CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General Twin bed with mattress and springs, $20; mattress and box springs, double bed size, $20; girl’s 24 inch bike, $15; boy’s 26 inch bike, $12.50; chest of draw­ ers, $10; self-propelled Reel pow­ er mower, good condition, $25. Call Knowlton, HAzel 9-3334. _________________________ 41t3c WANTED Deer, Elk and Steer Hides Wanted Trade for Cash or Gloves. JOHN ARTMAN Timber Rt„ Vernonia 4013 BOWLING MONDAY—WOMEN Alley Oop League W L West Oregon Electric 16 8 Sam’s Food Store 11 13 Curl’s Grocery 11 13 Vernonia Clinic 10 14 High game, Mary Groff, 208; high series, Florenz Huff, 540. Splits picked up: Ellen Hanson, 2-7. By Frank J. Laheney QUESTION: I estimated my earnings for this year to be $1600. If I get a $200 bonus at the end TUESDAY — WOMEN of this year, what effect will it Standard Oil 15 5 have on my payments? 9 11 FLUTE for sale, like new. $80. WILL DO all kinds of work for Quinn’s Insurance King’s Grocery 8% 11 > 4 ANSWER: The bonus you re­ Warren Aldrich, 200 A St. Phone $1.50 per hour. Clifford Fowler, ceive will cause an overpayment Vernonia Drug 714 1214 MA 9-5591. 41t3c Third Street, Riverview. HAzel 9- Penny Badley, high game, 189 of benefits unless you report it 3584. 40t3 and series, 138. ABANDONED TV SET $5 00 MO. promptly. It’s important that you Couple left state with bills behind, PAINTING—Interior or exterior, Splits picked up: Ann McEn- report getting this bonus and re­ we were forced to reposses TV. by contract or hour rates. Satis­ tire, 3-10 and 5-7; Delores Fred­ vise your estimate as soon as pos­ Anyone desiring can take up pay­ faction guaranteed. Free esti­ rickson, 3-10; Gladys Sharar, sible to avoid any large overpay­ ment. ments of $5.00 per month on this mates. Phone HAzel 9-5855. W. 4-5; Vi Cameron, 3-10. guaranteed set. Contact Mr. Giles D. Trotter. 41t3 QUESTION: I am over 65 and concerning lot No. 1522, care of have been getting social security A hangover isn’t really serious Magone Furn. Co., St. Helens, HELP for your budget! See your checks. Now I have a chance to go until you can’t stand the roar of Credit Union for Savings and Loan phone 1800. 41t3c back to work. I have two ques­ needs. 959 Rose Ave., Vernonia. alka-seltzer. tions: First, will I have to pay so­ FOR SALE: Furniture, silverware __________________________37tfc cial security on what I make? Sec­ and miscellaneous items. See Mrs. ond, if I do, will it raise my check Omar Poynter, Keasey route. BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public after I quit? Phone HA 9-5896,______ 41 t3c stenographer, notary public. New NOTICE TO CREDITORS accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, ANSWER: You must keep on Cartoon by John Chase. 1962-63 President of the Association of American FOR SALE; Dinette set, four 875 Bridge St. Hours 11-5; Sat. 9- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that paying the social security tax Editorial Cartoonists, and cartoonist for the Neu/ Orleans States-ltem. chairs; electric range; oil heater, 1. Closed Tuesday. HAzel 9-6005 the undersigned has been by the whenever you work. There is no buffet. Contact Mrs. Fred Heck- or HAzel 9- 5895. 36tfc County Court of the State of Ore­ age limit. If you make enough to C allie Taken lo Yard enliable at Cherry Tree Apts, of­ gon for Columbia County appoint­ raise the average upon which your Sunday by Berg Bros. fice. Or call HAzel 9-5042. 39t3c WORKING MOTHERS, let me ed Administratrix of the Estate of social security check is based, you 6 THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1962 help you. Ironing done reason­ Omar S. Poynter, Deceased. All may get a larger check. BIRKENFELD — Berg Bros, CASH for deer hides. John Siedel- ably $3 and up per basket. 50c persons having claims against said QUESTION: While attending hauled a load of cattle to the man. HAzel 9-3421. 39t3c extra for pick-up and delivery. estate are hereby notified to pre­ college this year, I will be em­ stock yards Sunday for Perry You need help, I can use money. CASH PAID on your farm for Ma Vike, 1654 Nehalem St., Corey sent the same, duly verified, to ployed part time by my father Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson and any kind of livestock. Eugene Hill.______________________ 36tfc the undersigned at the office of and uncle who operate a ware­ her attorney within six months of house in partnership. Since I am family visited with the Roger R. Geertz, 19050 East Burnside, the date hereof. under the age of 21, will my work Chase family at Scio over the Portland 33, Oregon. Phone MO- MIST—The community was sad­ DATED this 28th day of Sep­ be covered under the Social Se­ week end. hawk 5-9031 or MOhawk 5-2289. dened to hear of the passing of tember, 1962. curity Act and will I need a so­ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham Alma Busch Sunday evening at __________________________ 38t6 PROCESSING PLANT EVA M. POYNTER cial security card? and family of Astoria visited with the Hillsboro hospital. She had FOR FLOWERS for all occasions Slate Inspected Administratrix ANSWER: Yes. Service per­ the George and Art Bellingham been a resident of the valley for and potted plants, call your local CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING GEORGE WALISER formed by a child under 21 in the families Sunday. They were on many years. Sympathy to her son florist, Spofford’s Garden and Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Attorney for Administratrix employ of a partnership is covered their way to Vernonia. and family is extended by all. Florist Servioe. HAzel 9-5863. Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon 1931 Pacific Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were if it is not a partnership composed Mr. and Mr. Shalmon Libel _________________________ 28tfc Forest Grove, Oregon of both parents, or a natural par­ in Portland Saturday on business. were Sunday evening visitors at Cuffing and Wrapping Sharp Freezing _________________________ 39t5c ent and a step-parent. You will Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord­ the Norman Hansens. They visit­ EVEN TEMP INSULATION CO. Smoking and Curing need a social security card when strom, also Mr. and Mrs. Darrell ed the Wayne Reynolds Saturday 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Statement Required by the Act of Free use of Stock Trailer you go to work, regardless of your Baker, went to the world fair on evening. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ August 24. 1912, as Amended by age. Shop Res. Friday and returned home Sun­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, Charles Hansen, Mrs. Norman the Acts of March 3, 1933, July 2, EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 day. QUESTION: I will be 72 years Mitchell 4-3918. 18tfc Hansen and Randy and Mr. and 1946 and June 11, 1960 (74 Slat. Rt. 2, Bx 141, Fcrest Grove. Ore. old in October and I’ve been re­ Vick Berg was in Hillsboro on Mrs. Ted Kulju of Portland drove 208) Showing the Ownership, ceiving some monthly benefits FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ On Fern Hill Road business Monday. to Roseburg, Washington to see est in flowers for all occasions. ___________________________ltfc Management and Circulation of each year. In the past, I have al­ Mr. Hansen’s brother-in-law who The Vernonia Eagle published Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces ways had to make an estimate of Brothers Meet Again has not been very well. They vis­ for funerals. Flowers speeded by CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county weekly at Vernonia, Oregon for my earnings at the end of the year ited other relatives also. After 15 Years Apart October 1, 1962. surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. long distance or wired anywhere. if I made over $1200. This year I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling 1. The names and addresses of will earn about $1400, but since Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. Phone office, 698; home, 183. P ri­ TIMBER RT.—Mr. and Mrs. J. of Vancouver were week end vis­ vate surveying, enginec-ring work. the publisher, editor, managing ___ ________________ ltfc I will be 72 this year, do I still Rosser from Bellingham, Wash­ itors with his father and sister. 24tfc editor and business managers are: ington spent two days with Mr. have to report my earnings? FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Publisher, Marvin Kamholz, Ver­ ANSWER: Yes, you are requir­ and Mrs. A1 Rosser and family Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of nonia, Oregon; editor same. ed to report your earnings after and then took A1 Rosser with Bridge and State St. 27tfc 2. The owner is: Marvin Kam­ the close of the year, even though them to visit another brother and I WISH TO EXTEND my sin­ holz, Vernonia, Oregon. TEN-POUND bundles of news­ cere thanks to the kind neigh­ you are 72 years old, in order that family, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ros­ 3. The known bondholders, papers for sale. Suitable for bors and friends for the many mortgagees, and other security the Social Security Administration ser, in Phoenix, Arizona. The Starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle can detemine if you are eligible brothers had not seen each other MIST—Several from here at­ office. 8tf kindnesses during my illness last holders owning or holding 1 per­ for any benefits for the months be­ for 15 years. They went down the month. A special thank you is cent or more of total amount of tended a program at the EUB fore you were 72. inland route and back the coast FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ extended to my fellow staff bonds, mortgages, or other secur­ route. A1 said it was 120 degrees church in Vernonia Sunday ev­ ANSWER: A quarter of cover­ sion. Flowers wired anywhere. members for their thoughtful­ ities are: none. age is a term used by social se­ in the shade at Phoenix and the ening. Mrs. A1 Cavanaugh’s broth­ ness. The cards, flowers, good Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, curity to measure the amount of green tress of Oregon were a very er, Charles Bommer, was in a mu­ ____ _________________ 15tfc wishes and helpful acts were all in cases where the stockholder or work done by an individual. For welcome sight. sical part of the program. deeply appreciated. security holder appears upon the social security purposes, the year Wednesday evening dinner Mrs. Gladys Worthington books of the company as trustee or guests at the Hugh Coxes were is divided into four quarters. If MARR & STAFFORD Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kyser and TO THOSE who contributed to in any other fiduciary relation, the you are an employee, the payment FARMS AND family. Evening callers were Anna MEAT CO. the heart fund in memory of name of the person or corporation of $50 in wages in a quarter gives DWELLINGS LISTED Omar Poynter, may I express for whom such trustee is acting; you social security credit for that Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. Hanberg and her cousin from Ev­ REEHER REALTY also the statements in the two quarter. You need a certain num­ erett, Washington. my deepest appreciation. EL 7-7281 2007 21st, Forest Grove. paragraphs show the affiant’s full Last Monday callers on the H. ber of credits to become eligible Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, Mrs. Omar Poynter See Bill Horn, Vernonia knowledge and belief as to the for social security payments. M. Reynolds were Robert Doty 41tlc and Curing Phone HA 9-6203 circumstances and conditions un­ and Merle Stadler of Portland QUESTION: I am a factory Meat for sale, any quantity. Branch Bank Building, I WANT to thank all of my friends der which stockholders and secur­ worker. How are my social secur­ who were hunters. They had no Cattle Received Sunday and luck. 4 ltfc for their kindnesses to me while ity holders who do not appear up­ ity credits reported and how can Monday until noon. on the books of the company as I find out if I am receiving proper I was in the hospital and for their Sulo Sanders was in Portland Hogs received Tuesday and FOR SAI-E: Five-room house. On Wednesday until noon. Monday. trustees, hold stock and securities credit for my work under social cards, letters and visits, for I was city sewer. Needs some repair. Come through Banks, lake in there a long time. I want to in a capacity other than that of a security? Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kyser Will consider car or trailer in Tillamook road 1 Vj mile, bona fide owner. were in Delena Sunday. Monday especially thank the Frank Lange lake first leflhand road. ANSWER: A worker’s earnings trade. Write Lyman Hawken. Rt. 5. The average number of copies under social security are reported ltfc they were business visitors in 1, Box 475, Warren, Oregon. 29tfc family and the Reggie Bruce fam­ Clatskanie and Longview. ily for taking care of my mail and of each issue of this publication by his employer after the end of WANT FARM Must have water the paying of my bills and for sold or distributed, through the each calendar quarter. It is very and buildings. Can pay cash. Write looking after me sine? I have re­ maiLs or otherwise, to paid sub­ easy to check the accuracy of your scribers during the 12 months pre­ social security account. All you No. 11, N. E. 39th Ave., Portland, turned from the hospital. ceding the date shown above was: need to do is obtain a postal card M. Grunden Oregon.___________________ 28tfc 41tl 841. form (OAR-7004) from any so­ Marvin Kamholz cial security office, fill it out, and WE WISH to extend our sincere Sworn to and subscribed before drop it in the mail. You will be The oldest incorporated trade association in the country, and heartfelt thanks to those me this 1st day of October, 1962. EVEN tho Daylight Saving Time the United States Brewers Association, was organized in sent a record of your official so­ Bill J. Horn loses, Columbia county can con­ many friends who remembered us 1862 . . . the same year that cial security account. in our time of sorrow, when our (My commission expires July 29 tinue to have DST. In 1960 you QUESTION: I have a heart con­ of Columbia county voted nearly loved one was taken from our 1964.)_________ dition and am not able to work midst. Your acts of kindness, com­ two to one against DST. Yet 1961 full time. I do raise cattle on my legislature gave it to you. At Sa­ forting words and expressions of brother’s land and he receives a sympathy will always be remem- lem I will vote the way you of share of the profit. I am 53 years THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ Columbia county vote next month. bered. old and my profit last year was Mr. and Mrs. Theron Johnstun cial responsibility for errors If you vote against DST, I will $800. Am I a farmer, or not? and family that may appear in ads pub­ work to repeal the 1961 law Law­ ANSWER: If under a crop-shar­ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnson lished in its columns, but in rence Meissner, candidate for state ing arrangement, you undertake to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser case where this paper is at representative Pd ad v 4111 c produce a crop or raise livestock and family fault, will reprint that part of on your land, or land belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kyser an adv. in which the typo­ someone else, and your net profit and family graphical mistake occurs. is $400 or more, you are a self- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kyser NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY MARVIN KAMHOLZ employed farmer. You must file a and family ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED IN OREGON, the Oregon-California Stage Line opened the tax return and pay social security Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kyser Editor and Publisher AFTER TUESDAY N O O N run between Portland and Sacramento. After arriving in Port­ tax. You may not owe any income and family EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S Official Newspaper of land, Oregon's rugged pioneer travelers often relaxed with a tax. depending on your profit, but _________________________ -title PA PER Vernonia. Oregon sparkling, refreshing glass of beer. BLIND ADS with answers to be you do owe social security tax. Entered as second class mail Righteous living sets an example QUESTION: I am retiring from For even then, beer was Oregon's traditional handled by the Eagle: Mini­ matter, Augus» 4, 1922 at the post for the good of others beverage of moderation. Beer still provides en­ mum charge $1.00. No informa­ teaching soon. My son encouraged office in Vernonia, Otegon under joyment for folks in Oregon and a good living tion given relative to such ads. m? to wait to apply for social se­ the act of March 3, 1879. Sub­ for the employees and suppliers of the Brewing POETRY accepted only as paid curity benefits then, but I feel I scription price $3 00 yearly in the Industry. should wait until age 65. Which matter. Rate: Sc per type line. Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50. is most advantageous? M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 TODAY, in its centennial year, the United States ANSWER: Not knowing your N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L words or less. Words over min­ Brewers Association still works constantly to imum. 3c each. Three inser­ age and average earnings over the assure maintenance of high standards of quality past several years, we are unable tions for the price of two. and propriety wherever beer and ale are served. ■naniiia.'HHin i CARD of Thanks Sr Notices: SI.00 to estimate your benefit pay­ for up to 12 line*. Additional ments; however, generally it aver­ "C ages out that a person taking re­ line*. 8 cents each. N tW S P A P IR duced benefits at age 62 will re­ NO information on classifieds will B L IS H IR S ceive about the same amount of UN ITED STATES be given out until after paper S O C IA T IO N money in a lifetime as the person BREWERS ASSOCIATION INC is mailed. taking full benefits at age 65. SERVICES LEGAL NOTICE Oernonia Eagle Death Claims Past Resident Haberman's Meat CARD OF THANKS Group Attends EUB Program FOR SALE-Real Estate It happened 100 YEARS ago MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED RATES Oernonla Eagie Demonia Eagle