou, there’s nothing else • Pellr leesstered Vi* Congoleum v in y l F ore you need do. POWER MOWER • few ri..kksa TV M cast floor covering. QUESTION: As a farm er I usually • I b e e o le e H a e e M l TIMBER R T .-M r. and Mrs. E. need some help during the summer Square $ - | 59 Custom fiase liaad ■ •d e l. Hot «atar P. Crawford attended the July months and, when 1 do, I get one of Inataatly. 19 year G oulds o alan ced flow Yard ---------- -1. warranty. wtxkling of their granddaughter, my neighbor's boys to help me. I GARBAGE CANS shallow w ell system 9x12 Plastic $ fy i5 Karen Kauffman, to Edwin Sturza. pay him in cash and it may amount 20-Gallon No tank, no extras. S urface Rugs ■ Roth are from Redmond. While at to about $300 for the summ er’s work. Now Only.......... Redmond on Saturday there was a IX» I have to keep a record of this 31-Gallon family reunion of all of Mrs Craw for social security purposes? MASTERCRAFT Now Only.......... ford's children. It was the first time ANSWER: Yes. you do. You should that they all had (teen together in keep a record of his name, address, five years. Diek Rush and family social security number, and the Reg. 79c cam e from Concord. California; Mrs. amount of cash wages paid. When SIM M ONS Boyd Bush who had been visiting you (xiy more than $150 in cash E a s y spin s ta rte r, c K o k e -a -m a tic c o n tro ls , 4 c y c le B rig g s S tra tto n e n g in e . L e a f m u lc h e r. 5 c u t t f n a S lu m b er K ing Innei here at the Crawford home; Boyd wages to an employee during the h e ig h t s . v S p rin g M attress and Bush and family from Seattle, Wash calendar year, you must file a re Box Springs ? J Q 9 5 ington; and Mrs C. V. (Jean* Hoge port at the end of the year with the and daughter Ixuinie from near St. Internal Revenue Service and pay Price, each * Louis, Missouri, who flew out to join the social security taxes due B eau ty R est In n er Metalcraft 7-Pc. Dinette B atteries — the rest of the family. Mrs. C. P. S pring M attress and Set. Reg. $ 15 Mo. Guar. Hoff and four children cam e by Box $^7050 $79.95 — Only Exchange train. The Crawfords returned home Springs, Each » «7 Sunday with Boyd Bush who is going IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIAj CO A S T - T O - Ç Q A S T S T O R E S on to Canada to work. Fourth of July guests of Mr and S h irle y B e rg A tte n d s Mrs. Donald Bergerson were Mr S ilv e r A n n iv e rs a r y and Mrs Russell Bunch from San MIST—During the Apostolic Luth BIRKENFELD—Miss Shirley Berg Ixvindro. California; Roger David MIST—Mrs. Alma Garlock, Mary and Mrs. Lois Chetwood. Vernonia. eran convention in Clatskanie last son. San Francisco. California. Mr accompanied by Miss Rosemerri Garlock and Mrs. Paul Thompson During the holiday week end the week guests at the Charles Hansen and Mrs. Ed Tapp. North Plains; home were Miss Christine Alson, NATAL - PITTSBURG - Mrs Sil Sanders went to Colton Sunday to were in Portland on business Thurs Arby Mills and Rev and Mrs. Evern Mr and Mrs. Art Davidson, Dundee; Miss Barbara Somero, Michigan; via Wolff accompanied by Mrs. Ed attend the 25th wedding anniversary day. Saturday Alma and M an were Harshman and family and Mr. and Mr and Mrs Ken Davidson atxl Mr. and Mrs Hjalmer Aho. New Ip among those from this locality who Mrs. Charles Hobbles, all of Portland Linda, Mr. and Mrs Bill Davidson swich. New Hampshire. Misses Eve- na Anderson of Clatskanie and Mrs. of her aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs gathered at the Ira Peterson home were a t the Sundland home. Faye Davis of Vernonia drove to Rognar Andersen. and Allen, all from Portland; Mr cn Mist route for a potluck farewell llyn and Janet Djalo and Miss Annie Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker stopped and Mrs. Melvin Bergerson Mrs. Eugene Saturday where they picked Charles Schaumburg of Portland gathering for Pastor R. A. Hubbard at the George Mathews home for Seppuln. Ashby, Massachusetts: Ann Jean Bergerson, Kathi and Die All and family. They are leaving to a short visit Sunday evening enroute Kulla and Ada Stcnerson, Vancouv up Mrs. Jean Stuve, then drove to Is in the valley redecorating houses were greatly disappointed upon er, Washington; Miss Jane Aili. Du Springfield They met there at the He la now at the E. T Johnston make their home at Redmond. Sun home from a visit at Condon. Friday ranching the picnic site on what luth. Minnesota and Mr and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock the Mathews were in Hillsboro. honx* of Mr. and Mrs C J Meiwes home. was once a beautiful Nehalem river Mr and Mrs Mickey Hopkins and and Mrs. Mary Garlock were at the Willard Isacson. Castlowood. South with Mr atxl Mrs. George Most and It was gray, murky, bottomless Dakota Last Sunday Mr Hansen’s sons of l-ebanon anti enjoyed a pic family spent July 4 in Portland at Gladstone Seventh Day Adventist mess nephew. Harold Hartgu and wife of nic dinner The ladies had gathered the home of a cousin of his They al camp grounds preparing for the Mr and Mrs Arthur Birt from coming meetings. Rosburg. Washington were here for a reunion as they all had worked so took in the auto races. St Helens visited Mr and Mrs. Mr aixl Mrs. Fred Busch and in the telephone office here Mrs. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mis. Frank Birt Saturday. family flew to California last Satur Wolff. Mrs. Davis anti Mrs Ander Ira Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. John A n n u a l F a m ily P ic n ic day to visit relatives and bring back son were overnight guests of Mrs. Crawford surprised the Sam Devines DON'T FORGET D O R O T II V '8 NATAL - PITTSBURG - The SDA In P o r tla n d S u n d a y Mike They visited at Seal Bench. Stuve and returned honx* Sunday. on their 39th wedding anniversary'. COFFEE BREAK. ITtfc church of Vernonia met Saturday Eagle Rock ami Pacific Palisades. Saturday morning and evening the Mr. anti Mrs. I J Dass drove to NATAL - PITTSBURG - Mr. and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira P et Ron Wilson of Eagle Rock came Devines were in Clatskanie to view Don't run the risk of missing your home with them for an indefinite St. Helens Sunday and called on Mrs R S Lindsay, Mr and Mrs erson for a picnic. About 40 people the parade and watch the square Mrs. Bemiece King and family. Ira Peterson. Mr. anti Mrs Noble paper Get that renewal in today were present. stay. Mr aixl Mrs Rill Woods of Clats Dunlap and Richard Peterson at dancers on the street. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper Mr and Mrs A1 Schlehuber. Ray- kanie were Sunday evening guests Rev. and Mrs. Dorsey Tuttle left drove to Hillsboro Saturday after tended an annual family picnic at nx’ixl and grandchildren attendtxi of Mr. anti Mrs R S. Lindsay. Friday afternoon for Corvallis and noon and called on Mr. and Mrs Peninsula park in Portland Sunday tlx* farewell gathering for the Hub- Orin Davis is at home recuperat Evangelistic Wayne Tupper. Mr and Mrs Marion Grant were will help with the J THURSDAY, JULY 9. 1964 hard family Saturday at the Ira Pet. ing from an operation on his nose at Silverton during the week end meetings being conducted this week Mr. and Mrs Hal Vicars and boys w a n home Mr and Mrs Fred uhx-h was performed last Monday The Forest Miller family of Forest of Portland. Mr. and Mrs Everett anil attended a nxleo Raumbaugh of Jewell were Sunday Mrs Davis spent the tim e while he Mr and Mrs Marion Steers atxl Grove were visitors last Sunday at Kerns of Bend and Mr. and Mrs. visitors Mrs Bud Hemeon Mrs was in the hospital at Yamhill with Mrs Laura Carmichael were Mon the Tuttle home. Burnell Kerns of Klamath Falls Schlehuber ami Mrs Khoda Hemeon the John McLeods. Ben Keller and daughters were in spent the week end here camping. day evening callers of Mr and Mrs ware in Portland during the week Natal Grange HEC met Wednes Noble Dunlap Mrs Lucille McCrone Mist Friday afternoon working on They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Harold Sparks atxl day at the honx* of Mrs Nellie Dun called on Mrs Dunlap Saturday their property DeeVeere Hershey R am ie Kyser were at the Wayne lap with five nx*mbers present Mr and Mrs Vernon Peterson and Yisitors at the Charles Sundlands Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Tupper and NEHALEM VALLEY • Kyser home July 4 Mr and Mrs George Mathews family of Vancouver spent Monday during the week have been Vic Dan Sandra were supper guests of Mr. Saturday evening visitors at the were supper guests of Mr and Mrs with his folks, Mr and Mrs Ira iels of Portland. Mrs Agatha Wills, and Mrs. W. R. Wolff Wednesday ev MOTOR FREIGHT Uoyd Garlock hortx* were Mr and DeeVeere Hershey Wednesday even Peterson Vernon helped his dad Seattle; Mrs. Doug Barr. R. L ening. the occasion being Mr Tup Mrs. Exl Simmons of Clatskanie ing. haul in his hay Tiederman, Jewell; George Johnson per's birthday fg 8 8 $7.99 97 1 Family Reunion Well Attended mmm Spark Plugs 49c Visit Our Upstairs For Fine Furniture Charles Hansens Entertain Many Eugene Trip Taken By Trio 69 Potluck Dinner Honors Pastor Church Group Meets Saturday Ocrnonia Ea<jle Phone HA 9-3462