TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Don llanson and Rummage sale, April 30, May 1 & 2, fire hall. CWF. 17t2c Mr.and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen arriv­ Mrs. Bruce McDonald visited the Shop, (hen stop at City Cafe for a snack or a meal. 14t5c Mrs. Guy Thomas returned home Friday evening from a two weeks visit in Whittier, California at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Rawie. She drove down to take home Mrs. Rawie who had been in Oregon to make the acquaintance of her first grandchild. Another lady was traveling south with them and planned to return with Mrs. Thomas but enroute to Whittier she received a mesage that her fa­ ther had passed away so she had to return home. Mrs. Thomas made the drive home alone. NEW STOCK at Fabrics 'N Fash­ ions - stretch jeans - pastel colors;* short shorts and jamaicas; new yard­ age - sport and formals. I7tlc Mrs. John Siedelinan and daughter Rose Marie were at Click's Arena THE PEOPLE SPEAK - - - • The following was contributed by Ralph Bergerson.i "Open 1x4ter to a Teen-Ager” by L. D. Harris, police chief, Prince William County, Va. "Always we hear the plaintive cry of teen-agers: What can we do?? Where can we go?? The answer is— go home—hang the screens—paint the woodwork—rake the leaves—mow the lawn—shovel the walk—wash the car — learn to cook — scrub some floors—repair the sink—build a boat —get a job—help the minister, priest or rabbi, the Red Cross or the Sal­ vation Army—visit the sick—assist the poor—study your lessons — and then when you are through—and not tired—read a good book Your parents do not owe your en­ tertainment. Your city doesn't owe you recreational facilities. The world does not owe you a living. You owe he world something^ You owe your time and energy and talents so that no one will lx1 at war or in poverty, or sick or lonely again. In plain simple words—grow u p - get out of your dream world—quit being a crybaby—start acting like a man or lady!" Demonia £ag(¿ THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1964 ed home Thursday from Arizona where they had vacationed for the past two months. Mrs. Mary Aldrich became a resi­ dent of the St. Marys of the Valley nursing home near Beaverton April 11 so that she could have special care. Her daughter, Mrs. Walter Ve- brees of Roseburg was here that week end to assist with getting her settled there. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aldrich visited her Sunday and found her very happy in her new surround­ ings. Give the wife a break. Take her her out to dinner at City Cafe. 1514c Mrs. Ruth Hartman whose home is now in Oklahoma arrived here April 9 for a visit with former neighbors and friends. She is a house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Al­ drich. Enroute here she had visited in California with her son and fami­ ly- Happy Cooks 4-H bake sale at Deans Market Sat., April 25, 1:00 pm . I7tl Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson and family were in Portland Sunday eve­ ning to attend the garden show at the Memorial Coliseum. Another group from Vernonia that spent Sun­ day afternoon there included Mrs. Launee Cousins, Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Mrs. Mathilde Bergersori, Mrs. Faye Davis and Mrs. Lesta Gamer. Rummage sale, April 30, May 1 & 2, fire hall. CWF. I7t2c Robert Spencer took Oscar Weed, Walter Parker and Robert S. Lindsay to Portland with him Saturday to visit his brother, Omar Spencer who was observing his 83rd birthday. He and all four of his guests had been early residents of the Vernonia area and had been friends since childhood. WEEK END SPECIAL at Fabrics ’N Fashions. FREE hankie for Mom with each $3.00 purchase. 17tlc Mr. and Mrs. Art Gardner have news from their son Lloyd who is stationed at the Ft. Rucker army base that he has recently been pro­ moted from captain to major. A guest last week from Wednesday to Sunday at the Art Gardner home was their grandson, Mike Beugli of Portland who stayed here while his attewled a convention Th came after hjm Sunday > Sunday. Formáis for the proni made to or­ der at Fabrics ’N Fashions. 17tlc Mr. ami Mrs. Don Webb and chil­ dren drove to Bond Saturday to spend the week end with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb. Take your coffee break at City Cafe. His,, Mrs. Larry .Sutton has word that her mother, Mrs. Marie Frazee, was able to return to work at Tektronix lhis wx>k. she was Everything Must Go! Drastic Reductions! Many Items Half Price! days last week for treatment of complications which followed an at­ tack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rainwater were visited by all of their children and family members Sunday who came especially to see Mrs Rain­ water who still is critically ill. Those here included Mr and Mrs. Virgil Rainwater of Hillsboro and their son Bob who was home from Alaska. Mr, and Mrs Don Jackson and children from Buxton. Mr. and Mrs Jack Bergerson and boys of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs Ellis Rainwater of Sweet Home Mrs. El­ lis Rainwater has been here caring for her mother-in-law since she came home from the hospital and she re­ mained here Mrs. II. O. Hansen will enter the University of Oregon medical school hospital April 2»! for eye surgery on April 28. While there she will also have a complete physical check up. Mrs. Stanley EnevoMsen and daughter Deborah Lyn came home last Thursday evening from the Tu- alily hospital. BARGAINS GALORE Rummage sale. April 30. May 1 & 2. fir«* hall. CWF. I7t2c BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a Week Vernonia. Oregon o i / T h v a lr v FrL, Snf. April 24-25 GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS Elvis Presley COM PLETE C LO SEO U T POLLY HUDSON ! At Mile Bridge Riverview ! L___------------_-------- _ --- _---- J Mrs. la rry Garner entertained guests Saturday afternoon in oh -wvance of the second birthday of her son. Karl Guests included Mrs TR A N S IT M IX CONCRETE MASON SAND — ROAD GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK CHARLES T. PARKER CONSTRUCTION CO, P.O. Box 7588 5457 N.E. Columbia B ird. P O R TLA N D 20. OREGON Phone 543-2336 GOOD|FOOOiCOSlS{lESS|HERE at Warren recently for the try-outs for the rodeo queen's court which will preside at the county fair. children were visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Vivian Counts, Tuesday evening. past two weeks in Portland with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers. Saturday evening, they took her with them to Cannon Beach and returned her to her home here Sunday while they were enroute back to Portland. DATES io Remember Scappoose. Ore. ¡ S O IL IN PA PER N A PK IN S 3 /2 5 Asstd. Colors Pkg. of 60... STOKELY B E A N S ...3 0 3 Tins SH E L L IE BEANS CUT G R EEN BEANS DRY SH ELLED BEANS 3:59* f, NABOB— Fam ous Canadian Blend : BLACK TEA Î X 2 /8 9 Ci Hume in Syrup No. 2 ‘i Cans FANCY Y A M S 2 /4 9 c Fireside Choc. SWEETIE PIES Pkg. of 12 Pies 2 /8 5 c Chicken Noodle LYNDEN Dinner— No. 2 'i Cans 2 /9 8 c TA STEW ELL 8-oz. Cans ' 49^ TO M A TO SC - 6 for —— — — — —— —---— ____ ___________ «____ I Nucoa 1-Lb. Pkgs. M A R G A R IN E 2 /4 9 c Centennial Small RED BEANS > Pl, 25c Bonneville Mixed SWEET PICKLES 24-oz. J a r ..... 39c SH U R FIN E EVAP. Tall Cans H 95* M IL K .............. 8 for New! Del Monte lfi-oz. Can FRUIT SALAD SUGAR WAFERS CALIROSE PEACHES 3 /$ l Sunshine 13M-OZ. Pkg. 2 /6 9 c No. 2'/i Cans E lberta Freestone In Light Syrup MACARONI "" BANANAS » Z .» MACARONI & CH EESE DINNER pa , 65 c 2 Lbs. 29c ÖJEB 20-oz. Dinner ....3 for *i00 Frozen Large Fancy Heads LETTUCE TATER TOTS 10c 4 /$ l Each Ore-Ida Frozen Idaho— Lb. Pkg. THURSDAY, .APRIL 23 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge-IOOF hall 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Vernonia Gem and Fossil Club - West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. Spring Concert - high school -7:45 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 START OF DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - TURN CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR MONDAY, APRIL 27 Nehalem Asesmbly, Rainbow Girls- Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce board - West Oregon Bldg. - 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Vegetable Garden Workshop, phase 2 - West Oregon Bldg. - 7:00 p.m. Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood-home of Mrs. Evelyn Heath-8:00 p.m. Initiation. Vernonia Ridge Riders Saddle club- Fire hall — 8:00 p.m. Call These For P aper Pick-up ... 'J* MISS GRACE ELLIOTT, one of Ore­ gon's International Farm Youth E x­ change delegates that spent six months in Australia. IFYE D elegate To Tour Area It’s big! That is the easiest way to describe my first Australian state, Western Australia, says Grace El­ Persons with newspapers to do­ liott, one of Oregon’s International nate to the Lions club paper drive Farm Youth Exchange delegates who are asked to call the chairman in the recently returned from the land area in which they live to have pa­ "down under.” It is nearly one mil­ pers picked up. Joey Acaiturri, presi­ lion square miles which means that dent of the club, asks that these num­ our two largest states of Texas and bers be used and states that calls Alaska plus Oregon and Washington should no longer be directed to him. state would fit into it, according to That was only until zone chairmen Miss Elliott. The population, how­ were named. ever, doesn't match the size since Zones and chairmen to be called there are approximately 740.000 peo­ are as follows: ple. This would be almost twice the Zone 1, west of Rose avenue and population of Portland. south of Bridge street, B. J. Horn, Miss Elliott returned in March af­ HAzel 9-6208; zone 2, west of Rose ter spending nearly six months in avenue and north of Bridge street, Australia as an IFYE (International Bill Rundle, HAzel 9-3782; zone 3, Farm Y’outh Exchange) delegate south of Bridge street from Rose from Oregon. She is scheduled to avenue to Rock Creek, Tracy Han­ tour Columbia county where she will son, HAzel 9-6262; zone 4, north of be speaking to many interested Bridge street from Rose avenue to groups. Rock Creek, Darrold Proehl, HAzel Illustrating her talks with colored 9-3403; zone 5, Rock Creek to State slides, she will relate many of the avenue, Harold McEntire, HAzel 9- interesting experiences from living 6241; zone 6, State avenue to foot of and working with farm families from hill, Horace Hertel, HAzel 9-6633; the land of down under. This is a zone 7, OA Hill, Dave Knowlton, HA­ chance for others to broaden their zel 9-3334: zone 8, Riverview, Don knowledge and gain a better under­ Jackson. HAzel 9-3621. standing of a country that many may Only newspapers are acceptable never see. and these should be laid straight and Miss Elliott will begin sharing her tied with heavy cord. The drive will be a continuous thing so papers will experiences with Columbia county be wanted from now on and may be residents May 7. At 9:00 a.m. she contributed whenever a bundle is will be at McBride grade school in ready. For those who wish to deliver St. Helens, 10:00 to 12:00 the St. Hel­ them, a receptacle has been placed ens junior high, and noon the St. near the Spofford Flower Shop on the Helens Kiwanis. In the afternoon, 2:00 p.m., she will be at the Scap­ side toward Deans Market. poose grade school. She will be at Yankton PTA at 7:30 and the Elks club at 9.00 p.m. Friday, May 8 at 9:00 a.m., she will speak to the Rainier grade school, 12:30 p.m. the Clatskanie Funeral services were held Mon­ grade school, and 2:40 the Washing­ day morning at Caldwell’s Colonial ton school in Vernonia. Anyone wish Mortuary in Portland for a former ing to share her experiences ano Vernonia resident, Mrs. Doris Vos­ see many of her wonderful colored nick who was the aunt of Mrs. Mar­ slides may visit any one of the garet Davies. Information received schools where she is scheduled to by Mrs. Davies was that she had speak. The public is cordially invited. failed to awaken last Thursday morn­ ing and death was attributed to a People will have more respect fo heart failure. She is survived by her husband. the law only when the lawmaker George F. Vosnik; a daughter, Mrs. command more respect. Barbara Ann Ott; two sons, George Harold and Eugene Gordon Vosnik: two brothers, Harold Akerstedt and Clarence Gordon and three grand­ children, Leanne. Vickie and Eugene Vosnick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Davies and Open Mon. th ru Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen were 5 am. to 7 p.m. in Portland Monday for funeral ser­ vices Interment was at the Willam­ Breakfast - Lunches . Dinner ette National cemetery. Rites Held For Doris Vosnick DO RO THY'S COFFEE BREAK Choice Meats a t our BACON Thick ’ 1 Sliced ,e prices $1.09 2-I.b. I’k , Ocean FILLET of SOLE Flesh i STEW ING HENS « U 59c ..h. 29c l.h. Fountain Common sense is instinct, enough of it is genius. and Service — Closed Sunday — * HAIR SPRAY * M ISS SPRAY N E T - - - - $ 1 . 5 0 MILL MARKET and Lockers You re as close to Mill M arket as your Phone— HA 9-3492 Member of United Grocers Bv Helene C urtis—C rystal Clear H A L O — — .............. $1.48 New Salon Size— F o r ex tra hold or regular. Big Savings! Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. LANO LIN PLU S........... $ 1 .3 9 Betty Parker and sons Jeff. Vinee and Greg. Mrs D L Daughtery and children Lane and Yeiutia and Mar­ ty. Debby and Randy Murrell. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers and Mrs Laura Carmichael drove to Fall City, Washington last Saturday so that Mr and Mrs Steers couki at­ tend the annual high school reunion Mrs Carmichael spent the time vis­ iting her brother. D F. Alexander, her sister. Mrs E C. Parmele and other relatives Mr and Mrs Steers stayed overnight with an uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Prescott They also visited two brothers-in- law of Mrs Carmichael. Walter and Brook Carmichael Mrs Laura Pet­ erson of Forest Grove took care of the Vernonia Variety store while her parents were gone MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS at Fabrics 'N Fashions: dresses. sweat­ er«. Maaaea. lingerie, gloves, scarves or hankies. SAII Green Stamps. too. We wrap . You give. 1711c SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! New Imperial Size— BRITE SET.................. 98c $2.00 Size— VER N O N IA DRUG CO. "D rug C enter for th e Nehalem Valley" 929 Bridge S treet Vernonia. Oregon