Stork Leaves Family Firsts at Three Homes MRS. Wilbur Davis (Lillian), standing at left, re­ ceives gift and flowers from Nehalem Chapter, OES, at the close of a clever, original addendum Saturday night at the reception which honored her as associate giand conductress. In the center. behind the podium is Mrs. Albert Brunsman and at right, Albert Brunsman, worthy matron and patron of Nehalem chapter, who presided over the event and made the gift presentation. Large Crowd Assembles to Honor OES Grand Chapter Officer Saturday Mist Helping Circle io Dine November 15 the parents of a son, Robert Eu­ gene who weighed in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces Monday of last week. October 29, at the Vernonia Clin­ ic. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Akers of Timber route, Mrs. Louis Kaehn of Gilchrist and Ross Wilkins of Goldendale, Washington. The mother and babe are now at the home of the pa­ ternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Wood on Stoney Point road until they are ready to go to Tillamook where Mr. Wil­ kins is employed. Other great grandparents are Mrs. Dora Rha- my of Vallisca, Iowa and Charlie Stevenson of Molalla. Another first son who arrived last week is Brad Lawrence Note­ stine who made his appearance Wednesday, October 31 at Port­ land Sanitarium. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Larry Notestine and he weighed in at 6% pounds. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Notestine of Portland. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beeler of St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anderson of Portland. Mrs.. Note­ stine, the former Vicky Serafin, and her son came to the home of her parents Sunday to spend a week or so. Mrs. Evelyn Heath is another proud grandmother this week who is happy over the arrival of a granddaughter November 1. The young lady is the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ladd of Port­ land. She weighed in at 7 pounds at Emanuel hospital and has been named Susan Kelly. Grandparents in addition to Mrs. Heath are Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ladd of Reeds­ port and great grandparents are A. B. Heath of Davenport, Wash­ ington; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mad­ ison of Kellogg, Oregon and I. E. Ladd of Drumright, Oklahoma. MIST—The Mist Helping Cir­ cle meets at the home of Mrs. the busy time and schedules of Lloyd Beach Thursday, Novem­ an associate grand conductress as ber 15. A pot luck dinner will she travels over Eastern Oregon be served at noon. on her official business. She was Those who called on the Sam presented with a gift and arm Devines Saturday evening were bouquet of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Root and Members of the Portland and son of Scappoose and Mr. and Mrs. vicinity associate conductress Harold Case. Social Security Topic group, known as the Lily Annes, Mrs. L. P. Mathews accompan­ For Extension Unit gave a pretty addendum in which ied by her daughter Virginia and they formed the baton within a son Stanley spent the week end Mrs. Antone Smejkal and Mrs. star, emblem of the office, and a at Manzanita at the home of Mr. Richard Jensen will present a les­ lily. They used the music from and Mrs. Alvin Wright. son on “Your Stake in Social Se­ Hi Lily with original words to curity” to those who attend the Mrs. Sam Devine accompanied meeting of the Timber Route Ex­ honor their grand officer and pre­ Mrs. Clair Devine and Carla to sented her with a gift. tension Unit next Tuesday at the Hillsboro last Friday where they Vernonia Grange hall. Irene McKinley, past grand ma­ called on Mrs. Ted Gernhart. tron, whistled and played several The meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. and the same ladies will be numbers during the refreshment hour. hostesses for the potluck dinner to be served at noon. The meeting Beautiful dahlias were used to is open to all who are interested decorate the rooms and the tables. in attending. These were from the garden of Mrs. J. A. Yeager. Forest Chapter, Forest Grove, Members of the American Le­ READ ADVERTISING-IT PAYS graciously made pretty little pin- gion and auxiliary, their families on favors for everyone. and friends will gather at the Le­ Mrs. T. F. Tomlin attended the gion hall tomorrow evening, Fri­ gift table; Mrs. F. E. West and day, November 9, for a potluck Mrs. Ralph Bergerson were in dinner in observance of Veterans charge of the guest books. Pouring Day which this year falls on Sun­ punch were Mrs. Frank Serafin day, November 11. and Mrs. Paul Gordon. Coffee was Along with this observance, served by Past Grand Matron members are asked to look ahead Irene McKinley, Mrs. Sam Hear­ to Christmas and at the same time ing Jr., Mrs. Harry Sandon and think of the less fortunate veter­ Mrs. T. F. Tomlin. ans who are confined to the Vet­ The refreshment - decorating erans hospital by bringing gifts committee was: Mrs. Sam Hear­ such as towels, pillow cases, shav­ (¿ET ing Sr., Mrs. Serafin, Mrs. D. Her- ing articles, make-up and toilet ar­ shey, Mrs. Lottie Swanson and MORE ticles for women patients, or cash Mrs. James Johns, who were as­ donations for the Christmas cheer sisted by other members. Bert Ä fund at the hospital. Brunsman and Jim Johns were in charge of seating. Hostesses at the doors were Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Hearing Sr. Around 400 guests were present to honor Lillian Davis, associate grand conductress of the Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star of Oregon, Saturday evening when Nehalem Chapter was host at a reception for their honored mem­ ber. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsman, worthy patron and matron of Ne­ halem Chapter, presided. Special guests present were: Florence Jaeger, Condon, worthy grand matron; Eldon Cone, Salem, worthy grand patron; David Odell Bennett, St. Helens, general grand chapter committeeman and past grand patron of Oregon; Virginia Wright, Myrtle Creek, associate grand matron; Kenneth Blair, Ti­ gard, associate grand patron; Mary E. Miller, Portland, grand secre­ tary; Mary Lou Denham, Portland, grand treasurer; Merle LaMar, Silverton, grand conductress; Ber­ tha Tibbetts, Portland, grand chaplain; Elsie Ottioti, Portland, grand lecturer and past grand pa­ tron; Jean Reed, Mikkalo, grand marshal; Loren Edmiston, Eugene, grand organist; Frances Kalina, Malin, grand Adah; Lola Cone, Salem, grand Ruth; Jean Collins, Junction City, grand Esther; Eula Mastropolita, Langlois, grand Martha; Elsie Cutsforth, Canby, grand Electa; Vina Ross, La- Grand, grand warder; Claude Sanders, Winchester Bay, grand sentinel; Past grand matrons Elsie Ollioti, Irene McKinley, Portland; Hazel Graham, Tillamook; Bertha Bur­ ton Mains, Independence; Mattie Hermann, Seaside and Edna Throne, St. Helens; and past grand patrons, M. Edwin Cox, Portland; Ronald L. Gilson, Le­ banon; Maldwin Evans, Forest Grove. A group cf grand committee members were introduced by Paul Young People Club Has Sorensen of Pendleton and grand Meeting at Hillsboro representatives were presented by Mabel Goodwin of Portland. MIST—Friday Mrs. Fred Busch Mrs. Davis introduced her hus­ entertained the Young Peoples band Wilbur and her daughter, club members at her home in Mrs. Sam Howard and two chil­ Hillsboro. Those who enjoyed her dren from Seattle. hospitality were Mary Sanders, A large delegation of matrons Virginia Hansen, Shirley and and patrons from all over the Irene Kyser. They were happy to state were greeted, as were all see Berna Howry who came from guests. Grande Ronde to join the group. Ronald O. Gilson, past grand pa­ Roy Kyser was one of the lucky tron, gave the invocation and led elk hunters in the Jewell area. the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Ken Justus of Creswell vis­ John Jensen entertained with ited the Charles Hansens last two beautiful solo numbers, "One Thursday. Mrs. Justus is a niece Song" from Snow White and the of Mrs. Hansen. Seven Dwarfs and “I’ve Grown Ac Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds customed to Her Face" from the motored to Westport Sunday after ever-popular musical. My Fair noon where they called on Mrs Lady. He also closed the program McMan. by singing “The Lord’s Prayer.” Bob Mathews spent the week His accompanist was Mrs. Frank end at his home from Longview Serafin. where he is a student at the col­ Nehalem Chapter members pre­ lege. sented an original skit by Emma Bush for the honored guest's plea­ Please advise us of your new sure. It was made effective by the address if you are planning to use of black lights and depicted move. Legion Groups To Note Dates STUDENTS from Welcome Rumbaugh's Vo-Ag classes at VHS are pictured at fhe Robert Sword farm recently where they heard Walter Anderson, soil scientist from Hillsboro tell about soil profile geological formation, texture and structure. Soil Conservation Service Photo Pythian Sisters Date Roll Call Vernonia Temple Pythian Sis­ ters will observe homecoming and roll call at the meeting set for Wednesday of next week, Novem­ ber 14. Past Chiefs will fill the chairs and the recbligation cere­ mony will be exemplified. Also, there will be a special love offer­ ing taken. All members are urged to attend. At the meeting held October 24, reports were heard from the grand temple sessions in Portland at which Mrs. Charley Hickman was representative and Mrs. Frank Lange alternate. Following a short business ses­ sion, Mrs. Launee Cousins enter­ tained the group with some read­ ings pertaining to Halloween. Fol­ lowing adjournment, refreshments of pumpkin pie, doughnuts, coffee and tea were served by members of the Past Chiefs club at tables decorated in the Halloween motif. Jack-o-lanterns and skeletons about the room added to the spirit of the occasion. Vikes Plan Open House For Golden Anniversary Sunday, November 11, will be open house at the home of Oscar and Ragena Vike to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. All friends of Ma and Oscar are in­ vited to drop in to see them on that special day. O c r tio n ia E a q fc THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1962 3 Frank Birl Hospitalized For Observation, Care TIMBER RT.—Frank Birt was taken to Tuality Community hos­ pital in Hillsboro for observation Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson Sr. from Amboy, Washington visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson Jr. and family Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mrs. Nell Thacker were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stow­ ell at Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling from Portland visited Mrs. Nell Thacker Saturday. DERREL ROSE Our concern is to give you con­ siderate care, handle all details with a service of quiet dignity and beauty that will comfort you and your family for years to come. PRICKETT'S MORTUARY OF FOREST GROVE Please Call Collect 1920 Pacific Ave.—Dial EL 7-3128 Don’t run out of MILK for the weekend! DARIGO LD M IL K ? ☆ Better Quality for Less Here! Standby CATSUP 1 l-oz Hotties 2 .4 5 c Standby 5 F»r S i TO M ATOES 303 Tins TU N A FISH r No. bi Tins 3 For 89c Standby Cut GREEN BEANS Medum Size 4 For 89c M.J.B. 6-oz. Jar IN S TA N T COFFEE 79c Betty Crocker SAFFLOWER OIL 2Soz. Btl. 79c 25c SCOURING PADS Z. HEINS HONEY Creamed l-oz. 3 I ». 25c Darigold- Instant DRY M IL K Non-fat 12-Qt. I’kg. 79c Tru Blu SA ND W ICH COOKIES 2-lb. Pkg. 55c Pops Rite White POP CORN or Yellow 2 u». 29c Stride Wash FLOOR W A X and Wear 26-oz. $1.19 Pennant Brilliant— CAKE M IX For Fruit Cake 16-z. Jar 49c RAINIER CHEESE 59c S A M ’ S FOOD FREE DELIVERY STO R E PHONE HA 9-5501