PARKDALE BARTLETT A R K ET PEARS In Heavy Syrup — 303 Cans MARGARINE K aiser — 12”x 2 5 -ft ROLL Vernonia’s Favorite Spread 5 Chicken S tew 59 ...24-oz. C M eat B a lls 24-oz. t a n G R A PEFR U IT Tastewell— 303 Cans T om ato Juice H unt’s Fancy, 46-oz. Cans CQf For ■JEc J 5 *1 4 T $1 3 .5 5 Pinto B ean s 23* 7 M -oz. Pkg. Centennial ..............2-Lb. Pkg TOPICS OF THE TOWN Pop Com HA 9-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. and 3 P.M. ★ M eat D epartm ent ★ • : B eef Liver i Flav-R-Pac— 10-oz. Pkgs. For Fish Sticks 14-oz. Pkg. B o ilin g Onions 3-Lb. Bag ............................... Instant Coffee Folger’s .........................6-oz. J a r Lb. Smoked 2-Lb. Pkg. Pom ona G rangers H ear D e le g a te s T e ll of Trips During T he Sum m er Mr». M. C. Brewer entered the You're As Close io the Mill Market As Your Telephone Pork Hocks W hite or Yellow Booth’s Frozen E tc Dinner For Frozen P ea s KRAFT MACARONI & CH EESE $1 S w ift’s— 4-oz. Can ! O C SI V ienna S a u sa g e 95* J N A LLEY’S SPAGHETTI & Sections 6 Ci SW IFT ’S With Dumplings $ |00 Dried Prunes ALUMINUM & LOCKERS 55* 19* 69* Member United Grocers I Young and Tender Lb i Red Snapper * Ocean Fresh Lb. 29* 39* 39* A pple Drink /B $1 Shasta— 4 6-oz. Cans For Bananas O Fey. Golden F ru it BOWLING é E Jg Lbs. Jensen Chosen urday evening prior to the recep­ Physicians and Surgeons hospital tion were Mr. and Mrs. Jens Her­ MONDAY—WOMEN Sunday and underwent surgery mann and Mrs. Lillian Phelps L W Monday. from Seaside; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. The Columbia county Pomona cases, and causing confusion in Vernonia Clinic John Jensen has been selectei 22 18 Mr». Laura Carmichael, whose McKinley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grange met Saturday, November others. Sam’s Food Store as the guest choir director of th 22 18 birthday falls on Halloween, was Floreth and Mrs. George Kinsley, 3 in the Chapman Grange hall 18 22 Southwest Hills churches on Nov Miss Jacquelin Wyland, who West Oregon Electric given a surprise Tuesday evening all from Portland. with a good attendance. Visitors won the trip this year to the Curl’s Grocery 18 22 18. Each of the participating of last week, October 30, when her Among former resident here for from other counties were Ted United Nations presented by the choirs will sing one anthem an< Jacquie Antles, high game, 228 daughter, Mrs. Marion Steers; her the Eastern Star reception Satur­ Simms, State Grange deputy of and high series, 558. all the choirs will sing five mas; IOOF and Rebekah Lodges, was son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill day evening were Mr. and Ms. Lane county, and Edna Graf and numbers under the direction o Splits picked up: Nell Thomas, present in the afternoon to show Camichael and two daughters F. D. Macpherson of Redlands, Susie Bennel of Sauvies Island from Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. No­ near Oregon City, Prior to leav­ Grange, Multnomah county. All her pictures taken on the trip. In 5-8-10 and 3-6-8; Florenz Huff, Mr. Jensen as follows: Almighty God of Our Father: ble Dunlap, and Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ ing Vernonia they operated the spent a pleasant day as guests of the evening, David Stevely told 5-6 and 6-7-10; Hazel Shipman, by Will James, How Lovely ii of his trip as Youth Exchange stu­ 5-8-10. bert S. Lindsay arrived bearing Vernonia Golf course. Chapman Grange. Thy Dwelling Place by Brahms dent to Ontario, and showed pic­ TUESDAY—WOMEN gifts and refreshments. Mrs. M. J. Lamping Sr. entered Agricultural committee reports tures he took. Both young people I Know that My Redeemer Live« W L Mr. and Mr«. L. H. Thomas were Tuality hospital at Hillsboro last covered pest control as practiced gave a good account of their trips. Standard Oil 26 by Bunjes with Trumpet solo 10 at Forest Grove Saturday for fun­ Saturday for observation after be­ in Tillamook county, resetting 17 Jesu, Priceless Treasure by Bach 19 Reports showed extensive dam­ Quinn’s Insurance eral services for his brother-in- ing ill at her home all of last week. trees which have been uprooted age to the Pomona Grange parks Vernonia Drug 20% and The Last Words of David 15% law, Tom Turk. Monday afternoon she underwent by the recent storm, which is said in the Nehalem valley, and the King’s Grocery 13% 22% by Randal Thompson. Mrs. Myrtle Buffmire was taken major surgery for a perforated to be possible if done soon. New park board was given authority to High series, Fran Dinger, 523; The Festival will be held at the to Tuality hospital Saturday by ulcer. She was expected to re­ stock will not be available to com­ fix them up as a community ser­ high game, Alice Ellson, 206. Saint Barnabas Episcopal church, her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Quinn, main in the hospital all of this pletely replace trees, so orchardists vice. Mrs. Inez Langdon, Mrs. Ly­ Splits picked up: Fran Dinger, 2201 S.W. Vermont, Portland, at for tests and treatment. She has week. should do what they can to save dia Erickson and Mrs. Pearl Beck­ 3-10 and 5-6-10; Marlea Leffler, 8:00 p.m. The public is invited. not been well for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaw were those they have. Filberts, prunes er were appointed as a committee 5-6; Hazel Shipman, 4-5 and 3-10. Recent word from Mr. and Mrs. here Saturday from Ontario and and walnuts, especially, have been to aid in this project as a Pomona WEDNESDAY—MEN Former Residents Visit Clyde Thomas is that he is now attended the reception honoring hard hit, and these trees take some Grange community service for W L With Relatives Here stationed at an Air Force base at Mrs. Wilbur Davis that evening. time to come into bearing if re­ next year. History of the Pomona Brunsman’s Hardware 25 11 Klamath Falls and is still wear­ They were house guests of Mr. and placed by new stock. Also, Don and subordinate granges of the Fisher’s Electric 19 17 RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mr< ing a brace as the result of n Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr. Other for­ Coin Walrod, county agent, ad­ county also is being undertaken at Col. River Real Estate 16 20 Ronald Smith of Bradwood spen Bob’s Union injury in May. Mrs. Thomas is mer residents here for the recep­ vocated that any buildings lost this time. 12 24 Thursday at the E. L. Llcyd heme Jerry Dinger, high game, 200; Sunday visitors at the Lloyds weri still in Madagan hospital at Ta­ tion were Mr. and Mrs. John El­ might be modernized in being re­ built. high series, 510. coma, still has a pin in her leg der from Portland. her sister and brother-in-law, Mr bone and hopes to be able to go to Splits picked up: Charley Hick­ and Mrs. Obie Atkinson who re Much discussion of various mea­ Word was received here this the home of her parents, Mr. and week that George, the youngest sures on the ballot for the coming man, 2-7; Albert Shalock, 5-7-9; cently moved from Cannon City Jerry Dinger, 5-6. Mrs. Robert Tunnell by Christmas. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bleile, election brought out arguments Colorado to Redmond. The Atkin New residents in Vernonia are former residents of OA Hill, had THURSDAY—MEN sons lived here several years ago for and against, serving to give Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering who succumbed to pneumonia quite better understanding in some W L Carson Strong spent two day- moved here early in October and suddenly in Chicago where he was 19 The following information has Crown Zellerbach 17 in the Emanuel hospital in Port­ are located at 1153 Ruth avenue. working. The Bleiles now live at 18% 17 been received by the Washington Mill Market land for spinal tests and returned They purchased their home from Sacramento, California. 18 county Navy recruiting station, Vernonia Milk 18 home Friday. Curl’s Grocery Miss Helen Caine but the proper­ 16% 519 South 10th, Hillsboro, Oregon. 19 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner ol Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray have Thursday, November 8 ty was formerly known as the Joe Magoff, high game, 201 and Tillamook visited his mother, Mrs. Navy recruits, i n c l u d i n g received news from their daugh­ Mt Heart Rebekah Lodge, IOOF Woodruff place. The Pickerings WAVES, reporting to Naval train­ high series, 531. Artie Buckner Sunday. ter, Second Lieutenant Carol Ray, hall, 8:00 p.m. Splits picked up:: Ben Fowler, came from Clatsop Plains where ing centers on or before 14 No­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker and that she is now with the Women Friday. November 9 they were formerly commercial vember, 1962 will be eligible for 9-10. grandson Paul spent the week end Marine detachment at Cherry daffodil growers. They are rock Christmas leave. visiting their daughter and son- Point, North Carolina During the Mist-Nehalem Extension U n i t , hounds and will have as their The period from December 22, Birkenfeld Center, 10:30 a m. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Homer recent storm here, news of the guests here next Sunday members 1962 through January 6, 1963 is Football, Loggers at Clatskanie, Gwin at Cannon Beach. The men damage reached Carol and she was 8:00 p.m. of the rock club at Clatsop Plains. quite worried because she could established as a holiday period for were successful in getting an elk Do You Know This Man? Week end guests at the home of all training activities under the Saturday. not get in touch with her folks. Legion and Auxiliary Veterans Born July 3, 1917 at Austin, Tex­ Mrs. Paul Gordon were her sister At the same time, the Cuban sit­ management control of Vice Ad­ Day potluck. Legion hall, 6:30 as. and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ray miral W. R. Smedberg III, USN, p.m. uation was tense and she was not Came to Vernonia in March 1947 chief of naval personnel. Nelson from Cottage Grove who Saturday. November 10 sure where she was to be sent. for a grand opening. attended the OES reception with Further information is avail­ Used trucks belonging to Co Vernonia Grange, hall near golf Guests for dinner last Friday her Saturday evening Additional evening at the home of Mr and course, 8:00 p.m. able by stopping in at the Re­ Married February 14, 1948 at lumbia county will be disposed ol Portland, Oregon. dinner guests of Mrs Gordon Sat- cruiting Station or calling collect by public sale at the Columbi. Mrs. L E Stiff were his brother Sunday. November 11 Has four children. MI8-1831. county road department’s shop ir and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn VETERANS DAY Is a baseball fan. St. Helens on November 10. A Stiff of Hillsboro and a cousin Open house .the Vike’s golden Is Interested in civic affairs. legal notice appearing elsewhere wedding anniversary, t h e i r of the two men and his wife, Mr. Extension Unit Meeting Is also active in church and fra­ in this paper gives full particulars home, 1 to 6 p m. and Mrs. Newt Bolt from Sunny­ ternal groups. Scheduled for Friday 2 THURSDAY, NOV 8, 1962 side, Washington The cousins had Nehalem Valley Coin Club, West of the sale, which will start at (Information supplied by J. W. 1:30 p.m. Oregon Bldg . 2 p.m. MIST — The Home Extension not seen each other for some time Nichols.) Monday. November 12 Unit will meet this Friday, No­ and enjoyed a good visit. Small talk sheds little light or SCHOOL HOLIDAY vember 9 at Mist-Birkenfeld cen­ to last weeks quiz: Guy any subject—real power has tc Clothing Construction workshop. ter. Virginia Hansen and Helen Answer Thomas. FRI. SAT. NOV. 9-10 come from th ; high line. West Oregon Bldg., 10:00 a m. Ramsey will give the lessons. Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls, Ardys Hansen spent the week Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. end at her home here. Mrs. Hugh Chamber of Commerce board. Cox accompanied her daughter as West Oregon building. 8:00 p.m. far as Portland where she visited Frank Sinatra - Spencer Tracy Tuesday November 13 another daughter until Monday THE VERNONIA EAGLE Timber Route Extension Unit, evening. Vernonia Grange hall, 10:30 a m. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge, were in Portland Friday to visit IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. their daughter. Carolyn. Wednesday, November 14 Friday evening Mrs. Hugh Cox \ emonia Temple Pythian Sisters, and Mrs. Wayne Kvser attended IOOF hall, 8:00 p m Roll eall. a party in Westport at the home Natal Grange. Natal hall. 8:00 p.m. of Mrs. Ben Keller. Guest Director N a v y Offers H o lid a y Bonus DATES io Remember Lei's Gel Acquainted! Trucks Offered Oernonia Eagle J o y T h e a tr e THE DEVIL AT 4 O'CLOCK 1* SALE STILL IN PROGRESS RO YAL TRITO N AT WORLD'S FINEST MOTOR OIL \ our car deserves no less than the best- Royal Triton. Bob’s Union Service provides it for you. V ■ Fuiten's C hapel in th e H ills 1 Î I BO B'S > U N IO N S E R V IC E O ♦ I « « VERNONIA. HILLSBORO, FOREST GROVE V 24-Hour Mortuary Service Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Res. Managers Phone HAzel 9-6611 a ’ a ’ a ’ a ’ A - A’ , X V I 1 I I I i I I • I I I i 1 I I i I i i I I D R U G CO H A- 9 • 6 2 5 4 THRU NOV. 10