Future Teachers Name New Officers for Year Rainbow Girls The members of the Future Teachers of America held their first meeting of the year October 3 at the high school. The officers for this yaar are: President, Mar­ ian Mathews; vice-president, Jim Bellingham; secretary, Christine King and treasurer, Nancy How­ ard. Mrs. Joey Acaiturri is advisor for this club which now has 26 members. Install Officers Girls to T a lk IT'S YOUR LAW Kesptct For Law M alta Dtmocraey Live Rainbow installation was held at the Masonic Temple Saturday RIGHT OF WITNESSES you check what you saw and evening, October 6. By far the most vital people heard you are on solid ground, in our system of justice are & Visit a court. Hear how The following officers were in­ witnesses. Everyone else in a other witnesses testify. It will stalled: worthy advisor, Sue Alex­ trial exists to hear what they help you see your role on the ander; associate worthy advisor, ___ witness stand. have to say. Nancy Howard; charity, Margie Our courts 3. Wear clean, conservative need witness­ Jones; hope, Martha Bush; faith, clothes. es. A jury to Janet Bruce; recorder, Jean Roe- 4. Don’t m em o rize your find the facts. story word for word. That is diger; chaplain, Christine King; The judge to the surest way to sound bad. drill leader, Kathy Minger; love, apply the law. But think of what you saw and Sharon Brunsman; religion, Ann The lawyer to heard. Bergerson; nature, Rory Work­ tell his client's story. 6. Listen to the questions man; immortality, Elsie Berg; fi­ are . you . C hances ----- , — — worry you are asked with care and about stepping up, taking an answer thoughtfully, delity, Nancy Skidmore; patrio­ oath, and telling your story «. Give a simple, direct an* tism, Opal Bartles; service, Nancy in court. swer in your own words. Don't Hamnett; confidential observer, On some rare occasions you be rushed. Dottie Grosche; outer observer, Mrs. Esther Hunteman and Mrs. could be called upon to testify 7. If you err—and people Betty Berg; musician, Marilyn about s o m e th in g affecting often do—correct yourself at Helen Lindsay will present a les­ Jones; choir director, Mary An­ your own standing in the com- once. If you can’t rem em ber son on new methods of vegetable drus. munity. some detail, say so. Don’t bluff. cookery next Thursday, October As a witness you too may 8. Tell the truth. Don't figure Other officers are treasurer, 18 at the meeting of the Vernonia have the right, for example, which side you may help, Kathy Barker; news reporter, Extension Unit at the West Ore­ not to testify against yourself Don’t identify yourself with gon Electric building. These are Cheyl Ford; historian, Marsha in somebody else’s lawsuit or either side. the project leaders who have at­ Kreiger; assistant drill leader, crime trial. 9, sto p when the ju d ge If you are ever in such a breaks in, and don’t try to tended training meetings to pre­ Christine Bender. bind, consult a lawyer of your sneak an answer in before he The installing officers were: pare for the unit presentation. own choice on what to do. The can step you. What you might The meetings will start at 11:00 worthy advisor, Patty Robertson; lawyer who called you to testi- say could end in a “ m istrial.” recorder, Mrs. Ginger Johns; mar­ a.m. and the dishes prepared by fy has a sworn duty to protect 10. Keep cool and don’t sass the project leaders will be served shal, Diana Minger; chaplain, Mrs. his client, not you. But your back. with salads and desserts which Marjorie Carsons; musician, Mrs. lawyer is sworn to keep what 11. If they ask you: Certain- you tell him secret and to ad- ly, you have talked to other those who attend are asked to Elizabeth Serafin. vise you in your own interests people—the lawyer, for exam- bring. The Forest Grove chapter of De- within the law. pie; and yes, you may get the Also, each person who attends Molay performed the crowning Wise lawyers tell their wit- lawful witness fee to make up is asked to bring needle, thread, ceremony after which John Jen­ nesses to obey twelve rules: in part for the time lost from pins and scraps of cotton material, sen sang the Lord’s Prayer. 1. Go to the place (say, the your job. one of which should be at least scene of an accident). Check ' 12 Remember, without wit- Entertainment included selec­ 20 by 14 inches in size. your memory before you go to nesses our law would fail to do tions by Kathy Weller, Harvey court. People forget and get justice. If you are called, be The extension program is open Redmond and Grant Bowerman. caught up on details. But if a good witness. to anyone interested in this form Patty Robertson and Janet N o te : Oregon law yers offer this colum n so you m ay know about our of adult education adapted to the Brucs were presented with White laws. I t is to in fo rm , not advise. special needs of the homemaker. Bibles from the Assembly. Sam Hearing, dad advisor, pre­ sented Sue with a gavel given by Fair, Relatives in her parents. Sue also received the Seattle Are Visited Moran Rainbow necklace to be NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. worn this term and was present­ ed by Mrs. Irene Jones, mother and Mrs. Ira Peterson left Friday advisor. Marriage viws were exchanged for Seattle to see their son and A cute degree was given by the Friday, September 28, in the Fire­ family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pe­ officers for Patty Robertson, out­ side Room of the community going worthy advisor. A gift was church in Longview, Washington terson, and visit the fair. Mr. and presented to her from the Assem­ by Laurel Cole and F. Allen Fow­ Mrs. Vernon Peterson of Vancou­ bly. ler. The ceremony was performed ver were here taking care of the Refreshments were served in by Dr. Robert Warren, pastor of chores until his parents returned the dining room accompanied by the church. Monday. more entertainment. This included For her wedding, the bride was Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan piano selections by Harvey Red­ attired in a blue sheath dress and and family of Longview were mond, a dance by Barbara Lind­ matching hat and gold accessories Sunday visitors at the I. J. Dass say and Vicky Lawler, and danc­ and carried a nosegay of pink home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant ing. painted daisies centered with an of Bay City also came to get their orchid. She had as her attendant, daughter, Judy, who had spent I am Bob Wei wood, your present Mrs. Leo Thackery who wore a the week with her grandparents. County Clerk. I am 58 years of Ministers Elect New age. My family consists of my gold sheath dress and matching The Neighbors of Woodcraft Officers for Group wife Naomi and my son Michael, met at the R. S. Lindsay home hat and white carnation corsage. who is a Lieutenant in the U.S. Herbert Bender was the best Thursday evening. At the last meeting of the Ver­ Army Engineers. For 11 years be- Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey for becoming your County Clerk I nonia Ministerial association, new man. Guests at the wedding were Mr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack successfully operated a finance officers for the coming year were business in St. Helens. For 10 elected. Heading the organization and Mrs. Robert Wyckoff of For­ Friday evening. years prior to that I owned and as president will be Rev. Bruce est Grove, parents of the bride; managed a lumber yard and hard­ ware store in Medford and a saw Roberts. Rev. Raymond Targgart Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowler, Mr. and mill at Manzanita. I feel this suc­ was named vice-president and Mrs. Leo Thackery and Mr. and cessful business experience with Wm. C. Armstrong, secretary- Mrs. Herbert Bender, Vernonia; my college training amply quali­ treasurer. The ministers met Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roediger, St. fies me to perform the important Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Don functions and duties of the Clerk’s day at the Church of the Nazar- Campbell, Skamokawa, Washing­ office. I have never failed in busi­ ene. The association’s next meeting ton. ness and believe in hard work— Following the ceremony, the something this office needs a lot of. will be at the Christian church at Your vote will be appreciated. guests were entertained at an in­ 3 p.m. November 4. formal reception at the home of VOTE X AND RETAIN ROBERT A. "BOB" WELWOOD AS YOUR Grand Canyon Guide: “It took the newlyweds at Rainier. COUNTY CLERK! Mr. Fowler, who received his millions of years to carve this masters degree at Oregon State great abyss.” (Pd. Pol. Adv.) City visitor: “Government job?” University last spring, is the vo­ cational agriculture teacher at Rainier high school this year. Vegetable Use On Unit Agenda Fowler-Cole Vows Read This Friday’s meeting of the American Legion and auxiliary will begin at 7 p m. October 12 in­ stead of the usual time so that members can attend the ball game later that evening. The program will include talks by Patty Robertson and Marian Mathews, delegates to Girls’ State, who will report on their atten­ dance. The Legion and auxiliary will enjoy a potluck October 26 and as Armistice day falls on Sunday, that celebration will take plaoe November 9. the regular meeting date. Members of the auxiliary are asked to bring gifts of towels, pillow cases, stationery, etc., or a cash donation at the November 9 meeting for the Christmas cheer for Veterans. There will be no pot luck din­ ner on November 23 because of Thanksgiving. The past presidents’ meeting was held October 5 at the home of Mrs. L. E. Stiff with 11 mem­ bers present. Two Youngsters Note Birthday Observances NATAL - PITTSBURG—Satur­ day afternoon Sandra Tupper cel­ ebrated her sixth birthday with a few friends. Present were: Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dee, Mrs. Dick Johnson and children, Bar­ bara, Ricky, Brian and Beverly, and Kathy Bass and Beth Ann Michener. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and Gary of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Dee­ Veere Hershey and Dee. Barbara Johnson celebrated her sixth birthday October 2. Helping her celebrate were: Mrs. Ray Ky- ser and children, Connie and Douglas, Mrs. Jack Wilson and daughters Mindy and Susie, Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Dee, Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and Sandra and Sharon, Judy and Ricky Kyser. S _______ * N EW H O M E L IT E C O N V E R T IB L E D R IV E What’s the job? Pruning, clearing, cutting firewood or fence posts, bucking sawlogs, cutting a cash crop — the C-5 does them all! Use it as a fast-cutting direct drive for most woodcutting chores. Then, In 9 minutes or less, convert it to a rugged gear drive tor the really tough ones. See the new Homelrte C-5 soon. the ideal all-purpose saw. It's only $14995 lor titrwd drtww Witti M * M r tnd du i* WAVE A FREE DEM ONSTRATION TODAY I KEASEY'S SAW SHOP 292 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Do You Know This Man? Born December 31, 1915 at Mel- ford, Kansas. Came to Vernonia March 5, 1925. Married in 1937 at Vancouver, Washington. Has two children. Aitive in civic organizations. Is in business locally. He enjoys seeing others pay the piper. He’s in hot water when others aren’t. Likes sports, especially skiing. (Information supplied by J. W. Nichols.) Answer to last weeks quiz: Ralph Sturdevant. Mrs. Pidcock Honored With Farewell Party Mrs. Bruce McDonald was hos­ tess last Friday afternoon for a party honoring Mrs. Jane Pidcock prior to her leaving this week for McMinnville where she will make turns the water dark, and old her home. She has been living at the Cherry Tree apartments for the past several years. Guests included Mrs. Louis Vio- lette, Mrs. Trilla Anderson, Mrs. Clarence New. Mrs. Grayce Bun­ dy, Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Mrs. Omar Poynter. Mrs. Pidcock was showered with gifts and best wishes. HENRY & POLLY HUDSON DRY GOODS NOTIONS — GIFTS FIRE. AUTO AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LINES Phone HA 9-6058 At Mile Bridge, Riverview Fuiten's Chapel in the Hills $ 3 VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE •5 24-Hour Mortuary Service ’♦* S 3 ’♦* v v •5 I Phone HAzel 9-6611 ___ • S *< '- » - ♦ . o . o . o . o A o . o x o x o r o x o x o x o » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » ? We LOVE tO Loan! KOMI IMPROVEMENT T H H W5 LU All W • NO down payment • LOANS TO $3,500 • EASY-TO-HANDLE TERMS THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK O f PORTLAND / Better Quality for Less Here! JUICE DRINK 3/95c DOG FOOD ' t , s 12— $1 PUMPKIN £ £ 2 fo , 39c MARGARINE . b , a c X 3 t 89c WAX PAPER SLiXti. 2 f,3 9 c M.C.P. PECTIN 6 — 95c LIMA BEANS 2 f „89 c DREAM WHIP “ t Z 2 89c INSTANT MILK 99c APPLE SAUCE .. 3 79c SALVO — „ 85c QUICK QUAKER OATS m 23c FROZEN PIES . - " r 3 ^ $ 1 FRENCH FRIES 10c S A M ’S F O O D FREE 3 Lei's Gel Acquainted! We can't hold the ladder tor you, but we can finance home im ­ provements—do-it yourself or otherwise. Your contractor or dealer will handle all details — or see U. S. National m person. Friends Help Observe 11th Birthday Dale Mrs. Sam Davis was hostess last Friday afternoon for a birthday party for her son, Gary, and 12 of his school friends. The affair ob­ served his 11th birthday. The afternoon was enjoyed with refreshments, games and prizes. THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1962 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Res. Managers Confidentially A FARM CHAIN SAW for EVERY woodcutting need Oernonia Eagte At Legion Meet STO R E D E L I V E R Y -------------PHONE HA 9-5501