Portland Women Let's Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? At Craft Meet Minor Changes Made in Rules Oernonia Cagle THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1964 3 Born June 23. 1927 at Seneca, South Dakota The Vernonia Society of Arts and First Dairy Entries Except for minor changes in the Crafts held its regular membership Attended schools in South Dakota. Made For State Fair big game regulations as proposed meeting Monday, July 6 at 8 p.m., Married in 1938 at Forest Grove. earlier, the game c o m m i s- Two A elm, Washington dairymen in the West Oregon Electric building. Came to Vernonia in 1947. sion on Friday. June 5, established are the first to enter dairy cattle Is employed locally and is more in Plans are being made for an art big game hunts alung similar lines competition at the 1964 Oregon state terested in taking kinks out than exhibit to be held during the annual to last year as final for the 1964 sea fair. in putting them in. son. Jamboree when work of both adult James and Harold Metrakes re Keeping the body beautiful is import The commission boosted elk hunt served space for 22 Jerseys, Pine and childrens classes will be on dis ant to him. ing opportunities on Roosevelt elk by Crest Farm promised entry of 20 play. It is also planned to conduct His hobby is boating, and he and his allowing an additional week end in Avrshires. wife also enjoy being in square craft classes this fait the coastal areas, but shortened the circles. Closing date for dairy entries for Special guest for the evening was Cascade area. As set by the commis the 1964 state fair» September 4-12) ■Information supplied by J. W. Ni Eve Stevens, editor of the Home sion, the Roosevelt elk hunt will be is August 17, Howard Maple, state chols» Answer to last week's quiz: October 31 through November 22 in fair manager, reports. and Garden magazine section of the Walter Floeter. that part of Oregon west of Highway Oregonian, who plans a feature story 97. about the society in the near future. .Also present were Connie Noble, No change was made in the Rocky director of the Plastic Art-craft Cen Mountain elk hunt in the area east ter of Portland, who had brought her of U. S. Highway 97, with the season display of original lighting fixtures, dates scheduled from October 31 room dividers and table tops, among through November 29. other things, to show those present The general deer season remain Oregon hunters are advised that The Oregon Scenic Area Board has what can be done with liquid plas announced the establishment of eight ed unchanged, October 3 through 25, copies of the 1964 big game regula tic, and Mrs. Marie Chamberlain, new' scenic areas covering about 47 as were the dates for the antelope tions are being shipped to license her associate, who teaches arts and miles on three state highways. hunt scheduled for August 22 through agents throughout the state as rapid crafts ti the senior citizens of Port 26. Permits for the Interstate unit ly as lots are received from the print The newly designated areas are land Northwest Towers, as well as on the Oregon Coast Highway, Low were reduced from 2,000 to 1,000 un ers and should be in the hands of all working with groups at Neighbor er Columbia River highway, and the der final regulations adopted. Unit receivers within a week or ten days. hood House, who talked to the group Nehalem highway »ORE202». deer reasons remained unchanged, Since shipments are being sent about the plastic art work. October 17 through 25, for deer of from tlie game commission's Port The board's action bans construc All three of these women were either sex for management unit per land office by county in alphabetical mit holders. pleasantly surprised at the quality tion of billboards in the designated order, license agencies in counties areas. Signs now existing must be of artistic talent being developed in Minor date changes affected three such as Baker, Benton or Clackamas removed within sevgg years, except this community and urged that chil controlled hunts and the bag limit will receive their allotments prob those on the premises of the busi changed to antlerless deer in three ably a week before agencies in Wash dren in particular be encouraged to develop any ability in arts and ness firms being advertised Hear other controlled hunting areas. ington, Wheeler or Yamhill counties. ings have been held on all the ..areas. crafts. As in the past, the synopsis con The designated areas are as fol Mrs. Noble is offering a special lows: tains a general summary of big summer course of four sessions, be game seasons for quick reference, Oregon Coast Highway: -from the ginning Tuesday, July 14, 10 a.m. in plus detailed regulations on all hunts. THE Fabulous Dukes, razzle dazzle in the art of juggling and one of the her studio in Portland and those north portal of Arch Cape Tunnel Boundary lines of all game manage southerly about seven miles to the few four people juggling acts on tour today are proclaimed tops in their wishing to enroll may contact Mrs. ment units, early and extended deer field. Their act alone will be worth your time to visit the Community Cir June Wilson. Several from here have north city limits of Manzanita, as seasons, and controlled hur/ts are al petitioned by John Yeon of Cannon cus which will be in Vernonia July 24, 25 and 26 during the Friendship July 6. 1964 already been taking courses and had so spelled out in detail. Beach; from the south city limits Jamboree, r work on display Monday evening. When are the people of our town Hunters are urged to check care A coffee break was enjoyed with of Garibaldi to the north city limits of Vernonia and rural area along the fully regulations on arms and ammu Mrs. Iris Hobart and Mrs. Betty Curl of Bay City; from Neskowin Crest Nehalem going to wake up to the Hobart Qualifies For nition, general license regulations, serving refreshments while members road southerly 1.40 fnifes south to a fact that a few more years of this tagging requirements ,and the sum Spring Honor Roll had the opportunity to view art work point just north of the city of Nesko river polution and all the fish will mary of definitions. Close attention win; and from a point just south of on display. This included the items Among 131 students who qualified be gone. The river at times is so should also be paid in instructions brought by Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Neskowin southerly approximately for spring term honor roll at Lewis bad the cattle refuse to drink from for filing applications for unit per Chamberlain and also a display of seven miles to the junction of the Oregon counties are now receiving and Clark college was Michael Ho it. mits and controlled hunt tags. art work done by children in classes Salmon River highway with the Ore checks with their share of the 1964 What of the farmer who uses this A section also covers juvenile hunt bart of Vernonia. gon Coast highway. The Oregon taught by Mrs. Carson Strong which water for irrigation. house trailer tax. according to Vern ing regulations. Parents are urged Roadside Council was the petitioner showed much talent. To qualify a student must maintain The creek that is bringing this to check this section if they intend L. Hill, director of the department of of these latter three areas. motor vehicles. a GPA of 3.50 or better while taking polution into our river is unfit for to take youngsters hunting this fall. Lower Columbia River Highway: Hill said counties will receive three full courses. Included in this human consumption. How is tnis from a point near Deer Island west $1,094,694 this year—an increase of number were 52 students who earned going to affect the irrigated crops? erly five miles to near the east city DR. R. V. LANCE Barbara Bergerson $262,776 over the ¡963 distribution. 4.00 grades, the largest number ev limits of Goble, and from a half OPTOMETRIST Columbia county's share of the col er to earn perfect records for one mile west of Goble westerly three Middle age is that time of life lection, based on 492 house trailer grading period. Wed., 10 A.M.— 5 P.M. miles to about two miles east of when you wonder if you stll want to applications, is $10,747.52. This com Vernonia Clinic He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. T. do the things you’ve always wanted Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hannula of Rainier. The petitioner for these two pares with $8,005.24 received last M. Hobart. Building to do. Vernonia were installed Sunday as areas was the Oregon Roadside year. Council. worthy matron and patron of Waba- The additional money resulted Nehalem Highway (ORE202): from nang Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, from two factors, a change in the fee at Clatskanie. The Hannulas former a point near Olney southerly about schedule which took effect late in ly lived in Clatskanie and have 16 miles to approximately three 1963 as well as an increase in the maintained their Eastern Star mem miles north of Jewell, and from the number of house trailers in the Northrup county road east of Jewell bership there. state. Hill explained. The fee is col I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandon, past easterly about five miles to a point lected by the department in lieu of During the recent Grand Chapter, matron and patron for Nehalem just west of the Birkenfeld post of a property tax on house trailers, •5 Chapter, were the installing worthy fice. Petitioner for these two areas along with a flat $6.00 license charge. Order of Eastern Star which was •5 held last week at the Memorial Col matron and patron for the ceremon was the Oregon State Federation of V The fee is based on two percent of iseum in Portland. Mrs. Wilbur Da Garden Clubs, Inc. ies Sunday. the market value of the trailer. Un vis was advanced to the office of as ÿ Among other officers installed Regularly $1.99 and $4.98 der the current schedule, market sociate grand matron, which is next were Mrs. Howard Jones of Birken- ÿ value starts at 80 percent of the to the top office in the Grand Chap feld who holds the office of chaplain ÿ cost price (wholesale» for the first ter. Officers were installed in very and Mrs. Norman Hansen of Mist Regularly $3.98 year and depreciates five percent impressive ceremonies last Thurs ÿ who fills the star point. Ruth. per year for nine years for a final day evening and many members of ÿ A number of members from Ne market value of 40 percent of the Nehalem Chapter here were present halem Chapter were in Clatskanie original cost price. The former to see this honor conferred on their Four photographs fropi troubled I to attend the installation. schedule dropped to 20 percent after member. Saigon, Viet-Nam have arrived at the nine years. Special Shipment—Sizes 8-18. Reg. $5 98 - $7 98 This session marked the diamond Oregon state fair. Hill reminded purchasers and deal anniversary of the Oregon Grand Nguyen Van Thong mailed the Johnson-Cheiwood Vows photos from Saigon for entry in the ers that the retail sales price listed Chapter and the most worthy grand Exchanged In Portland ! on the certificate of origin, which matron of the General Grand Chap One Group—Reg. $9.98 International Salon of Photography the buyer receives, must be the Marriage vows were exchanged competition at the fair September ter and other distinguished guests $ same as the price lusting filed with were in attendance. Mrs. Davis, as Wednesday morning of this week at 4-12. the department by the manufacturer. the home of Reverend Raymond P. grand conductress had the privilege First entries in young art also ar ÿ Targgart in Portland by Mrs. Lois rived this week. They are a group of If they do not agree, it can result in of escorting and introducing them i ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LOOK— We’ve enlarged Chet wood and George Johnson. Fol water colors from the elementary correspondence and delay in com during the sessions. lowing the ceremony, cake and cof grades in the George A. Brisco pleting registrations. In November, Mrs Davis, in com The fee, he said, is based on the pany with the junior past grand >' to iiive our customers more room for browsing. COME fee were served by Mrs. Targgart school in Ashland. ,) $ IN AND SEE. before the couple left for a trip to This is the first art received for figure supplied to the department by matron, Virginia Wright, and the >: ____ ________________________ the manufacturer. Lake Louise and other scenic points the 1964 state fair. worthy grand matron, Merle Lamar, ,m i in Canada. Upon their return they EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES EACH DAY will attend the trienniel general $ Young art division is open to school DON’T FORGET D O R O T II Y 'S Grand Chapter sessions in Dallas, will be at home in Vernonia. grades 12 and under, n. • •J< THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY—SURPRISES! COFFEE BREAK. 17tfc Texas. ♦ Game Synopsis To Be Available Board Posts Scenic Areas THE PEOPLE SPEAK - - - Trailer Dealers Given Reminder Hannulas Given Star Positions Grand Chapter Confers Honor I I CLEARANCE FABRICS 'N FASHIONS BLOUSES.................. Now $1.50 - $3.00 [ I Photographs Arrive For Fair NYLON STRETCH TOPS...... Now $2.50 DRESSES...........................10-25% Oil ASSTD. CAPRIS................. Now $3.98 STRETCH CAPRIS.............. Now $7.50 Also Misc. Yardage & Remnani Specials! 1 PLANNING A n b. MOTOR TRIP! Get Your Travel Aid Information H ere. . . You Will Get: • • • • Personalized Route Map Highway Log Trip Record Accommodation Sources Inquire at R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone HA 9-6691 WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR Better Quality for Less Here! KRISPY CRACKERS . x 29c Hl-C DRINK r!“ r r 2„d0/99c NEW SNACKS 3 /$ l HOT COCOA M IX 2 /9 9c SOYA SAUCE 55c CLAM CHOWDER Saltesea 3 /7 9c CAKE MIXES w ^ ^ “* 3 /$ l TREE TEA Pkg. of IK Bags BARBECUE SAUCE “ HI-WEST PEAS K T SHRIMP KIDNEY BEANS « . TOMATOES E S E * MARGARINE ‘i l ' X . S A M ’ S FOOD FREE DELIVERY 2/99C 45c 10c 2 /9 9c 2/29c 2 /4 5c 3/85c STORE PHONE HA 9-5591