IL L ARKET LYNDEN’S CHICKENand NOODLES & LOCKERS 29-oz Cans 2 For 98* Tacos O QQc You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone HÀ 9-3492 HACIENDA FROZEN MEXICAN BEEF SOFLIN SHUR LAC INSTANT DRY MILK W lf I’KG. 14-oz. Pkg. FACIAL ! TISSUES C $100 J KRAFT MINIATURE WHITE Marshmallows i IX L 15-oz. Cans Quik Cocoa Nestle’»— Lg. 3Koz. Cannister Tomatoes l'ancy Sliceis ................. Lb. Rutabagas Home Grown üernonia Eagíe 2 THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1962 Taste the sparkling refresh­ ment of nature's finest grains an:« Hartford Accident and V Indemnity Company 5 Member Hartford Insurance Group Hartford 15, Conn. ROY NELSON Democratic Candidate for Columbia County Clerk “\ou th fu l, Energetic, and Thoroughly Quali­ fied For the Job.” • ROY NELSON HAS THE • NEEDED. •«•’•<♦ N MN <«r l«Wr («matin C«** O>u«r*, Cb« rflM% J. W. Jr*. F«ft*«M, Of«, Open Six D ays a W eek Elect . . . COMMISSIONER DEMOCRAT BEN'S BABBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Kysers Aid in ï s Damage Repairs ï 9 by LAWRENCE MEISSNER D w r Island. Oredon N O R M A N O. NILSEN A fter a few global w ars all n a ­ tions should have enough ex p e r­ ience to believe in peace. ! RE-ELE LABOR 3 S1 i 45’ 9oz. Pkgs............................. Cut Green Beans or Frch. Style Green Beans Lawrence Meissner Adv J 6 $1 Green Beans believes w hat U ncle Sam keeps out of th e mail as obscene litera­ tu re should be kept off Oregon new sstands. Pd Ring ÆQ< : FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN Parkers Visit with Son At Veterans Hospital New Minister Arrives For Vine Maple Church B IRK EN FELD — Rev. and Mrs. D avid P ro u ty and baby have m oved in the valley and are living in th e Fred Stinchfield house. He has charge of the Vine Maple church. Mrs. E. T. Jo h n sto n and Tom Johnston w ere in A storia on b u s­ iness last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ilstad of Enum claw , W ashington visited relatives here for aw hile last F ri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. G ene Larson and fam ily of Longview visited S u n ­ day w ith th e Francis Larsons. Mr. and Mrs. H arold Stinch- field of Condon spent S aturday night and Sunday w ith the D arrell Bakers. Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Sacher of S ilv erto n visited here w ith rela­ tives last T hursday. Mr. and Mrs. F red Udey spent M onday in Portland. S hirley Berg spent th e w eek end at home. Also Roger Berg of B eaverton visited there. Mr. and Mrs. E v erett Johnston w ere in Forest G rove Monday. i Skinless Wieners BACKGROUND AND EX PERIEN CE ★ Born and Raised in St. Helens Area. ★ G rad u ate of Oregon S tate University. ★ O fficer in U S. A ir Force 4 Years, serving 3 S Years In i S im ilar Work. ! CIVIC A FFILIA TIO N S: M ember of W arren G range. St. Helens AF&AM No. I 32, and S ecretary of the St. Helens Jaycees. For Your Assurance of Efficienl Management of the County Clerk's Office . . . Support and Vote For 1 1 M • Roy Nelson in the General Election — Nov. 6 I Pd Adv by Roy Nelson. Warren, Oregon I----------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 8 9 V V 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 3 S 3 9 ? 9 S I