Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 08, 1962, Image 1

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    Library, U of O
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Oernonia Eagle
VOLUME 40. NUMBER 45_____________VERNONIA. OREGON____________ THURSDAY. NOV. 8. 1962
Schools Plan Election
Program for R esults
Special Week
Incomplete and unofficial
The local schools will observe
American Education week, No­
vember 11-17 with a varied pro­
gram. The major emphasis will be
an evening program Thursday, No­
vember 15 at 8:00 p.m. at the
Washington school to which the
parents of all students and the
general public are invited.
In connection with the state
wide program of “Lights on for
Education,” the local program will
consist of a panel discussion by a
group of teachers on the topic
“How culture subjects in educa­
tion challenge the student’s fu­
ture.” Rudy Domitrovich will act
as moderator.
*-* g o
S uS
500 62 2428
PATTI ROBERTSON, just after her crowning as
cf the other two candidates, Nancy Howard and
276 55 2207
homecoming queen by Boxer Cox. president of
Patti Chandler.
the Paul Bunyan club, receives the congratulations
396 81 3199
384 33 3460
264 51 2762
The most successful rally and rade and first place honors were Boxer Cox, Bob Grimsbo and Lou­
468 61 3627
homecoming at Vernonia high awarded to the sophomores with is Violette, who had the privilege
36 3 266
school in a good many years was their very clever Logger axing the , of saluting the girls with a kiss.
staged last week under the direc­ Dragon.
215 39 1722
At game halftime, a new feature
tion of two of the new teachers
The rally concluded with the of homecoming was the honoring
522 66 4344
in the school, Miss Jacqueline bonfire at the school at which of the graduates of the early clas­
STATE SEN. 14th Dist.
Antles and Truman Jackson.
Following the panel discussion Thiel
speeches were heard, a skit was ses at Vernonia high school. Each
584 75 5216
The rally, held Thursday even­ presented and team members in­ of those present was escorted to the parents will meet with indi­ STATE REP. 2nd Dist.
ing, was a wonderful exhibition troduced.
210 37 2041
the field by a delegation of the vidual teachers of the grade Meissner
of pep and enthusiasm on the part
536 64 4455
Townspeople who made the ef­ girls and presented with flowers. school in their rooms for a dis­ Turner
cussion of the program in that COUNTY COMMISSIONER
of students and the only thing fort to get out and see the parade
Omar Sheeley, member of the
really lacking was spectators along and cheer the students along were first graduating class in 1918, area. High school teachers will Gregory
81 0 2234
meet as a group with parents. Re­ Mathews
the line of march. The students, well repayed with enjoyment in
105 1374
Theodore Keasey from the class
led by the high school marching the excellent display of spirit by of 1920, Hilda Tucker Keasey freshments will be served to con­ Ray
238 3 849
clude the evening’s activities.
band, serpentined through town, the students and faculty alike.
112 8 2364
from the class of 1922 and Lois
The committee in charge of ed­ COUNTY ASSESSOR
stopping at intersections for yells
Friday night, just prior to the Malmsten Clark and Louise
and demonstrations by the rally game, Miss Patti Robertson was Malmsten Thomas from the class ucation week planning includes LeMont
563 81 5527
announced as homecoming queen of 1926 were the ones present to Mrs. Maude Wells, Mrs. Dorothy COUNTY CLERK
418 41 3579
Members of the homecoming and was crowned by Boxer Cox, be honored. Other invitations had Buell, Miss Jacqueline Antles, Nelson
271 53 2628
court were in the parade as were president of the Paul Bunyan been sent to several who were un­ Manning Bomberger and John Welwood
members of the football squad. club. Her princesses were Patti able to attend.
Signs made in competition by the Chandler and Nancy Howard. The
Parents are cordially invited to Wilburn
258 58 3812
Following the game, a dance
four classes to publicize the home­ girls were escorted to the field
518 57 3647
sponsored by the Girls Athletic visit any of the schools in the Younce
coming game were also in the pa­ by the three football co-captains,
association was held in the school district during American Educa- MEASURES
gym which was very attractively ton week to observe the work of State Militia Yes 298 37 3097
No 368 57 2839
decorated with autumn leaves for students and teachers.
Forest Rehabil. Yes 324 32 3770
the occasion. The attendance was
No 281 59 2567
good which added to the success
Road Debt
Yes 357 32 3184
of the affair.
No 244 55 2381
At the dance, Delbert Bush was
Power Devel. Yes 311 28 2851
crowned football king by Queen
No 277 57 2537
State Courts
Yes 290 28 2726
Mr. Jackson and Miss Antles
District Governor Paul Eckel-
No 300 59 2577
have expressed their appreciation man has accepted the invitation of Daylight Time Yes 376 39 3923
of the support given them by the the Vernonia Lions club to host
No 362 68 2775
townspeople. Many of the towns­ the next 36-0 roundtable on Sat­ Six Pet. Limit Yes 264 24 2707
people, likewise, have expressed urday, January 26, 1963. Forty
No 299 61 2592
appreciation and interest in this clubs will be attending to discuss Legis Appor. Yes 182 36 1697
type of homecoming observance.
the problems of the clubs and ex­
No 413 49 3868
change ideas for improvement. Repeal Reorg. Yes 262 42 2531
This is also a chance to exchange
No 336 52 3179
ideas for work projects.
County Civil Yes 321 30 2871
No 303 62 2957
The Vernonia Lions club was
the first host of the roundtable in VERNONIA—Mayor
1959 which since has grown into
Precinct 1
2 3 4 Tot.
73 96 24 30 223
The mobile chest x-ray unit will an important function in the over­ Hobart
69 58 13 27 167
be in Columbia county this week all program of Lionism in district Johnson
end but will not come to Vernonia.
133 139 33 53 358
Sunday, November 4 John Jen­ Gordon
Persons from this area may ob­
to be elected
tain x-rays by going to one of sen attended the district 36-0 cab­
93 110 20 38 261
the places listed here. Food hand­ inet meeting at the Bohemian res­ Hertel
86 72 21 33 212
lers are urged to take advantage taurant in Portland. This is the Johnson
77 86 22 30 215
of this free service to renew organization that plans things on Miller
their food handler cards which the district level.
are obtained by mailing the nega­
tive reply card to the Columbia
County Health department.
The x-ray unit will be at the
The Social Security administra­
Clatskanie city hall from noon to
QUEEN PATTI p’ns boutonniere on Theodore Keasey, graduate
A clipping from the Barometer,
announces that its contact
ci the class of 1920, at halftime at Logger homecoming game. He
campus newspaper at OSU, re­
was outranked by Omar Sheeley. member of the first class in 1918,
5:00 p.m. Friday, November 9 and November 12 because of the vet­ ports that the OSU Rooks defeat­
but picture taken of him failed to turn out.
ed the Oregon Ducklings in their
from 10 a m. to 5:00 p.m. Satur­ erans day holiday.
recent encounter at Medford by a
day, November 10.
Frank J. Laheney, field repre­ score of 15 to 8. The item makes
sentative, will -esume his regu­ mention of Vernonia’s Marv
lar schedule on Monday, Novem­ Crowston as follows: “Crowston
ber 19 at the Columbia county did an excellent job of quarter-
court house from 9:00 a m. to 12:00 backing, praised head coach Jerry
Long after the game.”
H om ecom ing Honors Past Graduates
Club to Host
District Meet
X -ra y Unit to
Be in County
Station to Close
Crowston Gets
Game Mention
Veterans Day
Plans Given
City Approves
Purchase of
At the meeting of the city coun­
cil Monday of this week, a recom­
mendation was presented by Civ­
il Defense Director B. J. Horn that
the city acquire a generator for
auxiliary use at the water plant
in case of emergency. The council
approved the suggestion and au­
thorized application to the surplus
property division for a 60-kilowatt
generator for the water plant and
a five-kilowatt generator for
lights, communications and heat
at the city hall.
Another recomemndation made
by Horn was that a local trainee
be sent for radiological training
for which the government pays
half the cost. No action was taken
on this.
The planning commission re­
commended that sale of city-
owned lots in First addition be
withheld until the completion of
the platting of the Oregon-Amer-
can area. The recommendation
was approved.
James Fuiten submitted a re­
vised lot numbering plan for the
Vernonia Memorial cemetery. The
council will study it to see what
effect there would be in relation
to existing records.
A final estimate of $6600 was
received for payment from John
Havlik, contractor for completing
work of sealing the sewage lagoon.
The lagoon was re-worked and
packed and a dike built to divide
it. Half of it is now being used
and is apparently holding.
In other council action, Fred
Dusek was authorized to cut two
dangerous trees from sidewalk
area at 626 Second street, Dusek
to do the work in return for wood
derived and to be responsible for
any damage incurred; liquor li­
censes were approved for Dick's
Tavern and Lew’s Place: the ap­
pointment of Mrs. David Bruns-
man to succeed Miss Ruby Young
on the library board was approved
and the inquiry of Fred Bender
about moving a survey monument
was decided to be a problem for
the county surveyor.
A report from the inspection
made recently of the Civil Defense
hospital was that the general ser­
vices administration had pro­
nounced this one the best in the
entire area and had offered to in­
crease it to 1000-bed setup if ad­
ditional refrigeration were pro­
vided. The council authorized ob­
taining an eight cubic foot or
larger refrigerator for this.
The Columbia County Histori­
cal society reported to the coun­
cil that they were not in favor
of a suggested change in plans for
living quarters at the museum and
the council agreed to go ahead
with the plans as prepared by No­
ble Dunlap.
Following the payment of bills,
the council adjourned at 10:40
p.m. and will meet again Novem­
ber 19.
Next Monday, November 12,
will be a school holiday in obser­
vance of Veterans Day which falls
on Sunday this year. It will also
be a bank and postal holiday but
Walter Linn, city recorder, indi­
cates that the city hall will be
Brunsman Hardware has indi­
cated that they will take Monday
for a holiday but other businesses
contacted say they will be open
for business as usual.
Census Help Needed
MRS. T. F. KEASEY. class of 1922. receives corsage from Queen
Patti. Her husband and other members of court look on.
J. W Acaiturri, superintendent
of schools in district 47 joint,
placed an urgent request this week
that any families who might have
been missed in the census taking
just completed contact the school
at once so that their children are
enumerated. District reports have
to be sent in thi« week end and
every child missed means a cut in
school funds for the district. All
persons up to age 20 are to be
HENRY NEUMAN, Scappoose, levelled the new
Vernonia sub-station site for West Oregon Elec­
tric recently. The site has now been gravelled
and is ready for construction of the 7500 KVA
station which will provide Vernonia with re-
serve capacity for future growth.