Mrs. Owen East was hostess October 23 to Chapter BS of the PEO Sisterhood with 15 members in attendance. Mrs. Judd Green- man was present as a most wel­ come guest. She was the sponsor and organizer of the local chap­ ter. Plans were made for a special meeting on November 6 at which the state organizer, Mrs. E. R. Quinn, will make her official visit. Hostess will be Mrs. T. M. Ho­ bart. A tentative date. November 10, was set for a BIL party at the home of the president, Mrs. Ro­ bert Lindsay, but later it was found this conflicts with other activities and November 17 has been suggested as an alternate time. Members will be notified regarding the time. Games and other entertainment have been planned and a late buffet supper arranged by the committee in charge: Mrs. Darrold Proehl, Mrs. W. G. Heath and Mrs. J. W. Ni­ chols. For the BILs Robert Lind­ say, William Nelson and R. B. Fletcher were appointed to ar­ range ceremonies for the initia­ tion of other BILs. The ritual of the sisterhood was exemplified and the program was given by Mrs. Paul Gordon who presented a clever constitution and by-laws quiz in which all members took part. Eagle Want Ads Get Results— New Daughter Evens Score for Blounts A second daughter weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces and named Ruth Ann arrived Sunday evening at the Vernonia Clinic for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blount. The new ar­ rival also has two brothers. Grand­ parents are Mrs. Vemer Blount of Vernonia and William Oliver Scotto of Shreveport, Louisiana. Forestry Club Tour Set For Sunday Afternoon The 4-H Forestry club will meet Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. at Clint’s Tree Farm on Keasey road for a hayride and forest tour. This meeting is in place of the one formerly scheduled for Tuesday, October 30. Parents, brothers and sisters of club members and others inter­ ested are also invited to attend the meeting Sunday. The meeting will be followed by a marshmallow roast about 4:00 p.m. and those who attend are asked to bring bags of marshmal­ lows for that event. Also, mem­ bers whose parents are unable to attend are asked to invite some other family to attend with them. The meeting is to be held rain or shine, according to the leader. Lawrence Meissner believes FEDERAL AID to each state should be prompt return of one-fourth of all income tax paid bv that state, with no deduction. LESS UNEMPLOYMENT if we handle our own money. Now we support bureaucrats in Washing­ ton and elsewhere to handle it in­ efficiently for us. Stop the skin game of matching money with Uncle Sam. It’s Ore­ gon money that he matches with us for SCHOOLS, WELFARE. SE­ NIOR CITIZENS, CHILD CARE. BETTER ROADS. Let each state have ALL the gas tax, no federal. Then Oregon could have its more-easily-seen yellow stripe. Vote 111 X LAWRENCE MEIS­ SNER. Pd. Adv. by Vern H ill, Richland, Washington Representative Slates Visit to Columbia Area Representative Walter Norblad will visit Columbia county Friday or Saturday. Norblad said that he had hoped to be in Columbia county prior to this time but that because he stayed through the session of Con­ gress, which only recently ad­ journed, it had been impossible to do so. What this country seems to need most today are sound and practi­ cal theories on how to live with­ in one’s income. I A - N - N - O - U - N - C - l- N - G | ♦ X THE PINE CONE THE PINE CONE ♦ now under new management I Ruby and Clifford Fowler 8 I î 8 8 3 i V $ Free coffee and pop beween 2 and 4 p.m. Thursday, November 1. COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED ■ ¿ o » : » » : * » : « : * » » : * » » : * : * » : » » » : * : » » : * » » » » » » ’« COLUMBIA COUNTY VOTERS It is extremely important that each and every one of you I go to the polls and cast your ballot at the coming General I Election on — TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 1962 YOUR VOTE IS THE ONE THAT COUNTS Columbia County Democratic Central Comm. and Columbia County Democratic Club : Ask your support of the following candidates: WAYNE TURNER ^°r ^ ePres€n^a**ve (incumbent) SPENCER L. YOUNCE,for sheriff LOUIS J. WASSER, for Commissioner (incumbent) ROY A. NELSON,for County ckrk FRANK LeMONT, for Assessor The Committee and Club also recommend the Election of MERLE C. YETTICK, for Justice of the Peace (incumbent) (Non-Partisan—District No. 1 of Columbia County) Again we want to impress upon you the fact that YOUR vote is MOST important. A minority may and will elect officials you do not want if YOU fail to vote. Your Com­ mittee and your Club ML ST have Ol R HELP and YOUR VOTE to accomplish what you expect of them. t Columbia County Democratic Central Committee « By W W. Dillard, Chairman i i L Columbia County Democratic Club By Dale Brooks, President Pd Rainbow Girls Hold Hay Ride, Hunt, Dance Society Members Note Severity Of Storm Compared with 1880 PEO Chapter to Fete Husbands Adv bv Columbia County Democratic Central Committee. W W. Dillard, Chairmen. St Helen». Oregon The Columbia County Histori­ cal Society met Tuesday, October 23 with a good attendance at the Natal Grange hall. Wm. Wood, president, presided at the meet­ ing after the group had eaten the bountiful meal served by the Grange ladies. All were glad to see that the storm had done no more damage than it had and that the roads were clear of fallen timber. It was recalled that when the big storm of 1880 came, it had blocked the roads in the Nehalem valley be­ yond repair. Much discussion of the new mu­ seum and its progress showed that things are progressing slowly, and it is hoped that it will soon be ready for occupancy. Living quar­ ters must be prepared for a cur­ ator before displays can be in­ stalled. The 1962 historical booklets were ready for distribution and members took copies to sell in their communities. Material in the Group Showers New Arrivals Small fry were the center of at­ traction as well as the reason for the party held recently at the home of Mrs. Rudy Domitrovich with Mrs. Dale Andrich as co-host- ess. Honor guests at the affair were Mrs. Manning Bomberger and her twin girls, Kristine Kay and Kathleen Ann who were born September 30 and Mrs. Truman Jackson and her small daughter, Jennifer Lynn who arrived Sep­ tember 13. Purpose of the event was to shower the mothers with all the adorable gifts available for such charming young ladies. Appropriate games were played and prizes awarded after which very clever refreshments of cakes shaped and iced to represent boot­ ies and assorted open face sand­ wiches were served by the host­ esses. Let's Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? Born October 17, 1909 at Lenapah, Oklahoma. Came to Vernonia January 1, 1947. Is a father and a grandfather. Is employed locally by a large cor­ poration. Has been active in fraternal and civic organizations. Is interested in fishing, hunting and golfing. While he is boss over some, he has more bosses than employees. He bums when others freeze. He’s also afraid of the dark be­ cause that means his line is busy, (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ chols) Answer to last week’s quiz: George Robbins. booklet covers the county, so all parts are represented in the stor­ ies. Copies may be obtained from members of the society. There is already talk of a 1963 edition, since there are many interesting stories worth recording. The book­ lets are priced at $1.00 each. The members of the society wish to express appreciation to those who have helped with collecting material for both 1961 and 1962 booklets and in distributing them, thus adding to the museum fund. This is thought to be a very worth­ while project, since nothing of the kind has been done here before. Plans are underway to meet in November at the Vernonia Grange hall. Study Club Members to Name Favorite Flowers Vernonia Study Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Gladys Worth­ ington Thursday, November 1. Faith Reynolds will have the pro­ gram on botany. Members will answer roll call by naming their favorite flower. Leisure time used wisely is a tonic—it helps prolong life. THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1962 3 Saturday Reception to Honor Mrs. Wilbur Davis There will be a reception hon­ oring Mrs. Wilbur Davis, associate grand conductress of the Grand Chapter, OES of Oregon, Saturday evening, November 3 at 8:00 p.m. in the Vernonia high school audi­ torium. This is an open meeting and all friends are welcome. A no host dinner will be served in the Masonic Temple dining room by the Christian church la­ dies from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. For reservations call Mrs. Norman Hamnett. Happiness is the reward the world bestows on people who have learned how to live. EH XH XH 1H XH XH XH XH XH SXH XH XH XH XH 1H XH XH XH S H REWARD i $ H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H H Z H Z H Z H Z H 9 H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z REWARD this man for: (1) having served you faithfully and efficiently as County Sheriff during the past 4 years. (2) reducing delinquent property taxes to such an extent that Co­ lumbia County now has one of the best records in the State. (3) organizing the Reserve Deputy program which gives us train­ ed personnel in times of emergency — the value of which was shown during our recent storm disaster. (4) never refusing to give aid and assistance to any person within the boundaries of Columbia County at any time—day or night. (5) being vitally interested in the youth of our County by: a. working with the Columbia County Junior Posse. b. being the leader of the Warren Wranglers 4-H Livestock Club. c. working with the Boy Scouts as an Institutional Representa­ tive. (6) having made the Sheriff’s office a department of which we can all be proud. RE-ELECT SPENCER L YOUNCE for COUNTY SHERIFF "ONE GOOD TERM DESERVES ANOTHER" $ X H Z H H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H X H Z H Z H M Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H REWARD this man with YOUR VOTE Officers Are Elected For 4-H Cooking Club The 4-H cooking club met with Mrs. Robert C. Lindsay to form and begin work for a new year in 4-H. Officers elected were: President, Heather Higginboth- em; vice-president, Barbara Lind­ say; secretary, Vicki Lawler; treasurer, Kathy Tomlin; reporter, Kathryn Bergerson; song leader, Agnes Pelster. The first dish prepared for the year at this meeting was lemon sponge custard pudding. Reporter, Kathryn Bergerson The Rainbow Girls held a hay- ride last Saturday evening. They used two wagons, one for the high school couples and the other for the grade school couples. The wa­ gons traveled the seven-mile loop. After the hayride there was a scavanger hunt and a dance. Reporter, Sheryl Ford Oernonia Eagle Signed: Donald L. Kalberer Pd. Pol. Adv. by Donald Kalberer, Scappoose, Oregon HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH ☆ Retter Quality for Less Here! Grandma's Select Assortment—Reg. 59c 53c 39c 29c PE ANU lb 75c DOG FOOD 2 >89 c CLEANER STANDBY COFFEE . > ,h. Can 59C 59c MJB RICE vUUllItb CORNFLAKES nrAklllTf Franklin Toasted Regular43c “S T ™ X 'J t .« « . 42-oz. Pkg VANILLA WAFERS “ 2 /5 5c BANANAS ££*. 2 . - 35c FRESH CARROTS ™ 3/25c r |7 ,T|rfl llX i/e ltj lU K N Assorted Flavors— Makes 8 Big Drinks Dundee Whole Kernel or Crm. Style, 303 Cans BABO CLEANSER ■ ■ a VQA III A I I V S A M ’S FOOD 10*» l/C Q OO/» £ For X/C 2/33c Oat Cereal flavored w*th Maple Syrup STORE FREE D E L I V E R Y ----------- PHONE HA 9-5501 OC/» wOC