c o m í in r o i A ClOSt-UP B L'MBLE BEE O» T H I i l TUNA VALUES! ls . DIAMOND A DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS Fancy Sliced 303 Cans 8-oz. (Jan h-oz. Pkg. Serves 8 12-oz. Can Large 22-oz. Can GEISHA For KUBLA KHAN FROZEN OZEN PORK CHOW Mein * 11-oz. Pkg............ ............ FANCY & EXTRA FANCY GRADE Picnic Hams Red Snapper For Oreo Creme Sandwich, Lb. Pkg. Fresh Oysters 12-oz. Jar............................... Tall Cans.............................. SAFFOLA SAFFLOWER Non-Hydrogenated, Qt. Bottle past week end at home, then re­ turned to Portland for treatments at Emanuel hospital which are a follow-up of major surgery which she had recently. Friday, she vis­ ited for awhile with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heckenliable are in the process of moving from the Cherry Tree apartments to Salem. They had been managers for the apartments until the sale last month to Mr. Edison who will manage them himself RUMMAGE SALE: Thun., Fri., Oct. 11, 12. Fire hall. EUB church. 4012c New residenti at 1030 First ave­ nue are the L. M. Woodsockets who come here from Salem. Guests Sunday, October 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Trotter were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rasmussen who were on their way from Seattle to a warmer climate for the winter months. Mrs. H. W. Weigand and her three-day old son, Brien Dallas, came home last Friday from Tual- ity hospital. The new arrival is the center of attraction for his sister and two brothers, as well as mom and dad. Guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab were her mother, Mrs. H. J Peas- nall from Astoria, and her grand­ mother, Mrs. Agnes Culley fom Tooele, Utah accompanied by her four year old grand-duughter from Tooele. They have been visiting in Astoria for the , past three weeks. Thursday, Mrs. Schwab and son Marty and her guests all drove to Portland and stopped at the zoo to see the day-old elephant baby, Posy. Guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl King was her aunt, Mrs. Jessie Allison from Cut Bank, Montana. Also there one day were another uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Dial from Choteau, Montana. It was the first time the Dials and Mrs. Alli­ son had seen each other for many years. Mrs. King took Mrs. Alli­ son to Longview Thursday to start Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, OCT 11, 1962 Y-C to Hear Psychologist California Grown her trip home and they called on Mrs. Anna Dial but found her ill with flu. Dr. Henry R. Brandt, consult­ Mrs. Dave Lowell received nu­ merous bruises and cuts and some ing psychologist of Flint, Michi­ pulled ligaments Monday of last gan will speak at Youth for week when her car rolled down a Christ Saturday night at the bank when a tire blew as she was Portland public auditorium at on her way to work on Sauvies Is­ 7:30 p.m. land. She was in the hospital in Dr. Brandt, Ph. D., has had ex­ St. Helens until Thursday eve­ tensive training and experience ning when she came home to com­ in family living and marriage plete recovery. counseling. He served at Cornell Manning Bomberger and John University as well as at General Jensen were in St. Helens Sep­ Motors Institute where he held tember 29 to attend an Oregon classes on marriage and the fa­ mily. The program will include Education association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaumburg an opportunity for teens to ask were here Wednesday of last week questions of psychology, where to look after their property and both from a panel and an aud­ call on friends. They are still lo­ ience, questions will be fired at cated at Milwaukie where they the guest. Of special interest for the manage the Randall Court apart­ youth will be the first appear­ ments. Tom Tomlin returned to his du­ ance of Chet Jones, a baton ties at the Vernonia post office twirling champion who has won October 1 after an absence of two over 150 trophies. Demonstra­ months during which he recuper­ tions of technique will be of in­ ated from a heart attack he suf­ terest to all. fered July 28 at the Jamboree They were to xray her hip soon dance. RUMMAGE SALE: Thurs., Fri.. and if the bone was knit, she Oct. 11. 12. Fire hall. EUB church. would be allowed to leave the 40t2c hospital. If not, surgery would be necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bittner of Mrs. C. S. Hoffman Sr., long­ Hillsboro were in Vernonia Thurs­ day of last week and called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mc­ Donald on Rock Creek. The Bitt­ ners had stayed at the McDonald place during July and August while Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were on a five-week long trip to Alaska. time resident and former owner of Hoffman Hardware, has sold her McKenzie River home and is now located in Reedsport at 2891 Bowman Rd. She wishes her friends, who may be coming through Reedsport, to know she will be happy to have them stop in to see her. Maynard Grunden came home Longview were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E East and Mr. and Mrs. Owen East Sunday. RUMMAGE SALE: Thurs., Fri., Oct. 11, 12. Fire hall. EUB church. 4012c Mrs. Alice Malmsten is at Tu- Birthdays Observed At Rogers Home Tuesday drove to Netarts Sunday to bring back Mrs. Annie Wall who will be at the Bowerman home this week. Mrs. Wall would apprec­ iate visits from friends during her stay here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughn from Laguna Beach, California were in Vernonia Thursday of last week saying hello to friends. The Dave Knowltons now own the house where the Vaughns former­ ly lived Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hickman were at Corvallis Saturday to at­ tend the funeral services for her uncle, Earl Hickman. They also visited with her father Fred Hick­ man. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Ruff drove to Ft Lewis, Washington Satur­ day to visit Mrs. Clyde Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fowler of nt the Madigan hospital. Mrs. Ruff Rainier spent last week here at was not allowed to visit her be­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben cause it was past visiting hours Fowler. but Rev. Ruff spent a few min­ Guests of Mrs. Omar Poynter at utes with her. She was sitting her home on Keasey route Sun­ up and was in w ry good spirits. day were Mr and Mrs. Harry Hall M of Netarts and Mrs. John Grady. I Î I JUST ARRIVED I LOGGER AND TOPPER I Í SCHOOL HATS s School Colors I•5 ONLY - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - 98c s HEY KIDS - - - ’î&'îï«. V i •Í D R U G CO. Mr. and Mrs. Charles King of ality hospital, Hillsboro, recup­ erating from a broken hip which was the result of a fall last Thurs­ day evening at the nursing home near Laurelwood where she has been a resident for some time. Her daughters, Mrs L. H Thomas and Mrs. Lois Clark, had visited her Thursday afternoon and found her very well. The fall occurred in the evening. Her hip was operated on Friday and she is recuperating very well. Please advise us of your new addreu if you are planning to move. HA-9 6 2 5 4 >Xe>»»XaXe>Xe:.:e:.:.XKe:.»XKeX.:a>>X.:.:eX»MXK.>>:<.>X«öi: Listings Due For Directory Beans, Barns, Boats, Beds, find them all in the want ads. BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Franeis Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers and girls were Tuesday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hebe Rodgers. The occasion was the birthdays of Herbert and Lorene. A1 Berg made a business trip into Portland Monday. Mrs. Fred Larson. Terry, Dave and Randy, were in Portland Tuesday. Mrs. John Acton is visiting for a week at Swenson with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Osborne. Mrs Ione Downs and Stevie of Portland visited Sunday with her folks, the G. P. Wanstroms. It was her father’s birthday. 49’ Frozen Dinners 11 -oz. Dinner Reporter Notes Change in Area The West Coast Telephone com pany’s new Washington county di­ rectory, which includes listings for Banks, Beaverton, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, Scholls, Sherwood, Stafford, Tigard, and Vernonia, is now in course of com­ pilation, according to Jean Good­ rich, division manager for the For­ est Grove area. He stated further, “The closing date for all advertisements in the yellow pages of this directory is November 1, 1962, and the closing date for the regular white pages is November 15, 1962. We urge any subscriber who contemplates any changes in his listings or ad­ vertisements to call the business office before these dates, as fol­ lows: Forest Grove, Hillsboro and Vernonia subscribers, dial 118.” “The forthcoming directory will contain many more listings and a much larger yellow classified sec­ tion than the current directory,” concluded Mr. Goodrich. Mr. and Mrs. Tod Bowerman from the hospital week before last but is still under doctor’s care and finds recuperation slow. CHET’S— Beef, Chicken and Turkey Lb. Portland is becoming aware that Vernonia is something besides a ghost town, as so many wanted to believe a few years ago. The change is evident in an editorial in the Portland Reporter last Thursday, October 4. The item characterized Vernonia as “at the end of man’s creation on the SP&S spur line”, which in­ dicates they still think it is fur­ ther from Portland to Vernonia than local residents think it is from Vernonia to Portland. Evidently, the writer had baen in Vernonia recently for he seem­ ed familiar with the desolate look of the former mill site, and also with the tree farming in the area which is the life blood of the com­ munity. He also mentioned the increased school enrollment, the residents who find employment in ths Portland area and the fact that the town which was expected to die when the mill left did not. The article is the kind to stir the interest of others in coming to see what is here. And if local citi­ zens continue to spruce up and fix up, those who come will like what they see and still more good pu­ blicity will come Vernonia’s way. $1 Jfe 89 *2QC C G!e Ready To Eat............3-Lb. Can 23-Lb. Box........................................ SUNSHINE VANILLA Meat Department ★ HYGRADE’S. CANNED 12-oz. Pkg............. Miit Helmie Kauppi spent the ? Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. and 3 P.M Giant Size Can MANDARIN TOPICS OF THE TOWN 2 | ^FO R 2... 79 Jonathan Apples $1 98 J|| Nabisco Cookies 43« Wafers 2 .8 5 2 - 6 3 Shurfine Milk 8 S1 Vegetable Oil Tomatoes « 10’ 3 69 75 RANCHO VEGETABL7 BL7 Soup HA 9-3492 Save 35c— 2-Lb. Pkg. WILSON’S CHOPPED BEEF LUNCHEON Meat You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone AJAX— With Instant Chlorine Bleach a DUNCAN HINES BUTTERMILK FRENCH’S POTATO PANCAKE Mix fri IDII LU IKN 1 B $1 J[00 Fey. Cream Style — 303 Cans & LOCKERS 3 ™ . 8 5 ’ Cleanser *)C |4 2 39 5 95' Pancake Mix C /■ ng 6 -4 9 3 $1 ÇQ 2 fill Oranges ^0 TASTEWELL TOMATO HOT Sauce Light Meat Chunk Style 6 H-oz. Cans in ARKET n ~ jasrr YOUR .w..~ ----- NEWSPAPER l-ïf ffe «æ n „, Sutt N ational N ewspaper Week, Oct. 14-20 I NEWSPAPERS MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLES LIVES r J DATES to Remember Bank Deposits At Record High THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 Mt. Heart Rabekah Lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. An all-time high in total de­ posits at a call, plus continued sub­ stantial gains in loans and total resources of U.S. National Bank of Portland, were reflected in fig­ ures released to the comptroller of currency as of September 28, 1962. Loans were up more than $68 million and now total $481,962,937 compared with $413,643,148 re­ corder one year ago. The Vernonia branch of U.S. National recorded total deposits of $1,482,184.28, according to B. R. Pilger, monager. Loans and dis­ counts for the local branch to­ taled $188,772.39. Total resources for the U. S. National system, with its 85 bank­ ing offices throughout the state topped $1 billion, amounting to $1,033,686,308 up nearly $77 mil­ lion from $956,748,412 recorded on September 27, 1961. During the last 12 months, U.S. National has opened branches in Gladstone, Seaside, Burlingame, (Portland) and Stayton, and open­ ed new buildings for existing branches in Corvallis, Eugene and Medford. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 American Legion and Auxiliary, Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. Mist Nehalem Extension Unit, Birkenfeld Center, 10:30 a.m. Football. Loggers versus Banks, Greenman Field, 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 Vernonia Grange, hall near golf course, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 Clothing workshop, West Ore­ gon Bldg., 10:00 a.m. Lions Club dinner meeting, Fire hall, 6:30 p.m. City council, City hall, 8:00 p.m. PTA, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 Vernonia Odd Fellows IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Lodge, J o y T h e a tr e Fri., Sat. O ct 12-13 FOLLOW THAT DREAM Elvis Presley YOUR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY IS CLOSING I OUR NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY IS GOING TO PRESS I Order ! Now Additional business listing0 Listings for your teenage boy or girl $ Classified directory advertising $ Bold Face type listings S Listings for after business hour calls CALL OUR BUSINESS OFFICE ; DON'T DELAY . . . I Call Your Telephone Business Office Today VERNONIA SUBSCRIBERS Call Dial 118 $ ♦ I A West C oast T e le p h o n e W EST Serving the faeteet growing communitiet in the U .S .A . COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY I a ,* x o x o x o x o x * x o x o x * x o x o x * x o x o x * x * x o x o x * x i*