O ern o n ia E a g le 6 cm sm ZBBZ3BZQKSZZZ»—< im > C O A S T . T Q . C O A, FRIGIDAIRE THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1962 CO STORES Frigidaire BUDGET BUY with “ AUTOMATIC DRY” ! F I reproof l-L b . Can COFFEE 59c - $1 19 FREESE Big 48 Pag« CHRISTMAS GIFT CATALOG 6-oz. Instant.......... 85tf By Frank J. Laheney EARLY C A L IF O R N IA OLIVES Pimento Stuffed Reg. 53c S-oz. BLUE 39c M O U N T A IN CAT FOOD 4 /5 5 c Chicken & Liver Large 15-oz. Cans M arshm allow Creme 25c K ra ft— 7-oz. Jar F IR E S ID E COOKIES Vanilla or Choc. Creme Sdwch., l'/i-L b . A »■ WIENERS ja 4 7C Oregon Chief Skinless................ Lb. ß POLISH RINGS Oregon Chief 12-oz.................... Each J| ß H /C INSTANT M ILK Darigold— Makes 8-Qts. QUESTION: I intend to go on working just as long as I possibly can. How will my earnings affect my social security benefits after I reach 72 next year? ANSWER: You can get a social security check for every month beginning with the month o f your 72nd birthday, no matter how much you work or earn. However, your earnings in the entire year in which you become 72 are count­ ed in figuring what benefits can be paid to you for months of that year while you were still 71. QUESTION: I am disabled and have never worked under social security. My wife, who has sup­ ported me for over 10 years, will be eligible to receive social se­ curity next year when she is 62 years of age. I will then be 64. Can I receive benefits as her dependent under the law which permits pay­ ments to men under age 65? ANSWER: Since you are de­ pendent upon your wife, you may be eligible to receive benefits when your wife’s application be­ comes effective. The benefit will be reduced, based on the number of months you are under 65 years of age. QUESTION: Now that men can get social security at age 62, I decided I would file for it. The lady down there wrote me, asking for my birth certificate. I know I was bom on May 4, 1900, but I am not sure what town. Neither of the counties I could have been born in can find any record. They didn’t keep good records back in those days. I don’t know what to do. What can you do, if you don’t have your birth certificate? ANSWER: A lot of people your age don’t have birth certificates. The lady asked you for a “proof of age”, not specifically a birth certificate. A birth certificate is preferable, but there are other ac­ ceptable proofs. A baptismal cer­ tificate is usually just as accept­ able as a birth certificate. If you don’t have these, practically any other document which recorded your age many years ago (includ­ ing a Family Bible), may be ac­ cepted. Take your problem back to the lady at the Social Security Office, and she will help you find an acceptable proof. Form er Teacher Visits D uring Holiday Weekend ORANGES New Crop Calif. Navels i a Lb. |UC 40-Lb. Box.......... $3.95 Cottage Cheese 25c Standard Dairy Pint MIST—Donald Bennett spent the week end visiting several friends here. The Waddells, Clair Devines, Walter Mathews and the Ray Garlocks all enjoyed his visit. Mrs. Goodman and children spent Thanksgiving with her folks in Longview. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox en­ joyed a trip to Oakland, Califor­ nia where they spent Thanksgiv­ ing with Mrs. Cox's son and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews and Bob and Mrs. Maude Rogers were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones. California 1 l.b. 29c MARGARINE 0 ottage -Lb. Ctns. The Nehalem Valley Coin club will meet Thursday evening, No­ vember 29, at the West Oregon Electric company building in Ver­ nonia and extends an invitation to persons interested in coin collect­ ing to meet with them. The last Thursday of each month is the regular meeting date for the club and meetings start at 7:30 p m. CHEESE W H IZ 59c B E N S B A R B ER SH O P Expert Tonsorial W ork Open Six Days a Week Vernonia, Oreqon V E R N O N IA . O R EG O N “ CHRISTMAS BONUS" OF NO PAYMENT UNTIL FEBRUARY **«»«* To I Trip. HAW AII^ .u ‘ » * o io k .( frBeUR° f , eû , Jumbo Assortment CURL RIBBON F o r Brother or Dad A 6 spool package of curling ribbon In assort* •d colors* Total of 450 feetl Includa, pow.r b it., wrench.., chisels, d rill., pitera and many other.I Tok. advantage of these ■ pedal price. ’ o p lea*, th. men of the housel HAND TOOL SPECIALS * Doubler/ !" Y°<" I *T. Biltwell Rocker. Compare others at O ernonia E ag le Model DO-62, 240 V. • lectric—120-V. opticn.l Sofa Bed and Swivel 100% nylon face fabric. with $-f PT/\95 $196.50 .. $189.95 159‘ Electric Dryer, Only— SPECIAL SALE OF 149s UL APPROVED BRAND NAME GIFT APPLIANCES Combination Sandwich T oasto r and WAFFLE BAKER Goulds balanced flow shallow well system. No tank, no extras. Manning-Bowman STEAM AND DRY IRON Simmons genuine $59.95 value box springs and inner spring mattress. Each $ 3 9 .8 8 Cory E le c tric C o ry H ig h la n d s KNIFE SHARPENER HAND MIXER 6 Transi stor PORTABLE RADIO 9 Transistor PORTABLE RADIO Deluxe radia I . cam- p l . t . with 4 penllght batteries, leather carry­ ing caea and earphones. WITH 4 " C " FLASH- LIGHT BATTERIES....... S25.99 Com pl.t. with aorphon.s, batteries and carrying case. (ME39) MASTERCRAFT9 VOLT TRANSISTOR BATTERY........ 3 0 / ECONOMY MODEL..............2 9 < 70 W w » ?X 0 4 85 Now PORTABLE RADIO 8 T ra n s i s to r Complet« with earphone, batteries and leather carrying ease. Uses 9 9 volt battery. WITH 4 PENLIGHT BATTERIES....... $17.99 S <> S s &¿> & S • tfg M Gallon [SS^SH ver Seal W ATER HFATER $54.88 P.O .S. re ttile « , u r w . * • Fully I« i «I m Pltofl.al • latarl.tkln g • S iM tn le e Fan-Gio Heetaire electric heater with thermostatic 95 control MJ * Portable baseboard elec, heater $Q