CLASSIFIED ADS Ocrtionia Eagle 6 FOR SALE-General_ FOR RENT Used m attress and springs, double bed size, in good condition. Both for $10 Call HAzel 9-3869, Dale Roberts, Timber Rt. 29t3 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, elec­ tric heat, wired for washer, dryer. One block from grade school at 224 North St. Mrs. John Krinick, HA 9- 19t3c 5824. BARGAINS for quick sale, May 15 deadline. Maytag washing machine, $25; Bcndix dryer, $25; 25 gallon bu­ tane tank, $15; two boys bikes, $5 each. Gene Adams, Hobart farm, MLst R t . ____________________20tl FOR kids, each. 58!, 1. SALE: Three white Saanen doe one week old, bottle-fed, $1.00 Heavy milk stock. HAzel 9- No business Saturday. 20tlc FOR SALE: Two-wheel trailer, new tire, tube; two good chairs, rocker and arm. Call HAzel 9-6374. J. O. LaFontaine, 1025 Clatsop St. 19t4 FOR SALE: 12-foot row boat with accessories, five-horsepower John­ son motor, as is, $40. Call HAzel 9- 3404. ________________________19t3c FOR SALE: Holstein milk cow and calf. Gentle, good family cow. Archie Pass, HAzel 9-3845._____________ 19t3 MILL WOOD AND PLANERS, Lim­ ited time only. Order now for im­ mediate delivery. Also sawdust. Car­ nation Fuel Company, ELgin 7-6821. Forest Grove title SIN G ER SA LES and SERVICE. R epairs all m akes. F ree estim ates. Vernonia V ariety, HAzel 9-5384. Singer Sew ing C enter, 343 E. Main St., Hillsboro, Oregon. 27tfc FRESH FLO W ERS for any occa­ sion. Flow ers w ired anyw here. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc FLOW ERS TH A T PLEASE. F in ­ e st in flow ers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. F low ers speeded by long distance or w ired anyw here. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ltfc FOR SALE-Car, Truck Honda Pre-Season Specials. This month check our special prices on all new Honda 50’s & 90’s. Vernonia Auto Co. 20t2c '61 CORVAIR MONZA stick shift Plus all leather $1385 •59 CIIEV IMPALA Hard Top. Rull power, 290 engine Red inside and out $19.50 month ’59 CIIEV IMPALA 4 -Dr. Full power, beautiful blue interior, low price of $1195 '48 JE E P 4-wheel drive New front end winch. Get ready for the sum­ mer season. $845 VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Phone IIA 9-5023 “ A Safe Place To Trade” 20tlc FOR SALE: 1948 Ford Panel. Runs good. Kenneth Mishler, HAzel 9- 3107. 19(3 FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE: Two-bedroom house on two lots in Vernonia. All recently remodeled. Call HAzel 9 i>795. 20t3c FARM S AND DW ELLINGS LISTED REEHER REALTY 2007 21st, F orest Grove. See Bill Horn, Vernonia Phone 11A 9 6203 Branch Bank Building LISTINGS WANTED Columbia River Real Estate VERNONIA BRANCH TM B i -I: ,. BI Phone HA 9 8111 LISTINGS WANTED ______________ 19tlc PERSONAL ALCOHOLIC Anonymous meetings, 8:30 P M Wednesday, 286 S 18th Street, corner of 18th and Tualatin, St Helens, Oregon Old church building across from the La­ bor Temple All letters confidential. Phone 397 2886 Evenings or Rainier area phone 6 3181 days, 6 8111 even­ ing^_________________________ 13tfc LOST AND FOUND 2 LOST: Either in the theater or be­ tween theater and Pine Cone, F ri­ day evening, my glasses Mrs Walt e r Parker, HAzel 9-3583 attic Ocrnonia Eagle M A R V IN K A M IIO IZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail m at­ ter, August 4, 1922 at the poet office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3. 187!) Sutwcription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley Elsewhere $3 50 The only tim e a barking dog can bite is between the barks Nice Cabins for rent Riverview Cabins HA 9-3344 16tfc CHERRY TREE Apts. C om plete­ ly furnished except bedding, d ish ­ es. R ent includes all utilities, heat, lights, w ater. P riv a te bath, k it­ chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042. 11. J. ' Hill” Edison, Mgr. 14tfc SERVICES Brick, block and stone laid. Fire- places-Veneer. Good work at reason­ able prices. For free estim ates phone Portland PR 1-4681.____________ 20t3 SEPT IC TA NK service. Pum ping and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia City, Oregon. Phone St. H elens 397-0650 day tim e; 397-0074 after 5:00 p .m ____________________ 46tfc FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your savings deposit with Vernonia Credit Union. 864 State Avenue, Vernonia. 17tfc Haberman's Neat PROCESSING PLANT Slate Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hoqs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Slock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7 3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc CLARENCE R. W AGNER, county surveyor, C ourt House, St. H elens Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- (1018. Private surveying, engineer­ ing w ork. 24tfc WANTED Want to buy farm for cattle and horses. Must have water and build­ ings. Can pay all cash, b.k.r. Call Portland. BElmont 4-6681 or write 3059 NE Glisan St., Portland. Ore­ gon. 20tfc THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1964 AROUND THE FARM Spring and the promise of grow­ ing things means increased weed control activities for most landown­ ers whether they are farm ers or city home owners. Control approaches may be many and many range from cultivation through mulching with sawdust and other residues or plastic to the use of the many herbicides available as the result of modem chemistry. Which method is used will depend upon the choice of the individual op­ erator and the specific situation. Herbicides are receiving the great­ est attention today due to the many advantages they have over other m e­ thods. In most cases they mean bet­ ter or complete control, usually with less effort. One of the greatest ad­ vantages of some of the newer chem­ ical weed killers is their ability to selectively remove a weed or crop without harming another. March is a good time for the appli­ cation of soil sterilant type herbi­ cides to control fence row weeds and undesirable crop plants. Spray­ ing outplantings of forest seedlings and some woody ornamentals can be done at this time to remove weedy grasses. For fence row work, simazine, at- razine, and hyvar are recommended chemicals for most common broad- leaves and perennial grass plants. The suggested rate is six pounds of simabine or trazine and four to five pounds of hyvar. These sterilant chemicals will give good plant con­ trol for one year and will suppress plant growth for longer periods. Chemicals used in this way should be mixed with 10 to 40 gallons of water, depending on the type of sprayer used. With some late spring weeds bet­ ter control can be obtained by using six ixninds of atrazine or four pounds of hyvar plus two pounds of amitrole per acre. All of these sprays should be applied before the spring rains stop. An eight-foot strip is wide enough for most fence row weed control. An eight-foot strip one mile long is ap­ proximately one acre. Generally it is folly to apply lime to a lawn, or an area to be seeded to lawn, unless you actually know that lime is needed. Most grasses LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF M E E T IN G OF COUN­ NOTICE ___ $5(1 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any­ one damaging or stealing any prop­ erly bought by anyone thru me. Lawrence Meissner. IX'er Island. 20t1 card I ofthanks I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to World War I. American Ix'gion Auxiliary, friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, visits and kind thoughts d u r­ ing my stay in the hospital. Mrs. 11. O. Hansen 20tl How good the Lord has been to give its such devoted friends and neighbor*, who have given of them­ selves so freely to make the past few weeks less difficult; including the beautiful flowers, and so many cards and letters, thir sincere thanks to each one of you. Our heartfelt thanks to those who stayed at the bedside of our belov­ ed wife and mother, in the hospital. Ami most of all. we are very grateful for your prayers God bless you all Rev. Carl C. DeMott Dan A DeMott Mrs Betty (DeMott' Gebby Miss Ruth Marie DeMott asu e TY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on Monday, May 11, 1964, the Board of Equalization of the County of Colum­ bia. Oregon, will meet at the County Courthouse in St. Helens, Oregon, to publicly examine the assessment rolls for said County of Columbia, for the year 1964, and to correct all errors in valuation, description, or qualities of land, lots or other prop­ erty assessed by the assessor. The ratio determined by the Asses­ sor pursuant to ORS 309.028 is 25 percent. Petitions for adjustment of values must l>e filed with the Equalization Board or County Clerk on or before May 18. 1964 on forms provided by the County Assessor. FRANK H LeMONT Columbia County Assessor _____________________________ 19t3c NOTICE OF STREET VACATION WHEREAS, on the 4th day of May. 1964. the Common Council of the City of Vernonia, Oregon, duly ini­ tiated by Resolution a proceeding for the vacation of the following de­ scribed area, to-wit; Beginning at the East line of East Avenue at the Southwest corner of Lot 4. Block 1, Linwood Heights: thence East on the North line of the alley to the Southeast corner of Lot 3. said Rlock 1; thence South to the Northeast corner of lot 6 of said Block 1; thence West on the South line of the alley to the Northwest corner of Lot 5. said Block 1: thence THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ North on the East line of East Ave­ cial responsibility for errors that rna' to the point of beginning, being may appear in ads published in all of the alley between Lots 3 and its columns, but in cases where 4 on the North and Lots 5 and 6 this paper is at fault, will reprint on the South of Block 1, Linwood that part of an adv. in which the Heights. City of Vernonia typographical mistake occurs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MINIMUM charge 60c for 25 on June 15. 1964. at 8:00 p.m. the words or less. Words over min­ Common Council of the City of Ver­ imum. 3c each. Three insertions nonia will hold a formal hearing at for the price of two. its Council Chambers to hear and NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY consider said vacation, together with ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED any objection or renvonstrance which AFTER TUESDAY N O O N may be made in writing and filed EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S with the t'ity Recorder of said City PAPER prior to the time of said hearing Dated 54-64 NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper WALTER LINN. Recorder is mailed. City of Vernonia, Oregon BLIND ADS with answers to be Date of first publication May 7. 1964 handled by The Eagle: Mini- Date of final publication: May 28. TROPHIES won in Women’s League playoff and the league city tournament were grouped for picture last Tuesday evening. Seated are: Sharon McKee, Vi Al­ drich (doubles winner), Vi Fetherston (singles); stand­ ing: Gladys Sharar, M argaret Thompson, Janet Fields, prefer soil that is slightly acid. Con­ sequently, only the highly acid soils will need to be limed for straight grass and then only every five years. Soil testing information and pro­ cedures can be obtained from coun­ ty extension offices. Unless there is a strong require­ ment for lime, its application may create some problems in that the growth of clovers and weeds will be promoted. Most of us prefer pure stands of grass for our lawns these days. Charles Ross, farm forestry spec­ ialist at Oregon State University, in­ dicates that the leaflet, ‘‘Men Who Grow Trees,” will probably be re- ivsed in the near future. A number of Columbia county’s woodland own­ ers are pictured and quoted in the current issue. They include the late Ernest H arris of Yankton, J. C. Skeans. Rainier; Glen Hawkins, whose tree farm is at Vernonia but who now resides at Tillamook; and Bob Lidsay of Port Angeles, Wash­ ington, formerly of the E. P. Stamm Tree Farm , Vernonia. No doubt some of our tree farm ers will be included in the new issue since many are doing a good job. The development of monogerm sugarbeet seed, which eliminates the need to thin sugarbeets by hand, is well known to students of agriculture and the fanners of the sugarbeet growing areas. This seed has been a boon to the sugar beet industry which is important to most of the western states. Several varieties and hybrids of monogerm sugarbeets are now in production. Probably most Oregon­ ians don’t know that this achieve­ ment came about 60 years after the need was recognized when in 1948 one weak seed plant in Western Ore­ gon was found that had a single seed in each scedball. Plant breeders transferred this monogerm characteristic to produc­ tive sugarbeets by crossing, selec­ tion. and backcrossing. This is one of the ways research contributes to our economy. The OSU seed labora­ tory is now planning studies on ger mination problems associated with the hybrid monogerm seed. Although Western Oregon does not grow sugarbeets for processing, we (k> grow them for seed production. Acreage devoted to this crop is un­ der contract to seed companies. 1964 19t4c CIT\ tem ¡lament champions cf Women’s Bowling League were, from left, Nancy Leonard, Vi Aldrich, Margaret Berg (substitute), Florenz Huff, Ann McEntire and Nell Thomas. CHAMPIONSHIP women’s team in Women's League play, just recently completed, was Quinn's Insurance. From left, Janet Fields, Margaret Thompson, Gladys Sharar, Sharon McKee and Sharon Krieger. Lloyd Quinn in front holds team trophy. -Get Results with Eagle Classilieds- Put your idle money to work for you! Invest in Series “ H” United States Savings Bonds. A Treasury check in the mail every six months' That's Series "H ” Savings Bonds! Don’t quibble—say what you mean and mean what you say. CLASSIFIED RATES mum charge $1.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. Shirley Huss (consolation), Ann McEntire (doubles, ail events), Sharon Krieger, Sadie Miller (best im- preved bowler). Those not named as special winners a tsv e are n u m b ers of league championship team. n iw s h h i V P U B L IS H E R S A S S O C IA T IO N N A T IO N A l E D I T O It I A I A F F IL IA T E M EM B ER MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. L. A. (RED) DU BOIS of Deer Island ! f°r I COUNTY JUDGE Ambitious — Progressive — Honest I t Rt 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore EL 7-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting. Wrapping, and Curing M eat for sale, an y q u an tity . C a ttle R eceived S un d ay and M onday u n til noon. Hogs received T uesday and W ednesday u n til r.oon. Come through Ban«s. take Tillamook road »Vj mile, take first »ehhand road. ltfc ! — A Resident of Columbia Countv for 38 Years — Ex army engineer experience with all heavy ma­ chinery. gas or diesel. Longtime Democratic Com­ mitteeman. This is not to say (hat v.e will automatically be treated shabbily by our city cousins in high office. But it has always been human nature to look after your own first. If we taxpayers don’t get person­ ally active in politics, we will find our affairs com­ pletely dominated by urban-thinking individuals. We can’t afford any more part-time representa­ tion. Pd. Pol. Adv. by L. A. Du Bois Box 112. Deer Island, Oregon !