CLASSIFIED ADS Ladies Go To Morion For Aunt's Birthday Waller Fosters Are Guests Of Sundlands J. Hanson Sets School Record BIRKENFELD—Mrs. Lloyd Beach and Mrs. Robert Mathews went to Morton, Washington Monday to vis­ A sub-district track meet held it with their aunt Susie, whose birth­ day was Monday. They also visited Saturday at Neah-Kah-Nie with thin- Picnic tables for sale. Made to order. Nice Cabins their sister, Mrs. Don Hall. clads from Seaside, Neah-Kah-Nie, All sizes available. Call HAzel 9- for rent Mrs. Winifred Hult arid her daugh­ Warrenton, Banks and Vernonia 5014. 22t3 Riverview Cabins ter and little son and Jepson Lonn- competing, was won by Seaside quist visited here with relatives Neah-Kah-Nie was in second place. HA 9-3344 WILL SWAP radio, traveler record Jerry Hanson, who took first place 16tfc from Thursday until Saturday. They player, violin, for water pump and all attended high school graduation. in pole vault with 11 feet 11V4 Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham flew inches, set a new school record. This tank in good condition. Occupar/t, CHERRY TREE A pts. C om plete­ to Warrenton Sunday and visited was the only first garnered by Ver­ ly furnished except bedding, dish- PO box 56, Timber, Orecon. 21t3 e-. R ent includes all utilities, heat, with the Cecil Elliotts and Don Jen­ nonia in the meet. Gerald Ceballos took second plare in the same event FOR SALE: Red Wigglers, the lights, w ater. P riv a te bath, k it­ sens. with a vault of 11 feet three inches. Mrs. Vick Berg returned home worms that really wiggle. Phone chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel Sunday after spending 10 days at Since he is only a freshman this year, he has good prospects for set­ your needs. Order will be ready for 9-5042. H. J. “Hill” Edison, Mgr. Seaside with the Ralph Bergs. 14tfc ting records before he completes your pick-up. George Glodt, 108 OA school. Hill. HAzel 9-3573. 21L3 Other placings by Vernonia track­ men were as follows: FOR SALE: Two-wheel trailer, new Jerry Hays, high jump, 5th; dis­ NOTICE OF STREET VACATION tire, tube; two good chairs, rocker Brick, block and stone laid. Fire- cus, 3rd; javelin. 6th. WHEREAS, on the 4th day of May, and arm. Call HAzel 9-6374. J. O. places-Veneer. Good work at reason­ 1964, the Common Council of the Jerry Hanson, broad jump, 6th. Mark Medges, pole vault, tie, 6th; LaFontaine, 1025 Clatsop St. 19t4 able prices. For free estim ates phone City of Vernonia, Oregon, duly ini­ Portland PR 1-4681. 20t3 shot put, 4th. tiated by Resolution a proceeding MILL WOOD ANU PLANERS, Lim­ A1 Bruns man, mile 5th. Steve Minger, low hurdles, 5th. ited time only. Order now for im­ SEPT IC TA NK service. Pum ping for the vacation of the following de­ Joe Curl, 2-mile, 3rd. mediate delivery. Also sawdust. Car­ and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia scribed area, to-wit: Dave Larson, 2-mile, 5th. Beginning at the E ast line of E ast nation Fuel Company, ELgin 7-6821. City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens Forest Grove. Stic 397-0650 daytim e; 397-0074 after Avenue at the Southwest corner of 5:00 p m,___________________ 46tfc Lot 4, Block 1, Linwood Heights; Funerals Are Attended SIN G ER SA LES and SERVICE. thence E ast on the North line of the FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your During The Past Week Repairs all m akes. F ree estim ates. alley to the Southeast corner of Lot Vernonia V ariety, H A ze’ 9-5384. savings deposit with Vernonia Credit 3, said Block 1; thence South to the TIMBER RT.—Mrs. Chas Hascall Singer Sew ing C enter, 343 E. Main Union. 864 State Avenue, Vernonia Northeast com er of lot 6 of said attended the funeral a t Jewell for _____ _______________________ 17tfc S t„ Hillsboro, Oregon. 27tfc Block 1; thence West on the South Mrs. Curtis Foster Thursday and line of the alley to the Northwest on Friday she attended the funeral FRESH FLOW ERS for any occa­ com er of Lot 5, said Block 1; thence of her uncle, Wm. Ridderbush at sion. F low ers w ired anyw here. North on the E ast line of E ast Ave­ Kelso, Washington. PROCESSING PLANT R uth S teers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc Mr. and Mrs. A1 I man and Bert nue to the point of beginning, being Slate Inspected Snyder went to Cullaby Lake fishing all of the alley between Lots 3 and Sunday. FLO W ERS TH A T PLEA SE. F in ­ CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 4 on the North and Lots 5 and 6 est in flow ers for all occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watson made Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday on the South of Block 1, Linwood P lants, bouquets. Floral pieces a trip to Banks Monday. Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Heights, City of Vernonia. for funerals. F low ers speeded by Cutting and Wrapping NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that r long distance or w ired anyw here. E&B LAUNDRY and Sharp Freezing on June 15, 1964, at 8:00 p.m. the Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. Smoking and Curing DRY CLEANERS Common Council of the City of Ver­ ______________________________ ltfc Free use of Slock Trailer 756 Bridge St. nonia will hold a formal hearing at Shop Res. Now open for business. Fast, its Council Chambers to hear and EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 courteous service consider said vacation, together with Rt. 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. CASH AND CARRY any objection or remonstrance which On Fern Hill Road may be made in writing and filed ______________________________ltfc with the City Recorder of said City CLARENCE R. W AGNER, county prior to the time of said hearing. MARR & STAFFORD VERNONIA BRANCH Dated 5-4-64. surveyor, C o u rt House, St. Helens 756 Bridge St. Phone HA 9-5211 MEAT CO. WALTER LINN, Recorder Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- City of Vernonia, Oregon Rt. 2, Box 379, F o re st G rove, Ore. Marlene Village — 2 mi. to Tek. 4 0018. Private surveying, engineer­ Date of first publication: May 7, 1964 EL 7-7281 b/rooms, fam room, fplce, circ ing w ork. 24tfc Date of final publication: May 28, Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, oil furnace, beautiful view. $12,750. and Curing 1964. Buy equity or trade for Vernonia M eat for sale, an y q u an tity . property. ______________ _____________________________ 19t4c C a ttle R eceived S u n d ay and WANTED: A cabinet for player pi­ M onday u n til noon. 2300 sq. ft. — Beuutiful view, private ano rolls. Must be in good condition. Hogs received T u esd ay and W ednesday u n til r.oon. fishing ponds sold Io the highest and best bidder for cash in hand but in no event less than $22.000 00. Said sale will be conducted at 10 a m . on the ttwh day of June, 1964, at the West front door of the Co­ lumbia County Court House in St Helens. t)regon Roy S. Wilburn, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Columbia County, Oregon First Publication May 21. 1964 Last Publication. June 18. 1964 21t5c ings 13tfc CLASSIFIED RATES CARD OF THANKS THE EAGLE aisum n no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 60c tor 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum. 3c each. Three insertions for the pri-e of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini mum charge SI.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks A Notices: SI. 00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8c each There just aren't the right words to express our thanks to our many friends for the kind deeds and the help they have given us during the three years of Irene's illness. Spec­ ial thanks should go to more per­ sons than we could name. They will know it by tlx« satisfied feeling that comes from doing good All your ex­ pressions of sympathy are deeply appreciated. also. Boh Spencer and family ______________________________ 231 Wltft Wwtb Mm Liglit? O w ls don't People do— about 50% more light than they did 10 years ago. Now, ask yourself these questions have your lighting needs kept pace with other modem im­ provements . . . are you and your family still struggling along in shadows and glares inside . . . and in the pitch black outside’ No need to be in the dark any longer Light conditioning in your home makes it safe, pleasant and enhances the decor. Indoors or out, good, even lighting means good living. More fun and freedom are yours Lighting makes entertaining a pleasure— out­ door work safer and more convenient. Yard light­ ing gives you extra working hours at times when you need it Garden and patio lighting beautify your home and give you extra leisure hours. Your rural electric system can help you plan all your present light­ ing needs. Why not call today for profes- sional advice *»*«o ' V .> E L E C T R IC IT Y —th e h e a rt o f m o d e rn liv in g Ueriionia Eacjfe MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and I’ublishrr Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon Entered as second class mail m at­ ter. August 4, 1922 at tlx- post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879 Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50 WEST OREGON ELECTRIC CO-OP INC. VERNONIA. OREGON A SELF-LIQUIDATING. SELF MANAGED. TAX PAYING COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE