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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1964)
Summer School Attracts Boys BIRKENFELD—Erick Berg and Lloyd Johnston left for 4-H summer school at Corvallis Monday. Shirley Berg took them as far as St. Hel- ens and they went by bus from there. Shirley spent the day in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker. They also took in the Pioneer meeting. They returned to Condon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1964 and Thomas Nordstrom were Sun day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill. E. T. Johnslon, Lloyd and Alan and Art Bellingfuim flew to Redding, California last Thursday to look at some machinery. Debra Larson left Monday for a trip to Ketchikan, Alaska where she will stay with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock for an in lor Sunday, June 21 definite time and will visit with oth er relatives there. She made the trip with Mrs. Bern Bliss and her daughter who are travelling by car. She will return home by plane with Mr and Mrs. Jim Garlock. Oernonia Eagle 4 FATHER’S DAY CARDS OLD SPICE SETS $1.00 & up -------- ★ -------- MEN'S WALLETS $3.95 to $5.00 -------- ★ -------- BROWN & HALEY CHOCOLATES -------- ★ -------- INSTAMATIC CAMERAS Film and Flashbulbs 9 2 9 BRIDGE ST/Z*e^«»xZ«-,Æ%^ //T // Helping Circle Schedules Meet : MIST—The Mist Helping Circle will meet at the Birkenfeld Com munity Center June 25 with Mrs. Doug Barr and Mrs. Sulo Sanders as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Condit visited at the Walter Mathews home Saturday afternoon and evening. They stayed with his mother, Mrs. Ida Condit, while the Mathews attended the Knoll-Minger wedding in Vernonia. Mrs. Ida Condit returned to her home in Hillsboro Monday with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Clark. Miss Rosemerri Sanders returned to her work in Portland Tuesday af ter spending her vacation visiting her folks, the Sulo Sanders. She as sisted with the Daily Vacation Bible school while here. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ita- bings of Portland visited at the Lloyd Garlock home. Mrs. Carlock's neph ew, Terry Totten of Portland arrived to spend the summer. DAY FOR TOWELS JUNE 23rd Bath & Hand Towels....... 3 for Price of 2 Washcloths.................... 6 for Price of 4 Former Residents Here For Pioneer Meeting MIST—Mrs. Elsa Knowles and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland enjoyed calls of former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mellis, Salem; grandson Gary Desmond, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs Vern Ferguson Sr., Kirkland, Wn. and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Fergu son Jr. and boys of South Seattle Sunday. Mrs. Ferguson Sr. is the former Florence Melis. All were here to attend the pioneer reunion at Birkenfeld. Mrs. Ferguson Sr. and Mr. Mellis also called on the Ray Garlocks. Another former resident, Charlej Eastman, called on the Sundlands Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner and Mrs. Christensen of Hillsboro visited during the week as did the Ira Petersons the Arby Mills, Mrs. Walter Mathews and Mrs. Ida Con dit. Lawton Waddell attended a cus todian school in Forest Grove three days last week. Monday Mrs. George Peterson and Tuffy of St. Helens visited at the Waddell home. Thurs day evening Mr. and Mrs. Waddell were at the Shalmon Libel home to help Shalmon celebrate his birth day. Carl Schaumburg called on the Dorsey Tuttles Monday evening. He finished redecorating three rooms for Mrs. Elsa Knowles Wednesday and returned to his Portland home. Visitors Here From Alaska TIMBER RT.—Mrs. Bruce Hoyt and two children from Kenai, Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gwin and four children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gibson and family. Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. Nellie Thacker spent the week end in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Teeling. They also watched the Rose Festival parade. Milbert Wienecke and son Jim spent Saturday night and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Mr. and Mrs. Bud McCafferty of Portland spent Sunday with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Shipley and Mike. Vicky Pollock is in Tuality hospit al in Hillsboro for observation and tests. Mrs. Rita Shipley and Mrs. Mona Steams were in Hillsboro Monday on business. Camp Wilkerson Picnic Enjoyed CAPITOL HILL — Mr. and Mrs. MyrI Odam and family from Lake side spent the week end in Vernonia visiting relatives. Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Odam and fam ily and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Odam, they picnicked at Camp Wil kerson. They returned to their home in Lakeside Sunday but left sons, Jim and Darrell and daughter, Judy, with grandparents for the strawber ry season. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr. enjoyed an evening playing pinochle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grey Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker enjoyed a two-day trip to Florence last week, accompanied by Mr. Baker's broth er. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harders drove to Hubbard Sunday to participate in the annual alumni picnic of the Hubbard high school. Mrs. Harders is a member of the first class grad uated there in 1917. Mrs. Patrich Polich and daughter Joanne from Portland called on par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker. Mr. Baker is at home again from the Veteran's hospital and is recuperat ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Higgins of Portland spent three days with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Seibel on Capitol Hill. While there they helped little Dustie Seibel celebrate her first birthday with a family dinner. Other rela tives present were cousins Keri and Kris Seibel, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Seibel, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sluter of Clatskanie. Students Arrive For Summer Vacationing BIRKENFELD—Mrs. E. T John ston accompanied by Mrs. Gene 1-arson went to Corvallis last Friday to bring Gary Johnston and Marvin Larson home from college. Mrs. Mary Essen and her daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- sted of Seattle, are visiting at the John Cahill home and also with other relatives. They came to attend Pioneer day. Francis Nordstrom and Vick Berg attended a soil conservation meeting at Jewell last Wednesday evening. Miss Cathy Dupuis arrived home Thursday from Monmouth where she attends Oregon College of Education. Towels Feature 13 Colors - Guarantee - 33% Savings Ward’s will replace, Free of Charge, if borders pucker . , . ever! 1 Day Only--Stock Up Now BATH TOWEL—Reg. $1.86..Now 3/S3.72 HAND TOWEL—Reg. $ .9 5 ...Now 3/$1.90 WASHCLOTHS—Reg. 2 /9 4 ..Now 6/$1.88 D r in k th e ON DISPLAY NOW . . . SALES MONTGOMERY WARD 786 Bridge Street Phone IIA 9-6744 AGENCY Locally Ow ned and Operated WE WELCOME TELEPHONE OKDERS FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL SHIRT JAC m » " ” $2.88 — Cement and Cement Products — 3/4" Cabinet Grade Plywood.......... $5.98 Rlack & Decker 1/4" Utility Drill__ $9.88 Black & Decker 1/2" Ulilily Drill.. $39.88 — MANY NEW ITEMS IN OCR 88c STOKE — VERNONIA TRADING CO. Your Shopping Center For Garden Supplies — Plants — Flowers — Seeds — Feeds Farm Supplies Hardware — Cabinets — Plywood Building Materials - Rentals — Chemicals — Shoes Men’s Clothiug Toys — Plastic Wares — Kitchen Wares. p r o te in lift... STANDARD DAIRY m ilk Distributed Locally by Vernonia M ilk Farms Grandchildren Visit Here During Week End MIST- Mr. and Mrs Sam Devine enjoyed having their grandchildren, Cheryl, Ricky and Carla visit them and their dad. Clair, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bass and Kathy of Vernonia visited with the Fred Busch family Sunday after- neon. Fred and two friends returned Friday after flying to Canada on a successful fishing trip. Larry Maser returned to his home Friday afternoon after visiting at the Sulo Sanders home a week. Mrs. Bern Bliss, Bobbie Dee, Beth Anne and Charles Ray arrived Mon day afternoon to visit a few days with the Ray Garlocks and other relatives before leaving for their home at Ketchikan, Alaska. While here the group visited in Warrenton and at Delake with the Jimmy Gar lock family. The Jimmy Garlocks have a new baby daughter, Eva Jane who had arrived the week before. Mrs. Hugh Cox and Mrs. Wayne Kyser were in Vernonia Wednes day evening so that Mrs. Cox could be hostess for the Pythian Sister meeting. Saturday the Coxs and Ky- sers were in Seaside clam digging. While at Gearhart they called on the Arnie Wages. Mr. Cox and Mr. Wage had worked together years ago. In Astoria Mr. and Mrs. Cox visited a short time with his cousin and husband and other friends of lone standing. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds were in Portland Tuesday on business. Visitors during the week at the Rey nolds home were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox, Mrs. John Crawford, Mrs. A1 Schlehuber and Mrs. Bud Hemeon. : I $ I ♦ Mist Boys Date Baseball Gaines MIST—The Mist - Birkenfeld boys played the Vernonia church boys at Vernonia Monday evening in a game of baseball. The Vernonia boys won. There is to be a return game here this evening with Vernonia. June 22 they will play the Baptist church boys in Clatskanie and June 29, the Mayger boys here. The Mist Birkenfeld Daily Vaca tion Bible school finished their two weeks with a program Friday even ing. The children showed the work they had done and a short program was presented by each class. An av erage of 61 youngsters attended each day. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kyser and boys were at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sparks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer of Heppner and a niece and family of Arlington, Mrs. Bryce Ostrander and children, and Mrs. Bob Skeans of Femhill were there to visit the family members. Warren returned with the Heppner couple for the time being. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robbins and children of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kyser and family of For est Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawkins of Olney as well as local relatives gathered at the Claude Kyser home during the week and week end to visit. Mr. and Mrs Robbins were on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grimsbo, Kathy and Raymond spent Friday afternoon through Sunday in Mad ras visiting friends and relatives. See Us For All Your Tire Needs! We carry a complete selec tion of sizes at prices hard to beat—Why not drop in- and talk over a deal today! BOBS I1NIOM SE R VIC E