YELLOW i t Meat Department ★ CLING PEACHES 4 95' Asparagus *5 7Qi g Hunt’s Fancy 2'z Tins Wieners Sw ift’s Premium Lb. Pkg. SWIFT’S PREMIUM i Bologna • Sliced or Chunk __ Lb. INDIAN GEM ALL GREEN Spears, 303 Cans For W ¡Oysters Ocean Fresh Fresh • • Ocean 12-oz. Jar 49' 45' 59' MISSION GREEN LIMA 3 43 Waffle Cremes £ .! « £ Meat Balls O “ J C i Sauce 6 / 45 39' Carrots 10' Almondine 7 «C B C Noodles 2 98' 2 89 Lettuce 2 ,2 5 ' Shurfine Flour Red Beans 07^ J 85' Dinners O DEC Instant Coffee $1 19 Green Beans 8 ,?1 2.-85 Beans IL L ARKET 303 Cans NALLEY’S SPAGHETTI ANI) ra a iivy * TASTEWELL TOMATO HOT Nabisco Large 24-oz. Can ^E l For / / LYNDEN’S CHICKEN AND 8-oz. Can BETTY CROCKER NOODLES 29-oz. Can Crisp Golden Lb. Cello Bag You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone HA 93492 6-oz. Pkg. Lge. Crisp Headh Centennial Small Folger’s & LOCKERS .............12-oz. Pkg. 2-Lb. Pkg. 4 ll 10-oz. Jar SWANSON’S MAIN COURSE All Purpose 10-Lb. Bag Tastewell Cut—.303 Cans TOPICS OF THE TOWN moved from Vernonia to Forest Grove so as to be nearer to the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard were spent Thanksgiving day in Long­ Carnation Can factory at Hills­ here from Monmouth for the holi­ view with their daughter and hus­ boro where he is employed. Gary Michener, ten-year - old day week end with his grandmoth­ band, Dr. and Mrs. Powell B. Log- er, Mrs. Emily King. Both Mr. gan and family. Other guests were son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Michen­ and Mrs. Howard are seniors at Dr. Loggan’s brother and wife er, is recuperating from painful burns on the inside of his thighs Oregon College ot Education this from Salem. which resulted from an accident year. Guests for Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Robert Walker and chil­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert last Saturday morning. He was dren, Susan, Dan and Donna were Childs were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. with his father who was operating Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. Lumm of San Francisco, Mr. and a cat when the radiator cap blew and Mrs. Larry Garner and Mr. Mrs. Mike Phillips and two off and water which spouted out and Mrs. E. E. Gamer. Mr. Walker daughters of Portland, Mr. and struck his legs and scalded him, had the misfortune to contract flu Mrs. Jack Childs and family of causing second degree burns. He the evening before and spent the Salem and Mrs. W. S. Parker, sis­ was taken to Hillsboro for dres­ day home in bed. This cancelled ter of Mr. Childs from near Port­ sings and for treatment of shock. He will be out of school for at their previous plans for dinner land. least two weeks. with relatives at Beaverton. Larry Hickman arrived home Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff spent Clint Seibert is slowly recup­ Tuesday from Virginia Beach, Vir­ Thanksgiving at Hillsboro at the erating from a serious infection in ginia to spend Thanksgiving with home of his brother, Glenn Stiff. his leg which he had cut with a his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Also there were the brother-in-law power saw. He is still not able to Hickman. He will leave Decem­ and sister of the two men, Mr. and be on his foot. ber 6 to return to Virginia Beach. Mrs. Harry Lantzer from Grants Raymond Hahmeyer of Portland Enroute home he stopped in West- Pass who also visited at the Stiff called on his sister, Mrs. Larry wood, California to see his sister, home here Friday. Garner and family Sunday, then Mrs. James Spohn and her fam­ Larry Kuehn, freshman at Reed was joined by his brother, Bill ily- College in Portland, spent the hol­ Hahmeyer for a drive to Garibal­ A group of 21 relatives enjoyed iday here with his uncle and aunt, di to visit their mother, Mrs. Wm. Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers. Ad­ Lindley. Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson. Includ­ ditional Thanksgiving dinner guest Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols ed were her three children and at the Steers home was Henry families, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winfield of Riverview. Sunday, Bergerson and family, Tacoma; the Steers took Larry back to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bergerson and Portland and also went to Mil­ two sons and Mrs. Irene Meyer waukie to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carl 2 THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1962 and family, Vernonia; and her Schaumburg. The Randle apart­ sister-in-law, Mrs. Lois Hughes ments which they manage are still and her daughter and husband, requiring work to correct damage Mr. and Mrs. Spud Werner and from the October 12 storm in two children, Tim and Nicky. which they were very severely Fri., Sat. Nov. 30— Dec. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis drove hit. to Beaverton Thanksgiving day to Mrs. Laura Carmichael spent join Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis Thanksgiving day at Hillsboro Plus and family for the trip to Salem with her son Bill and his family. for dinner with Mrs. Dean Mc- Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Horn and Wain, mother of Mrs. Calvin Da­ children, Judi and Billy, spent vis. the holiday week end at Spokane Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mason have at the home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Horn. Other Thanksgiving guests were Mrs. R. R. Horn, mother of the two men; another brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Horn and family and a sister and husband, -J u lliw u lt, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Lineharger and daughter. The Horns returned home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smejkal and family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antone Smejkal, spent Thanksgiving at Eugene with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Smejkal and family. News from Allen York is that he has been sent to Libya, Africa which is in the northern part on the Mediterranean sea. He would like to hear from friends who can address mail ns follows: Ale Allen L. York. A FI 9736054, 7272 B AB WC, Box 1203, APO 231, New York, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adams of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams and family from Carlton spent Thanksgiving here with Mrs. Pearl Adams, mother of the two men. Your gift w ill be appreciated before it’s even Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank opened when you select Hallmark matching larnge were their daughter and gift wiaps, ribbons and enclosures. Choose husband, Mr and Mrs. T. L. De­ Hart and daughter Sunny and Mr. front our colorful collection. and Mrs. A. L. DeHart Sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner spent Saturday and Sunday at Wasco visiting friends. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Magoff Thanksgiving day were his parents, Mr and Mrs. Tom Magoff and Mr and Mrs J W Acaiturri Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale of Canby were in Vernonia calling Oernonia Eaqfe •f o f/ T h e a tre Sail A Crooked Ship The Day Earth Caught Fire W R A P Y O U R G IF T IN THOUGHTFULNESS “ 5SÄ'« DRUG C Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. S'/i-oz.................... Mixed Vegetables Chicken or Turkey with Whipped Potatoes Flav-R-Pac Frozen Let's Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? Bom in Ketchikan, Alaska De­ cember 5, 1910. Married June 9, 1933 in a suburb of Seattle. Came to Vernonia in 1934. Has three children, a number of grandchildren. Belongs to several local organiza­ tions. Is in business locally and likes the glint of the coin as well as the feel. He isn’t a square but he used to do the turkey-trot. He delights in cold weather. His wife bears the name of Mar­ garet but don’t call her Maggie. Not too long ago he was going to school. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ cols.) Answer to last weeks quiz: E. V. (Lige) Robertson. on friends Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heckenliable were in Vernonia Monday and Tuesday of this week and were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff. They have now secured another trailer house but state that it is being well anchored and protected from storms should others come. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holce and family spent Thanksgiving at Ashland with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ewart and family. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz for Thanks­ giving were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kamholz from Goldendale, Wash­ ington and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford from Forest Grove. Their son, Greg Kamholz was home from Lewis and Clark college for the holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peasnall from Astoria and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton and fam­ ily from Portland for Thanksgiv­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McPherson from Seattle spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McPherson of Cougar street. Additional dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haver- land and son Everett returned home the day before Thanksgiv­ ing from Albuquerque, New Mex­ ico where they had gone Novem­ ber 12 to take home her mother. Mrs. F. D. Hofheins, who had vis­ ited here for several weeks. They reported a good trip both ways with no really bad weather or snow. Mrs. Trilla Anderson spent Thanksgiving day with her daugh­ ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roediger on Mist route. Addi­ tional guests were members of Mr. Roediger’s family. Mrs. Clarence New has been critically ill following major sur­ gery Monday of last week but is showing some improvement this week She is at St. Vincents hos­ pital. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer left last week end for Hermiston for an extended visit with their daughter and family. Some self-made men try te leave the impression that they have used up all the worthwhile material in the world. Services Draw Mist Residents MIST—Those who attended the Thanksgiving services at the Clatskanie Methodist church last Wednesday evening were Pastor and Mrs. Sulo Sanders and Donna, Mrs. Hugh Cox, Mrs. Walter Mathews and Marian, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine, Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine and family and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Shamlon Libel were in Tillamook Thanksgiving day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs Bud Goertzen and Sheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Combs of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Danielson and daughter of Knappa were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Sam Devines. Ray and Willard Garlock, Roger and Danny Chase and Mr. Good­ man all left Thursday for the Heppner area where they went on an elk hunt. There was snow all four days. They returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock and Larry were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Ed Simmons home in Clatskanie. 2-lb. Pkg. /I O' DATES to Remember THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Nehalem Valley Coin Club, West Oregon bldg., 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 Lions club dinner meeting, fire hall, 7:00 p.m. Southwest Lions club, guests. City Council, City hall, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4 Past Chief’s club, home of Mrs. Launee Cousins, 8:00 p.m. Christmas party. Cantata practice, EUB church, 7:00 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 Nehalem Chapter, OES, Masonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 Christmas ball, high school. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 Community cantata “Bethlehem”, high school auditorium, 4 p.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 Mist school Christmas program THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 Vernonia schools Christmas pro­ gram. Everything seems to go wrong for the fellow who is headed in the wrong direction. Anger makes a man’s mouth work faster than his mind. THE TANGIEST DIPS ARE MADE WITH For the perfect touch tor holiday entertaining get some at your fa­ vorite store. DARIGOLD FARMS