C O A S T .T O ’ CO A Uernonia Eagle 8 Tokay Grapes Fresh from The Vine I i a | (JC Lb. CELERY Large Crisp Stalks.. Each 10c POTATOES U.S. No. 2’s 50-Lb. Bag $1 CABBAGE Solid Heads Lb. 5c BACON Hygrade’s Sliced 1-Lb. Pkg. f a J/C TUNA FISH Standby Chunk 3 io . 85c TO M . JUICE Standby 46-oz. Cans 4 For $1 M INUTE RICE 11-0/ Pkg. 43c RITZ CRACKERS Nabisco 1-Lb. Pkg. a ■■ J j C AUTOMOTIVE THURSDAY. OCT. 11. 1962 *■ ' stores / Rites Read for Thomas Wolf Funeral services for Thomas L. Wolf, 79, who had made his home here since 1942, were conducted Monday, October 8, at 1:00 p.m. at Fuiten’s Chapel in the Hills Mortuary. Rev. Bruce Roberts, pastor of the First Christian church, offici­ ated with Mrs. Frank Serafin singing “In the Garden” and “God Be with You,” acompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Thomas as organist. Concluding services and inter­ ment were at the Memorial ceme­ tery with Rex McRae, Ike Dass, Clint Adams, Bob Asanerick, Tom Bateman and Ernie Herman serv­ ing as casket bearers. Tom Wolf was born in Crook county, Kansas February 5, 1883 and spent his early life there. As a boy he participated with his par­ ents in the Oklahoma Strip run where they took up a homestead. He spent most of his lifetime around Marshall, Oklahoma, com­ ing to Oregon in 1942. Mr. Wolf worked for Clark and Wilson, Sam Wilson, Crown Zel- lerbach and the Oregon Ameri­ can before retiring. He passed away October 4 at a Portland hospital following a number of years of failing health. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Nel­ lie Simpson Wolf, to whom he was united in marriage at Okla­ homa City August 23, 1921. Also surviving are nine children: Home Wolf, Berkley, California; Catherine Dailey, Portland; Mrs. Woodward (Ruth) Sullivan, Ver­ nonia; Cecil Wolf, Odessa, Texas; Francis, Vernonia; John, Spring- field. Oregon; Jack, Portland; Tom of Gaston and Mrs. Ralph (Nellie Marie) Anderson, Vernonia. An­ other daughter, Mary Lou Wolf, preceded him in death here in De­ cember, 1948. Additional survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Omega Murphy, Pawhuska, Oklahoma; Mrs. Maude Rhoades, Odessa, Texas; 14 grand­ children and three great grand­ children. Death Claims Past Resident Mrs. Clifford (Maxine) Smith who recently was a resident of Timber route in the Kist district on the place now owned by the Ekhoffs, passed away suddenly last week at her home at Sweet Home and funeral services were held there last Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Burial was in the Banks ce­ metery where graveside rites were held at 3:00 p.m. She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Joy Woods, a son Darrell Smith and two bro­ thers, Ivan and Donald Hughley, all of Sweet Home; her father, Burl Hughley and a sister, Ruth Hughley, Vernonia and another sister, Mrs. Ina Lentz in Indiana. The Smiths also had been resi­ dents of the Trehame area for many years when their children were small. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smejkal, brothers and sisters-in-law of Mrs. Smith were at Sweet Home for services Saturday. À L iu R B im iu m » OCTOBER r uriïiïrf. SPECIAL IS AUTOMOTIVE MONTH Armstrong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $ 29 COAST TO-COAST STORES For 12 Volt Cars Compare of Battery Booster $ 2 .5 0 CABLE SET Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square $ -f 59 Yard.______ t» 3 3 8 fe et w ith copper cla d c lip « . Can ba u s e d on 12 v o lt system s. F o r q u ic k , co nvenient s ta rt­ in g o f s ta lle d cars! 1 !6 m 9x12 Linoleum Rugs. 95 Only_______ 6 AND 12 VOLT CARS 8 FOOT 4 GAUGE ALUMINUM _ wire 12 FOOT COPPER S E T ..................................................................................... $3.88 ..................................................$1.99 Group 1 Batteries. 36 month guar. 099 Exchange___ Fan-Gio Heetaire electric heater with thermostatic $ O 4 95 control__ __ F o r Quick Starting * G o " Cos 1 Amp Auto anti - freeze * » • « 39< EACH F0RM<« BATTERY CHARGES Compan at $^%99 Winter” catch Don’ t let ’ ’ Old Mon you again without ” G 0 ” gasoline an ti-fit ezel Winter gas fraexa-ups w ill be ovar the way this a nt (.freeze absorbs moisture in gas tank and lino. Universal S I*» $4.98 12 volt battery chargor Is compact unit. Has rubber covered clips and can be mounted on firew all. Charg­ es battery overnight. RUBBER FLOOR PROTECTOR MAT 55* For protection of cor floors on the drivers side that gats the most wear. A ll rubber in a modem, mould od cell design Simmons Slumber King Mattress and Box Springs $ J Z\50 Each_______ Beauty Rest $Fy/\50 Mattress___ *Z 4*7 1 GUNS ’24s Portable baseboard elec, heater $ 0 0 9 5 3-Foot____ ’32s Other Elec. $ 95 Heaters from 14 FROM AROUND THE WORLD SEE US FOR YOUR ROOFING NEEDS G eneral E le c tric M ark f Royal Irish -j ENFIELD RIFLE .303 G.E. 5-Tube $ Q 95 Clock Radio — A Other G.E. $-| Q 95 Radios From A O Loto modal bolt action. Usos Standard American sporting ammunition in 303 Oakland wood heater with 52 Gallon thermostatic 95 -■------- Silver Seal Electric control [WATER Oakland fireplace heater with heat HFATFR control. Glass $58.88 Doors—Only Goulds balanced flow F.O.B. rerneee. c r a g * e Felly IntwIetW With Kresky automatic auto, forced shallow w e l system. Fiber gteel . lefeiletking ThenaeeMt air wood burning heater Floor No tank, no extras. e J le a e re le . Chmeetel C u tfo m g la « 8 Iin e 4 level heat in every $ ,95 Now $ | f t 1 85 m o d e l. Hof w ftfe f in s te n tly . 1 0 ye«» room. 6-8 rm. size Only----- w a rra n ty . 154 129s5 159 1U4 AW-420 Only $ O O f> 9 5 Brunsman Hardw are and Elec. PHONE HA 9-5651 e 3 W ater Tem peratures e Wash-Wear Cycle e Deep Turbulent Wash and Rinse Actions e Automatic Pre-Scrubbing Cycle e Effective Lint Filter 239 VERNONIA, ORE. ABC Omatic clothes dryer with heat selection, porcelain top and drum, concealed $-| z jz \9 5 lint tra p ____________ A 0*7 SU IT’S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Boys to Compete in Punt and Pass Contest at Game Halftime Friday Boys- in three age groups will provide the entertainment at half­ time Friday night at the Vernonia- Banks game when they compete in the finals of the punt and pass contest for which the semi-finals were held Saturday morning. The competition was worked out by Coach Bob Wendel. The first, second and third place winners in the 11, 12 and 13-year age groups will be ussued num­ bered jerseys and sit on the Log­ ger bench during the game as guests of the team. At the half time they will compete to decide the winners who will have their names engraved on a plaque. CHRIS SMITH, lop photo, holding ball, was first in 11-year age group pun» and pass contest Saturday. Gary Davis, left, placed second and Doug Caywood, right, third. BEN'S BARBER SHOP E xp ert T on sorial W ork Open Six Days a Week V ernonia, O reoon DR. R. V. LANCE OPTOMETRIST 2 5 -lb s .-$ l.9 8 Wed., 10 A.M.—5 P.M. Phone HA 9-6565 FIRST place winner in 12-year group, second photo, was Jeff Proehl, center. Zachary Patterson, left, was second and Eddie Burton, right, third. ATLAS ADDITIVES -Get Results with Eagle Classifieds- Complete Visual Care OVALTINE Chocolate Flavor 12-oz. .lar 63c CANE SUGAR ('ALII Brand PA 15-Lh. Bag $ 2 .5 7 CURL'S GROCERY Phone HA 9-6341 Deliveries 3:00 P.M. VERNONIA. OREGON | Provide new power for your ' iig in e . Improve and main- i tain efficiency, economy and [ performance. Ask for them . ¡ R A L P H 'S ! CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAsel 9 SCSI fHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH3 TOP boy in 13-year competition, bottom picture, was Larry Holsey, right. Sam Ceballos, center, placed second and Keith Cameron, left, third. Death Claims Mist Resident Mrs. Alma Busch, 77. lifetime resident of the Mist community, was taken by death Sunday, Oc­ tober 7, at the Hillsbory hospital. She was born June 7, 1885 at Mist where she received her ed­ ucation, and was married to Fred Busch at St. Helens in 1924 He passed away in 1947 They lived cn a farm in th ’ Mist area for 50 years. Surviving are: her son. Fred. Mist; one niece, Julliette Sweet of Idaho; two nephews, George and Richard Banzar, Mist; three grandchildren, Marilyn, Michael and Mark Busch of Mist. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Mist gym with Rev. Sulo Sanders officiating and interment was at the Whittig cem­ etery with the Haakmson Funeral Home of Clatskanie in charge of arrangements. h H KING’S Grocery-Market £ Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" Riverview j At the M ile Bridge H Z H Z H ALW AYS — Phone and Delivery H —From your home-owned independent grocery. H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING ALWAYS — Top Quality ALW AYS — Best Prices H Z M Z H Z H VHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZKZHZ iD ’ R