THE PEOPLE SPEAK . . . To The Editor: As we enter the second week af­ ter the big blow, and we settle back to our normal every-day rou­ tine of living, I think it’s time we reflect on the outstanding service and effort perfomed by the em­ ployees of the City of Vernonia and the West Oregon Electric com­ pany. Throughout the height of the storm when most of us were seek- in shelter in our homes or places of safety, these people were dis­ charging their duties regardless of their own persona! safety. When a great many communi­ ties were without electric power and water for days, and some still are in that position, the follow­ ing day service was restored in our city. I think this is a tremendous tri­ bute to the ability, knowledge and courage cf our city employees and the staff of West Oregon Electric. I know that I express the opin­ ion of our community when I say “Thanks to You” for a job “Well Done.” Jim Davies Bible Church Slates Guests i Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Mar­ vin, personal evangelists, and Cliff Kruger, converted night club entertainer, of Portland will hold ihe evening service at the Vernonia Bible church October 28 at 7:30 pm. Rev. Marvin is di­ rector of the Golden Harvest min­ istry. Mrs. Marvin is the granddaugh­ ter of the late Omar Nickerson, an old settler of the valley and the great-niece of Grandma Alma Sitts. Older people who have no church home here are especially invited as well as the public. To the Editor: I like the insignia of the new members of The $50 Deductible Club. A bright colored roof patch ads charm to the roof’s regular pattern. A black patch on a bright­ ly colored roof is equally attrac­ tive. A patch is also proof to show visitors that the Big Blow of 1962 hit your house. Lawrence Meissner Deer Island, Ore. AT THE CHURCHES REV. W. J. CANTWELL Winema Grange To Add Furnace DERREL ROSE Our concern is to give you con­ siderate care, handle all details with a service of quiet dignity and beauty that will comfort you and ycur family for years to come. PRICKETT'S MORTUARY OF FOREST GROVE Please Call Collect 1920 Pacific Ave.—Dial EL 7-3126 BIRKENFELD—Winema is in­ stalling a furnace. A group of men worked there Sunday and poured the foundation for it. Those work­ ing were, Dave Crawford, Darrell Baker, Mickey Hopkins and Fran­ cis Nordstrom. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Nordstrom were there and served the men coffee and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers. Vic showed some of his pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammer- berg left on a trip by train for Minnesota to visit with relatives. Mrs. G. P. Wanstrom spent last week in Portland. She stayed with her grandson while his mother was away attending a convention in California. A Paulist Mission, conducted by the Rev. William J. Cantwell, CSP of the Paulist Mission Unit of Layton, Utah will open at St. Mary’s church in Vernonia on Sunday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m., according to an announcement made by the Rev. Wm. Delplanche pastor of the church. The morning Masses during the mission will be at 7:15. Each Mass will be followed by a brief instruc­ tion. The evening services will be­ gin at 7:30 and will consist of spe­ cial prayers, the question box per­ iod, a sermon and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. On Saturday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. the mission will come to a solemn close with the bestowal of the papal blessing. One of the interesting features of the Paulist Mission is the ques­ tion box. Each evening, the mis­ sionary will answer questions that Vernonia Barracks have been placed in the box. All Veterans of World War I questions on matters of religion will be given courteous attention Meets 4th Monday and all are invited to submit ques­ tions. each month at the The Paulist Fathers receive IOOF hall, 8 P.M. their name from St. Paul, the Art Gardner, Commander great convert to Christianity of Carl Davis, Adjutant the early church. He was chosen as the patron of this first commun­ AUXILIARY ity of American priests, founded Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. in 1858 by Father Isaac Hecker Mabel Gardner, President and his four companions, all of Cora Lange, Secretary 7-63 whom were converts. One of the special works of the Paulist Fath­ ers is the instruction of inquirers VERNONIA on the truths of the Catholic re­ ligion. LIONS Father Wm. Delplanche cordial­ ly invites everyone to attend the CLUB mission services. MEETS FIRST AND THIRD Rev. Cantwell is a veteran MONDAY EACH MONTH having served with the 84th in­ 6:30 P.M.. FIRE HALL fantry division in Europe before John Jensen, President Neil Zimmerman, Sec. 3-63 studying for the priesthood. He was graduated from Seton Hall University, South Orange, N. J., IWA Local and completed his theology course at St. Paul’s College, Catholic 5-14 University, Washington, D.C. Ordained by Francis Cardinal Meets First and Spellman, Father Cantwell has Third Thursdays had extensive parochial experi­ 7:30 P.M. ence in both New York City and A.F.L. — C.I.O. Boston. This is his fourth year Business Agent is at the hall, with the Utah Mission group and North and Washington Sts. he has preached in all of the third and fourth Thursday 10 Rocky Mountain states. A clear a.m. te 12:30 p.m. 4-62 and dynamic speaker, he has won for himself the reputation of be­ ing able to explain to those out­ Order of Easter Star side the church her teachings and Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. pactices. Regular com­ munication first Nicaraguan Missionary Wednesday Due at Nazarene Church of each month Dean Galloway, missionary at Masonic Tem­ from Nicaragua, will be at the ple. All visiting Vernonia Church of the Nazar­ sisters and broth­ ene Friday evening, October 26, at ers welcome. 7:30 p.m. to show pictures and Isabelle Brunsman, W. M. talk about the mission work he Mona Gordon. Sec. 1-63 serves, according to Mrs. Lillian Wilson, pastor of the local church. VERNONIA CHAMBER The public is invited to attend. LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES V. F. W. Regular meetings: Fourth Wednesdays, 8 P.M. V.F.W. Hall Donald George, Commander J. E. Ade, Adjutant 4-61 NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB Meets last Thursday every month West Oregon Electric Auditorium, 7:30 P.M. Patricia Burns, President Richard Burns, Vice-president Ruth Steers, Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME 10-62 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Commander Robert Wyckoff, Secretary PYTHIAN SISTERS Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Cleo McNair, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 2-63 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 0.0.F* Meets Every Tuesday 8 P.M. Pete Wiederkehr, Noble Grand Lee Rogers, Sec. 1-63 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the I.O.O.F. hall. Gertrude Schalock. Noble Grand June Ray, Secretary 3-63 AMERICAN LEGION VERNONIA POST 119 Meets Second St Fourth F ridays of each month. B. J. Horn, Commander E. L. Towne Adjutant AUXILIARY Second and Fourth Fridays Otilia Heckenliable, President Leah Stiff. Sec. 1-63 Mission Dated At St. Mary's OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Robert C. Lindsay, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Secy. 7-63 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication th ird Thursday of each month, at 8:00 p.m. Albert B. Brunsman. W.M. Harry G. Sandon. Sec'y. 1-63 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Third Sr., back ef Miller's Store A. W. and Lillian Wilson, Ministers 9:45 am .—Bible school. B. L. Mitchell, director. Orchestra prelude. Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship 6:15 p.m. — NYPS second and fourth Sundays. Kenneth Mish- ler in charge. 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic services. Lively singing of favorite songe Wednesday 7:00 p.m.—Midweek service. All are welcome to “The Homelike Church” REV. and Mrs. Raymond Marvin, Evangelists, who will appear at the Vernonia Bible church Sunday evening. MIST-BIRKENFELD COMMUNITY CHURCH Sulo A. Sanders, Pastor Shirley Berg. Sunday School Superintendent At BIrkenfeld Community Center Sunday 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school for all. 11:00 a m.—Family worship. Nur­ sery for pre-school children. Wednesday 7:45 p.m.—Prayer and Bible study. Saturday 7:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship and recreation. At Mist Church 8:00 p.m.—Sunday evening, wor­ ship service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Maple W. C. Armstrong, Pastor 8:45 a.m., Sunday school. Clas­ ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m., Morning worship. T:30 p.m., Evangelistic service. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Prayer meeting at the church. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH North and Washington Sts. Bruce Roberts, Pastor HAzel 9-6522 9:45 a.m.—Bible school. Mrs. Ruth Sullivan, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. 7:00 p.m.—Oldsters and Young­ sters for Christ. .è i ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC Rev. William Delplanche Bridge Si. at 2nd Ave. First and Second Sundays, Mass at 7:00 p.m. Third, Fourth Fifth Sundays, at 8:00 a.m. First Fridays, Mass at 7:00 p.m VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH E. J. Ruff. Pastor First and Maple Sts. Gene Weller, Sunday School Supt. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school 11:00 a.m.—Morning service. 6:30 p.m.—Classes for adults and high school age. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship ser­ vice. 8:00 pm .—Tuesday home study class. 9:30 a.m. Thursday—Ladies cot­ tage prayer at Virgil Snooks. 7:00 p.m. Thursday — Christian service brigade. VERNONIA BRANCH CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS 925 Rose Avenue Branch Presidency — Elders Wil­ bur E. Wilson. Henry T. Hud­ son, and Clarence Updike. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. — Priesthood Convenes 10:30 a.m. — Sunday school. Robert E. McNair, Supt. 12:15 p.m. — Sacrament Service. Wilbur E. Wilson, presiding. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Tuesday: 2nd Ave. and Nehalem 4:00 p.m. — Primary. Cleo Mc­ E. E. Stratton. Pastor Nair, Pres. Thursday: Services on Saturday: 9:30 am .—Sabbath school. 10:00 a m. — Relief Society. 10:45 am .—Preaching, mission­ Laura E Carmichael, Pres. ary programs, or Bible study. Visitors Welcome at All Meetings f l ______________ À : J CLIFF KRUGER, singer, who will appear with the Marvins at the Vernonia Bible church this Sunday. Be a full-time citizen and vote in every election. Keep your courage and your courage will keep you up. Uernonia Eagle THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1962 ------------------------------------- í J ÿ ÿ ä TIMBER I OW NERS— »% î s I Get the most out of your blown down. VERNONIA EVANGELIVAL UNITED BRETHREN Stale Avenue Raymond Targgart, Pastor 1768 N. Ainsworth, Portland, Ore. BUtler 5-8159 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Carl Holsey, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Nursery for small children. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p.m.—Evening service. Wednesday 7:00 p.m.—Hour of power, pray­ er and Bible study. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A. K. Pevoto, Pastor A and Washington St. Sunday services: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a m. — Morning worship. 6:.'1O p.m. — Training Union. 7:15 p.m. — Evening service. . Ô Call NORTHWEST PILING CO. V ï s 1 $ Phone 543-2548 Scappoose, Ore. s s Evenings: St. Helens 1096 ‘i % Ï Jay Ahlia)en SHXHZHXHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZH^I M ........... H //eat X H X M X H X N X N X N X H X N X N X H X H H Evangelist Lee Kretz Give seven words from the Bible that answer the question WILL RUSSIA RULE THE WORLD?" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 — 7:30 P.M. MONTY JONES “J tJ s llhitten Seventh-day Adventist Church H FREE Second Ave. and Nehalem St. FREE X H X H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H KHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHX