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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1964)
CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General 476. u Splits picked ^ 4 re: Bob Curl 3-10, A1 Schalock 2-5-7, Ed Ade 3-10, Joe Magoff 5-7, Zeke Lemaick 3-10, Jim Fiske 5-10 FOR RENT FOR SALE: Lange trash burner, white enamel, good condition. J25. Call HAzel 9-3205 18t3c Calves for sale. Albert Stager, Tim ber Route. Phone HAzel 9-3867 _____________________________ 18tlc FOR RENT: Small two-bedroom house. Has garage and fenced yard. References required HAzel 9-6084 17t3 MEN'S LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES AND HIGHLIGHTS By Gordon Reed By Edwin Ade, Sec. Top ten Bob Curl, 170, Ted Boden. ham er 164, Zeke 157, Ade 157, Bill Smejkal 156, Tracy Hanson 155, Ralph Sturdevant 148, Jim Fiske 148, Hilding Berg 146. Don Jackson 144 w L Brunsman Hardware 36 32 St. Helens Ice 35 33 Deans Market 33 35 Ralph’s Chevron Service 32 36 There wasn’t any change in the standings for Thursday as Crowr, Zellerbach won over Bob’s Union Service 3 to 1 and Vernonia Milk and the Lions Club split 2 and 2. Rolling for Crown Z, Joe Magoff had 528, Dick Johnson 505 and Ed Slowik an even 500 while Don Holsey had 475 for Bob’s Union Service. Charley Hickman was high for the Lions with 490 and Doc Hobart high for Vernonia Milk with 473. Ed Slow ik had a nice 219 game. Splits picked: Joe Magoff 5-10 & 2- 7, Dick Johnson 5-7, Don Holsey 5- 7, Homer Fuller 4-7-9, Henry Ander- egg 5-10, Bob Curl 5-10, Charley Hickman 6-8-10, Doc Hobart 3-10, Jim Bliss 5-6, Bill Vealey 3-10. Top ten: Dick Johnson 174, Bob Curl 167, Joe Magoff 166, Ben Fowl er 165, Homer Fuller 164, Ed Slowik 164, Doc Hobart 156, Ed Ade, Charley- Hickman and Tracy Hanson 155. Oernonia Eagte 6 THURSDAY. APRIL 30, 1964 Curl had 521 and Tracy Hanson 506 for Deans. Dick Elliott picked the 5-10 split and A1 Schalock the 4-5. Saturday Crown Z swamped the Lions Club 2687 to 2440. Ed Slowik had 545 and Dick Johnson 538 for Crown. Charley Hickman almost had a 160 triplicate but he got one pin too many on the last game Splits picked were. Ade 3-10, Han son 5-7, Slowik 57 4 510. Magoff 3-10. Sunday Crow-n Z edged Deans for the championship 2687 to 2643. Ma goff had 571, Slowik 514 and Fuller 504 for Crown and Magoff had a 208 game. Curl had 534 for Deans. Splits picked were: Curl 3-10 twice, Magoff 510, Ben Fowler 5 10. The final top ten for the league are. Dick Johnson 174, Bob Curl 170, Joe Magoff 166. Ben Fowler 165, Ted Bodenhamer 164, Homer Fuller 164, Ed Slowik 164, Zeke Lemaick 157, Ed Ade 157, Doc Hobart 156, Bill Smejkal 156. Remember the meeting on Thursday, April 30 at 8:00 p.m. The last Oregon Public Links Well, the season cam e to an end Sweepstakes was held at Rose City last week and St. Helens Ice came Golf club April 19. Eight Vernonia FOR SALE: Four new Firestone Riverview Cabins Men’s Golf club members participat out with a little glory as they buried tires, 7.60x15, cheap; 1956 Pontiac the league leaders, Brunsman Hard ed in this event. None of the scores HA 93344 body and chassis, standard trans ware by taking all 4 points. I had turned in by our members were in 16tfc mission, conversion unit, new clutch, a 540 series with a 208 game and a qualifying bracket. However, most excellent condition. Also, 1937 Buick CHERRY TREE A pts. C om plete Zeke had 484 to lead St. Helens Ice. of us enjoyed the outing and play Call HAzel 9-6469. I7t3c ly furnished except bedding, d ish Of course Dick Elliott with his 98 ing on a different course 'in compe gam e helped a little. Low score hon es. R en t includes all utilities, heat, tition' than our own. WIIJ, TRADE real antique type lights, w ater. P riv a te bath, k it ors went to Myron Haines, though writer, nearly 100 years old, for test Most of our members commented as he had a 97 game. chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel Roto-tiller or automatic washer of 95042. H. J. “Hill” Edison, Mgr. on the unsightly appearance of the Skidding Jce Magoff had a rous fer. No junk. HAzel 9-3951. 17t3c golf course from a standpoint of ing 407 for Brunsman Hardware. 14tfc trash in evidence wherever one FOR SALE: Two-wheel trailer, new Deans Market te a t Ralph’s Chevron looked. Broken beer bottles were all tire, tube; two good chairs, rocker Service 3 to 1 to capture 3rd place, over the course, along with paper and arm. Call HAzel 9-6374. J. O. so I guess you know who wound up cups, empty cigarette packages, gum SE PT IC TA N K service. Pum ping LaEontaine, 1025 Clatsop St. 16t3 in the cellar. Hilding Berg had 473 and repair. G. A. Russell, Colum bia wrappers and hundreds of these new for the losers and for Deans Market, MILL WOOD AND PLANERS, Lim City, Oregon. Phone St. H elens plastic cigar tips. In a small defense Bob Curl had 504 and Geo. Shaw ited time only. Order now for im 397-0650 daytim e; 397-0074 after of the golfers I would have to say mediate delivery. Also sawdust. Car 5:00 p . m , ____________ 46tfc the writer did not see one trash can in evidence on the golf course. nation Fuel Company, ELgin 7-6821. Divots which had not teen replaced Forest Grove. stfc F R E E L IF E INSURANCE on your savings deposit with Vernonia Credit were seen pretty much everywhere MARR & STAFFORD SINGER SALES and SERVICE. Union. 864 State Avenue, Vernonia on the course. Many golfers playing Repairs all makes. F re e estim ates. MEAT CO. _________ 17tfc in the OPLGA Sweeps were noted Vernonia V ariety, HAzel 9-5384. Rt. 2, Box 379, F o rest G rove, Ore. putting their divots back after m ak Placings other than firsts for the S inger Sew ing C enter, 343 E. Main EL 7-7281 ing that fine golf shot. two track meets held this past week St., Hillsboro, O regon. 27tfc Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, The next OPLGA Sweeps is at are as follows: W L PROCESSING PLANT and Curing Broadmoor Golf club in Portland. f RESH FLOW ERS for any occa Joe Curl, second in mile; Steve Crown Zellerbach 454 224 M eat fo r sale, a n y q u an tity . State Inspected The spring handicap of the Ver Minger, second in low hurdles: Mark Lions Club sion. Flow ers w ired anyw here. 364 314 C attle Received S u n d ay and CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING nonia Men’s Golf association was Bob’s Union Service Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384, 15tfc 29 M onday u n til noon. 39 Medges, second in pole vault, third Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday played Sunday, April 26. The follow in shot put and fourth in 100 yard Vernonia Miße Hogs received T u esd ay and 25 43 FLOW ERS TH A T PLEA SE. F in Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon ing were the prize winners in the W ednesday u n til noon. --------------- league piayons dash: Terry Smith, third in high Come through Banks, take est in flow ers for all occasions. Cutting and Wrapping different events held: Low net, Gor hurdles; Jerry Hanson, third in for the championship are as follows: Tillamook roed />/» mile, Plants, bouquets. Flora! pieces Sharp Freezing don Reed; second low net, tied by broad jump and tied with Dick Friday Deans Market te a t Bruns- take first iefzhand road. for funerals. F low ers speeded by Smoking and Curing Doc Hobart and Jcey Acaiturri; Christensen for third in 880; fourth man Hardware 2054 to 1978 as Bob ltfc long distance or w ired anyw here. Free use of Stock Trailer third low net, Otis Maddox and places: T. Larson, high and low Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. Shop Res. fourth low net, Bill Horn; KP on No. hurdles; M. Medges, 100 yard dash: EL 7 3922 EL 7-2981 _________ ltfc 13, Joey Acaiturri: third te s t shot on Duane Justice, shat put; J. Belling Rt. 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. No. 17, Jim Davies; least putts on ham and Brunsman tied for mile: R. On Fern Hill Road No. 12, tied by Doc Hobart and Gor Kyser, discus: J. Hays, high jump don Reed. ltfc and broad jump; R. Medges, pole FOR SALE. Approx. 4 acres. Some Even though the weather did not vault. cedar, some fir on it. Three miles CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county cooperate too well, it was warm April 28, with Concordia: Seconds, from town. Good roads. W. N. Wood, surveyor, C ourt House, St. Helens and everyone seemed to enjoy the J. Bellingham, high jump: T. Smith, Keasey Rt., Vernonia. 17t3 Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- competitive spirit of the game. high hurdles; Joe Curl, mile; Bob 0698. Private surveying, engineer There were also a few golf balks Shafer, 440; Steve Minger, low hur FOR SALE: Three-rm house and DEMOCRAT 24tfc won on a drawing in the club house. dles: M. Medges, shot put and pole hath, good garage, work shop. New ing w ork. Tuesday night, we understand will vault; D. Justice, discus; J. Hanson, roof. Highway 47, Riverview. First Your Columbia County be the first m en’s club play night 880; Warren Kyser, two mile. $1500 takes it. Mrs. M. Holmbcrg, and will feature a low net using full DISTRICT ATTORNEY HAzel 9-3392. )6t3c Thirds: T. Larson, high jump and WANTED: An old fashioned wagon handicap for nine holes of golf. high hurdles; J. Hanson, broad Experienced & Qualified spring seat, also neck yoke and even- FARMS AND Next week we hope to make an jump: Dick Christensen, 440 and 880: er and set of single trees & evener. announcement that will please all of D W ELLIN G S LISTED Pl). Pol. Advt. by Agnes Thompson D. Justice, shot put; R. Shafer, 220; Petersen, Call Scappoose, 543-6926. I7t3c our mem bers as well as all golfers REEHER REALTY Veazie-G ray Bldg., St. Helens, Oregon R. Medges. discus and tie with Ce 2007 21st, F orest Grove. who play golf at the Vernonia club. ballos for pale vault; Bob Wood, See Bill Horn, V ernonia May 1 will be tomorrow, when our javelin and Dave Larson, two mile. P hone HA 9 6203 annual paid up green fees dues are Hranch Bank Building. due for 1964-65. At that time the reg F>r rent: Furnished two-bdrm home, ular green fees for Saturday, Sun complete with laundry. $60 |x»r day and holidays will go up to $2.25 mo Delivered to American Timber and for 18 holes. Vernonia will still have Trading Co. near North Plains, Ore. one of the lowest green fee rates in For rent furnished three-bdrm home Call 331-2311. 1514c the state. Did you know? Rule 23-2 Cleaning For Sale I hree acres on Nehalem •SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FARM ball. A ball may be cleaned when River. Must have water. Prefer bldgs, place lifted on the putting green under for horses, cattle. Call St. Helens Rule 35-ld or when lifted from a I* im Sale: Iwo-lxlrni house, electric 397-1224, b.k.r. 3 5tfc water hazard, an unplayable, casual heal $2700, terms. water, ground under repair or. und er Rule 32: otherwise, during the For rent: Large two Ixlnn, near play of a hole a player may not schools, electric heat, MY SINCERE appreciation is ex clean a ball, except to the extent There's something special about a boy's AU over America today, officials and tended to the many friends who ex necessary for identification or if LISTINGS WANTED first pay check . , . when it’s earned at home. members of rural electric systems are work And whether it’s a new silica sand plant pressed sympathy in cards, flowers permitted by local rule ing hard with local businessmen and civic in Elizabeth, Indiana . . . a lumber mill in and o tte r kindnesses at the time leaders to help develop new industry in our Penalty for breach of rule match Trout Creek, Montana . . . or a carpet man i"U i rommunities. They are providing the of my sister's death. Your thought play - loss of hole; stroke play two ufacturer in Anadarko, Oklahoma . . . the leadership and management know how that whole nation benefits when new industry fulness has meant a great deal to strokes. has come from nearly 30 years of success brings payrolls to rural America. fully working together to help themselves me at this time. VERNONIA BRANCH Thanks to America’s rural electrics — and their neighbors . . . of getting the job cooperatives and other consumer-owned Mrs. Gladys Worthington 756 Bridge St. Phone HA 9 5211 done because it needs to be done. electric systems — new industry is develop When the rural electrics started, few of Two Ixlrm Imine in Riverview, $2650. ___________________ 1811 ing in the countryside. This business growth the nation s farms and rural communities NOTICE OF BIDS Low down payment. cheeks the economic erosion that threatens had electricity. Existing utilities could see M\ SINCERE thanks is extended our rural communities. It provides home The Board of Education. School no profit in stringing a mile of power line town jobs for home-town people. to the many thoughtful neighbors to serve two or three customers. So the District No. 47J, Columbia County, loo x 150 com er lot - 3 Ixlnn home, This increased purchasing power in rural and friends for their cards, calls, people created their own organizations, and Vernonia. Oregon, will open sealed America also means more jobs in manufac furnace, some finishing Beautiful ^¡ l j • • e 'd p of Rural Electrification other kindnesses and helpful deeds bids at 8:00 o’clock, Thursday, May turing, transportation and service trades all view. $6250. Administration loans, served themselves. across the country. And everybody benefits. during my illness and long recuper Today, with rural power needs doubling 14. 1964, at the high schcol. for the every seven years. REA loans continue to ation. They have all hel(xxl more purchase of the following: Four Ixlnn house, two lots, down help these rural electrics serve the growing than words can express. Thanks to needs of their communities. And everybody A Light fuel oil - PS 300 - for town Yixi fix. $2000. terms. benefits. ' each of you. high school ami Washington grade America’s consumer-owned rural electrics Art KJttleson school boilers. Each school has 8,000 are made up of nearly 20,000,000 citizens, Building sites, $350 and up. 18t 1 gal. tank Annual use of each school participating actively in their churches, LISTINGS WANTED schools, fraternal organizations and their is approximately 25.000 gallons, for local, state and national government. They know the whole nation benefits when rural total annual usage of approximately America nrosDtrs. 50.000 gallons. NOTICE OF HUIMIKT MEETING B. Stove oil - for Mist grade school. ALCOHOLIC Anonymous meetings, Notice is hereby given that a meet 8:30 I’ M Wednesday, 286 S lttth ing of the budget committee of the School has 700 gallon capacity tank Annual usage of approximately 1.500 Street, corner of t«th and Tualatin, City of Vernonia will lx1 held at the gallons. St Helens, Oregon Old church City Hall in Vernonia, Oregon, May building across from the La C. Comm standard No. 2. PS - 21» I. 1964, at 7 30 P.M., to receive the 'furnace oil' for Lincoln grade bor Temple All letters confidential. budget message and the budget docu school. School has 1,760 gallon ca Ph«M,e 3117-2886 Evenings or Rainier ment relating to the prepared budget pacity tank Annual usage of approx area phone 6 3181 days, 6 8111 even- for the fiscal year beginning July 1, imately 5.DD0 gallons. ‘¿ W __________________________isifc 1964. and ending June 30, 1985. Bids should be submitted separate Plus, ami all other meetings of the ly Tlie Board of Education reserves budget committee are public m eet the right to reject any or all bids. ings and any person who wishes may Under no circumtsanccs will a bid THE EAGLE assumes no finan speak on tte budget, or any part of be considered if filed after the hours cial responsibility for errors fhaf 1712c specified in this announcement. may appear in ads published in '1___________ ____________ David Brunsman, Chairman its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault, will reprint Board of Education. School Dist. 47J that part of an adv. in which the MARVIN KAMIIOI.Z Mona Gordon. Clerk typographical mistake occurs. Editor and Publisher School Dist No. 47J MINIMUM charge 60c for 25 Official Newspaper of words or less. Words over min ____________ _______________ I7t2c Vernonia, Oregon imum, 3c each. Three insertions Applications are invited for the po Entered as second class mail m at for the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ter. August 4. 1922 at the post office sition of Attendant ami Life Guard ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED in Vernonia, Oregon under the act at the Vernonia swimming pool for AFTER TUESDAY N O O N el March 3. 1879 Subscription price the 1964 summer season. June EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S $3 00 yearly in tte Nehalem Valley. through August. Experience and qualifications should be listed in the Elsewhere $3.50 PAPER applications which shouki be submit NO information on classifieds will ted by May 4 for consideration at N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L be given out until after paper Vernonia. Oregon the regular Council meeting on that is mailed. A SELF-LIQUIDATING. SELF MANAGED, TAX-PAYING evening Monthly salary is set by COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE Read the classifieds — it pays! city ordinance at $250 iTtfr Nice Cabins for rent SERVICES Platings for Meets Listed Haberman's Meat E LE C T FOR SALE Real Estate Agnes Thompson Petersen WANTED WANTED Barkie Douglas Fir Poles and Piling Everybody benefits - When Rural Electrics CARD OF THANKS f Generate New Industry Columbia River Real Estate LEGAL NOTICE PERSONAL LEGAL NOTICE CLASSIFIED RATES Oernonia £ag(e W EST O R EG O N ELECTRIC CO-OP,INt ^ L L a # (6, i 4 w