LETTER TO THE EDITOR . . . To the Editor: I read with great interest the statement, by one of the candi­ dates, in the Voters Pamphlet, that there are a large number of Spe­ cial Deputy Sheriffs in this Coun­ ty that are costing the taxpayers hundreds of dollars and whose ser­ vices are unnecessary. This state­ ment was made by Roy S. Wil­ burn, Candidate for Sheriff, who went on to state, that if elected as Sheriff of Columbia county, he would eliminate this needless ex­ pense. Let’s inspect that statement. The Reserve deputies were es­ tablished three years ago, by Sher­ iff Spencer L. Younce, so that the Sheriff’s department would have trained personnel in times of emergency. At the present time the county has nine active reserve deputies. What do these deputies do? They meet, on their own time, two hours a week, 52 weeks a year, without pay, so that they can re­ ceive the necessary training to be a Reserve. It has only been in the past two years that they have been paid for their services—and then they are paid only while on call. How much are they paid? While on call they receive $1.50 an hour. It can hardly be said that this is an exorbitant amount. They work during the County Fair, at dances and for various organizations, such as the Port Commission, during emergencies, however, they are paid by the individual organiza­ tion for whom they work. They perform public services such as working the football and basket­ ball games and other school func­ tions, without pay. The mere pre­ sence of the reserves at school functions makes the parents feel more secure in their concern for the welfare of their children. The reserves also worked during the recent storm disaster, without pay. What of these hundreds of dol­ lars of which Mr. Wilburn speaks? The reserve deputies were paid a total of $900.00 during the past year and the major portion of that sum was paid to the reserves in the Vernonia area. Last year the whole of the Nehalem Valley petitioned the Columbia County Court and requested that they budget enough money so that the Sheriff could hire another regu­ lar Deputy Sheriff and have him reside in the Vernonia area. The County Court decided that the County could not afford another full time Deputy but that the Ne- Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1962 FAST, FAIR, FRIENDLY Fast service. Fair settlem ent of claims. Friendly people who ore on your side. And you save money, tool Lower rates because Farmer* insures careful drivers. Farmers Auto Insurance wubmwoes Lloyd Quinn— HA 9-3693 Fall Motor Tune-up Time Plugs, Points, Timing, Set 5 halem Valley was entitled to in­ creased Deputy Reserve service. As a result of that decision the Sheriff appointed three Reserve Deputies in the Nehalem Valley area. These Deputies handle all emergency calls, complaints, re­ ports of accidents, etc., and if, for any reason, they need help or ad­ vice they radio the Sheriff’s office and they immediately dispatch a regular Deputy to this area. All of these are services that candidate Roy S. Wilburn feels are unnecessary. Mr. Wilburn further states, in the Voters Pamphlet, that, if he were elected Sheriff, he would place his regular deputies in such a manner as to provide all neces­ sary law enforcement. That state­ ment, I feel, points up to Mr. Wil­ burn’s basic misunderstanding of the Sheriff’s duties and the Depu­ ty Reserve program. He is con­ cerned only with one phase of the Sheriff’s department — Law En­ forcement. Law enforcement is important but it is only one of the Sheriffs duties and is only one of the reserves duties. The $900.00 which Mr. Wilburn would save the county, by elimi­ nating the reserves, would result in rather an expensive savings, Mr. Wilburn must feel that it is not necessary to have trained per­ sonnel in times of emergency—I think the recent storm disaster and the present Cuban situation points up the importance of having a trained Reserve program. Not only the Vernonia area, but the whole county would be losers if the Reserve program were uncer- imoniously cast aside as worthless. Since Mr. Wilburn considers my Reserve services this past year as unnecessary and a needless ex­ pense, I’m quite sure he would also consider my vote as unneces­ sary and a needless expense, I’m quite sure he would also consider my vote unnecessary and, there­ fore, won’t miss the vote that I cast for our present County Sher­ iff — a man who prepares for emergencies— Spencer L. Younce. Thank you Sam Cagle Reserve Deputy Sheriff Vernonia, Oregon To the Editor: I feel we as citizens of Vernonia, owe a vote of thanks to our city employees. They are always ready to help in any way possible, cheerfully, courteous and always do a work­ manship job, in any weather or condition. I am sure we are very fortunate in having them. They did a fine job in this time of disaster, as we just experienced. H. R. Junken To the Editor: It has come to my attention that because of my recent article in the Voters Pamphlet some peo­ ple in the Vernonia area have formed the opinion that if I am elected Sheriff I will abolish all law enforcement in the area. This is far from true. It is my opinion that since the people in Vernonia and the Ne­ halem Valley are paying taxes they are entitled to the services of the Sheriff and the regular de­ puties to the same degree as any other part of the county and I be­ lieve that with the proper distri­ bution of these regular deputies this can be obtained at less ex­ pense to the taxpayer. Roy S. Wilburn Candidate for Sheriff Carburetor R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Allas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAiel 9-6691 1962 Edition Out The 1962 edition of Columbia County Historical booklet is now available and copies may be ob­ tained from Pearl Becker, St. Hel­ ens; Wm. Wood of Clatskanie; R. S. Lindsay of Vernonia; Mrs. J. A. Jensen of Rainier; Mary Covlin ot Deer Island and others who will be listed later. No train of thought could be better than it’s enigneer. 35 M X H X H X H IH X H X H X H X H X H X H X H f l h KING’S Grocery-Market * H Phone HA 9-6015 X "Where Your Money Buy* More" Riverview j At the Mile Bridge U Ml X ALWAYS — Top Qualily H ALWAYS — B eil Price* Z ALW AYS — Phone and Delivery H X H —From your home-owned independent grocery. H S * H X H X H X H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING KHXHXHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHZKZHX: VERNONIA HOOD RIVER VS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 * GREENMAN F IE L D -8 P.M. THE LOGGER BOOSTERS LISTED BELOW URGE YOU TO ATTEND THE GAME Vernonia Drug Co. Sam's Food Store Ben's Barber Shop Kate's Cafe Standard Oil Vernonia Golt Club Joe Magoff Mr, & Mrs. G. Reed Mill Market and Lockers Vernonia Milk Farms Lew's Place Bob's Union Service Fisher's Electric Knight's Beauty Shp John & Helen Wylde Mr. & Mrs. B. Thompson George and Sherni Mrs. Murel Folken Vernonia Variety & Shell Oil BEAUTY SHOPPE Essie Nance, Esther Ring Veda Alexander Brunsman Hdwre. & Electric Spofford's Gardens & Floral Service Linn Grocery Darigold Farms Mist Store Ralph's Chevron Vernonia Card Rm. Ralph Sturdevant Rex & John McRae Allied J and H Lumber Company Fuiten's Chapel In The Hills Curl's Grocery Vernonia Insurance Vernonia Clinic Vernonia Service Bill J. Horn Drs. Hobart & Buell George Johnson Lloyd Callister Henry and Polly Hudson Oloif Lee Hansen Dentist West Coast Telephone Co. Enco Service Sunnyside Service Joe Grosche Hans & Vi Slette Dr. D. H. Kramer Optometrist West Oregon Electric Co-op. Nichols Variety King's Grocery Bellingham Grocery Union Oil Co. Birkenfeld, Oregon Loel Roberts Dessy's Bowl The Pine Cone Louis & Marion Lemaick Mr. & Mrs. L. Caron Vernonia Auto Company Ace's Radio and T.V. Service Western Store Vernonia Branch Mr. & Mrs. Cliff White The U.S. National Bank Vernonia Federal Credit Union Standard Dairy Products Ed Roediger Jr. PLUMBING Nehalem Service