CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General WANTED APPLES for sale. $1 to $2.50 bx. Vernonia Golf Club. 44tlc WANTED: One pair of bunk-bed frames. Carson Strong, HAzel 9- 6084. 43t3 GOOD oat hay for sale. Call SKy- line 5-2315. Located at Mist. 44t3c LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE: Stylish black saddle gelding. Gentle for adults. Plus 20 bales hay. $85.00. 891 Third St. HAzel 9-3721._____________ 44tl LOST: Boy’s good wool coat, clack and white plaid, size 8. Pro­ perty of Billy Horn. Finder please contact Mrs. B. J. Hom. 44t3c FOR SALE: Weser Brothers up­ right piano and padded bench. Ideal for beginners. $50. See it at 191 A street.______________ 43t3c MISCELLANEOUS SHRUBS and bulbs for fall plant­ ing now available. Also, potted plants, corsages and funeral de­ signs. Long distance phone ser­ vice and local delivery, including Mist. For the finest quality at the lowest price, call your local flor­ ist, HAzel 9-5863. Spofford’s Gar­ den and Florist Service. 42tfc EVEN-TEMP INSULATION CO. 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, feOtchell 4-3918.___________ 18tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Flants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ltfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of Bridge and State St. 27tfc FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ sion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 15tfc FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE: One-half acre on Rose avenue. Sewer and water available. Phone HAzel 9-6939. 44t3c TWO and a half-bedroom house, electrically heated, excellent con­ dition, conveniently located. $6500. Terms. TWO-bedroom house for rent. THREE-Bedroom house for rent. FARMS AND D W ELLIN G S LISTED REEHER REALTY 2007 21st, Forest Grove. See Bill Horn, Vernonia Phone HA 9-6203 Branch Bank Building. CARD OF THANKS WE WOULD like to thank all of our friends for their many expres­ sions of sympathy, their many kind acts and the beautiful floral offerings made to us during the loss of our beloved wife and moth­ er. Stanley Chandler Alfred Frank Chandler Patti Chandler Carole Chandler Joyce Chandler 44tlc WE ARE indeed grateful to the kind neighbors and friends for their many expressions of sym­ pathy and acts of kindness in our recent bereavement. Your cards, flowers, words of sympathy and thoughtful deeds are all deeply appreciated. We extend a special thank you to the ladies of the Ver­ nonia Grange and the Pythian Sis­ ters who provided the dinner for the family. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and family 44tlc WE WISH to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends and neighbors for their help and thoughtfulness in our recent bereavement. For the cards, flowers, words of sympathy and the food provided, prepared and served by our neighbor ladies, we are indeed grateful. Also, we wish to extend our appreciation to the American Legion Auxiliary for the use of the wheel chair. We cannot adequately express how much all of these kindnesses have meant to us. Mrs. T. L. Wolff and family _________________________ 44tlc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES HELP for your budget! See your Credit Union for Savings and Loan needs. 959 Rose Ave., Vernonia. ______________________ 371 f c BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public stenographer, notary public. New accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, 875 Bridge St. Hours 11-5; Sat. 9- 1. Closed Tin m 1. iv HAzel 9 *5005 or HAzel 9- 5895. 36tfc WORKING MOTHERS, let me help you. Ironing done reason­ ably $3 and up per basket. 50c extra for pick-up and delivery. You need help, I can use money. Ma Vike, 1654 Nehalem St., Corey Hill 36tfc Haberman's Neat PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday. Friday Hogs: Thursday. Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freesing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7 3922 EL 7 2981 Rt. 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove. Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc CLARENCE K W AGNER, county surveyor. Court House, St. Helens. Phone office, 698: home, 183. Pri­ vate surveying, engineering work. 14tfc FOR RENT _____ APARTMENT available at River­ view Cabins. 44tfc ONE BEDROOM house for rent C all Mrs. P en ile Adams, HAzel 9- 3441. LADIES interested in attending a Tri Chem Liquid Embroidery Paint Party call Mrs. Peachey, HAzel 9-5691_____________ 44tlc 43t3c TWO HOUSES for rent on Uma­ tilla street, one-half block west of Rose avenue Rent free for re­ pairs. Call HAzel 9-5023. 43t3c THREE ROOM house for rent, reasonable 108 A street Mrs T. A. Adams, HAzel 9-5573. 43t3c Columbia County Road Depart­ ment will sell at Public Auction 5 used trucks on November 10, 1962, at 1:30 P.M. at the Colum­ bia County Road Department Shop, St. Helens, Oregon. Each item listed will be sold by oral auction bids to the highest bidder. All trucks located at County Shop at St. Helens, will be sold as is and where is, and without re­ course against Columbia County. Failure to inspect shall not con­ stitute grounds for subsequent cancellation of purchaser’s bid. All sales will be final. The County will set a minimum bid on each item, and will reject any bid be­ low minimum bid. When Auctioneer states an item has been sold, the successful bid­ der shall make payment by check or cash at end of sale. Complete payment must be made before re­ moval of item from storage site. All property shall be moved not later than November 20, 1962. Items to be sold: 1 - GMC Dump Truck. 2 ton, 1956 1 - Dodge Dump Truck, Model C-3, 1956 1 - Int’l Dump Truck, KBS-7, 1949 1 - White Dump Truck. Model WC-20, 1951 1 - GMC Army Truck, 6x6, 1942 COLUMBIA COUNTY COURT _________________________ 44t2c THE COLUMBIA COUNTY CIVIL SEHVICE COMMISSION ANNOUNCES AN EXAMINA­ TION FOR MECHANIC Entrance A Promotional $2.42 - $2.77 per hour Applicants must be United States Citizens, residents of Orc- gon, have three years experience as a general mechanic, and grad­ uation from a senior high school. Applicants for the promotional examination must be present em­ ployee, of Columbia County with regular status or probationary em­ ployees with six months service. Application forms may be ob­ tained from the Columbia County Civil Service Office. Room 205, Court House, St Helens. Oregon Applications must be filed by 5:00 P M . November 9. 1962 44tl T w o T each ers Family Gathering Honors Mrs. Libel on Birthday At Bend M eet MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel entertained with a birthday dinner Sunday honoring Mrs. Clara Libel, Shalmon’s mother. Those who enjoyed their hospi­ tality were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burnham and boys of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burnham and sons Loran and Bobby, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg of As­ toria, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Libel of Fairview and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen accompanied their daughters, Mrs. Ted Kulju, Mrs. Tom Ford and sons Charles and James of Port­ land and Mrs. Robert Roeser of Astoria to Rosburg, Washington Saturday where they attended the funeral for August Haataja. He was Mr. Hansen’s brother-in-law. Norman Hansen also attended the funeral. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Maude Wells and Mrs. Mathilde Berger- son attended the conference of the department of classroom teachers of the Oregon Education associa­ tion at Bend Thursday through Saturday. Jim and Lynne Abney came by train from Spokane and spent a few hours Sunday at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Welter, returning home in the evening. Gene Cleveland of Portland vis­ ited his mother, Mrs. Vivian Counts and his son Alan Sunday evening. In the afternoon Rev. and Mrs. Ray Marvin called on Mrs. Counts. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snook and family of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook. On Saturday, Rus­ sel Snook of Hillsboro joined the men in an elk hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fowler and children of Portland spent the week end at the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fow­ ler. One H unter Is Lucky Sunday MIST—Among the hunters who spent the week end at the Han­ sens were George Berry, A1 Beck­ er, George Pease, Ben Brandt and son, all of Portland; George Berry was among the lucky ones who got an elk. Ted Kulju was also in the group. Mrs. A1 Cavanaugh has returned home from Portland after spend­ ing some time at the home of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Saxton and son and Alma and Mary Garlock all attended the Bible lectures Friday night at the Seventh-day Adventist church. Mrs. Lloyd Garlock motored to Portland Saturday to visit her daughter who had had a tonsil- ectomy. Mrs. Garlock brought her from the hospital to her apartment before returning to her home. Rev. and Mrs. Prouty of Vine Maple were guests at the Mist church Sunday evening. C ouple Enjoys B ab y E lep h an ts NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. A. Bliss visited the zoo in Portland Sunday. They enjoyed seeing the baby elephants. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey drove to Portland Saturday. They called on his mother who is now feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding of Scappoose spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff cal­ led on Mr. and Mrs. Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Barlow Sunday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Stuve at Birkenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruck at Camas and the Don Lindgren family at Van­ couver. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack drove to St. Helens Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay and Mrs. Laura Carmichael were Fri­ day callers at the Dunlaps. Mon­ day Ira Peterson visited them. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dev called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper Friday evening. R e la tiv e s V isit Local F a m ilies Read advertising. It will pay you! CLASSIFIED HATES THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the lypo- NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY graphical mistake occurs. ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum. 3c each. Three inser­ tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 tor up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8 cents each. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. Oernonia Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ TIMBER ROUTE—Mr. and Mrs. Merle Shipley from Barstow, Cal­ ifornia, and his mother, Mrs. Lura Shipley from Portland visited his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shpley and Mike one ev­ ening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurd and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Braden from Delake spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer. Mrs. Wil­ bur Thacker and Mrs. Nell Thack­ er visited with them in the after­ noon. Mrs. Hurd is a cousin of the two Mrs. Thackers and Mrs. Fal­ coner. They said there was very little damage done at Lelake from the Oct. 12 storm. Mrs. Jennie Stanley and Mrs. Thora Birt called on Mrs. Mary Clark Saturday afternoon. Harry Weaver of Seaside, broth­ er of Mrs. L. P. Reynolds, returned home from Portland Sanitarium Sunday morning after having sur­ gery sometime ago. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and family and Mrs. Exie Weaver went to Seaside to see him Sunday afternoon. Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Weaver returned home af­ ter having eye surgery at the Un­ iversity of Oregon Medical school hospital and is now able to be back in school. Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, Augus* 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Otegon under the act of March 3, 1879. Sub­ scription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50. N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L DR. R. V. LANCE ; • OPTOMETRIST ! Wed.. 10 A.M.—5 P.M. ! Phone HA 9-6565 Complete Visual Care Oernonia Eagte BOWLING 6 MONDAY—WOMEN L W 18 18 Curl’s Grocery 18 18 Sam’s Food 18 18 West Oregon Electric 18 18 Vernonia Clinic High game, Mary Groff, 202; high series, Nancy Leonard, 534. Splits picked up: Mary Groff, 3-10; Ellen Hanson, 3-10; Margaret Thompson, 5-6. TUESDAY—WOMEN THURSDAY. NOV. 1. 1962 Modern cars are built to over­ come air resistance and weak­ en sales resistance. THE VERNONIA EAGLE HXHXHXHXHXHXI 9 23 Standard Oil 16 16 Quinn’s Insurance 1454 1754 Vernonia Drug 1054 2154 King’s Grocery High series, Georgia Ray, 507; high game, Alice Ellson, 178. Splits picked up: Alice Ellson, 5-10; Trudy Magoff, 3-10; Marian Lemaick, 4-5; Hazel Shipman, 3- 10 and 3-10. M . L (M e l) GREGORY Republican Candidate For Commissioner WEDNESDAY—MEN Brunsman Hdw. 22 10 .688 Fisher’s 18 14 .563 Col. Riv. Real Es. 13 19 .406 Bob’s Union 11 21 .344 Ted Bodenhamer, high game, 222, and series, 551. Splits picked up: John Jensen, 3-10; Red Ade, 3-10; Norm Axon, 3-10; Ted Bodenhamer, 3-10; Ralph Keasey, 5-10. THURSDAY—MEN 18 14 .563 Crown Zel. 17 15 .531 Vernonia Milk Mill Market 1554 16 .484 Curl’s Grocery 1354 18 .419 High series, Joe Magoff, 525; high game, Ed Burton, 216. Splits picked up: Dave Bruns- man, 5-7; Bill Nelson, 3-10; Moon Mullins, 4-5-7; Bob Curl, 3-10; Dick Elliott, 5-7; Joe Magoff, 3- 10 and 3-10; Albert Schalock, 5- 10; Ben Fowler, 5-7-10 and 2-4-10. Zeke Lemaick, 5-10. > ——— ——— Mist Circle to H old F estiv a l MIST—Mrs. Ray Garlock and Mary Garlock entertained the M. H. Circle last Thursday. A delic­ ious dinner was served at noon. The meeting was mostly regard­ ing the fall program and auction which will be an event of No­ vember 17. There were 14 mem­ bers and one visitor present. The next meeting will be November 15 at the home of Myrtle Math­ ews. Sunday callers at the Sam De- vines were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard and son of Knappa. Word was received of the birth of a baby girl Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blount of Vernonia. Recent visitors at the Lloyd Garlocks were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall of California. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Garlock are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Roberts accompanied the Garlocks to the lectures at the Seventh-day Ad­ ventist church in Clatskanie Sun­ day evening. Einar Danielson spent a few days with his brother-in-law and sister, the Sam Devines. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting. Wrapping, and Curing I am an ex logger and a dairy­ man. I know what work is and what taxes are. I worked at Clark and Wilson from the fall of 1926 till the winter of 1934, except for the years I was at Oregon State University. My dad worked at Clark and Wilson many years, too, and later ran a Watkin’s route in the Nehalem Valley. I later went over to Wey- erhauser Timber Co. and up in Oregon. I have worked in the sur­ vey crews as a time-keeper, brake- man, on the rigging and in the cutting crews. I have over 10 years experience as a woods fore­ man and superintendent. I worked over 4 years as a county road sup­ ervisor. I have always been active in community affairs. I have served on several state boards and on se­ veral state committees. I served on the church board, school board and was a 4-H leader for 10 years. I am not always right, but I will always fight for the things I think are right as long as I believe they are right. Now comes the time to elect an­ other commissioner. It is time for a change. Two terms are plenty — three are many. I know that I can serve the citizens of Columbia County hon­ orable, ably, and impartially and I will try to seek the desires of the people and work for the gen­ eral welfare of the whole county. ELECT A NEW COMMISSIONER MARK (X ) on NUMBER 113 on your ballot for Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, lake Tillamook road 1 54 mile, take first leflhand road. M. L. (Mel) Gregory Pd. Pol. Adv. by M. L. Gregory, Goble, Ore. ltfc XHXHXHXHXHXH RE-ELECT WAYNE TU R N ER DEMOCRAT i P hone HA 9-3462 ¡ NEHALEM VALLEY Slate Representative MOTOR FREIGHT VOTE * FOR * GUARANTEES Fair Representation in Oregon’s Legislature Gives Representation to Citizens NOT NOW Represented Provides FAIR Representation as Directed by Federal Courts Responsible Citizens are Voting YES Leg islative A p po rtionm ent 2nd District Maintain Respected, Responsible Representation in Salem Pd F U A O l l CITIZIMS COMMIT T i l r o e M e M S IS T A T lV I G O V M M IIN T L M stinw. Trees., t e n S.W . MU A n , romene L yle By Democrats tor Turner Com m ittee. PevH en. T reasurer, St. Helens, Oregon