Oernonia Eaqlc 6 THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1962 Magruder Wins Congress Trip Dick Magruder, Route 2, Clats­ kanie, has just been announced as State 4-H winner in the National 4-H Swine awards program. He will receive an all-expense paid trip to the National 4-H Club Congress, November 25-29, at the Conrad-Hilton Hotel in Chicago where more than 1.500 other 4-H club members from throughout the nation will be on hand. He’ll also be in competition for one of the six national awards which pro­ vide $400 college scholarships. All county, state and national awards in the 4-H Swine category are sponsored by the Moorman Manufacturing company, Quincy, Illinois, manufacturers of feed concentrates, mineral feeds and parasite control products. Moor­ man's will honor the state swine award winners at a breakfast Wednesday, November 28.] County-wide program of the 4-H Club is supervised by the coopera­ tive extension service. I T P A Y S TO R E A D T H E A D S ! BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a W eek Vernonia, Oreqon LOOK AT THESE Toilet Tissue 8 Rons $1 Early Filing Speeds Claims The first part of every year hundreds of people eligible for so­ cial security payments decide to file for their benefit. The impact of all these claimants filing at one time results in slower processing of claims and delay in sending out the first check. Frank J. La- heney, field representative of the Social Security administration of­ fice in Portland is as anxious to forward the applications for pay­ ment as each wage earner is to receive his check. In an effort to pay claims as quickly as possible, Mr. Laheney suggests that anyone contemplat­ ing retirement within the next three months should come in to talk to one of the staff. An appli­ cation for benefits can be filed as much as three months before re­ tirement age. Filing an application before the end of this year will assist the social security people in making quicker payment to those filing now, as well as speed up payment to those who for one reason or another cannot file un­ til some time next year. Anyone reaching retirement age should check with the social se­ curity office as to their rights to benefits. Due to a liberalization of the Social Security Act in 1961 many wage earners even though they continue to work may be en­ titled to some benefits. Any in­ sured person of retirement age earning $1200 or less a year can draw all his benefits for that year. In the event of earnings over $1200 the amount payable diminishes as the earnings increase. Mr. Laheny said that the slo­ gan, "Inquire Before You Retire” should be kept in mind by every­ one. The Social Security admini­ stration office is located at 1205 S.W. 13th avenue. The telephone number is CApitol 6-3361. If it is inconvenient to call at the P o rt-, land district office, a representa­ tive is at St. Helens every Mon­ day at the Columbia county court house — sheriff’s office, ground floor. The hours are from 9:00 a.m, to 12:00 noon. Chiffon Brand 4 Hindis I Sim m ons genuine $59.95 value box springs and in n e r s p rin g m attress. Battery Booster Cable Each Set for 12-Volt Cars 8-Foot. Compare at $ 1 33 $39.88 » » » » » » » » Frigidaire BUDGET BUY with "AUTOMATIC DRY"! Wonderfry 12 Inch g,guiari $,4.95 Fan-Gio Heetaire electric heater with thermostatic J 95 control_____ “ a? Portable baseboard elec, heater $ Q Q 9 5 3-Foot . __ Other Elec. $ A 95 Heaters from -L tc AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC SKILLET G ia n t 12 Inch s k illa t o f th ick 11 gauga alum inum , m irror fin is h . Re­ m ovable controls make i t com plete­ ly im m ersible in w ater! U L approv­ ed. C om plete w ith control, cover and pan. (W S 0 5 10 -8 ) ZEE NAPKINS 10c H0 Count White Each 6 Transi stor 70 PORTABLE C&H 25-Lb. - - - $2.59 GRAHAM CRACKERS Nabisco Sugar Honey / «■ 2-l.h. Pkg. OOC CORN Whole Kernel or Cream Style Cottage 303 Tins 7 $1 For COOKIES Sunshine Tin Blu ■■ «■ Sandwich 2-l.h. I’kg. J j Q CURL'S G R O C ER Y Phone H A 9-6341 D e liv e rie s 3:00 P.M . V E R N O N IA , O R EG O N If you are the parent of a man between the ages of 17 and 23 now is the time to look into his mili­ tary future. Every man has an ob­ ligation to his country and his comumnity. "With the new missile age military program, a man can fill his military obligation and gain useful knowledge and skill,” says Master Sgt. Bob Simpson. Captain Kjornes says, "Young men should get their active duty over with this winter while work in this area is slack.” The train­ ing program now in existence is designed for men who are plan­ ning to attend college or who are working. Tlie "take six” program allows a man 17 to 18 h, to enter the na­ tional guard on a three year en­ listment with six months active duty at Fort Ord, California. The program is the same for men over 18' ï years old except they have an obligation for 5'a years. The national guard has a pro­ gram tailor-made for high school seniors Enlist now while you are still in high school. Learn the basic skills. Next summer after grad­ uation you will he sent for six months active duty training at Fort Ord and will be back in time for college winter term. The national guard nt St. Hel­ ens meets each Monday night. Drop in and investigate the new missile-age program. Clyde J Reynolds 2nd Lt.. Inf. PIO Officer F o rm e r C o-W orker V is its W ith The K it Kennedys NATAL - PITTSBURG — Don D Brigham of Long Beach, Calif, was recently an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kit C. Kennedy, Mr Brigham and Kit were tool and die makers for years for Doug­ las Aircraft company. Long Beach. Both men are enjoying retirement now. Mr and Mrs, Marvin Krieger and four children of Pendleton were Saturday afternoon guests of Mr and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Please ad v i m address if you mova. ua of your naw ara planning to RADIO 99 C a m p t .l. with .o r p h a n ., b a lt.r l.» and l« ith .r carrying e a i r , U sas 9 9 v o lt b a ll.r y . W ITH 4 P E N L IG H T B A T T E R IE S ........ $ 1 7 .9 9 Modal DD-S2, 240-V. • lectric— 120-V. optional 8 Transistor 9 T ra n s is to r PORTABLE RADIO PORTABLE RADIO tfgSS D elu x e rad io Is com­ p le te w ith 4 pen llg h t b a tte rie s , le a th e r carry­ ing case and earphones. W IT H 4 " C " F L A S H - L IG H T B A T T E R IE S .........4 2 5 . 9 9 C o m p l.t . w ith e a ^ h o n . i, b a t t w l.s and carrying c a i a . (M E 3 9) M ASTERCRAFT9 VOLT T R A N S IS T O R battery .....39/ EC O N O M Y M O D E L ................. 29< F!oor*To-Cei ling ROOM ORGANIZER and SPACE SAVER Oakland wood heater with thermostatic $-| J- J 95 control .. ........ L tl^ I Oakland fireplace heater with heat control. Glass $"| H A 95 Doors—O nly ........ ± ^ * 7 Kre^ky automatic auto, forced air wood burning heater. Floor level heat in every $-$ P* 0 9 5 room. 6-8 rm. size $189.95 Electric Dryer, Only 149 95 I5 9 8 Rsgvlarly $10 95 6 F o o t C ube Tap S&99 F its In to any a v .r a g . s i s . room, adding . k . tra raoml T r ip le chrom. • d i r o m l t n »teal tubes and chroma p lata d staal ring on .a c h p o t .. W h it, b o k .d s n o m .l a h atvas. EXTENSION CORD SET Rsgvlarly 32t 25, H andy for C hristm as lig h ts , With three way s e rv ic e b lo c k. C hoice of Ivory or B r o w n . Biltwell Rocker. Compare others at Sofa Bed and Swivel 100 % nylon face fabric. with $ -| £ 0 9 5 $196.50 ± 0 *7 c-i-ffl. 52 Gallon --------- .Silver Seal „ I See O ur Large Selec­ tion of Lamps of A ll Kinds. Metalcraft Golden-plate Dining Furniture. 95 7-Pc. Set Reg. $99.95 ’69 95 ’59 5-Pc. Set Only The practical answer to dining in style. Armstrong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square SV 29 Yard ............._ ± Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square $ V 59 Yard 1 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $095 Only O Brunsman Hardware and Elec. PHONE HA 9-5651 VERNONIA. ORE. .-U, Electric ¡WATER MFATFF Goulds oalanced flow shallow well system. No tank, no extras. Now O nly__ $54.88 F O l. r e -g « • r . l l y le c la ta d V I * Plkeaglael . U a^ le tk M g T V a -M le R . 1 I SEE US FOR YOUR ROOFING NEEDS 104” K Group 1 Batteries. 36 month guar. $ -| £144 Exchange___ A V IT S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA nmarsmuuui»—< were Rev. and Mrs. Gene Landers brough of North Bend and Mrs. bert Helland. Peggy Armstrong, daughter of and family of Vancouver. After­ Death Claims Henry Parker of Portland. The funeral was held at North Bend Mr. and Mrs. Irving Armstrong, noon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bass and Mr. and Mrs. underwent an appendectomy at Wednesday. Grace Solomon Pete Raney and children of Sea­ the Osteopathic hospital in Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Harrison C O À lM O tO A ll RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. Everett Wood received news of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Grace Solomon at North Bend Sunday, after a lingering illness Mrs. Sol­ omon lived in Riverview many years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Walter Stan- »TO and son have moved from the for­ mer Wilkerson house on the high­ way to the Claude Shaw house on Fourth street. Mrs. Ruby Normand returned home last Sunday after spending six weeks at Ellensburg. Washing­ ton at the home of her father. Al­ land a week ago Friday and is now recuperating at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kouva and five children of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car- son Strong Sunday. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Virgil Snook side. Mr and Mrs. John Kriniek spent Sunday visiting her nephew and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin How­ ell at Gales Creek. There’s nothing wrong with old age except that it has no future.