f Lindsley Rites Read Saturday Ocrnonia Eagle 8 THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1962 Goals Reached For Two Quotas After two years of taking back seat to Vernonia, Clatskanie is performing in its usual form and was the first community in the county to go “over the top” in the United Fund Drive. The quota which they topped was $2,000 which was reached last week but they are working on the amount above that which will finance their local projects. Vernonia this week is able to boast of second place with the amounts now in just topping the $1200 quota for this area. Several organizations and businesses have not yet reported so it is hoped that there will be a good amount for the local relief fund. Anyone missed in the solicitation may send their contributions to the co-chair­ men, Mrs. T. M. Hobart and Mrs. R. C. Lindsay. County-wise, the drive is still far short of the $27,840 quota. ' WELCOME SA L E ENDS TH IS WEEK Funeral services for Warren J. Lindsley, 81 year old resident of the Vernonia area since 1924, were conducted Saturday, October 27 at 1:30 p.m. at Fuiten's Chapel in the Hills mortuary, Vernonia. Mr. Lindsley passed away Tues­ day afternoon, October 23 at a Eu­ gene area nursing home where he had been since October 18. He Oakland wood heater with had been seriously ill for the past thermostatic 95 three weeks. control___________ Joseph Brown officiated at the Oakland fireplace heater with heat funeral services with Richard control. Glass Chamberlin as soloist singing “In Doors—Only the Garden” and “The Old Rug­ ged Cross,,. He was accompanied Kre«ky automatic auto, forced by Mrs. Lloyd Thomas as organ­ air wood burning heater. Floor ist. Concluding rites and inter­ level heat in every p » /\9 5 ment were at the Vernonia Me­ room. 6-8 rm. size morial cemetery with Marion Sie- delman, Ed Burton, A1 Bergstrom, Henry Hudson, Roy Juola and Ted Keasey serving as casket bearers. Mr. Lindsley was a native of Fremont, Nebraska where he was bom October 30, 1881, moving then to Iowa with his family when he was a small boy. As a young Battery Booster Cable man he came West to Hope, Idaho Set for 12-Volt Cars where he spent many years. In 1923 he moved to Washington and 8-Foot. Compare at then in 1924 to the Vernonia area. Gallon $ -| 33 90 $2.50. The Lindsley family lived near Can __ Only .......... Keasey from 1924 until 1945 when Quart they moved to their present home at Riverview. Mr. Lindsley worked Can most of his years here at the Ore­ gon American Lumber company mill until retirement. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Clara Mead Lindsley to whom he was Armstrong Budgetone united in marriage at Spokane, vinyl floor covering. Washington on December 22, 1910. Square $ -| 29 They had observed their golden wedding anniversary here less than Fan-Gio Heetaire Congoleum vinyl Fore­ two years ago. electric heater with cast floor covering. Also surviving are eight child­ thermostatic $ r t J 95 Square $ -| 59 ren; four sons, Joseph and Ken­ control jc neth Lindsley, Springfield; Vernon Yard _____ ___ Portable baseboard Lindsley, Vernonia and Lee Lind­ elec, heater $ Q Q 9 5 9x12 Linoleum sley of Spain; four daughters, Mrs. Rugs $£47 George (Edith) Stanton, Gold 3-Foot ...... Only J 95 Beach; Mrs. Doug (Claribel) Hib- Other Elec. ler, Eugene; Mrs. Sam (Ann) Heaters from Smith, Springfield and Mrs. Dewey (Joan) Hunt, Lompoc, California. Additional survivors include a brother, Bruce Lindsley, Smith River, California; two sisters, Mrs. Simmons Slumber Alma Billings, Camas, Washing­ King Mattress and ton and Mrs. Sadie Austin, Rio Box Springs $ 4 f t 50 Dell, California; two step-sons, Each William Prince, Portland; and Beauty Rest Clarence Pearson, Elma, Washing­ Goulds balanced flow Mattress___ ton; thirty five grandchildren and shallow well system. twenty seven great grandchildren. No tank, no extras. • C t ^ / B l g 52 Gallon 's il v e r Seal Now $-J 4A 4 85 Electric Fame is fleeting—the man of Only WATER the hour is often forgotten the HFATER next. West Coast T e lep h o n e 5 PLACES WHERE AN EXTENSION PHONE SAVES STEPS LA IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM ,8 i IN 21 STATES AND S T IL L GROWING FREE 154 TO WINDSHIELD SCRAPER _ F c llp » to cor vlaor. Jus» o»k for I» In .u r Au ta­ in« N vn D np srtn nn». «.gv/orfy $12.95 B U IL T IN CORD MINDER AND O U T L E T !, $-J JLtziz Won dor fry 12 Inch SELF. L E V E L IN G FRONT LEGSI STORM WINDOWS *•0 / / > > 2 9 (< 3 rr Mary Proctor IRONING BOARD TABLE This newest Ironing board makes Ironing oasyl Has now up and down a d j u s t m e n t . EXTRA features! built-in cord minder and outlotl Steam vented stall too. 6 foot cord. UL aoorovad. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC SKILLET /4F 99 P o lyeth yl ene K it for U n iversal Quart 51 xe R.g $18.95 6 T ransistor $ 1 3 .9 9 PORTABLE RADIO $ 1 9 .9 9 PORTABLE RADIO I 8 T ransistor ¡»Deluxe radio Is com- Splete with 4 ponlight ¡b atteries, leather ¡carrying case, and | earphone. Reg $19.95 *9 T ransistor $ 1 6 .9 9 PORTABLE RADIO Pocket size transistor , w ill go wherever you gol Complete with earphones, batteries and carrying case. 1 « f Thick 11 gauge alum­ inum, mirror finish. Removable controls make It completely Immersible. Cover included. UL approved. Two 36 x 72 inch transparent poly­ ethylene sheet*. 36 feet of fibre molding ond nails In each kit. TRANSISTOR RADIOS Complete with battery, earphone and leather carrying cato.Rag $27.95 Hog $14.95 PKG. FOR 2 WINDOWS VACUUM BOTTLE Sogularly FOR $2.99 AV» N atural Color CAULKING CARTRIDGE Big quart also for work, traveling, and outdoor ac tivities. Keeps contents cold or hot longer. 1 /1 0 gallon cartridge«. Your choice, with or without tho spout. I .... O $ -f IN THE KITCHEN . Toastm aster 2 Slice ¿ten'« CHORE GLOVES PAIR FOR Step Ladders 5- Foot $6 »87 Ladders, ...... 6- Foot $ , 97 Ladders ......... . R. Men’ . prat.ctlv. char, glove, of 12 «upc. Cantan FI ano. I. $r7£*50 • V AUTOMATIC TOASTER $!$.9$ Color ..l.c t o r for toast a . you Ilk . Iti Modem styling, chroip. finish. IN THE BEDROOM . SEE US FOR YOUR ROOFING NEEDS D R Y GOODS N O T IO N S — G IF T S { ; } F IR E , A U T O A N D CASUALTY IN S U R A N C E L IN E S } □ P . llr l»a»latW »Mb P lb .rg la.l . la t . r l.t k l « , T h .n a .tM t • 3 la a w t.tM KI m m IM Group 1 Batteries month guar. $ Exchange___ Custom g fate lined model. Hot water In stan tly. 1 0 yeor warranty. 10 AW-420 Only A U TO M A TIC W ASHER ABC Omatic clothes dryer with heat selection, porcelain top and drum, concealed /? A 9 5 lint trap________ ’239 V E R N O N IA . O R E. IT’S A P R IV IL E G E J Phone H A 9-6058 I A t M ile Bridge. R ive rv ie w I t________________ .________________ I $6)79 • 3 Water Temperatures • Wash-Wear Cycle • Deep Turbulent Wash and Rinse- Actions • Automatic Pre-Scrubbing Cycle e Effective Lint Filter Brunsman H ard w are and Elec. P H O N E H A 9-5651 26-Gallon Size____ < bc $58.88 0 . 0 .0 . re nie« «, o r t , w H ENRY & POLLY HUDSON Galv. Garbage Cans 20-Gallon >6) ï ‘ Size........ Compare 2-SPEED MULTI-CYCLE JL U 4 FV 169s A N D A P L E A S U R E TO L IV E IN V E R N O N IA CURL'S A N N U A L FALL HARVEST Why W alter M athew s? IN THE FAMILY ROOM SSol Stock your sh e lv e s now at th ese trem endous sa v in gs. H ere’s proof your dollar b u ys m ore at our store. . Libby 24-oz. T in s IN THE DEN 2 89c BEEF STEW Standby o £• 16-oz. T in s -f F or TO M A TO JUICE Standby For I TU N A FISH Chunk S tyle C ottage Reg. Cut. 303 T ins Q For GREEN Case BEANS o f 24 ............................... $2.95 L F ori a BE INDEPENDENT AND VOTE INDEPENDENT! Y«w t t n *n|«y r»Rv»nl«nc« •f • « • p h o n * in any in y«vr knraa fnr enly «bewi 4< o day They're •variable in w a ll a r ta b le m odel», and in »mad daceratar color* tae Ta arda* your*. |w*t cell owe bu*it*o«t •Wt«o. WE N O W SER VE M O R F T H A N 2 0 0 0 0 0 T E L E P H O N E S IN 3 .. P A C IF IC C O A S T S T A T E S You can be confident that politics will take a back seat to non-parti­ san service if Walter Mathews is elected County Commissioner. Of those running, he is the one can­ didate Columbia County could be proud to have sitting on the Coun­ ty Court. Join the freedom-lov­ ing people who are thinking of progress rather than politics. W ALTER MATHEW S Independent Candidate For County Comm issioner W E S T COAST CO. Pa Politic«! Ad» b» w«l««r C. M u t Or«eon q C ottage Cut and Tips— 303 T ins ASPARAGUS CANNED M E A T VwICIw M « tti« w t jg 1 For Snack 12-oz. Tin C ottage Cream S ty le or " h o le Kernel— 303 Tins Case o f 24. Bum ble Bee Red VOTE X TELEPHONE ITT »TORU 938 STORES I TELEPHONETALK : col $3.25 SALM O N No. 1 Tall Tin Blue Bell— 87c PO TATO CHIPS V alue— Triple Pak Salad Bow l SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar PUREX BLEACH Gallon Jug Red R ose P kg. 48 Bags TEA BAGS D anish Im ported Sliced— N eeds N 1-Lb. Tin BACON o Cooling P illsbury B utterm ilk S-oz. Tube F or, BISCUITS C ottage. « 303 T ins j CANNED PEAS Case of 24 $3.35 a Snow ’s 15-oz. Tin o For CLAM CHOWDER Cam pbell's TO M A TO SOUP Each 10c F olgers Lb. 2-I.b. Tin $1.17 COFFEE -n Tin n 59c IN S T A N T — 6-oz. Jar 79c 10-oz. Jar ar 8-oz. $1.17 TO M A TO SAUCE T ins 3 Q For For 29c D arigold POWDERED M IL K 8-Q t. Box 55c H unt’s FRUIT COCKTAIL 300 Tins 5 For $1 Hood R iver H alves in 3ror $1 H PEARS eavy Syrup— 2 h T ins