— < T r n fl/g < r v * v i.iiia - , Oernonia Eagle 8 ICE CREAM 89c Asstd. Flavors Half-Gal. C O A S T -T Q .C O A¡ liD ifliB im m m » ■SA LE N O W IN THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1962 By Frank J. Laheney Oakland wood heater with Q: I am a widower and I’ve thermostatic $ -| p* J 95 been retired by my company this control - ........ l_ tlx year. I get $120 a month from so­ Oakland fireplace heater with heat cial security. Recently, my for­ control. Glass $-J O f t 95 Orange & Van. or mer employer called me about Doors—Only________ JL«<7 Rasp. & Van,, % -G al. part-time work at $200 a month Kreoky automatic auto, forced for all of next year. Can I get any bsnefits next year while I’m earn­ air wood burning heater. Floor ing $2400? level heat in every $ -| f f A 95 Quart A: Yes, you would be entitled to room. 6-8 rm. size A t / «7 Won dor fry 12 Inch receive $490 in social security ben­ Sestfood' AUTOMATIC efits. If you didn’t work, you ego ELECTRIC would get $1440. While working Polyothylono K it for SKILLET you lose $1 in benefits for every STORM WINDOWS Hog $14.95 f $2 you earn above $1200 and un­ »•o PKG- F0R Mary Proctor 2 WINDOWS der $1700. For every $1 you earn Th ick 11 gauge alum­ IRONING BOARD TABLE inum, mirror finish. Two 36 x 72 Inch over $1700 you lose $1 of benefits. This newest Ironing board makes Ironing easyl Removoble controls transparent poly­ In your case, you lose $950 in ben­ Has new up and dawn a d | u s t m « n t . EXTRA moks I I completely ethylene sheets. 36 Armstrong Budgetone (tottage features! built-in cord minder and outlet! Steam efits for your $2400 earnings, leav­ feet of fibre molding Immersible. Cover vinyl floor covering. vented stell too. 6 foot cord. UL aoDroved. and nails In each kit. Included. UL approved. ing you $490 in benefits. Fan-Glo Heetaire 1-Lb. Ctns. For Square $ "J 29 electric heater with Q: I am 67 and I have had to Yard_______ A thermostatic $ stop working, on doctor’s orders. Congoleum vinyl Fore­ Should I file for old-age benefits control_____ cast floor covering. now, or will I get more if I wait Portable baseboard seboarc Square $ -f 59 AMMUNITION PRICES until six months after I stopped elec, heater $ 0 0 9 5 K ra ft Velveeta w a Yard_ _ SHOOT THE A LL TIME FAYORITESI working, and then file for disa­ 3-Foot_____ PERFORMANCE 2 -L b . B ox.................. 9x12 Linoleum bility? Remington Express In the Other Elec. $-J A 95 PROYENI Croon Corrugated Paper Rugs $| A: File now for your old-age H ulll Heaters from A^X Only... 12 Gauge, 4 or 6 shot benefit. Since you were able to R X124, RX126(AB1 43-145) Toottm atter 2 Slice work until age 65, we can com­ 16 Gauge, 4 or 6 «fast, AUTOMATIC R A X ,64, RAX166, pute your benefit without even (SB159.161) TOASTER Armstrong 1-Step Floor Care considering disability, and we can A U n’ a __ 20 Gauge, 4 tfr 6 «hot, Compare a t f start paying you the first month RX204. RX2QÓ, CHORE GLOYES $15.95 Keg. $1.29 ( S B 1 7 9 .lt, ) you stopped work, without any £ PAIR F O R /y Western Super X In the Color (elector for six-month waiting period. We Quart ......................... Waxed Rod Paper Cosai toast as you like Iti M«n'« protective chore don’t consider disability, unless it ,2 Gauge, 4 . et 6 «fast, Modem styling, chromo gloves of 12 oupce SX124, 5X126. Simmons Slumber occurs before age 65. finish. Canton Flapoel. fSB423U25) King Mattress and Q: I am 42 years old and worked Box Springs $ J Z\50 steadily as a truck driver until I U n lv trtc l Quart Site "K ing o f A ll" /ffd Goulds oalanced flow Each_______ T C * / had a serious accident in March VACUUM Orange — DRAIN PIPE CLEANER shallow well system. Beauty Rest $ ^ Q 5 0 of 1961. I have been unable to BOTTLE For cleaning clogged or slug­ No tank, no extras. 46-oz. Tins For gish plpss and fixtures. work since that time. I have a I U Now $-g f \ j 85 Mattress___ "King of A ll” wife and two minor children. My Only----- 5 2 G a llo n return to work is doubtful. Can I BOWL CLEANER Regularly ”— ---- -^Silver Seal Removes stains, cuts film collect social security disability gives fresh clean scent. Harm­ i Electric benefits? less to septic tanks. 22 ounce WATER can« I H FA TFR A: If your injury is so severe "K in g of A ll" $5.50 59 that you are unable to do any sub­ $58.88 SEPTIC TANK 4 ^ 4 ? stantial work, and if it is unlikely CLEANER “ P.O .B. rwtieaa, ore««« that your condition will improve, • Fully In e.lefW VHh A ctivates the bacteria and Flbeegletl SEE US FOR YOUR you may be eligible for socal se­ • Interlecklng T h e -e M M * doors septic tanks. . _ Natural Color . a Immersion E smsntal ROOFING NEEDS Big quart «Isa CAULKING ____ curity disability insurance bene- King o f A l l ” I J Custom g la ia lined work, traveling, and I ,| model. Hot w ater fts. Benefits may also be payable SEWER CLEANER Q CARTRIDGE outdoor activities. J jJ in stan tly. 1 0 yeer 1 /1 0 gollon cartridges. Liquifies grease and dissolves to your dependents. However, you worrcnty. Keeps contents cold Your choice, with or hair, lin t, and fibrous tree roots or hot longer. should talk to the social security 6 m in e s n n lln n r n n . without the spout. district office about the situation. QUESTION: I reached agt 72 in Zenneis April. Up until that time I was 2-SPEED MULTI-CYCLE Brand Lb. earning $200 a month. In May I began earning $350 a month. I don’t believe I have to notify the Social Security Administration of my increased salary as I am now Battery Booster Cable over 72, but a friend of mine tells Bumble Bee Set for 12-Volt Cars me I'm wrong. Who is correct? • 3 Water Temperatures e Wash-Wear Group 1 Batteries, 36 ('hunk Syle 8-Foot. Compare at For ANSWER: You should notify Cycle e Deep Turbulent Wash and Rinse A4 month guar. $ $2.50. $ -j 33 Actions • Automatic Pre-Scrubbing Cycle your social security office of your e Effective Lint Filter Only .......... I Exchange... increased salary and give a revised AW-420 ABC Omatie clothes dryer with estimate of your earnings for this Only heat selection, porcelain top and year. This will not be necessary 95 drum, concealed $ 1-Lb. next year when you will be over lint trap ____ P H O N E H A 9-5651 V E R N O N IA , O RE. 72 in all months of the year. But Can this year it is, because your total - - it ’ s a privilege and a pleasure to live in vernonia IN S T earnings must be counted in deter­ mining whether you have any so­ checks because of employment, an 6-oz. cial security benefits coming to adjustment will be made and the you for the months of January, reduction will not be as great. C A N D IE D February and March, before you QUESTION: What kind of reached 72. a n d th e workers are considered household QUESTION: I have heard that w’orkers under the social security Renewal reminders will soon be the social security tax rate will go law? in the mail to car owners whose li­ up in January 1963. Would you Radiant ANSWER: Maids, cooks, gar­ cense plates expire in November. tell me what the tax rate is sched­ 1-l.b. l ’kg. deners, valets, chauffeurs, ete., uled to be for that year? Owners should use the reminder REGON DEPARTM ENT OF MOTOR V E H IC L E S form when renewing by mail or ANSWER: Beginning with Jan­ who perform household work in B O R D E N S N O N E SUCH at a field office. Instructions for uary 1963, the social security tax or about a private home. This in­ Aside from his home, the aver­ insurance coverage, and litigation use are printed on the reverse side rate will be 3%% for both em­ cludes babysitters, whether adult of the form. ployers and employees. For self- or teenage, who come to a private age American has more money in­ over car owership. The department said car owners employed people, the rate will be home regularly to care for child­ vested in his automobile than in Laws pertaining to motor ve­ ren. any other single possesion. 5.4%. may not receive reminders if they hicles have grown more complex Condensed QUESTION: I’m retired, but Driving and then ow’ning an au­ over the years. There was, for ex­ have moved since the last registra­ QUESTION: Will my benefits !»-o/. I ’kg. I’m planning to take a job that start automatically when I reach tomobile become of paramount ample, a time when Oregon issued tion card was issued and have not will pay me about $3,000 a year. 65? notified the department of their importance at an early age, and no license plates—only a number new address. Is there anything I should do con­ ANSWER: No You must apply rarely does the thrill of owning a the owner could paint on the back cerning my social security checks? for your social security benefits car lessen with the years. of his car, or otherwise display, in ANSWER: Notify your nearest in order to get them. You can do It’s always easier to hear the Driving for pleasure, according whatever manner he chose. social security office of your new this at your nearest social security to a massive report by the Out­ In 1921, all the motor vehicle faint voice of temptation than the Box of 10 job Since you expect to earn district office. You will find the door Recreation Resources Review laws of the state, were published shrill voice of conscience. .te Candy Bars more than $1200 a year, you must address listed in your phone book Commission, is the nation’s favor­ in a two-by-four, 35 page hand­ make an annual report in which under: “US. Government. Depart­ ite outdoor recreational activity. book. Today the state’s motor you estimate your earnings to so­ ment of Health, Education, and Most other outdoor activities— vehicle laws fill a 233-page book. O C C ID E N T cial security not later than April Welfare. Social Security Admini­ swimming, golfing, hunting, fish­ In the weeks ahead, this series 15 of each year Later, if you find stration." ing—require a motor vehicle to of articles will briefly explain that your actual earnings will be QUESTION: I had a severe transport the recreation-minded some of the Oregon laws with different from your estimate, no­ heart attack and have not been American from home to his favor­ which every motor vehicle owner Just Add a a tify your social security office and driver should be familiar. able to work for the last two ite haunts. W ater .M b. Bag Q / C again. An adjustment will be Driving for business, it goes months. May I receive disability Plugs. Points, Timing, Set } made and you will receive the without saying, is almost a neces­ IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! benefits immediately? proper amount of benefit pay­ sity. Carburetor ANSWER: No. Disability insur­ ments. Considering the amount of the QUESTION: Right now, I'm ance benefits are available to a investment, the pride involved in "between jobs" and I’ve exhausted workers whose illness or injuries driving and owning a car. and the all of my unemployment benefits. are so severe that it is expected use to which the auto is put for Since I will be 62 in two months, to exist for a long time. If all the both pleasure and business, the could I apply for my old-age bene­ requirements in the law are met, need to know the laws relating to DRY GOODS benefits ar? payable after a six fits now until I find another job? NOTIONS — GIFTS its use and ownership should be ¡ Alla« T im ANSWER: By all means But months waiting period — usually evident to everyone. the 7th month from the date when Batterie« remember your benefit will be Phone HA 9-6341 Failure to know these laws can ! Accessorie« FIRE. AUTO AND reduced from what it would have the impairment began. result in a series of legal prob­ Deliveries 3:00 P.M. ¡ Motor Tune-up CASUALTY been had you waited until age 65 lems, both costly and time-con­ ' Auto Part« to apply. However, if, when you INSURANCE LINES The fact of the matter is the suming. The consequences can in­ VERNONIA. OREGON HAsel 9 6691 are between 62 and 65, you do fellow who loses his temper—al­ clude suspension of both driving Phon« HA 9-6058 not receive all of your benefit ways loses. Al Mil« Bridge. Riverview and registration licenses, loss of TW IST 59c 59c MARGARINE 4 75c COAST-TO-COAST STORES CHEESE ’24 EXPLODE ’32 FLOOR W AX 89c Hl-C DRINK 3 89c I PICNICS 39c TUNA 3 89c M .J.B . COFFEE 59c co1 $1.17 79c *î.~ *l17 10 ’239 Brunsman Hardw are and Elec. 169” YOUR CAR Car Owners to Get Reminders FRUIT M IX 55c MINCE MEAT 27c CANDY BARS 95c Fall M otor i Tune-up Time: Pancake Flour (URL'S GROCERY HENRY & POLLY • HUDSON RALPH'S i CHEVRON SERVICE