Weather Data Public Service This statement on weather fore­ casting, issued to the general pub­ lic by the American Meteorologi­ cal Society in "Weatherwise”, the magazine about weather, was fur­ nished to the Vernonia Eagle by Mrs. Helen Spofford, local weath­ er observer. “One of the important activities in the field of meteorology is the preparation of weather forecasts as a vital public service. Weather forecasts are used by individuals to guide their daily living and by industry, agriculture, forestry, commerce and government to guide their operations. The widespread need for accur­ ate, advance weather information and the critical dependance of public safety and welfare upon the quality of such information make it desirable to describe the present weather forecasting capa­ bility of the meteorological pro­ fession..” Eastern Oregon Hunting Attracts Crawford Fam ily Special Services Dated By EUB Church Pastor Huniers Try Their Luck In Eastern Pari of State World Communion Day will be observed Sunday at the Evangel­ ical United Brethren church here at the 11:00 a m. service, accord­ ing to Raymond B. Targgart, pas­ tor. Sunday evening, at 7:00 p.m. the Pilbeam-Jensen-Bomer musi­ cal group will again oe here to bring a special program of music. Monday evening, October 8, the EUB Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson on State street. BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bellingham left the last of the week for Joseph on a hunt- NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB Meets last Thursday every month West Oregon Electric Auditorium, 7:30 P.M. Patricia Burns, President Richard Bums, Vice-president Ruth Steers, Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME 10-62 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Harding Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon „ __ * THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1962 tuna, and Mrs. Arvilla Mathews of Pendleton. P IR A T E S FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 GREENMAN FIELD- 8 P.M. Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall, 8 P.M. Art Gardner, Commander Carl Davis. Adjutant AUXILIARY Meets 41h Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. Mabel Gardner. President Cora Lange, Secretary 7-63 TH E LOGGER BOOSTERS LISTED BELOW URGE YOU TO A TTEN D TH E GAME VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 PJd., FIRE HALL John Jensen, President Neil Zimmerman, Sec. 3-63 IWA Local 5-14 Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 P.M. Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Commander Robert Wyckoff, Secretary Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Cleo McNair, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 2-63 Oernonia Eaqie Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month PYTHIAN SISTERS Monday morning for their home in Vancouver, B. C. They were here to attend the Claire Belling- ham funeral. Others here for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowman and daughter of For- MIST—The Mist Helping Circle met at the home of Mrs. Sam De- vine September 27. A short meet­ ing was held after a dinner at noon. It was decided to have the annual program and auction No­ vember 17. Mrs. Kenneth Tupper has been elected chairman for the program and will be assisted by Mrs. Alvah Bliss. There were eight members present and three visitors: Mrs. Clair Devine and Carla and Mrs. A1 Schluhuber. Members are happy to have Mrs. Schluhuber join the club. The next meeting place will be an­ nounced later. Tuesday Mrs. Robert Kyser, Mrs. Hugh Cox, Mrs. Elsa Knowles and Mrs. Wayne Kyser motored to St. Helens on business. LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Regular meetings: Fourth I Wednesdays, 8 P.M. V.F.W. Hall Donald George, Commander J. E. Ade, Adjutant 4-61 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson ent went to Bend to hunt with the August and Louis Birkenfeld fam- ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott left Fall Festival Dated By MHC MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford and sons left last week for a hunting trip in eastern Ore­ gon. Week end callers at the Wayne Kysers were Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Johnson of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Johnston and Mrs. Dale Luno. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pioneer Girls Visit Howard Thompson and Mr. and The Alpenrose Dairy Mrs. Neil Stearns of North Dako­ ta motored to Astoria Saturday Eighteen Pilgrims of the Pio­ evening where they enjoyed din­ neer Girls club toured Alpenrose ner at thg Sea Fare restaurant. Dairy at Beaverton Monday. They Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawkins were treated to ice cream, milk and baby were up from Tillamook and cookies and allowed to ride Sunday to visit her folks, the Shetland ponies. The guide ac­ Claude Kysers. companying them was Mrs. Don Mrs. Sam Devine accompanied Wantland. Other drivers were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack to For­ Irvin Leffler and Mrs. Willard est Grove last Friday. Haverland. V. F. W. »ng trlP A.F.L. — C.I.O. Business Agent is at the hall, North and Washington Sts. third and fourth Thursday 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4-62 Vernonia Drug Co. Sam's Food Store Ren's Rarber Shop Kate's Cafe Standard Oil Vernonia Golf Club Joe Magoff Mr. & Mrs. G. Reed M ill Market and Lockers Vernonia M ilk Farms Lew s Place Rob's Union Service Fisher's Electric Knight's Beauty Shp John& Helen Wylde Mr. & Mrs. B. Thompson George and Sherm Mrs. Murel Folken Vernonia Variety & Shell Oil BEAUTY SHOPPE Essie Nance, Esther Ring Veda Alexander Brunsman Hdwre. & Electric Spofford's Gardens & Floral Service Ed Roediger Jr. Linn Grocery Darigold Farms Mist Store Ralph's Chevron Vernonia Card Rm. Ralph Sturdevant Rex & John McRae Allied J and H Lumber Company Fuiten's Chapel In The Hills Curl's Grocery Vernonia Insurance Vernonia Clinic Vernonia Service Drs. Hobart & Buell George Johnson Lloyd Caliister Henry and Polly Hudson Oloff Lee Hansen Dentist West Coast Telephone Co. Enco Service Sunnyside Service Joe Grosehe Hans & Vi Slette Dr. D. H. Kramer Optometrist West Oregon Electric Co-op. Nichols Variety King's Grocery Bellingham Grocery Union Oil Co. PLUMBING Order of Easter Star Vernonia Lodge No. 246 (1.0.0.F- Meets Every Tuesday 8 P.M. Pete Wiederkehr, Noble Grand Lee Rogers, Sec. 1-63 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the I.O.O.F. hall. Gertrude Schalock. Noble Grand June Ray, Secretary 3-63 AMERICAN LEGION VERNONIA POST 119 ! Meets Second & Fourth Fridays of each month. B. J. Horn. Commander E. L. Towne Adjutant AUXILIARY Second and Fourth Fridays Otilia Heckenliable. President Leah Stiff, Sec. 1-63 Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first Wednesday of each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth­ ers welcome. Isabelle Bruns man, W. M. Mona Gordon, Sec. 1-63 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Robert C. Lindsay. President Mrs. Evelyn Heath, Secy. 7-63 A . F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated G jo Communication t h i r d Thursday of each month, at 8:00 pun. Albert B. Brunsman. W.M. H any G. Sandon. Sec*y. 1-63 Nehalem Service Dessy's Rowl The Pine Cone Louis & Marion Lemaick Mr. & Mrs. L. Caron Western Store Vernonia Rranch Mr. & Mrs. Cliff White The U.S. National Bank Birkenfeld, Oregon Loel Roberts Vernonia Auto Company Ace's Radio and T.V. Service Vernonia Federal Credit Union Standard Dairy Products