CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General FOR RENT Columbia Riders Saddle Club Open Consignment HORSE SALE FOR RENT: Small two-bedroom house. Has garage and fenced yard. References required. HAzel 9-6084. 17t3 Ocrnonia Eagic LEGAL NOTICE 6 Notice of School Election Upon Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by Section II, Article XI, State Constitution Notice is hereby giver* that an election will be held in School Dis­ trict No. 47J of Columbia County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on May 4, 1964, at Vernonia and Mist in said school district, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year 1964-1965 over the amount limited by section 11, article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reasons for increasing such levy are: To provide a sufficient amount for the operation of schools. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6'? limitation, proposed to be levied for said fiscal y ear is $152,661.00. Dated this 9th day of April, 1964 Mona M. Gordon District Clerk David F. Brunsman Cchairman Board of Diretcors 16t2c THURSDAY. APRIL 23, 1964 Scores Listed For Trackmen Scoring by Logger trackm en in the track meets they have won from Banks, Neah-Kah-Nie and Corbett Nice Cabins are: for rent Banks meet: Jerry Hays, first in Riverview Cabins high jump, second, javelin, third, I7tle HA 9-3344 broad jump: D. Steele, first in broad jump, 100 yard dash, low hurdles, FOR SALE: Four new Firestone javelin: T. Smith, first in high hur­ tires, 7.60x15, cheap; 1956 Pontiac CHERRY TREE A pts. C om plete­ dles, second in 220; R. Andrus, tied Ixxly and chassis, standard trans ly furnished except bedding, dish- for first in mile ;M, Medges, first mission, conversion unit, new clutch, e . R ent includes all utilities, heat, in shot put, second in pole vault: J. excellent condition. Also, 1937 Buiek lights, w ater. P riv a te bath, k it­ Hanson, first in pole vault and 880, Call HAzel 9-6469. I7t3c chenettes. 830 Second St. HAzel second in broad jump; Fred Smith WILL TRADE real antique type­ 9-5042. II. J. “Hill” Edison, Mgr. and Dave Larson, tied for second in 14tfc writer, nearly 100 years old, for best high jump; Terry Larson, second in Roto-tiller or automatic washer of­ high hurdles: D. Justice, second in fer. No junk. HAzel 9-3951. 17t3c shot put and discus; Joe Curl, sec­ ond in 880 and third in mile: Dave FOR SALE: Two-wheel trailer, new S EPT IC TA N K service. Pum ping Larson, third in 440; Roger Medges, tire, tube; two good chairs, rocker and repair. G. A. Russell, Colum bia THIS 36th Engineers team, of which Larry Akers, No. 12, was a member, third in pole vault and discus; S. and arm. Call HAzel 9-6374. J. O. City, Oregon. Phone St. H elens was undefeated in 13 games in 1964 K-Post company play at the US army Minger, third in low hurdles and B. LaFontaine, 1025 Clatsop St. 1613 397-0650 d aytim e; 397-0074 after general depot at Kaiserslautern, Germany. Akers has now returned home. Wood third in javelin. 5:00 p.m,________________ 46tfc NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION IN FOR SALE: Large dresser and chest In the meet with Neah-Kah-Nie, the other business and dish out the loot. of drawers, $25. Deep-well pump. FREE LIFE INSURANCE on your THE INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION following Vernonia boys tallied All money unclaimed will go into Cull HAzel 9-5733 15t3c savings deposit with Vernonia Credit DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, firsts; T. Smith, high hurdles; Dan the secretary trust fund for some­ Union. 864 State Avenue, Vernonia. OREGON, UPON QUESTION OF IN­ Steele, broad jump, low hurdles, and FOR SALE: 22 caliber automatic thing or other, mostly other. Oh, CREASING TAX LEVY OVER javelin; Mark Medges, shot put; An­ 17tfc rifle, uses long shells. Used very lit­ well, you know what I mean. I AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION drus, mile and 880: J. Hanson, pole tle. Gun and half box shells, $26.50. want you to come and get your 11, ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTI­ vault; Joe Curl, two-mile: Seconds dough! Also, 30-30 rifle, lx)lt action, $35. Call TUTION were tallied by T. Larson in high HAzel 9-3444. I5t3 P R O C E S S IN G P L A N T Notice is hereby given that an hurdles; J. Hays, high jump; Steele, BOWLING SCORES AND Slate Inspected election will be held in the Intermed­ 100; Minger, low hurdles; J. Han­ HIGHLIGHTS FOR SALE: Large size chrome ta ­ CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING iate Education District of Columbia son, 880; Mark and Roger Medges, ble, six chairs, good condition; 24” By Edwin Ade, Sec. girl’s bike; one Ironrite, excellent Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 tied pole vault; W. Kyser, two-mile; W L p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Daylight Savings and thirds went to J. Hanson, broad condition Call HAzel 9-3252. 15t3c Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon We finally have a winner for the West Oregon 30 26 Time, on May 4, 1964. The election jump: D. Justice, shot put; J. Curl, second half in the Wednesday league. Vernonia Clinic Cutting and Wrapping 30 26 MILL WOOD AND PLANERS, Lim­ will be held in each component school mile; T. Larson, low hurdles; Shafer, Brunsman Hardware took 4 points Standard Oil Sharp Freezing 30 26 ited tim e only. Order now for im­ district at th polling places designat­ 440; Hartzell, discus; Dave Larson, from Deans Market and that puts Quinn’s Insurance Smoking and Curing 22 34 mediate delivery. Also sawdust. Car­ ed as follows: two-mile. Free use of Slock Trailer them 5 points in the lead with one Ann McEntire. high game, 183, and nation Fuel Company, ELgin 7-6821. All the elementary schools in the Shop Res. With Corbett, Vernonia boys tallied week to go. Joe Magoff had a 513, high series, 530. Forest Grove. 8tfc EL 7-3922 county and in the regular polling as follows: Firsts —J. Hays, high rolling for Brunsman Hardware. EL 7-2981 Splits picked up: Sharon McKee places in St. Helens and Vernonia jump; R. Medges, discus; Jerry- SIN G ER SA LES and SERVICE. Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. Ralph’s Chevron Service won over 4-5, Nancy Leonard 3-10, Vi Feth- The purpose of the election is to Hanson, pole vault; Steele, 100, broad On Fern Hill Road Repairs all m akes. F ree estim ates. St. Helens Ice 3 to 1 and are in a erston 4-5, Silvia Wolff 5-6-10, Joyce submit to the legal voters of the jump and javelin; Joe Curl, mile and ltfc V ernonia V ariety, HAzel 9-5384. tie with them for second place. Ted Johnson 3-10, Shirley Huss 2-7, Ann intermediate education district the two-mile; Shafer, 440. Second —H art­ S inger Sew ing C enter, 343 E. Main Bodenhamer had a very good 563 McEntire 3-10. St., Hillsboro, Oregon. 27tfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county question of increasing the tax levy zell; discus; Mark Medges, pole series with a 222 game and Hilding Tournament results—doubles: Ann for the fiscal year beginning July 1, vault and shot put; J. Hanson, broad surveyor, C ourt House, St. H elens Berg had a 509 for Ralph’s Chevron. McEntire and Vi Aldrich 1016; sing, FRESH FLO W ERS for any occa­ Phone office, 397-0698; home, 397- 1964, over the amount limited by jump and 880; Jim Bellingham, mile; They also had a good 2278 series. les: Vi Fetherston, 517; all events: sion, Flow ers w ired anyw here. 0696. Private surveying, engineer­ Section 11, Article XI of the Consti­ Steele, low hurdles; W. Kyser, two- Zeke Lemaick had a 519 for St. Hel­ Ann McEntire 1370; team: West Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384. 15tfc ing w ork. mile; J. Hays, javelin. Third — T. ens Ice. 24tfc tution. Oregon 2451. The reason for increasing such tax Smith, high hurdles and 220; D. Lar­ FLOW ERS T H A T PLEA SE. F in ­ Splits picked were: Geo. Shaw 2-7, levy is: son, high jump and two-mile; Steele Read the classifieds — it pays! est in flow ers for all occasions. To supply the amount necessary discus; R. Medges, pole vault; M. Jon Carter 3-7-10, Zeke 4-5, Ralph Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces Sturdevant 3-6-8-10 and Ed Ade 3-6- to provide the County Equalization Medges, 100; A. Bntnsman, mile: D. ALCOHOLIC Anonymous meetings, 7-10. for funerals. Flow ers speeded by DR, R. V. LANCE Justice, shot put. 8:30 P.M. Wednesday, 286 S. 18th Fund. long distance or w ired anyw here. Top Ten: Bob CurJ 170, Ted Bo­ Budget County Office $ 36,090.00 OPTOMETRIST Street, corner of 18th and Tualatin, Mrs. Lloyd Thom as, HAzel 9-6611, St. Helens, Oregon Old church County Equalization The fellow with the so-called m ag­ denhamer 165, Zeke 157, Bill Smejk- Wed., 10 A.M.— 5 P.M. ______________________________ ltfc building Fund 807,549.09 netic personality sometimes gets his al 157, Ed Ade 156, Tracy Hanson across from the La­ Phone HA 9-5211 or 155, Ralph Sturdevant 149, Jim bor Temple. All letters confidential. Amount Necessary to poles switched. Hillsboro MI 8-1821 Fiske 148, Hilding Berg 145, Don Phone 397-2886 Evenings or Rainier Balance Budget 843,639.09 Jackson 144. area phone 6-3181 days, 6-8111 even­ Amount Inside 6% FOR SALE: Approx. 4 acres. Some W L ings. I3tfc cedar, some fir on it. Three miles Limitation 757,901.72 Brunsman Hardware 36 28 Amount Outside 6% from town. Good roads. W. N. Wood, SPECIAL SCHOOL M EETING Ralph’s Chevron Service 31 33 Keasey Rt., Vernonia. 17(3 Limitation 85,737.37 Notice is hereby given, in compli­ St. Helens Ice 31 33 The amount of tax, in excess of the 30 34 I FOR SALE: Thrce-rm house and WANTED: 26-inch bicycle. Should six percent limitation proposed to be ance with Section 331.010, ORS, to Dean’s Market Let’s see, I think last week Crown hath, good garage, work shop. New be in good condition and Reasonable. levied by the Interm ediate Education the legal voters of the Intermediate Education District of Columbia Coun­ cinched the second half cf the Thurs­ ! roof. Highway 47, Riverview. First Send replies to the Vernonia Eagle. NEHALEM VALLEY District of Columbia County, State of ty, State of Oregon, that a SPECIAL day league. Vernonia Milk edged $l:iiH) takes it. Mrs. M. Holmberg, __ ___________________________ 17tl Oregon, for the fiscal year beginning SCHOOL MEETING of said District Crown 3 to 1 as Doc Hobart had 480 HAzel 9 3392_________________ 1613c MOTOR FREIGHT WANTED. An old fashioned wagon July 1, 1964, is $85,737.37. will be held at the elementary for the Milk F arm and I think its Dattxl this 1st day of April, 1964. spring scat, also neck yoke and even- FARM S AND schools in the county and at the reg­ the first time this season that Crown er and set of single trees & evener. Ray K. Godsey ular polling places in the St. Helens didn't have at least one man 500 D W ELLIN G S LISTED County School Superintendent and (’all Scappcose, 543-6926. 17t3c REEHER REALTY and Vernonia School Districts, on or over. MARR & STAFFORD Secretary, Columbia County Inter­ the 4th day of May, 1964, at 2:00 p.m. 2007 21st, Forest Grove. The Lions Club sort of squeezed out MEAT CO. mediate Education District Board See Hill Horn, Vernoniii to 8:00 p.m. Daylight Savings Time, a victory over Bob's Union Service. 3 Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. Clarence Ellison for the following object: P hone HA 9 6203 to 1 and won second place. Bob Curl EL 7-7281 Chairman Columbia County Inter­ TO ELECT A MEMBER-AT-LARGE had a 506 for the Lions. Branch Bank Building Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, mediate Education District Board TO THE COLUMBIA COUNTY’ IN­ Splits picked: Joe Magoff 5-7. Bill and Curing ______________ _______ _______ 16t2c TERMEDIATE EDUCATION DIS­ Vealey 4-7-9, Hcmer Fuller 5-10, Gene Six city lots, small house. $2200. M eat for sale, an y q u an tity . TRICT BOARD FOR A THREE Shipmn 3-10, Tracy Hanson 3-10, Moon C a ttle R eceived S u n d ay and NOTICE OF BIDS Delivered to American Timber and Two-bedroom home in excellent con YEAR TERM M onday u n til noon. Mullins 5-7, Dick Elliott 2-7, Bob Curl The Board of Education, School Trading Co. near North Plains, Ore. Hogs receiv ed T u esd ay and dition. Electric heat, double garage Dated this 1st day of April, 1964. 3-10, three times, Ed Ade 3-6-7-10 and Call 331-2311. 15,4c District No. 47J, Columbia County, W ednesday u n til noon. Ray K. Godsey 5-7. large playroom for children, near Come through Banks, lake \ ernonia. Oregon, will oj>cn .scaled schools. County School Superintendent and Top te n : Dick Johnson 174, Bob Curl Tillamook roed