Oernonia Eagle 8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1964 THE PEOPLE SPEAK - - - BRUNSMAN HARDW ARE F IN E St DISCOUNT COlVS-t T O X o ,- STORES ST E L E C T R IC F U R N IT U R E YOU COULD WIN A WE D E L IV E R SIMMONS The editorial in the Clatskanie VACATION FOR 2 TO S lu m b er K ing Inner Chief on 1-24-84 raised some interest MEXICO CITY Spring M attress and ing questions on delinquency. It is VIA M I X I C A N A Box Springs $ J A 9 S a credit to a community when there amisi» is genuine concern about any com Price, each mon problem. When any person jeo B eauty R est In n er pardizes the property or the safety CHECK YOUR LUCKY NUMBER ON THE COVER of others it is important that positive Box OF YOUR CIRCULAR AND BRING IT TO YOUR STAY A T THE FAMOUS DEL PRADO H O TE L action be taken to protect the pub Springs, Each COAST-TO-COAST STORES. ( A BALSA HOTEL ) lic. _____ U o io n n t o a t f r y B o o itr r Most young people grow up in B a tte ry M o n 9 g ANTI CABLE SETS#- surroundings that help them become CHARGER CHORE GLOVES FREEZE a credit to their schools, their homes and their communities. From 2 to 5 percent become involved in delin f DRY quent behavior that may range from truancy and curfew violation to arm FOR ed robbery Before any effective pan A rm strong Budgetone acea car/ be recommended it is nec vinyl floor covering. essary to evaluate all the circum Square $ -J 29 stances as each situation is different. Yard I **Old Man Winter’ * won’ t No competent doctor prescribes Congoleum v in y l F o re catch you thi» year when Heavy duty 8 foot coble Protect your hands with 4 amp 6 or 12 volt medical treatm ent before he has you have prepared your cast floor covering. with copper etas clip». these practical 12 ounce battery charger. Has car with anti»fre«ze. Keep made a careful diagnosis. In dealing For use on a 12 volt Square $ V 59 Canton flannel Chore accurate ammeter, w ill moisture from ycur gas ■ Quick, conven • Gloves. Stock up now with social pathology a thorough di charge overage battery tank and fuel Ifi.e. 12 Yard I lent starts for stalled while the price is low. overnight, UL approved. agnosis is equally important if we ounce can.(AC0630«3) cars. fAjosnniun 9x12 Plastic $p*59 (HG0055-0) (AJ0756-3) are to help the ailing individual and S urface Rugs M Fuel P e n e tra tin g Warmth Five F o o t N on -A 11 ergeni c thereby protect the public. Unless CYLINDER INFRA-RED HEAT STEP LADDER FOAM PILLOW a wayward youngster receives the LAMPS positive help he needs, there will probably be further trouble. The best 87 protection for the community is to • New 121b. capacity! provide its disadvantaged members • Rinses extra-clean In fresh with the care and guidance needed running water! \ to encourage good citizenship. • Spins clothes driest of alii The "get tough” segment may ad • 3-Ring Agitator action vise that if obstreperous children r AND UP cleans clothes Inside were beaten with broom handles at and outi Full 18 x 24“ pillow, Frosted Infra-red heat home and at school, that delinquency filled with 100% shred Your choice of either reflector lamp, Yaur Brother Valiant Sewing ded Urethane foam. In Model No. WD-64 Bernzomatic or Turner would disappear. This would be a choice. 125 watt Machines $Z* £ \9 5 Constructed with poll floral pattern ticking. fuel f <y propane torches W hite Only simple solution, except that it doesn’t “ Frosted** lamp. shelf, lock back slats Sanitary, non-allergenic and appliances. Dis From O *z up (EL0143-4) work. Some of our really vicious de and rodded steps. and moth proof. posable cylinder. 250WATT “ FROSTED” Walnut Sewing $ Q £ \9 5 M atching d ry er M i l l 95 (GYO 152-3) (FD0010-1) (HA 1898-5-1909-2) linquents have had all the advan LAM P,(EL0144-3) Cabinet No. DD-64, only J. » f 'f i tages of continued harshness admini F o ld in g R u b b erm aid B ouquet N a u g a h y d e O c c a s io n a l SWIVEL CHAIR stered by experts in brutality. A UTILITY CHAIR WASTE BASKETS mushy sentimentality is equally in effective. Occasionally publishing names of young offenders is suggested as a solution. This has been tried in var ious places and has usually proven ineffective. How could this satisfy PER S ' \\ the cinoti^tial hunger of a rejected WEEK child? ThtJ young outlaw who wants I W ITH » M A R D O W N PA YM EN T to gain notoriety through having his G oulds Balanced flow Your choice of Round or name in the paper should not gain Rectangular basket. Strong tubular construc shallow w ell system . This trim, comfortable occasional swivel chair such recognition. L ife -lik e floral corsage tion with wood grained makes turning around simple. No more moving No tank, no extras. pattern back. Ivory vinyl on baskets. Large Children get into trouble for some heavy chairs. Cuts down u g wear. Your choice of Now selection of Colors. padded seat. Great for Opal White or Roman Tan Naugahyde. of the same reasons that adults do. (WB2850-2-51-1 ) home or comping. Only (FA P0040-8-41-7) A well brought up child may blunder (FT0068C7) O akland P orcelain Finished Wood into trouble while his conscience is H eater. Therm o- p* f» 9 5 AWOL. This is not likely to recur. Repeaters usually have deeper prob sta t Controlled ir n lems. Since children are young and im O akland Wood B u m - $-f 495 pressionable, tlie chances are often ing F ireplace H eater very good that they can and will re spond to constructive measures. Con sistant, firm, friendly guidance by Fan-Gio E lectric H ea t SEE O U R N E W emotionally m ature adults has al B assett 3-Pc. Bedroom set, w alnut er. Priced $ rttfl9 5 S E L E C T IO N O F ways been quite effective in rearing B atteries — G roup 1 finish, d u st proof construction TABLE LAM PS at only healthy, law-abiding citizens. De 36 mo. G uar. $ ,79 $P795 O th er H eaters now priced Q Q 95 linquency is often a deficiency di $9.99 and up Exchange at o nly....... ................. A i / i / • To sease. and the children of the rich are as vulnerable as those on the wrong side of the tracks. A child who Is starved for affection may re- tion on weaning weights and grades, visualize ways in which most of spond dramatically to the kind words yearling weights and grades, and at these export items could be used that have been conspicuously absent the same time save enough weaner domestically unless there should be The winter conference of Region in his life. heifers to make a second culling at some startling developments in utili HI of the Oregon Association of Stu Most children with problems can a yearling age and a third culling zation and merchandising. dent Councils will be held in Tilla best be helped in their own homes at the time they produce calf. Se Our domestic beef supplies are in mook Saturday February 8. and neighborhoods. There are excep curing of carcass data through per creasing and prices have dropped. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Jackson will tions when the services of a foster formance registry or breed associa AU indications are that this situa accompany Vernonia high school stu home, an approved group home, or Bv tion programs is helpful in carrying tion is one that will get considera dent council representatives to the some other placement outside the performance testing to a high de ble attention in the near future as event. community are indicated. For way gree. imports near 11 percent of the total ward children who cannot receive SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! Additional cattle improvement pro supply of beef. the guidance they need in their own gram s include progeny testing of homes and for whom placement in As sponsors, members of county forest taxation, and small timber herd sire, testing at central bull an open setting would not meet their testing stations, and carcass con needs, early commitment to a good farm forestry committees and ex use. tests such as conducted at the P a correctional school Ls the kindest tension agents from counties sur cific International. and most practical answer for all rounding Portland have corresponded "Beef Cattle Breeding Research concerned. and met together in recent weeks to Live stock operators can secure One sometimes finds that there is plan and arrange details of an area in the Western Region” is the title help in establishing an improvement less concern about the unhappy child wixxtland conference Because of of a new regional technical publica program through county extension ren who are helpless victims of abuse travel distance and facilities, the tion covering the eleven western agents. Considerable literature has or neglect than there Ls atxxit the meeting will be held in tbe May states and Hawaii. Because it is a been written on the subject and occasional child who strikes out in flower F arm s auditorium in P ort technical report, it is not the sort special forms to assist in conduct delinquency. By cooperation and by land. The date is aet for Tuesday. of thing that most cattlemen will be ing such a program have been pre interested in reading, but for the pared. effective use of existing resources January 28 serious cattle breeder it will lead the community can serve the best With more than 1500 private wood to a better understanding of the re interests of the public ami of the Meat imports are receiving a lot land owners. Columbia county should search findings regarding many dif youngsters who have problems that have a good representation Accord of attention from domestic producers ferent genetic factors and their in are bigger than they can handle along with government officials. To ing to an Oregon survey, more than fluence on his program. alone tal imports of beef and veal were 1200 of these people own woodlands We will not stock this bulletin in Anita Niewoehner. Social Worker ranging from 10 to 9!) acres with the extension office. but we will or 971 million pounds in 1962. Imports Columbia County Mental for 1963 were approximately 1150 the entire ownership totaling more der it for interested cattlemen Health Clinic than 52,000 acres. million pounds Most of these imports are boneless beef from Australia, These relatively small ownerships On-the-farm applications can of New Zealand. Ireland, Mexico and account for about an eighth of the ten be made of the research findings Argentina. In ,962. 68 percent of county’s woodland area As such, of geneticists ami otiier livestock re our beef imports were from Australia they are vitally important to the search workers. These programs can and New Zealand. Value of beef and economy of the county, but even be applied to the commercial herd veal imports for the year ending more important is (tie contribution as well as that of the purebred breed J u w 1963 came to 325 million dol The Columbia county sheriffs of- they potentially hold for the land- er One such program would be per lars. Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview five Ls investigating a burglary at the owner himself. formance testing. The United States exports about 12 shop at the Clarence Singleton place "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Bridge One stud) of Oregon indicated that In some respects a performance million dollars of beef and veal an on the Scappoose-Vernonia highway. production on most of our woodlands ALWAYS — Top Quality The thieves broke into the shop could easily be doubled In some in testing program for beef, sheep, or nually However, some cattle by sometime between the hours of mid stances the increase in growth could swine would not be greatly differ products arc exported in large quan ALWAYS — Best Prices night and 7 a m. Thursday. January be even greater Following a num ent from the well known dairy herd tities. These items included 1.4 bil 30. ami m ade off with too pounds of ber of common woodland manage improvement program. However, in lion pourxts of tallow for the 12 month ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery bacon and 10 pounds of smoked sal ment practices such as planting, stead of making improvement se period ending June 1963. and between lections on the basis of milk pro 11 and 12 million hides and skins in mon A large quantity of freshly pruning, brush control selective made sausage rolls were left un cutting can help to achieve this in duction. the beef operator will be each of the last two years. —From your home-owned, independent grocery— looking at meat production coupled Since most of our export of meat touched Entry to the building was creased production with related factors recognized to animal products are low priced m ade via a back window llie wwdland conference will pro- give high performance SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING items, the total value of our exports vide some information about brush To do performance testing a herd is considerably less than the total Read the eianifieds — il pays! control. control of animal damage owner would need to keep inlorma value of unpurts It is difficult to *49! New FRIGIDAIRE ENDS THIS WEEK 79 lint disposal! *1*2 39 * ’2 4 9 s 1 0 4 ss s22! 10 1695 Students Slate Meet HROUND { the farm >: Don Coin Walrod ' c , ” ’,. yuu icauu |Lm ore people w Bacon, Salm on Lost in Theft KING’S Grocery-Market