Better Breakfasts! U e rn o n ia E a g le H A P P IE R , H E A L T H IE R 8 C H IL D R E N A T S C H O O L 55’ it . CHEESE R a in ie r M a id I 55c L b. i rw—« ín ia iH f2 y * u iu w - "SALE STARTS TOMORROW” THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 1962 O ne of th e most disastrous p u b ­ lic dam ages was to the bridge about one and a half m iles south of V ernonia across the riv er to the m ink farm . A falling tree w ent across the steel structure, b rea k ­ ing and tw isting it. Officials cf Crown Zellsrbach, afte r a survey of dam ages to com ­ pany land, estim ate th at at least 25 m illion feet of tim ber was dow ned by th e storm. T he b arn on th e F rank Reed place below Vemonia, form erly the M at K ing place, was blown across th e road and a t one point F riday evening, debris from it along w ith u tility w ires felled by th e w ind and flying debris, blocked th e road at th a t point. 938 STORES IN 21 STATES AMD STILL CROVINCI FREE W INDSHIELD Z IN S T A N T 6-oz. J a r CRACKERS Sunshine K ris p y 1-L b . BOX APPLE CIDER Golden V a lle y 79c G allon Public Utilities Missed Loss of public utilities was the thing felt by everyone and c re a t­ ed th e m ost problem s. All pow er from Bonneville was out and it was retu rn ed to the V ernonia area about 4:00 p.m. S aturday, alm ost 24 hours after the storm struck and plunged everything into d a rk ­ ness. By W ednesday noon, all of th e main stem of th e N ehalem val­ ley had been restored. However, it will still be some tim e before all services are restored. Lines at some points w ere broken in so m any places and so m any poles w ere down th a t it is a m ajor pro­ ject to restore them. W est Oregon Electric reports th a t they have at w ork all available equipm ent and are seeking to secure more to do the job more rapidly. W est Coast Telephone com pany reports th a t it has com m itted a w ork force of 400 to the herculean task of restoring storm -w recked service for nearly one-third of its Oregon custom ers. Pacific gales knocked out 25,000 of th e approxim ately 90.000 W est Coast telephones in northw estern, southw estern nnd northeastern Oregon an d L ake and K lam ath counties. T here w ere 400 phones out in th e V ernonia area. GROUND BEEF 49c 100% P ure R eel Lb. EL PASEO OLIVES L u n c h -N -M ix 2 1 -oz. J a r 59c HONEY GRAHAMS 65c Nabisco 2 -L b . P k g . APPLES $2.50 BREAD M P IX /l Crews Augmented Delicious Bushel Spi nance— M akes I L a rg e Ixm ves i N a lle y ’s J /C CHILI i l à-os. ( an 30c Eat Out on Saturday! Support the Annual Lions Club Hot Cake Feed . . . All Day. CURL'S i » i i • i i i • i i i i i i i i i i i i • i i i • i i i i i i i i i G RO CERY Phone H A 9-6341 Deliveries 3:00 P.M . V E R N O N IA , O R EG O N : Oregon District M anager Lyle E. Cross reported th a t more than 13,000 of the 25,000 had been re­ tu rn ed to service as of m id-after­ noon Tuesday. The com pany’s norm al const ruc­ tion and installation operations have been suspended. Cross said, and all W est Const installers and repairm en have been diverted to th e service-restoration assignment. W ith their supporting personnel nnd the acquisition of some 20 crew s not regularly em ployed by the com pany, about 400 w orkers in all are occupied repairing storm damage. The com pany expressed apprec­ iation for the courtesy and u n d er­ standing of custom ers during this trying period and assured them th at all service would be restored as rapidly as possible. The storm wtll continue to be a topic of conversation for many a day to come and everyone agrees that once was enough for a storm like that. And, as more rep o rts are received from oth er places, resi­ d ents here w ill continue to agree that this w as the best place to be w hen such a storm did occur. E v­ eryone in the vaiU y should be able to count m any reasons for th e observance of T hanksgiving this year. O akland wood h eater w ith therm ostatic control.—............ — he O akland fireplace h ea te tr r w ith heat control. Glass 614195 SCRAPER Clip» to ear vleer. JOat soli for It In evr Auto, ■etlve Departnent. 154 TRANSISTOR RADIOS 129 Doors— O nly------- R»0 $16.95 6 T ra n s i stor $ 1 3 .9 9 K re^ky autom atic auto, forced air wood burning heater. Floor level h eat in ev ery $ 1 P* 4195 room. 6-8 rm. size PO R TA B LE RADIO Complete with battery, earphone and leather carrying case.Ra? $27.95 I 8 T ra n s is to r $ 1 9 .9 9 PO R TA B LE RADIO kDeluxe radio is com» jp le te with 4 pen light J batteries, leather ¡carrying cate, and J earphone. 9 * 9 $19.95 *9 T ra n s i stor $ 1 6 . 9 9 Planes Damaged At th e V ernonia airport, a hangar w ent down on th e plane ow ned by Mrs. F ran k Hays, breaking th e w indshield and d am ­ aging w ings and undercarriage. Total am ount of dam age has not been learned. O th er planes k ep t th ere w ere those of W ally Grosche and F ran k Hays and th eir dam age is understood to be minor. Four o th er fliers from the valley had planes a t Scappoose. L. E. A tkins estim ates from $1000 to $1200 dam age to his plane and Dave Seibel and K enny Sm ejkal are understood to have suffered wing dam age. Fred Busch of Mist came out w ith little dam age to his plane. It also is understood th a t a for­ m er resident, Bill O linger of H ills­ boro, lost his hangar and suffered m ajor plane damage. O ne of the outstanding results of the storm was the d em o n stra­ tion of th e resourcefulness of peo­ ple in th e valley who w ere devis­ ing m eans of cooking w ithout elec­ tricity and getting by in the em er­ gency. Also, the helpful spirit was very evident w ith those w ho had heat and m eans of cooking sharing w ith those less fortunate. TTT» r C O A S T -T O -C O A <01 Storm Damage Being Cleared. PORK SAUSAGE C heddar 4TR1H1T» j-TUMimiW- B T « . » A i H f 4. U M n . r PO R TA B LE RADIO Pocket size transistor w ill go wherever you gol Complete with earphones, batteries and carrying case. P la s t ic O v a l LAUNDRY BASKET BASKET B attery Booster Cable S et for 12-Volt Cars 8-Foot. Com pare at 33 $2.50. Only Has sturdy solid bot­ tom to hold those extra large family washesl Assorted modem colors to fit In your kitchen or laundry rooml 1 Fan-G io H eetaire electric h ea te r w ith therm ostatic $61 95 control A COAST-TO-COAST STORES EXPLODE . REMINGTON* .SUPER X P o rtab le baseboard elec, h ea te r S Q 6 1 9 5 AMMUNITION PRICES ~ SHOOT THE A L L TIM E FAVO R ITESI PERFORMANCE Remington Expresi In the PROYENI Green Corrugated Paper H ulll 12 Gauge. 4 or 6 shot RX124, RX126(AB143»145) 16 Gouge, 4 or 6 »hot, RAX164, RAX166, (SB159.161) 20 Gauge, 4 oY 6 »bof/ RX204, RX206, (SB179-181) Western Super X In the Waxed Red Paper Cosel 12 Gouge, 4 a j 6 »hot, SX124, SX126. (SB423U25) T o a it m o it e r 2 S lic e A UTO M ATIC TOASTER Compare al^l 3-Foot______ J 0^ 99 SH.W Color ».lecto r for toost a» you like ill Modern styling, chromo finish. O th er Elec. H eaters from A rm strong B udgetone v in y l floor covering. S q u are $ V 29 Y a r d .—......... Congoleum v in y l F o re­ cast floor covering. S q u are $ - | 59 Y a r d ..................... 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $p*47 O nly---------------- — X CHORE GLOYES £ PAIR P O R / y Man's protactiva chora glovas of 12 ounce Canton Flap n tL Sim m ons S lum ber K ing M attress and Box Springs $ 4 4150 E a c h _______ B eauty R est $ ^ 4 1 5 0 • ¿/ M attress..... . ‘4.7 BY DO W CHEMICAL COMPANY G oulds b alan ced flow sh allo w w ell system . No tan k , no ex tras. Now 85 O nly____ PERMANENT A N T I-F R E E Z E $ -| /I J * ® V Silve5r2S ?aa|11'” ’ Electric I WATER IH F A T F R $58.88 f P o ly e th y la n a K i t fo r W aterproof STORM WINDOWS *•2 / / > > fkg . for 2 9 < / y * ’ 2 WINDOWS Two 36 x 72 Inch transparent poly­ ethylene sheets. 36 feet of fibre molding and nails in each kit. SCREEN DOOR COVER Pegu^rly QQ? 36 x 84 Inch cover with sewed'ln plastic windows. Noils and bindina included. 50-50 mixture anti­ freeze protects ¿ 34 degrees b zerol One filling lasts all winter, " » •t. Guaranteed to give same protection as products selling as high as $3.251 F .O .i. PW9IM«, O f VIA • Fully leaelatad PI be», I eel • Utorletking TkeeoMlatt . 2 iM M eelM (C Ò iM H r e e ie cA) CAI EI mn I i I SEE US FO R YOUR nAPf Custom glass lined modal. H et w atar in stan tly. 1 0 year warranty. ROOFING NEEDS GUNS FROM AROUND T H E WORLD 2-SPEED MULTI-CYCLE Mark I Royal Irish E N F IE L D R IF L E .303 e 3 W ater Temperatures a Wash-Wear Cycle a Deep Turbulent Wash and Rinse- Actions a Automatic Pre-Scrubbing Cycle a Effective Lint Filter AW-420 Only ’239“ 104 Brunsman Hardware and Elec. -IO»/ I T ’S A SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER S PO R TE R IZED MODEL GUNS E x ch an g e— ABC O m atic clothes d ry er w ith h eat selection, porcelain top and drum , concealed $-J lint trap r r r a a r g iM r e r a n » — < L at. modal belt action. Use» Standard American »porting anmunltlon in 30.3 G roup 1 B atteries. 36 m onth guar. $-» 4144 P R IV IL E G E AND A PLEASURE County Inspector Explains Code Chandler Rites Read Wednesday Points to Councilmen Monday F u n eral services w ere held at 2:00 p.m. W ednesday a t th e C hrist Episcopal church in St. H elens for Mrs. S t a n l e y (Florence) C handler of K easey route, V er­ nonia, who had passed aw ay S a t­ urday at Good S am aritan hospital following h eart surgery a few days previously. Services w ere conducted by F ath e r Orlo Hoye and the A tkins S unset Chapel at W arren was in charge of arran g e­ ments. B urial was in th e C olum ­ bia M em orial G ardens at W arren. Mrs. C handler w as born Ju ly 22, 1924 at D enver, Colorado. P rior to moving to V ernonia about a year ago, th e fam ily lived at R ainier. S urvivors include her husband, S tanley; a son F rank who is sta­ tioned at Ft. Cam pbell. K entucky; and three daughter, Patricia, Carole and Joyce, all at hom e hero w ith th eir fath er; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W inn of Col­ lege Place, W ashington; tw o sis­ ters, an d th ree brothers. Fund at Half Nark Mrs. T M H obart. U nited Fund co-chairm an for the N ehalem V al­ ley. stated W ednesday th at the drive had reached th e half-w ay m ark here All contributors, both firms, o r­ ganizations and individuals, are asked to get contributions in as soon as possible For th e past tw o years, this area has been the first in th e county to reach its goal and it would be most gratifying to do it for th? th ird tim e V E R N O N IA , O R E . P H O N E H A 9-5 6 5 1 At the regular m eeting of the V ernonia city council held at the city hall O ctober 15, officials p re ­ sent w ere M ayor Geo. Johnson, Councilm en L. E. Stiff, R. Curl, F. Serafin and C. E. M iller and A ttorney Don K alberer. Bill Horn introduced Joe W alk­ er, county sanitarian w ho also acts as building inspector under the county building code, who was present to answ er questions on the operation of the code w hich m ight also apply to a sim ilar cod? w hich is u n d er consideration by the V ernonia Planning C om m is­ sion. Most questions p ertain ed to rep air and reconstruction of ex ist­ ing buildings as th ere is a general opinion th at should m ajo r ad d it­ ions or repairs be made, th e en ­ tire building would have to be m ade to comply w ith m inim um standards set forth in the code. W alker’s answ er was th a t the county inspector’s concern is to see th at new w ork com plies w ith th e code w ithout reference to the building w hich is being repaired or added to unless th e original building is paten tly unsafe or u n ­ suitable for occupancy. W alker also recom m ended th at any code th e city m ight adopt should include a contractor's li­ cense and bonding requirem ent to protect the p roperty owner. R, C. Lindsay, chairm an of the planning commission, presented point by p o in t the com m ission’s recom m endations in relation to the uniform building code and the Co­ lum bia county ordinance. T he council authorized the draw ing of an ordinance im ple­ m enting th e planning com m is­ sion's recom m endations w hich will b? subm itted for public hearing before action is tak en for passage. H orn than k ed W alker for ta k ­ ing th e tim e to ap p ear h ere at th e request of th e planning com m is­ sion to w hich w as added the th an k s of M ayor Johnson on b i ­ h alf of th e city. W ally Grosche, speaking for plane ow ners who fly from th e city airport, asked for perm ission to use salvageable m aterial from th e storm -w recked hangars in contem plated Rebuilding opera­ tions for w hich perm ission was granted. G uy Thomas, W est Oregon m anager, asked for a ten year re­ new al of th e easem ent for radio tran sm itte r installations on city property. T erm of the present p e r­ m it expires D ecem ber 31, 1962. The docum ent was subm itted to the city attorney for stu d y before action is taken. The m ayor and council took ad ­ vantage of Mr. Thom as' presence to express the city’s appreciation for th e unbelieveably prom pt re ­ storation by th e co-operative em ­ p lo y e « of storm in terru p ted elec­ tric service. B. R. Pilger, local bank m anager, bro u g h t th e inform ation th at the probability of leaks in the hank building roof is delaying intended redecorating of th e b ank's interior. He asked th at the council consider repair of th e roof and added th at TO L IV E IN V E R N O N IA if deteriorated w oodw ork on th e ex terio r of th e building is replaced, th a t will be rep ain ted also. The council agreed to have an estim ate m ade of th e am ount of w o rk nec­ essary to p u t th e building in good condition. A pproval of the sew age lagoon w ork change order was received from th e U nited S tates D ep art­ m en t of H ealth, E ducation and W elfare. Sanction w as given for city em ­ ployees and eq u ipm ent to rem ove storm caused debris if g athered up and placed conveniently at curb- side. As a rule w hen a m an gives him self aw ay th ere is v ery little sacrifice involved. IT PAY S TO READ TH E ADS! ATLAS ADDITIVES P ro v id e new p o w er fo r y o u r engine. Im p ro v e and m a in ­ ta in e ffic ie n c y , econom y and p e rfo rm a n c e . A s k f o r th e m . ¡ R A L P H 'S •CHEVRON SERVICE! Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAxel 9 6691