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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1964)
4 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The Budget lor City of Vernorna for the fiscal y ear 1964-1965, beginning July 1, 1964, as detailed and sum m arized in the accom panying schedules w as prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in prior years. M ajor cJuuiges, if any, and th e.r effects on this budget a r e set forth in an accom panying statem ent. A copy of the budget docum ent m ay be inspected by interested persons between the hours of 8 30 a m and 5:00 p.m a t city hall. The b»dget document or any portion of it, m ay be obtained for $3.00, com plete, or $ 25 p er s h e e t a t city hall. A m eeting of the City Council will be held June 15, 1964, a t 8:00 p.m. a t City Hall for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person m ay ap p ear t o discuss the budget, or any p a rt of it. -------- THOMAS M. HOBART, C hairm an of G overning Body FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1964 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Total Ail Funds $156,028.00 .. 142,528.00 . 13,500.00 ....... 3,700.00 ....... $ 17,200.00 G eneral Fund $59,152.00 45,652.00 13,500.00 3,700.00 $17,200.00 . . . . $ 17,200.00 $17,200.00 $ 17,200.00 $17,200.00 Total _____ TAX LEVY COMPUTATION AU F unds Total Budget R equirem ents ............. ....................................................... $161,937.00 Less Budget Resources, E xcept Taxes to Be Levied ................................................... 150,732.00 T axes N ecessary to B alance Budget ..................................................... 11,205.00 Add Taxes E stim ated Not to Be Received During E nsuing Y ear 2 775 00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEV IED $ 13,’980.00 G eneral Fund $72,195.00 60,990.00 11,205.00 2,775.00 $13,980.00 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total Budget Requirem ents Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied ........................ T axes N ecessary to B alance Budget Add Taxes E stim ated Not to Be Received During E nsuing Y ear TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6% Limitation Outside 6% Lim itation Not Subject to 6% Lim itation ............................................ TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED W ater Fund $55,910.00 55,910 00 None G eneral Road Fund $3,410.00 3,410.00 None State Tax St. Fund $10,550.00 10,550.00 None C em etery Operating Fund $1,176.00 1,176.00 None Public L ibrary Fund $390.00 390.00 None W ater Fund $40,800.00 40,800.00 None G eneral Road Fund $3,037.00 3,037.00 None S tate Tax St. Fund $9,200.00 9,200.00 None Cem etery O perating Fund $180.00 180.00 None Public L ibrary Fund $425.00 425.00 None W ater Sinking R eserve Fund $23,800.00 23,800.00 None Sewer Sinking R eserve F und $1,640.00 1,640.00 None FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1963 W ater Sinking R eserve Fund $34,400.00 34,400.00 None Sewer Bldgs. & Eqpt. Sinking $1,700.00 1,700.00 None \N \LYSIS OF TAXES TO I'd. I J lV n iin Within 6': Lim itation ...................... Outside 6% Limitation Not Subject to 6% Lim itation ....... TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEV IED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS O utstanding July 1 C urrent Ensuing Y ear Y ear None None Total Indebtedness BUDGET $ 13,980.00 $13,980.00 $ 13,980 00 $13,980.00 Authorized, Not PETTY CASH Incurred, July 1 C urrent Ensuing Y ear Y ear B alance July 1 None None $23,122.25 3,436 20 413.37 17,187.00 2,820.86 15,569.01 1,648.63 243.21 12,000 (X) 1,000 00 150.00 1,500 00 inn 00 136.00 242 50 639.55 3,078 76 65.35 1,500.00 15.00 25.00 245.00 761.00 3.212.91 79.40 1,500.00 660 00 4.(XX) 00 400.00 700 00 3,265 00 80 00 7,75231 5,978.61 361.20 6,800.00 800 00 100 00 2,250.00 1,000.00 45 00 125 00 393.29 732 50 1,232 00 2,269.02 25 00 63 42 100.00 800.00 1,200 00 3,000.00 40 00 119.31 1.209.66 414 36 16,010.13 287 47 400 00 GENERAL FUND—RESOURCES; Available Beginning Cash B alance $18,000.00 P rio r Y ear's P ro p erty Tax Levies 3,000.00 Interest on Delinquent T a x e s ...................... 342.00 Interest on Invested Fund 220.00 County Land Sales .................. 100 00 Fines ;ind Bail F orfeits .................... 550 00 Business Licenses .............................................. . 1,300.00 F ran ch ise F ees .................................................. 3,600.00 Oregon A m erican Houses: D eferred P ay m en ts ................................... 4,000.00 In terest ......................................................... 250 00 Other ................................................ 150 00 R en tals: Bank Building ............................................ .. 1,500.00 O ther ............................................................... 60 00 R eal P ro p erty Sales ........................................ C em etery Lots .......................................... 250 00 A mbulance Fees .......................................... 700 00 Alcoholic Tax—State Apportionment 3.600 00 Dog Licenses ................................................... 100.00 S ew ers: Use C harges ....................................... . 5,800.00 Connections .......................... 1 500 00 A ssessm ent Collections .................... 10000 F ederal G ran t—Sew er Lagoon Planning A ssistance G rant Liquor License Approval Fees 55.00 G as Tax Refund 75.00 Insurance Claim s ...................... Miscellaneous 400 00 T ran sfer from Sewer Bond Fund 65,07685 9,608 74 $63,513.47 $10,902 43 $60,990 00 $11,205.00 Total R esources Except T axes to be Levied$ 45,652 00 Taxes N ecessary to B alance Budget $13,500.00 $74,685 59 $74,415.90 $72,195 00 Total G eneral Fund R esources $ 2,400 no $ 2,500 00 $ 2.500.00 190 99 21935 271 29 118 96 221.70 331.11 425.00 250.00 400.00 $ 3,171 79 $ 3.575.00 $ $ $ 945 00 945 00 7,062 42 1,270 91 $ 8.333 33 ♦ 1.222 72 2,977 50 178.08 5,000 00 1,811.77 4.600 00 1,600 00 901 17 812.20 1.600 00 600.00 $ 8.325 14 $ 842116 2.507 67 $ 8.600 00 $ 1.200 00 3.300 1X1 $ 1,400.00 1,231.81 1,561.52 10,415.00 292.61 760.00 109.00 7,447.75 250.00 1,600.00 530.01 $ 3,539.90 $10,363.38 $12,915.00 $ Total R ecorder's Office 720.62 F ire D epartm ent Personal Sendees: V olunteer F irem en t M aterials and Services: . M aterials and Supplies P rotective Clothing $ 4.200 22 $ 3.349 $ 4.900 00 $ 1.001 00 $ 1.149 99 $ 1.150 00 249 73 107 93 250 00 $ 1.340 73 $ 1.357 93 $ 1,400 00 T raining A larm System F ee C apital Outlay P o rtab le Pum p Hose Tow e r Total F ire D epartm ent $ 850.00 680.00 $ 750.00 438.66 58.30 262.82 95.46 175.13 100.00 150.00 200,00 2,273.09 243.70 3,600.00 $ 3,490.67 $ 1,457.11 $ 4,800.00 $ $ $ $ 3,417.66 $ 4.100.00 $ $ $ 602.58 123.69 $ 726.27 $ 113.17 159.85 999.08 226.70 458.27 70.00 $ 203.38 3,214.28 650.00 $ 300.00 3,500.00 300.00 650.00 198.94 1,700.00 84894 $ 2,350.00 $ 161.07 1,720.31 1.121.84 237 30 355.12 11.50 $ 400.00 300.00 1,300.00 300.00 375.00 25.00 100.00 $ 2.027 07 $ 3,607.14 $ $ $ 2,800.00 600 00 7.40 398.10 60 00 500.00 100.00 600.00 100 00 200.00 60.00 54.45 3,152.00 570.00 above! 1) 77.00 76.30 2.803.12 570.00 above* 1) 2,500.00 80 00 4.000 00 150 00 500 00 150.00 495 24 53301 483.14 789 65 2,000 00 183 46 612.28 650.00 850 00 900 00 500 00 2.500.00 251 48 501 56 3,446 69 55 29 1.351 55 100.00 2.000 00 5.730 00 7.900 00 $ 4.150 00 T reasu rer. Personal S endees $ Police D epartm ent: P ersonal Services: M .irshall ............................................ In p u ts ............... Deputy W ages, Hourly P aid M aterials and Services: M aterials and Supplies Auto E xpense ............................... Boarding P riso n ers C apital Outlay: P atro l C ar .............................................. Total Police D epartm ent $ $59,152.00 GENERAL FUND—REQUIREM ENTS: R ecorder’s Office: P erso n al Sendees: R ecorder $ 2,500.00 C lerical A ssistance—Hourly P aid 150.00 M aterials and Services: Office Supplies and P ostage 300 00 Telephone 250.00 Publishing of N otices and R eports 500.00 C apital Outlay. T y p e w rit* ................................................ 100.00 Photocopier .............................................. 35000 Automotive Expense 400 00 Approved by B udget C om m ittee May 11, 1964 Donald R. Webb, C hairm an of Budget Comm ittee 192.50 600.00 $ 3.081 63 94500 $ BUDGET FOR ENSUING YEAR Approved Current Y ear $18,415.00 2,200.00 300.00 ; Beginning July 1, 1964 BUDGET $ 6,491 05 4,626.24 598.92 216 08 85.20 320 00 1,220 (X) 2,523 55 Ensuing Y ear $251.00 DOCUMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1964 - 1965 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second F irst Preceding Preceding Y ear Y ear NOTICE OF APPROVAL BY BUDGET COMMITTEE C urrent Y ear $1,234.41 94500 98 52 60 00 4.800 00 1.600.00 1,167.00 500 00 580 00 above! 1) $10,867 00 $ l.aOO 00 1.500 00 450 00 400 00 10000 410 1x1 400 «1 tW «, $ 5,360 00 Library: Personal Services L ib rarian MateriaLs and Services: Books ami Supplies $ 1.150 00 Total L ibrary $ 1.400 00 34.000 00 1,700 00 $68.194 54 (4.092 02• 19 701 89 127 00 55 00 13 99 47 21 $53.854 35 ( 548.95 20.432 93 482 00 400 00 88 30 111.25 $72.195 00 $ 200 00 21.000 00 »100 240 00 30 00 130 00 Sewage D epartm ent: P ersonal Services: Wages, H ourly P a id ............... $ 1,400.00 M aterials and Services: M aterials and Supplies .. ......... 4,000.00 C ontract Services, L agoon....... ......... 500.00 E lectricity ...................... Bond In terest ................ Other .................. C apital Outlay: Sewage M ains and L ines........... ......... 2,000.00 Total Sewage D ep artm en t............... P ark s: P ersonal Services: Lifeguard, 3 Months ............... Wages, Hourly P a id ............... M aterials and Services: M aterials and Supplies ............... E lectricity ............................. O ther .................. C apital Outlay: Buildings and Structures ....... $ 8,400.00 $ 750.00 Total P ark s ......... S treet Lighting: M aterials and Services: M aterials and Supplies E lectricity ....... O ther ............... Total S treet Lighting C em etery: P ersonal Services: Sexton ............... Wages, Hourly P aid ....... M aterials and Services: M aterials and Supplies T otal C em etery ....... Buildings and G rounds: P ersonal Services: Wages, Hourly P aid ........................... $ 300 00 M aterials and Services: M aterials and Supplies .......................... 1,000.00 C ontract S endees, Maint. & R epairs 300.00 H eat ......................................................... 1,300.00 E lectricity ................................................ 300.00 P ro p erty T axes ....................................... 350.00 Other ........................................................... C apital Outlay: P u rchase of Land .......................... Total Building and Grounds $ 3,550.00 Additions and Subdivisions E ngineering 500 00 Other Additions and Subdivisions E xpense 100 00 Legal Expense, P ersonal Service .................. 900.00 O ther Legal E xpense .......................................... iqo . oo A m bulance E xpense .............................................. 400 00 H ealth Officer ....................................................... gp qq Budget E xpense ...................................................... 200 00 Auditing ggppp Election E xpense .................................................. lOO.OO Planning Commission E xpense 200.00 League of Oregon Cities Dues .......................... 110.00 Bonds and Insurance .......................................... 3,100.00 P ayroll Insurance .............................................. ¿400 00 Em ployees R etirem ent, S tate Funding 600.00 Social Security .............................................. 1,000.00 A irport M aintenance .......................................... 200.00 Oregon A m erican Houses Expense Sewage Lagoon ................................ Remodeling Museum Building .......................... M iscellaneous .................................................. E m ergency ............................................................. G eneral Operating Contingencies 2.500.00 U nappropriated B alance .......................... 1,000 00 T ransfer to Sewer Bond F und ........................ T ransfer to W ater Fund ............................. 4.800 00 T ransfer to Building and Equipm ent Sinking R eserve Fund ................................... Total G eneral Fund R equirem ents ATER FUND-RESOURCES: A vailable Beginning Cash B alance ........... W ater Use Equipm ent R ental ................................... Service Connections ................................ Sale of M aterial Gas Tax Refund 250 00 (Continued on Next P age) $59,152 00 $ 4.000 00 22,600 00 100.00 400 00 30 00 90 00