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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1964)
CLASSIFIED ADS LEGAL NOTICE ___ NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUN TY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION GOLF VIEWS Children Visit at Cox Home During Week End Ucrnonia Eagfe THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1964 TIMBER ROLTE — Boxer Cox 6 was home over the week end. His Kathy Reynolds and Dana Stock- Notice is hereby given that on and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dav am of Riverview were overnight FOR SALE: Six-inch woven wire, FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, elec Monday, May 11, 1964, the Board of id Child and son Kenneth from White guests of Mrs. Carl Snyder Monday. 39 inches high, approximately 150 tric heat, wired for washer, dryer. Equalization of tlie County of Colum Salmon. Washington also spent Sun bia, Oregon, will meet at the County feet, unused, $10. Contact L. E. Stiff, One block from grade school at 224 day afternoon with their parents, Mr. 924 State avenue. HAzcl 9-5604 . 21tl North St. Mrs. John Krinick, HA 9- Courthouse in St. Helens, Oregon, to By Gordon Reed MARR & STAFFORD and Mrs. Mabry Cox. 5824________________________ 19t3c publicly examine the assessment FOR SALE: Boy’s suit, size 14, hus Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thacker and The first match of the Vernonia rolls for said County of Columbia, MEAT CO. ky, including two white shirts and Nice Cabins for the year 1964, and to correct all men’s club with the St. Helens men’s Kenney from Forest Grove visited Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. two ties. Like new. $15. Mrs. Don for rent errors in valuation, description, or golf club was played Sunday, May- Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and fa EL 7-7281 Want land, ilAzel 9-3652. 21tlc mily Sunday evening. qualities of land, lots or other prop Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, Riverview Cabins 17. St. Helens won 33 to 30. Chester Wienecke and son Darwin erty assessed by the assessor. and Curing WILL SWAP radio, traveler record HA 9-3344 Scores were as follows: Low gross, from Springfield and Carroll Wie The ratio determined by the Asses Meat for sale, any quantity. player, violin, for water pump and 16tfc sor pursuant to ORS 309.028 is 25 Hank Tooley 72, Wayne Thomas 74, necke and daughter Susan from Ve Cattle Received Sunday and tank in good condition. Oecupar/t, Monday until noon. neta spent the week end with their percent. tied for third, Arlie Lawrence and PO box 56, Timber, Oregon. 21t3 CHERRY TREE Apts. Complete Hogs received Tuesday and mother, Mrs. Carl W'ienecke. Petitions for adjustment of values Jim Brock 77; low net, Kenr/y Bate ly furnished except bedding, dish- Wednesday until noon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Reynolds and fa FOR SALE: Red Wigglers, the e . Rent includes all utilities, heat, must be filed with the Equalization man 68, Bob Baker 70, three-way tie, Come through Banks, take Tillamook road A’/? mile, worms that really wiggle. Phone lights, water. Private bath, k it Board or County Clerk on or before Lee Albright, Bcb Davis and Geo. mily were Sunday dinner guests of take first jefzhand road. your needs. Order will be ready for chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel May 18, 1964 on forms provided by Sommerville. 71; KP cn 4. Bill Nel her mother. Mrs. Carl Snyder and ltfc Bert. your pick-up. George Glodt, 108 OA 9-5042. H. J. '‘Hill” Edison, Mgr. the County Assessor. son; KP on 13, Arlie Lawrence; FRANK H. LeMONT Hill HAzcl 9 3573 21t3 14tfc best third shot on No. 8. Dale Coop Columbia County Assessor er. FOR SALE: Two-wheel trailer, new ______ _____________________19t3c It seemed like everyone had a tire, tube; two good chairs, rocker good time and the weatherman was NOTICE OF STREET VACATION and arm. Call HAzel 9-6374. J. O. Brick, block and stone laid. Fire- LaFontaine, 1025 Clatsop St. 19t4 WHEREAS, on the 4th day of May, with us. Vernonia players were slow places-Veneer. Good work at reason 1964, the Common Council of the in showing up for the match which FOR SALE: Holstein milk cow and able prices. For free estimates phone City of Vernonia, Oregon, duly ini delayed some starting times. Some 20t3 calf. Gentle, good family cow. Archie Portland PR 1-4681. tiated by Resolution a proceeding that signed up decided they did not Dass, HAzel 9-3845. 19t3 want to play at the last minute SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping for the vacation of the following de which left one St. Helens foursome scribed area, to-wit: MILL WOOD AND PLANERS, Lim and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia Beginning at the East line of East playing by themselves. Promptness ited time only. Order now for im City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL Avenue at the Southwest corner of when we are entertaining guests is mediate delivery. Also sawdust. Car 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after a good virtue. 46tfc Lot 4, Block 1, Linwood Heights; nation Fuel Company, ELgin 7-6821. 5:00 pm ._______________ More members are joining the CRUSHED ROCK thence East on the North line of the Forest Grove. 8tfc FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your alley to the Southeast corner of Lot men’s club each week. We now have SINGER SALES and SERVICE. savings deposit with Vernonia Credit 3, said Block 1; thence South to the a good sized group and good match CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION CO. Repairs all makes. Free estimates. Union. 864 State Avenue, Vernonia Northeast comer of lot 6 of said es are being put on each Tuesday P.O. Box 7588 Vernonia Variety, HAzel 9-5384. 17tfc Block 1; thence West on the South night. The Ladder Tournament is moving along with players chang Singer Sewing Center, 343 E. Main 5457 N.E. Columbia Blvd. line of the alley to tlie Northwest St., Hillsboro, Oregon. 27tfc corner of Lot 5, said Block 1; thence ing places each week as they play PORTLAND 20. OREGON North on the East line of East Ave matches with each other to get to FRESH FLOWERS for any occa PROCESSING PLANT nue to the point of beginning, being the top of the ladder and a possible Phone 543-2336 Scappoose, Ore. sion. Flowers wired anywhere. Stare Inspected all of the alley between Lots 3 and trophy. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc The next home and home match is CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 4 on the North and Lots 5 and 6 FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin Beef; Monday, Tuesday, Friday on the South of Block 1, Linwood with Seaside at Vernonia June 7. Those who wish to play in this match est in flowers for all occasions. Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Heights, City of Vernonia. Cutting and Wrapping NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that should sign up at the clubhouse and Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces Sharp Freezing on June 15, 1964, at 8:00 p.m. the be ready to tee off. by at least 8 a m. for funerals. Flowers speeded by Smoking and Curing Common Council of the City of Ver on June 7. long distance or wired anywhere. Our club remodel job is moving Free use of Stock Trailer nonia will hold a formal hearing at Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. Shop Res. its Council Chambers to hear and along. The framework is up for the ____________________________ life EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 consider said vacation, together with new room on the front of the club. Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. any objection or remonstrance which We expect to have part of the roof On Fern Hill Road may be made in writing and filed on this week. Drop in and see the ltfc with the City Recorder of said City plans for Vernonia’s new modern Honda Pre-Season Specials. This golf club house. month check our special prices on prior to the time of said hearing. Did you know: P r a c t i c e golf CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county Dated 5-4-64. all new Honda 50's & 90’s. swings on the tee or fairways are of surveyor, Court House, St. Helens Vernonia Auto Co. 20t2c WALTER LINN. Recorder little value as a help to a good Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- City of Vernonia, Oregon FOR SALE: 1948 Ford Panel. Runs 0018. Private surveying, engineer Date of first publication: May 7, 1964 stroke at the ball? Too many of good. Kenneth Mishler, HAzel 9 ing work. them, and your fellow players want 24tfc Date of final publication: May 28, you to get lost, or will stop playing 3107_________________________ KM3 1964. with you because you take too much 19t4c unnecessary time playing your shot. Take your stance, see that you are WANTED: A cabinet for player pi 8 of life’s little pleasures lined up in the direction you want to FOR SALE: Five-year-old two-bed- ano rolls Murt lx* in good condition. N A T IO N A I E D IT O R IA L ‘'LITTLE OLY” in 7-ounce cans go, take a nice easy swing, meet room home on half acre, Ninth Anyone having one may call HAzel the ball with the club head and the .street, Riverview, For further in 9-5180,_______________________21t3c "It's th e Water" * . *• i -i ER ■ ball is on its way just where you formation call HAzel 9-5180 21t3c A F F IL IA T E M EM B Want to buy farm for cattle and wanted to go. All that is left to do FOR SALE: Two-bedroom house on horses. Must have water and huild- DON'T FORGET D O R O T II Y ’S is replace the divot, and wait for two lots in Vernonia. All recently ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call COFFEE BREAK. Olympia Tirewing Company, Tumwater, near Olympia, Washington. *Oly 5-64 17tfc the other players to hit. -enuxleled Call HAzel 9-5795. 20t3c Portland, BElmont 4-6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland, Ore FARMS AND gon.________________________ 20tfc DWELLINGS LISTED REEHER REALTY 2007 21st, Forest Grove. Five different lines of cars — forty- See Bill Horn, Vernonia NOTICE five different models to choose Phone HA 9-6203 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that from. Come early and trade great! Branch Bank Building TWO-bedroom home, wood furnace, the undersigned Sheriff and Tax Col Now th a t spring’s in full swing, you’ll find lector of Columbia County. Oregon, basement, by city swimming pool new Chevrolets perfect for picking. in accordance with the requirements $.3750. Terms. Luxury—First, there’s the big Jet-smooth of an Order entered by the County LISTINGS WANTED Chevrolet. Sumptuous and soft riding. Over Court of Columbia County sitting for 700 sound stoppers throughout the car to tlie transaction of county business blot out noise. Interiors luxuriously done up in the newest and softest vinyls'. on May 20, 1964, will offer for sale Trade w hat you’re driving for one o at public vendue the following de these, and you won’t w ant to trade sea< scribed real estate in Columbia with anybody else on the road. VERNONIA BRANCH County, to-wit: 756 Bridge St. Phone HA 9 5211 Spirit—Next, Chevelle. The beautifully Ix>ts 5, 6, and 7, and East half in-between size car th a t combines small LISTINGS WANTED of Southwest quarter of Section car handling oomph with big car comfort. lOttc 6, Township 7 North, Range 3 Eleven different models th a t you can equip with ju st about any extra-cost West of the Willamette Meridian. option you can imagine. No place to Columbia County. Oregon. go this summer? Get a new Chevelle— Columbia County has become the you’ll think of something. ALCOHOLIC Anonymous meetings, owner of said premises by reason 8 30 P.M. Wednesday, 286 S. I8th Economy—C hevy I I —th e car th a t of the foreclosure of delinquent tax takes to inexpensive vacations n a tu Street, comer of 18th and Tualatin, lien and said premises will be sold rally. I t ju st goes and goes, and where St Helens. Oregon Old church to the highest and liest bidder for it stops nobody knows. Eight models building across from the La to pick from, including wagons w ith cash in hand but in no event less bor Temple. All letters confidential. enough room to swallow up an eight- Hum $22.000.00 Phone 397-2886 Evenings or Rainier foot Christmas tree. (Plan ahead, we Said sale will be conducted at 10 always say.) area phone 6 3181 days, 6-8111 even- a m., on the 19th day of June, 1964. tags.__________________________ I3tfc Fun—Then there’s Corvair. The fun at the West front door of the Co one w ith the engine in the rear for lumbia County Court House in St. unbelievable traction. Spring mud, Helens, Oregon summer sand, w inter snow—nothing stops it. Roy S Wilburn. Sheriff THE EAGLE assumes no finan Corvette. The enthusiast’s car. anil Tax Collector, Columbia cial responsibility for errors that Sting Ray Sport Coupe and Con County, Oregon vertible. Still America's only true may appear in ads published in First Publication: May 21. 1964 sports cars. They do for your driv its columns, but in cases where ing w hat holidays do for'kids. this paper is at fault, will reprint Last Publication: June 18. 1964 ___________________________ 2H5c Perform ance—And with any new that part of an adv. in which the Chevrolet you choose, you can typographical mistake occurs, pick from a wide range of stan d MINIMUM charge 60c for 25 ard or extra-cost high performance words or less. Words over min engines. My sincere thanks to all my frietxis imum, 3c each. Three insertions E ith e r w ay, w h e th e r y o u ’ve and to the EUB Circle for the lovely g o t som e p la c e sp e c ia l to go for the price of two. th is s u m m e r o r n o t, w hen NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY cards ami many acts of kindness be you trade for ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED stowed on me while I am recuperat one of Chev ing from my operation AFTER TUESDAY N O O N r o l e t ’s five Mrs. Aune Koski EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S g re a t h ig h ___________________________ 21tic PAPER w ay p er fo rm e rs — NO information on classifieds will you’ll travel! be given out until after paper is mailed. THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS —Models shown top to bottom : Corvette Sting Ray, Corvair Monza Spvder C h e w I I MARVIN KAMIIOIJ! BLIND ADS with answers to be - .............................................................................................. Su’* r ®port> Chev«>let Im pala S^per s£>rt- Editor and Publisher handled by The Eagle: Mini Official Newspaper of mum charge $1.00. No informa No. 36 8700 Vernonia. Oregon tion given relative to such ads. Entered ¡is second class mail mat CARD of Thanks fc Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional ter. August 4, 1922 at the poet office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act lines. Sc each. of March S. 1879 Subscription price Pieuse advise us of your new ad $3 on yearly in the Nehalem Valley dress if you are planning Io move. Elsew here $3 SO FOR SALE-General FOR RENT NEWS SERVICES TRANSIT MIX CONCRETE Haberman's Meat FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE-Real Estate WANTED aófcl I4 s §>£6"4" LEGAL NOTICE IT’S TRADE‘N’ TRAVEL TIME AT TOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S Columbia River Real Estate PERSONAL CLASSIFIED RATES CARD OF THANKS Ucnicnia Eagfc VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA OREGON PHONE HA 9 5023