l i b r a r y , U of 0 Phone Service Repair Gets Help of Many AT THE reorganization meeting of the West Oregon Electric board following the annual meeting Saturday, George Smith, outgoing president, passes the gavel to C. L. Wooden, Jewell, newly elected president. O ver2 0 0 Vote A t Annual M eet Over 200 members and their fa­ Fred Knox, treasurer, reported milies attended the West Oregon income of $320,152.46 for the 12 Electric cooperative annual meet­ months ending August 31. Ex­ ing at Vernonia, October 20. penses for this period were $335,- Directors re-elected were Noble 403.92 for a net loss of $15,251.46. Dunlap, Mist route, Vernonia, for Gerald F. Diddle, director West­ district 2, and George L. Smith, ern area (electric) REA, was the Timber route, Vernonia, for dis­ principal speaker. He pointed out trict 5. Dunlap received 121 votes that all the initial capital of the while his opponent, Robert Ma­ cooperative was borrowed from thews, Mist, received 60. Smith re­ REA and that this money plus in­ ceived 122 votes while H. O. terest must be paid back. A total Slette, Timber route, Vernonia, of just over one million dollars in received 39 and Dudley P. Spof­ principal and interest have been ford, Vernonia, received 20 votes repaid to August 31. in the three-way race in district Introduced to the general mem­ 5. bership was R. B. Fletcher, Mist Members heard reports of opera­ route, Vernonia, who was appoint­ tions for the past year from the ed at the board meeting October directors and Manager Guy. -I. 16 to complete the term of E. G. Thomas. The recent storm came Roediger Jr., Mist route, Vernonia, in for its share of comments as the who resigned earlier due to the operations of the cooperative will pressure of his own business. be greatly affected. There were 208 voting members George Smith, board president, plus their families who attended in opening the meeting stated that the meeting to make the largest while 1962 was a bad year due to attendance for a meeting in sever­ storms and economic problems, al years. Approximately 300 per­ conditions indicate a turn for the sons were present. better in the near future. Entertainment highlight of the meeting was the appearance of the Vernonia grade school chorus of, 51 students under the direction of John Jensen. A large number of entries for the cake contests were present to be judged. Mary Ann Dennis, Ver­ nonia, won the radio given as first prize for the junior division. Lin­ da Norman, Jewell, won the sec­ ond place clock. Imogene Slanger, Jewell, won the third place heat­ ing pad. In the senior division, Mrs. J. M. Peachey, Vernonia, won the first place steam iron. Second was won by Mrs. Myrtle Slanger who re­ ceived a roto-broil. Third place heating pad was won by Mrs. Charles Minger of Vernonia. At a reorganization meeting fol­ R. B. FLETCHER. Mist Route, lowing the annual meeting, the was appointed recently as direc­ board of directors elected C. Lee tor for district 3 of the West Ore­ Wooden, Jewell, president; Lewis gon Electric Co-cperalive to com­ Kelly, Banks, vice-president; O. T. plete the unexpired term of Ed Bateman, Vernonia, secretary and Roediger Jr., resigned. F. M. Knox, Gaston, treasurer. Oemonia £a