Girl's Arrival Is Celebrated FRONT row, left to right, Judy Parmer, Darnell Kcehle; back row, left to right, Deanna Sramek, Dar lene Bitte, Julie Gallien, Doreen Bridges, Daze Queen to Be Chosen Soon Six pretty Rainier princesses, ranging in ages from 15 years to 18 years, chosen by their classmates from the sophomore, junior and sen ior classes at Rainier high school will make up the Rainier Daze royal court. During the coronation cere monies a queen chosen from the six princesses will be crowned. Coronation ceremonies will be held Friday evening July 17. The three day Rainier Daze celebration begin ning Friday, July 17 and continuing through July 19, will feature the an nual parade, sky diving, airplane stunting, drag boat races, water ski jumping, water kite flying, Sunday evening church services and other entertainment. Pythian Temple Initiates Three Three members were initiated into Vernonia Temple, Pythian Sisters Wednesday evening of last week by Mrs. Marie Atkins and her officers, with the assistance of an eight-mem ber staff. The new members are Mrs. Thora Shafer, Mrs. Lee Rundle and Mrs. Dorothy Walker. During the business meeting, Mrs. Irma Chance was elected as grand representative to attend the Grand Temple sessions at Roseburg in Oc tober. Mrs. Faye Davis was named as alternate. This was the last regular meeting prior to summer vacation during Ju ly and August. Meetings will resume September 9. Summer activities planned include a progressive dinner July 10 which will start at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dane Brady. Members may bring friends if they like. From the Brady home, it will be a case of “follow the leader” for the rest of the evening. The annual Pythian Home picnic will be held on the home grounds at Vancouver on Sunday, July 19. It is hoped to have a group attend from here. Following last Wednesdays meet ing, delicious birthday cakes were served by Mrs. Alice Weed and Mrs. Barbara Rainbolt, with the assis tance of MEC Marie Atkins. Let's Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? Jom September 3, 1923 at St. Helens, attended school in Vernonia. Harried in 1945 at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. -las four children who attend Ver nonia schools. Jves near Vernonia s engaged in logging. s an avid conservationist on lakes and streams, one of which is named for him. Jkes hunting and fishing. rhe scepter of royalty recently touched his family. Information supplied by J. W. Ni chols.) Answer to last week's quiz: Chet Ray. DON'T FORGET D 0 R O T H Y ’S COFFEE BREAK. 17tfc Hobart Chosen For College Honorary Election of students to two aca demic hcnoraries, Quesitor and Ad- ignos, by the faculty at Lewis and Clark College has been announced by Dr. Clifford Hamar, assistant tc the dean of instruction. Among those admitted to Adignos, an underclass honor organization, was Michael Hobart of Vernonia. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hobart. Rebekahs Listed For 1965 Posts The Vernonia Society of Arts and Crafts will hold its July member ship meeting next Monday evening, July 6 at the West Oregon Electric building at 8 p.m. On display will be plastic resin work from the Connie Noble studios in Portland which will be exhibited by Marie Chamberlin who is assoc iated with the studios and is also a craft teacher at the Friendly House Community center in Portland. Ar ticles made by local people who are students at the studio will also be shown. Items to be shown by Miss Cham berlin will include hanging lamps of plastic and glass which were shown on the cover and inside the home and garden section of the Sunday Oregonian about two months ago when the Connie Noble studio was featured. The children’s art classes taught by Mrs. Carson Strong have been rescheduled as follows: Grades 1 through 4, 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday; grades 5 up, 10 a.m. to noon. If conflicts arise with other activities, classes will be rearranged. Persons with questions may call Mrs. Car- son Strong, HAzel 9-6084. Attention is called to an art dis play in the Clinic building by Mrs. Strong and Mike Hobart. Demos Elect Group Leader The Columbia County Democratic Central committee elected Franciene Urban of Scappoose as chairman at its organizational meeting on June 23 in St. Helens. She has held the po sition of vice-chairman. The post of vice-chairman went to Donald Kalberer, Scappoose attorney and candidate for district attorney. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Wayne Turner, wife of State Repre sentative Wayne Turner, St. Helens, secretary; Jack Minkoff, Clatskanie, treasurer; Earl Seawright, Demo cratic candidate for county judge, St. Helens, congressional committee man; Mrs. Charles Van Gorder, Rai nier, congressional committeewo- man; Jerry Violette and Mrs. Clem Johnson, county treasurer, both oi St. Helens, alternate delegates to the state central committee meetings. District nominating committeemen are Clarke Shelton, Scappoose; Clem Johnson, Larry Brooks and Mrs. Pete Bartlett of St. Helens; and Wes ley Kimble of Rainier, Jerry Violette was elected to the state convention of the Democratic party, slated for July 4 and 5 at Coos Bay. Franciene Urban and Donald Kalberer, who are members of the state central committee because they are chairman and vice-chairman, will also attend. The final meeting of Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge before vacation was held last Thursday evening, June 25, at the IOOF hall. Part of the evening was devoted to reports of activities which had taken place between regu lar meetings. June 14, Noble Grand Reatha Horn, Vice-grand Mathilde Berger son and Mrs. Evelyn Heath had at tended the meeting of the activities committee for the district at Cannon Beach. They heard Julie Ann Hensel of Warrenton give the speech which had won for her the right to attend the United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth as the delegate from this dis trict. During July, she will have the trip to the United Nations. Each IOOF and Rebekah lodge in the dis trict contributes to the fund which pays expenses of the delegate chos en. Thursday, June 18, a delegation of 17 members attended the district convention at Rainier. Mrs. Irma Chance was convention conductor The Clatskanie A.R.E. sponsored and Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson was Fourth of July celebration in Clats outside guardian. The Mt. Heart offi kanie will offer activities for family cers exemplified the chaplain’s fun in the city park. Darrell Elliott In charge for inspection. A parade is scheduled for 9 a.m. Training Exercises The 1965 convention will be held with awards in all divisions. at Clatskanie with Mrs. Ieleen Darrell R. Elliott, fireman, USN, The sweepstakes winner, selected Graves,, a relative of Mrs. W. T. from any and all entries will receive son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott of Graves, as chairman, Mrs. Evelyn the mayor's trophy. There will be a Mist route, participated aboard the Heath will be the vice-chairman and cup trophy for outside of the city Navy guided missile cruiser USS Mrs. Isabel Anderegg and Mrs. Zoe entries and a first, second and third Topeka in a combined sea assault Salomonsen will be her right and prize class for the Clatskanie city and airborne combat training exer left supporters. Mrs. Reatha Hom and surrounding areas entries, in cise called “LIGTAS” May 12 to will be conductor. June 10 under the direction of the cluding organizations. During the week of June 15 through Three prizes will be given in each Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 19, Noble Grand Reatha Hom and of the following classifications: Jun tSEATOi in the Philippines. others of her officers and members ior class: wheeled or single mount “LIGTAS” , meaning "Saved” or visited the lodges at Westport, Rai ed entries; entries on foot; mounted “Rescued” in the Philippine lan nier and St. Helens on the occasion groups; fun groups; and old cars. guage, was sponsored by the United of the assembly president’s official A barbecue will start at 11:30 a.m. States and hasted by the Republic visits. The menu includes barbecued beef of the Philippines. A letter was received by the lodge and salmon, cole slaw, baked beans, All member nations participated in from Mrs. Zelda Vernon saying she buns, potato chips, and a drink. the exercise which was part of a was now out of the hospital and at Swimming, g a m e s , concessions, SEATO general counter offensive to her home at Newport making slow carnival rides, and a dance in the be used if an enemy should invade recovery from surgery. A letter from evening have been planned. Southeast Asia and gain control. Mrs. Mary Sawyer who now lives with her daughter at Hermiston also was read. Mrs. Gertrude Schalock, president of the Mt. Heart Social club, remind ed members that the next club meet ing would be July 14 at the home of Mrs. Grace Currie with Mrs. Irma Chance as co-hostess. Final plans will be made for the logger break Regularly 69c fast during the Jambore A total of $14 was turned in from the silent auction held June 11. Head Following the meeting, refresh ments were served by Mrs. Berger son. The next regular meeting of the lodge will be September 10. Family Fun on 4th Prepared MISS Kandy, as graceful as a ballerina. At the tender age of seven, she is a finished performer. No circus would be complete without a visit with one of the best baby elephant performers In the business. Miss Kandy will be seen three times daily as the feature attraction of the Community Circus while in Vernonia during the Friendship Jamboree, July 24. 25 and 26. Cheerleaders Date Cooked Food Sale P.E.O. Members Hear Local Stale Delegate Members of Chapter BS met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Nichols Tues day evening, June 23, to hear Mrs. Loren Ellis, delegate to the Oregon state convention of the P.E.O. Sis terhood give Iter report. The convention was held at the University of Oregon with main ses sions in the music hall. Mr. Ellis joined Mrs. Ellis for the B.l.L. ban quet Wednesday evening in the ball room of the Erb Memorial building. | The cheerleaders of VHS will spon sor a food sale July 3 at the fire hall to raise money to send a girl to cheerleading clinic at Lewis and Clark college. Tito sale will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone who wishes to bring food may da so and all food should be at the haU by 10 a.m. Ocrnonia Eagle THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1964 3 CROWN CONSTRUCTION 3 g ÿ COMPANY Vernonia, Ore. HAzel 9-5832 ALWAYS TOP QUALITY FOR LESS'' See Us Before You Build • • • • • I î ï $ •î 8 $ : BUILDING REMODELING BUILDING SUPPLIES COMPONENT HOMES CABINETS A Local Company ;♦* ’♦ # Better Quality for Less Here! V Although commonly believed a childhood disease, leukemia actually strikes more adults than children. FLOWERS SHOW HOW MUCH YOU REALLY CARE! In any event, send flowers— Wired or Telephoned. CALL Crafts Society Dates Meeting The exuberance on B street this week has reminded ¡fcepte of V-J day, and the cause of all the excite ment is little Miss Karrin Cherti who arrived June 24 at the Tuality hospital. Hillsboro, and is the new addition to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Rumbaugh which here-to-fore was composed only of boys, four of them to be exact. The new arrival weighed 7 pounds, 134 ounces and undoubtedly is destined for a lot of special attention from all members of the family. Another Vernonia family welcomed a son last week, to make the score at their home five boys and four girls. Loren John Dennis arrived June 23 at the Forest Grove hos- pintal and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dennis. He weighed in at 8 pounds, 13 ounces. The babe has one grandmother, Mrs. Della Dennis of Portland. HAzel 9-5863 ANYTIME SPOFFORD'S FLOWER & GIFT SHOP Plants — Garden Supplies — Greeting Cards * * POTATO CHIPS LETTUCE SANTA ROSA PLUMS SILVER DUST PEACHES BISQUICK a SODA POP 55c 10c 15c 59c 4 /$ l 3 /$ l a /m 6/59c Free glass in every box Reg. 87c Giant Size Penthouse No. 2 'A Tins 10-oz. Pkg. Double Cola & Bubble-Up 16-oz. Bus. <pius Dep.) MARGARINE CHIT-CHAT CANNED PICNICS SOS PADS SHREDDED WHEAT SANDWICH CREMES INSTANT MILK S A M ’S FOOD FREE DELIVERY Blue Bonnet 1-Lb. Ctns. (BACKERS By Nabisco 3-Lb. Oval Can Nabisco 10‘A-oz. 3 /8 9c 3 /6 9c $ 17 9 2 / 85c . . 4 /$ l 3 /$ l 99c Fireside l'/i-Lb. Pet— 12-Qt. Pkg. STORE PHONE HA 9-5501