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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1964)
Quick Action Prevents Destruction By Fire Visitors Noted NOTICE OF SCHOOL BUDGET HEARING At Hanson Home NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of Vernonia School District No. 47J. of Columbia County. State of Oregon, will be held at Vernonia High School on the 7th day of April, 1964 at 8:00 P.M o’clock for the purpose of discussing with interested persons the budget for the fiscal year begin MIST—V isitors at the Charles Han ning Ju ly 1, 1964 and ending June 30, 1965, hereinafter set forth. son home Saturday were Mr. and The budget was prepared on a basis of account ng consistent with that used in the preceding year. Mrs. Robert Roeser and Robby and Major accounting changes, if any, and their effect on the budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. Janey from Astoria. Sudnay visitors A copy of the budget document is available for inspection at Vernonia High School between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. The budget document may be obtained for $2.50, or parts of it may be obtained were Captain George Waisanen of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Ilmari, for 10c per sheet. , , Signed: David Brunsman, District School Board Chairman Mr and Mrs. Einard Kynsi and Mrs. Elias Leinonen, all of Quincy. FINANCIAL SUMMARY Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen and For the Ensuing Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham joined the rest of the school board members Total General Bond School TAX LEVY COMPUTATION All Funds Fund Fund Lunch Fund in Vernonia Saturday evening and (2) drove to Portland to attend the ice (3) (1) (4) (5) hockey game. There were 13 in the Total Budget Requirements $433.522.00 $394,197.00 $20,825 00 group and eveyone enjoyed the ev Deduct: Total Budget Resources ening immensely. Sunday, Mr. and Except Tax to Be Levied ..... ....... 239,606.00 221,106.00 Mrs. Howard Thompson and Mr. and Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget 193,916.00 173,091.00 20,825.00 Mrs. Albert Blount and family of Add: Est. of Taxes to Be Levied But Not Rec’d in Ensuing Year .... ....... ......... 23,270.00 20,771.00 Vernonia called on the Hansens. 2,499 00 Taxes to Be Levied for Ensuing Year ___ 217,186 00 193,862.00 23,342.00 While in the community the Blount family called on the Wayne Kyser Analysis of Taxes to Be Levied family Sunday afternoon. Within 6% Limitation 41,201.00 41,201.00 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine took Outside 6% Limitation ____ ___ ___ ....... 152,661.00 152,661.00 advantage of the lovely weather Sun Not Subject to 6% Limitation . ___ ... ...... 23,324.00 23,324 00 day to drive to Marlene Village, be Total Taxes to Be Levied ............... . 217,186.00 193,862.00 23,324.00 tween Beaverton and Portland, to visit friends. On their way back they For the Current Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1963 visited the Ed Danielsons at Banks. Total General Bond School Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews TAX LEVY COMPUTATION All Funds Fund Fund Lunch Fund were in Hillsboro the first of the (2) (1) (3) (4) (5) week. The Vic Bergs visited the Total Budget Requirements ........................ $417,826.00 $377,476.00 $21,950.00 $18,500.00 Mathews Thursday evening and Mr. Deduct: Total Budget Resources and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper were cal Except Taxes to Be L e v ie d ....................................„ 226,639.00 208,193.00 18,500.00 lers Sunday. Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget ........_ 191,233.00 169,283.00 21,950.00 Mrs. Dorsey Tuttle was brought Add: Est. of Taxes to Be Levied But home from the Forest Grove hospit Not Received in Ensuing Year __ __ _________ _ 24,860.00 22,007.00 2,853.00 al Thursday afternoon. Both Mr. and Taxes to Be Levied for Ensuing Year............. ........ .. 216,09300 191,290.00 24,803.00 Mrs. Tuttle are feeling much better. Analysis of Taxes to Be Levied Within 6% Limitation 38,869.00 Outside 6% Limitation 152,421.00 Not Subject to 6% L im itation......... .... .... .... .. 24,803.00 Total Taxes to Be Levied ...... .... _________________ $216,093.00 TVPF 38,869.00 152,421.00 $191,290.00 Oustanding Actual Estimate July 1 July 1 Current Ensuing Year Year f il? INDEBTEDNESS Serial Bonds Total ..........$55,600.00 $55,600.00 $33,650.00 $33,650.00 Friends From West Linn Are Spending Week Here 24 803 00 $24,803.00 Authorized, Actual July 1 Current Year Estimate July 1 Current Year $21,575.00 $21,575.00 $20,825.00 $20,825.00 PETTY CASH BALANCE- ACTUAL July 1 Current Year .............. ......... - ......... $44,655.08 Approved by Budget Committee: March 16, 1964 Adopted by District School Board: March 16, 1964 Signed: E. T. Johnston, Secretary Signed: Mona M. Gordon, Clerk Bill J. Horn, Chairman David Brunsman, Chairman BUDGET SUMMARY — GENERAL FUND July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 HIST! H ill’AI. DATA Actual Second First Budget Year Year Current Preceding Preceding Year (1) (2) (3) 61-62 62-63 63-64 $ 27,359.28 $ 23.891.87 $ 15,000.00 43,902.52 84,549.94 124,169.97 1,326.65 31,145.01 80,350.88 125,868.77 492.46 17,200.00 9,360.00 162,983.00 150 00 3,500.00 $281,308 36 $261,748 99 $208,193.00 $ 84,888.97 $366,197.33 $128,794.10 $390,543 09 $216,093.00 $424,286.00 Budget for Ensuing Year Approved (5) BUDGET REQUIREMENTS (4) Available Cash Balance .......... ....... $ 25,000.00 Revenue from Local Sources except tax to be levied .......... .... 15,200.00 Revenue from Intermediate Sources.... 9,300.00 Revenue from State Sources ______ 167.906.00 Proceeds from sales . ....... 200.00 Receipts from other School Districts 3,500.00 Total Budget Resources t xcept tax to be levied $221,106.00 D istrict Tax Received in Year Levied or Required to Balance Budget $217,186 00 TOTAL BUDGET RESOURCES $438,292.00 BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Clemens and family of West Linn visited Sunday with the Gene Larsons. Mrs. Clemens and Debbie remained to spend a week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Red mond also called on them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills attend ed the chamber of commerce din ner at Vernonia Saturday evening. Mrs. Lloyd Beach went to Morton, Washington Monday to visit with Aunt Susie. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson were in Portland last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott of War renton visited the Art Bellinghams recently. Mrs. Darrell Baker and Mrs. Vick Berg were in Clatskanie last Wed nesday. There will be a card party at Wi- nema Grange hall Saturday evening, March 21. Mrs. Mary Essen and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ronnsted of Seattle visited with the Cahills for several days last week and helped John Ca hill celebrate his 75th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom spent Sun day at Silverton visiting with rel atives. They went to see Mrs. Sach- er who is in the hospital with pneu monia. She is coming along well and expects to be out this week. BUDGET SUMMARY — GENERAL FUND July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 Second Year Preceding (1) 61-62 HISTORICAL DATA Actual First Budget Year Current Preceding Year (2) (3) 62-63 63-64 $ 10362.00 3,685 28 202,296 91 13,269 91 105 00 58.58 $ 0,900 09 3,469.31 202,776.79 13,176.63 90 00 75 59 $ 10,500.00 3,050 00 223,122 00 15,160.00 12500 275.00 26,938 41 18,076.15 15,62623 2.175 69 16,414 66 21,833.15 971.09 500(H) 143.48 404.00 200.00 9 254 92 (10,430 46) 26,583.74 18,256 06 16,940 40 2,553.03 18,365 27 22,977.71 998.27 891.35 150.00 400 00 53 60 8,139.57 ( 8,858.99) 26.0(H) (H) 18,580 00 15,91000 3,000.00 16,204 00 22,900 00 1.000 00 500 00 300(H) 1.200(H) 1,150 00 3,500 00 15,000 00 $342,305 46 $345888 01 $377.47600 Budget for Ensuing Year Approved (5) BUDGET RESOURCES (4) Administration—Salaries —Other Instruction—Salaries —Other Health Services—Salaries —Other Pupil Transportation Services—Salaries —O ther Operation of P:ant—Salaries —Other Maintenance of Plant—Salaries —Other K.xc.i ( h.ii yes —Other Student Body Activities—Salaries —Other Capital Outlay—Sites —Buildings —Equipment Operating Contingency TOTAL ESTIMATED' EXPENDITURES TOTAL BUDGET REQUIREMENTS $ 10.500 00 3,125.00 235,336 00 15,350 00 125.00 200.00 26,500 00 500.00 17,840 00 15,935.00 2.000.00 17,240.00 25,296.00 1,000.00 4.51500 435 00 500 00 1,200 00 1,600.00 15,000 00 $394 197 00 $394.197 00 BUDGET SUMMARY — OTHER FUNDS July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 Second Year Preceding (1) 61-62 $ 23.706.25 $ 22,375 00 HISTORICAL DATA Actual First Budget Year Current Preceding Year (2) (3) 62-63 63-64 $ 23,068 74 $ 21 662 50 $ 21,9501 $ 21.950 00 $ 16,667 77 $ 17,152 83 $ 18.500.00 » 16,667.77 $ 16,968 25 $ 18 500 00 BOND REDEMPTION FUND _____________ (4) RESOURCES: Total Receipts Total Budget Resources EXPENDITURES Principal on Bonds, Issue 1951 Interest on Bonds, Issue 1951 Total Bond Expenditures SCHOOL LUNCH and MILK FUND RESOURCES Total Receipts Beginning Cash Balance Total Budget Resources EXPENDITURES Total Expenditures Reserve for Future Years Total Budget Expenditures Budget for Ensuing Year Approved Oernonia Eagie 4 CAPITOL HILL — Quick thinking and action on the part of Ernest Herman probably saved his house from destruction by fire last week. As he entered from the rear of the house flames had burned a hole through the ceiling from an over heated chimney. With the help of Harry Culbertson who had just en tered by the front door, in less time than he could have summoned help from a neighbor’s telephone, he had a water hose putting it out. The los6 was covered by insurance and is be ing repaired. Judy and Roxanne Meier enjoyed Sunday in the country visiting at the Kennedy home with Lorin Kenned} and tramping around in the sunshine. The Kennedys brought them home later in the day and all were happy and ready to repeat it again. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Odam visited her brother, Francis Crowston, Sun day at the Veteran’s hospital in Port land. Sunday dinner guests at the Will Harders home were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ward and Mrs. Bud Hering and son Troy of Cedar Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Raymond of St. Johns, Joe Smedding and Clayton Welty of Ver nonia. Fonner Student Visits Teacher MIST—Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schlehub- er were in Forest Grove recently on business. A short time ago they had learned that one of Mrs. Schlehub- e r’s former teachers, Mrs. John D. Jones, was living in Forest Grove. While there they looked her up and found her still very alert and agile at 82. They enjoyed talking with her and Mr. Jones about old times. Mrs. Jones had taught Mr. Schlehub- er when he was 10 years old at Farmington, Wn. Mrs. Schlehuber states that the Ken Jones family is just fine and that Kenneth has been quite active fishing, etc., since leav ing Vernonia. He was due to have a checkup shortly at Reno, Nevada. The Mist Helping Circle will meet at Mrs. Kenneth Tupper’s home March 26 instead of Mrs. Bill Wolff's as previously stated. Mrs. Marge Burness of Bandon visited at the Lloyd Garlock home for a short time Sunday morning. She had come up Friday to see about her mother, Mrs. Marie Shafer of Vernonia, who had been ill. The Art Bellingham and the Fred Busch family flew to Eugene Sun day. Mrs. Howard Grimsbo has been quite ill for some time. Raymond was ill and home from school Monday. The Mist Young Peoples club met Friday evening in the home of Mrs. Sulo Sanders. Mrs. Doug Barr, Mrs. Roy Kyser, Mrs. Norman Hansen, Mrs. Fred Busch and Mrs. Wayne Kyser were present. Refreshment plans were finalized for the PTA meeting Monday evening. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1964 Date Is M arked By Sunday Ride NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. Orin Davis celebrated their an niversary Sunday by going for a drive and lunching at the Sunset Strip. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack drove to Scappoose Sunday afternoon to visit her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hold ing, who are recuperating from the flu. Everyone interested is urged to attend the meeting this coming Mon day evening, March 23 at the little church at Mist concerning the Mist cemetery'. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Elveldahl of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. No ble Dunlap called on the Petersons Sunday evening. Mrs. Dee Veere Hershey spent Friday night in Vernonia with her father, Albert Childs while Mrs. Childs was in Portland. Next Extension Meet To Include Election MIST—The Mist - Nehalem Ex tension Unit met March 13 at the Birkenfeld community center. The project, "Laundering Wash and Wear” was given by Mrs. Wayne Kyser. Tips were given on proper methods to use with wash and wear materials and for taking out some types of stains. The members gave tips on caring for clothing, which proved very enlightening. The next meeting, April 10, will be at the Bir kenfeld center with “You Versus Dirt” as the lesson to be presented, starting at 10:30 a.m. A potluck din ner will be served at noon. Plans for the Homemaker’s Festival April 30 will be completed. Election of of ficers will be held. Everyone is wel come. Group Attends DeMolay Dance BIRKENFELD — Lloyd Johnston, Jim Bellingham, Erik Berg and Ter ry Larson attended the DeMolay dance at Clatskanie Saturday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston and Mrs. Fred Larson also attended. Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Larson as sisted with the serving. Art Bellingham had the misfortune to drop a plank steel on his foot. He has been quite crippled for sev eral days. Miss Shirley Berg visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Confer in Clatskanie and on Tuesday she was in Portland on business. Mrs. Lawrence Johnston and Mrs. George Bellingham were in Port land on business last Tuesday. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES FOR PERSONAL SERVICE _ GENERAL FUND July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 Current Year Budget No. of Total Salary No. of Empi. Budgeted Personnel Classification Range Empi. Approved (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) Administration No. 110 1 $ 6,000.00 From 472 13 6,00000 1 »» »» $ 6,000 00 1 4.500 00 4,500.00 1 4,500.00 TOTAL 10.500.00 2 10,500.00 Instruction No. 210 44 »» 1 $ 1,666.00 1,766.00 1 4« 44 1,766.00 1 4.260 00 4,520.00 1 •4 «« 4,520.00 8 39,640.00 5.000.00 5,300 00 10 50,700 00 2 10,700.00 5,500.00.5,800.00 3 44 M 16,800 00 3 17.000 00 5.900 00 6.200 00 3 44 44 17,900.00 7 44,000.00 6,400 00 6,700.00 7 « l< 46,000.00 2 12,300 00 6,800 00 7,100.00 2 44 <4 13,900.00 2 14,700.00 7,500.00 7,800.00 2 <« «« 15,200.00 2 16,250.00 2 16,700.00 7 37,400.00 From 472-13 7 38,750.00 Mise. Summer-In Serv.- 2,400 00 Typing Category Change 1 $ 540.00 Instruction No. 210 540 00 44 4« 540.00 1 1,060 00 1,060 00 1,060.00 < « 4 « 1 2,100 00 2,300.00 2,300.00 1 3,700 00 3.800 00 3,800.00 3.000.00 Substitute Teachers 3,000 00 $223,122.00 TOTAL $223,122.00 $235,336.00 12500 Health Service No. 410 125 00 1 125.00 1 1,600 00 Operation of Plant No. 610 160.00 1 160 00 4 4 «4 1 4,840.00 4,840.00 1 4,840 00 44 44 2 3.220.00 1.500.00 1,800.00 2 3,300.00 44 44 1 5,040 00 5.540.00 1 5,540.00 <4 4« 1 3,880.00 3.880 00 1 4,000 00 $18.580 00 7 TOTAL 7 17,840.00 $ 3.000 00 Maintenance No. 710 1.000.00 2 2,000.00 500 00 (5) from 472-13 Other TOTAL 2,400 00 2,115.00 $ 4.515.00 PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION $ 20.825 00 $ 20.825 00 __ ____________ ____________________________________________ ___________ J u l y 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 d is t r ib u t io n $ 20.000 00 $ 82 W $ 20.825 00 $ 18,000 00 500 00 $ 18,500 00 $ $ 18.400 00 $ 100 00 $ 18,500 00 PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION Range (1) (2) Budget Item No. 110 No. 210 9,750 00 6,200 6.500 (X) 6.550 6.850 00 5.400 00 5.950 00 Mise Total Salary (3) 1 2 2 1 1 Total Salary (4) $ 9.750 00 12,650 00 13.400 00 5.400 00 5.950 00 2.115.00 GENERAL FUND Administra tion (5) $ 6.000 00 Instruc tion (6) $3,750 00 12,300 00 12,400 00 5,100 00 5.200 00 5.200 00 OTHER FUNDS Student Activity (7) $ 350 00 1 000 00 300 00 "50 00 2.115 00 Print March 19 — March 26. 1964