« L t i a f B4 L H » U I I4 > « . M i a r g r.y n a t f .l.lt w — « - U 1 B M S ! ST Uernonia Eagle 6 C -U -R -L -S Sausage Rolls Zcnner's Chunk Bologna Oregon C hief Jumbo Franks Oregon C hief Be sure of the Best . . . Order a Norbest Fresh Broad Breasted Turkey for Thanksgiving. H ILUS BROS. COFFEE 1-Lb Can . .59c j ^ $1.17 Toilet Tissue Zee Brand 12 nuns $ 1 .00 FACIAL TISSUE C hiffon 100 Count a a Jt 4 O < C B oxes SDWCH. BAGS Zee Brand— i a Box o f 7 5 ......................... I /C t'ottage I-Id). I’kgs. £ J Q r » jC C H O C CHIPS N ew Baker’s 6-oz. I’kg. k ». 19c CRACKERS COOKIES Sunshin e Coconut a p Bars 13-oz. P kg. P N Ü T. BUTTER School Boy G iant 3-1.b. Jar $1.00 JA M Alice Love Straw berry A pricot- Pi neapple (¡huit 3 ti-I.b . Jar or $1.00 - ’-r d A Í - 4 ) ‘i-’V * v«A 1 jirge Heads CO A S T - T O -Ç Q A ST S TO R K S STORES/ LETTUCE ... r 19c (U R LS) GROCERY ; Phone H A 9-6341 3 C O A S T -T O -C O A NOVEMBER IS SPECIAL Vernonia’s Logger eleven took Metalcraft it on the chin once again last HOUSEWARES M O N TH AT COASTTO -CO AST STORES Golden-plate Dining Friday evening when they met the Furniture. invading Hood River Dragons and Toastmaster 7-Pc. Set 5£»Q 95 were devoured by that squad, to Regularly $15.95 the tune of 45-13. Reg. $99.95_ 2 Slice The visiting Dragons lost no 5-Pc. Set time in crossing into paydirt as Only____ they took the ball on their own The practical answer 20 and drove all the way to Ver­ to dining in style. nonia’s 13-yard marker from which point they passed into the end How everyone can have toast the way they like It with the NEW color AS zone for the score. Try for point PER selector for dark, light, mediumi L0W failed. The modern styling and chrome W EEK finish w ill look nice in any kitchenl Hood River then proceeded to See Our Large Selec­ W ITH SMALL D O W N P A Y M fM T (WSO173A.4) kick off and Ralph Anderegg, Ver­ tion of Lamps of A ll Kinds. nonia speedster, picked up the ball P ro c to r Iro n in g B oard on the 32 and returned it all the PAD AND way down the sidelines for the Armstrong Budgetone COVER six points. Try for the extra coun­ vinyl floor covering. ter failed making the score stand Square $ -| 29 6-6. /o n e H ig h la n d e r Vernonia held on the next set HAND Congoleum vinyl Fore­ of downs, forcing the visiting W o n J .r fr y J 2 in c h p „ 4 95 cast floor covering. squad to punt to the Logger’s 40. MIXER Reg $11.95 Simmons Slumber Square 59 In three downs the locals failed AUTOMATIC King Mattress and and on fourth down elected to pass ELECTRIC Yard.—,_______ A Box Springs $ J /A 50 and failed to connect, with the SKILLET Each____ __ 4c«Z 9x12 Linoleum Gionf 12 Inch sk illet of thick 11 ball going over to Hood River. In New 3 speed heavy duty mixer with $/»95 Beauty Rest $rTQ50 gouge aluminum, mirror finish. Re­ no time the visitors scored via the powerful 100 watt motor! Big double movable controls make It complete­ Soft and resilient thick cotton Mattress....... I <7 chromed beaters that release with air lanes for the six points with ly immersible in watorl UL approv­ stitched pad. Scorch' and stain re* the touch of a button I White modern a l . Complete with control, cover the extra point being good. sistant. Aluminized with silicone, styled shape. (WSO537-7) and pen. (WSO510J1) olosfle odgo. (WAO625-1) Once again in first quarter play, the locals gambled on their own 37 on a fourth down for big yard­ age, only to lose the ball to the visitors. At quarter’s end Hood River had driven to the Loggers' 10 and passed for the tally, mak­ ing the score board read 20-6. The visiting Dragons crossed in­ to Logger paydirt twice more in Battery Booster Cable Fan-Gio Heetaire first half play and departed the Set for 12-Volt Cars electric heater with playing field at half time with a Goulds balanced flow 8-Foot. Compare thermostatic 1 95 32-6 edge. shallow well system. $2.50. In second half action, the visi­ control......... $1 No tank, no extras. tors scored twice more and Ver­ Only ... Portable baseboard Now $ -g eeMt • 1 Iwwerelen Elemental range, excellent cond. and Boxer Cox with 4.5 yards; w Siows s' C u t tom f l o t t lined Terry Smith caught two passes for model. Het weter Im to n tly . ] 0 year 64 yards and Terry Larson one for 24 yards and the second Log­ ger TD; Vernonia amassed a total of 10 first downs. This Friday evening the Log­ gers will journey to Clatskanie to Polyethyl ano K it for engage that squad in action in the STORM WINDOWS last game of the season. Reg / / > > PKG. FOR AUTOM ATIC TOASTER 12 ‘5 9 95 1 I !6 FRIGIDAIRE 104s 159s 10 ’6 9 ” 2-SPEED MULTI CYCLE Holcomb Tells Seaside Story One of the best attendances this year, including 25 members and eight guests, was noted at the Lions club meeting Monday even­ ing at which Holly Holcomb, de­ puty superintendent of the Oregon State police was guest speaker. Holcomb, a home-town boy, was introduced by O. T. Bateman who spoke of his prowess in athletics both in Vernonia high school and at Oregon State college. Holcomb then spoke about his work, and especially about the Labor Day riots at Seaside, and steps that could be taken to prevent such occurences there or elsewhere in the future. Guests of the club for this very interesting talk were James Johns, T F. Tomlin, Clyde Blodgett, Wayne Markam, Marvin Kamholz, Sam Hearing Sr., and Jim Fisher, state police sergeant. In business taken up Monday evening, the club discussed the holiday decorations project. Four things are included this year: Signs, nt the entrance to town with seasons greetings, for which Joey Acaiturri is chairman; addi­ tional candy canes to be used with the candles in the down town area, Neil Zimmerman, chairman; a Na­ tivity scene to be placed on the Nance lot along with the Christ­ mas tree for which Bruce Roberts is chairman and greeting banners across the street for which John Jensen is chairman. Work done for these projects this year will provide materials to be used other years, also, and the sign boards at the entrances to town can also be used for other things. The next meeting of the club will be November 19. D e live rie s 3:00 P.M . V E R N O N IA . O R E G O N L- r 2 WINDOWS __ N absco Prem ium 1-l.b. I’kg. *■ $58.88 M ARG AR IN E ZTTTT ¡HOUSEWARES THURSDAY. NOV. 8, 1962 Loggers Drop Before Dragons Ai STO RES WELCOME Two 36 x 72 Inch transparent poly« ethylene sheets. 36 feet of fibre molding and nails In each kit« • 3 Water Temperatures • Wash-Wear Cycle a Deep Turbulent Wash and Rinse- Actions a Automatic Pre-Scrubbing Cycle o Effective Lint Filter AW-420 Only ‘2 3 9 ’ ABC Omatic clothes dryer with heat selection, porcelain top and drum, concealed $-g lint trap 169 K-7.ncnH7TiaA£ui> — g u m - a c - n E 26 Present for 4th Rehearsal Twenty-six singers attended the fourth rehearsal of the Bethlehem cantata Tuesday evening. The per­ formance has been set for Sunday, December 16 at 4:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The community choir practices are held each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the EUB church because both piano and organ are avail­ E Sofa Bed and Swivel 100% nylon face fabric. with $-f 5*4^95 $196.50....... 159s Brunsm an H a rd w a re and Elec. P H O N E H A 9-5651 IT’S A P R IV IL E G E able. This is a religious cantata but it in no way reflects one re­ ligious group. It is open to anyone who wants to sing with the choir. It is important that everyone at­ tend the rehearsals because the music is not easy in places. The cantata is divided into three sections with part 1, The Shep­ herds Gifts; part 2, The King’s Gifts; part 3, Our Gift. Three solo­ ists are used. Mrs. Lois Clark is pianist and Mrs. L. H. Thomas is organist. John Jensen is director. Biltwell Rocker. Compare others at V E R N O N IA , O R E. A N D A P L E A S U R E TO LIV E IN Word Received Of Mans Death News was received Wednesday morning of the death of Victor Bergerson the previous evening at Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ land. He had been ill for a long time. Arrangements are pending at this time. Victor was the son of the late Peter and Hannah Ber­ gerson who resided in the Kist area. He was a brother of Cass V E R N O N IA Bergerson of Vernonia, Mrs. Ed. Tapp of Cornelius, Mrs. C. Lint­ ner of Hillsboro, and Percy Ber­ gerson and the late Elmer Berger­ son. Information indicates that ser­ vices will probably be held here but time and place had not been set. Buying friends with money is comparatively easy, but they are seldom worth the price. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! TONY H A Z A P IS of Wauna received first place award frem Waller Mathews at Natal Grange where four contestants vied for honors in the speech contest sponsored by the Clatskanie Soil Conservation district. Topic for the speech was Water Conservation", The dis trict contest was held October 24 and Tony then entered the semi­ finals at Hillsboro October 31 and took second place there. RALPH ANDEREGG received third place award in the soil conser­ (Soil Conservation Service photo) (Soil Conservation Service photo) vation speech contest. Second place honors went to Florence Gos­ nell and honorable mention to Margaret Ellis. was from the Vernonia high school F FA three were from Clatskanie high school. Ralph Anderegg chapter and the other