CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General SERVICES PAINTING—Interior or exterior, by contract or hour rates. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Free esti­ mates. Phone HAzel 9-5855. W. D. Trotter. 4it3 LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE: Weser Brothers up­ right piano and padded bench. Ideal for beginners. $50. See it at 191 A street. 43t3c Cattlemen Date Lakeview Meet The annual convention of the Oregon Cattlemen’s association and its auxiliary, the Oregon Cow Belles, will be held in Lake- view November 7 through 10. Among those scheduled to appear on the program are Dr. Burton Wood from Oregon State Univer­ sity who will speak on European Common Market; C. E. Murphey of the USDA who will speak on dual grading and Stary Gange from Visalia, California whose ad­ dress will be entitled, “Freedom, Our Sacred Trust.” The program for the ladies will include a style show, a tour of the museum, an exhibition of Indian artifacts and the usual business meetings. BOWLING MONDAY—WOMEN Alley Oop League W L 15 West Oregon Electric 17 Vernonia Clinic 17 15 17 Sam’s Food Store 15 17 Curl’s Grocery- 15 Nancy Leonard, high game, 213 and high series, 540. Splits picked up: Ellen Hanson, 5-6: Betty Curl, 5-6; Nell Thomas, 2-7; Hazel Shipman, 4-5-7; Delor­ es Fredrickson, 4-5; Marlea Lef­ fler, 3-10. Oernonia Eagle 6 THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1962 Cheryl Devine's Birthday Celebrated on Thursday NOTICE TO CREDITORS MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel and Mr. and Mrs. Sam De- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HELP for your budget! See your vine helped Cheryl Devine cele­ th;> undersigned has been by the Credit Union for Savings and Loan brate her birthday Thursday ev­ County Court of the State of Ore­ needs. 959 Rose Ave., Vernonia. ening. _ _ _______________________37tfc SHRUBS and bulbs for fall plant­ gon for Columbia County appoint­ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salmi and ing now available. Also, potted ed Administratrix of the Estate of BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public Lois from Marshland visited the Charles Hansens Sunday after­ plants, corsages and funeral de­ Omar S. Poynter, Deceased. All stenographer, notary public. New accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, persons having claims against said noon. signs. Long distance phone ser­ estate are hereby notified to pre­ 875 Bridge St. Hours 11-5; Sat. 9- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kyser Mel­ vice and local delivery, including sent tbs same, duly verified, to 1. Closed Tuesday. HAzel 9-6005 TUESDAY—WOMEN vin and Raymond spent from Sat­ 36tfc Mist. For the finest quality at the the undersigned at the office of or HAzel 9- 5895. Standard Oil 22 6 urday to Sunday at Tillamook at lowest price, call your local flor­ her attorney within six months of Quinn's Insurance 12 16 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron WORKING MOTHERS, let me ist, HAzel 9-5863. Spofford’s Gar­ the date hereof. Vernonia Drug 11% 16% Hawkins. help you. Ironing done reason­ den and Florist Service. 42tfc DATED this 28th day of Sep­ ably $3 and up per basket. 50c King’s Grocery 10% 1714 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keller of Penny Smejkal, high game, 205 Westport called on Mr. and Mrs. MATTRESS and box springs, tember, 1962. extra for pick-up and delivery. EVA M. POYNTER and high series, 526. double bad size, $20; chest of You need help, I can use money. Hugh Cox Sunday. Administratrix Splits picked up: Delores Fred­ drawers, $10. Call Knowlton, HA Ma V;ke, 1654 Nehalem St., Corey Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danielson rickson, 3-10; Vi Cameron, 4-5. 9-3334.____________________41t3c GEORGE WALISER Hill. 36tfc were Sunday evening visitors at Attorney for Administratrix the Sam Devines. WEDNESDAY—MEN FOR SALE: Furniture, silverware 1931 Pacific Avenue W L Pet. child’s crib and miscellaneous it­ Forest Grovs, Oregon Brunsman Hardware 21 7 .750 ems. See Mrs. Omar Poynter, 39t5c Scappoose bowler E. Hoffman is 14 14 .500 Fisher’s Electric PROCESSING PLANT Keasey route. Phone HA 9-5896. still in the High Ten averages with ONE-BEDROOM house for rent. Col. River Real Es. 13 15 .464 INVITATION FOR BIDS Slate Inspected _________________________ 41t3c an average of 149. She also had a Call Mrs. Pearle Adams, HAzel 9- Bob’s Union PROPOSAL FOR CLEARING 8 20 .286 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 508 and a 501 in the Season 500’s. 3441,_____________________ 43t3c FLUTE for sale, like new. $80. PORT PROPERTY High series, Bob King, 483; high Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Warren Aldrich, 200 A St. Phone Notice is hereby given that the Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon TWO HOUSES for rent on Uma­ game, Urban Helvie, 206. HA 9-5591. 41t3c Port of St. Helens, Oregon, will Splits picked up: John Jensen, tilla street, one-half block west Cutting and Wrapping MARR & STAFFORD receive ssaled proposals until 7:30 9-10; Marvin Kamholz, 3-10. of Rose avenue. Rent free for re- Sharp Freezing ABANDONED TV SET $5.00 MO. o’clock P.M. Pacific Standard MEAT CO. pairs. Call HAzel 9-5023. 43t3c THURSDAY—MEN Smoking and Curing Couple left state with bills behind, Time, the 14th day of Nov., 1962 Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. Free use of Stock Trailer we were forced to reposses TV. at the office of David O. Bennett 10 .643 THREE-ROOM house for rent, Crown Zellerbach 18 EL 7-7281 Shop Res. Anyone desiring can take up pay­ and Robert R. Vagt, its attorneys, 13 reasonable. 108 A street. Mrs. T. Vernonia Milk 15 .464 EL 7-2981 A. Adams, HAzel 9-5573. 43t3c Mill Market ments of $5.00 per month on this 275 Strand Street, St. Helens, Ore­ EL 7-3922 12% 15 .444 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing guaranteed set. Contact Mr. Giles gon for furnishing all labor and Rt. 2, Bx 141, Fcresl Grove, Ore. Curl’s Grocery 12% 15 .444 On Fern Hill Road Meat for sale, any quantity. concerning lot No. 1522, care of equipment in connection with the High series, Jerry Dinger, 563; Cattle Received Sunday and ltfc Magone Furn. Co., St. Helens, clearing and burning of approxi­ high game, Henry Anderegg, 224. Monday until noon. phone 1800. 41t3c mately 86 acres of land adjoining CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county Splits picked up: Moon Mullins, Hogs received Tuesday and MARVIN KAMHOLZ Wednesday until noon. 4-5; Homer Fuller, 3-6-8; Fred CASH PAID on your farm for the Spokane, Portland and Seattle surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Editor and Publisher Come through Banks, take 3-10; Red Ade, 3-10. any kind of livestock. Eugene Railroad right of way approxi­ Phone office, 698; home, 183. P ri­ TillamooJc road 1 % mile, Official Newspaper of vate surveying, engineering work. mately one quarter mile South of take first lefthand road. R. Geertz, 19050 East Burnside, Vernonia, Oregon 24tfc ltfc Portland 33, Oregon. Phone MO- the junction of Columbia Boule­ Entered as second class mail hawk 5 9031 or MOhawk 5-2289. vard and Highway 30 in the City matter, Augus* 4, 1922 at the post . _____________________ 38t6 of St. Helens, Oregon, as described office in Vernonia, Oregon under NEW SPAPER in plans and Specifications on file the act of March 3, 1879. Sub­ EVEN-TEMP INSULATION CO. in said office. P U B L IS H E R S scription price $3.00 yearly in the 16860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Bids shall be submitted on the A S S O C IA T IO N Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3.50. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ form available at the said office of THE VERNONIA EAGLE age house, $50-$60. Call collect, said Port. All bid tenders shall be Mitchell 4-3918,________ 18tfc sealed and marked on the outside Z H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H Z IX H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X J 2 FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ “Bid For Clearing Port Property.” 5 No one bid will be considered est in flowers for all occasions. Flants, bouquets. Floral pieces unless accompanied by a check for funerals. Flowers speeded by payable to the Port of St. Helens, H long distance or wired anywhere. Oregon, certified by a responsible bank located in the State of Ore­ Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ltfc gon, in an amount equal to 5% H (per cent) of the proposal. Said FOR SALE: Used chain saws, amount to be forfeited as fixed Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of and liquidated damages in case Bridge and State St. 27tfc the bidder fails, neglects or refuses TEN POUND bundles of news­ within five days after award is papers for sale. Suitable for made to him to enter into a con­ starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle tract and provide a payment and H office fltf performance bond as required by the General Conditions of these H FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ specifications, and, also, complying Z sion. Flowers wired anywhere. with the conditions required by Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 H Sections 279.310 through 279.340 _________________________ 15tfc ORS, and Sections 279.510 through X 279.532 ORS, and any other sta­ H tutory requirements. If a bid is not accepted the bid guarantee TWO and a half-bedroom house, will be returned to the bidder. Since the storm of October 12, more than 400 people have been working- to repair dam­ electrically heated, excellent con­ The Port reserves the right to age and restore West Coast Telephone service in our Oregon serving areas. dition, conveniently located. $6500. reject any or all bids, for unbal­ Terms. ance, or for any other reason, at its discretion. TWO bedroom house for rent. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, this W e wish to thank each of these people — the W’est Coast operators, repair and service 19th day of October, 1962. crews, the private contractors, and the people from our Company who, not regularly FARMS AND PORT OF ST. HELENS assigned to outside maintenance and repair work, volunteered to help in this emergency. DWELLINGS LISTED By Raymond E. Steward REEHER REALTY H President. H 2007 21st, Fonsst Grove. 43tlc Z H See Bill Horn, Vernonia H W e also wish to thank each of you — our c ustomers — whose patience and understand­ NOTICE Phone HA 9-6203 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that ing of the magnitude of this problem has has helped greatly in our job. We assure you Branch Bank Building. all trees, shrubs and structures we will continue working until all service is completely restored. Here are the answers WANT FARM. Must have water blown onto county roads and other to the questions we’ve been asked most often: and buildings. Can pay cash. Write county property must be removed No. 11, N. E. 39th Ave., Portland, by the owners thereof within ten Oregon. 28tfc days from the date of this no­ tice or the county shall remove the WHEN WILL MY TELEPHONE SERVICE BE RESTORED? same at the owner’s risk. By order of the county court To those of you who may still I)« without service, we can only say “ju st as soon WANTED: One pair of bunk-bod of Columbia County. as possible. Every available man is working in shifts as long as human endur­ frames. Carson Strong, HAzel 9- Dated October 19, 1962. H ance and safety will permit. 6084 4JtS ______________ 43tlc X Haberman's Neal FOR RENT Oernonia Eagie H IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL OREGON TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS FOR SALE-Real Estate WANTED WANTED: Three cords 16-inch heater wood delivered to our home Sixth street, Riverview. Karl E. Yoresen. HAzel 9-3411. __________________________ 43 It CARD OF THANKS I WISH to express my thanks and appreciation to those who visited me and sent flowers while I was in the hospital and after I got home. Thanks to those who sent cards, they helped to brighten my day A special thanks to my hus­ band for having my mother and sister come here for my confine­ ment. Also a special thanks to Rev. and Mrs Ruff and Rev. and Mrs. Roberts for their visits and consoling words, Mrs. Sherman Fisher ___ ________________________43 tl OUR SINCERE appreciation to each one of you who dug in to help dig out of the wreckage caused by the recent wind storm. Power saws used and made avail­ able for use were especially ap­ preciated City of Vernonia Roy Sanders, Street Supt 43tlc CLASSIFIED RATES Z H THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo- NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY graphical mistake occurs. N A T IO N AL ED ITORIAL A S ^)C 0T IQ > N A H IU A H M fM B E I IF MY SERVICE HAS NOT YET BEEN RESTORED. SHOULD I REPORT IT? By all means, do. We want to make absolutely sure that no individual service in our system is overlooked and that each telephone is working and working pro­ perly. WILL I BE CHARGED FOR THE TIME MY PHONE WAS OUT OF SERVICE? ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to ba handled by the Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum. 3c each. Three inser­ tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks St Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8 cents each. NO iniormation on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. H No. While we have no control over storm damage, we cannot expect you to pay for the time your phone was not in operation. Credit for that time will be given on a pro-rated basis on your next telephone bill. H NOTE: H Installation of new telephones and additional services has necessarily been sus­ pended during this emergency. Our first responsibility, obviously, is to restore all existng senice. If you are waiting for new equipment, we ask that you bear with us until service has been restored in all storm-damaged areas. W est C oast T elephon»' H Z H WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. »XHXH ZHXH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH ZH X4XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH Z