Vows Exchanged In Church Rite Autumn leaves and flowers dec­ orated the chancel of the Evangel­ ical United Brethren church Sat­ urday afternoon, September 29, and formed the setting for the ex­ change of wedding vows by Miss Lorrainne Evelyn Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Cunningham of Treharne and Lar­ ry Wendell Jones, son of Mrs. Charles Cedarburg of Vernonia. The impressive double ring cer­ emony was read by the Rev. Ray- mon B. Targgart, pastor of the church, in the presence of the members of the families of the couple. The bride wore an attractive white brocade afternoon dress and carried a nosegay of pink and white rosebuds. Her bridesmaid was Miss Geneva Sullivan who wore an olive green suit and white rosebud corsage. Best man was James DeVaney from Tillamook. Following the ceremony, a re­ ception was held on Weed avenue in the house which was to be the new home of the couple. From the reception, they left for a short honeymoon trip to the beach. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones are graduates of Vernonia high school with the class of 1961. He is em­ ployed at Timber Structures in Portland and she is working at the Sawyers plant at Progress. Rainbow Girls To Seat Slate Miss Sue Alexander will be in­ stalled as worthy advisor for Ne­ halem Assembly No. 18, Order of Rainbow for Girls at a public cer­ emony Saturday, October 6, at 8 p.m. Elective officers to be instal­ led are Nancy Howard, worthy associate advisor; Margie Jones, charity; Martha Bush, hope; Janet Bruce, faith and Jean Roediger, recorder. Miss Patty Robertson, retiring worthy advisor, will act as instal­ ling worthy advisor. She will be assisted by Miss Diana Minger, as marshal; Mrs. James Johns, re­ corder; Mrs. John Carsons, chap­ lain and Mrs. Frank Serafin, mu­ sician. Painting Is Topic For Study Club Thursday The Vernonia Study club will meet at the home of Mrs. Isabel Culbertson Thursday, October 4. Mrs. Maude Wells will be program chairman. Her topic will be painting and members will answer roll call by naming a famous painter and na­ tionality. Extension Program Provides Help For Homemakers with Information For Bombergers Twin daughters arrived Sunday morning, September 30 at the Vernonia Clinic for Mr. and Mrs. Manning Bomberger. They are Kathleen Ann who weighed in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces and Kristine Kay wo weighed in at 5 pounds, 8 ounces. They join a sister and a brother. Grandparents are Mrs. O. F. Bomberger of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Crawford of Kearney, Nebraska. Mrs. Craw­ ford came to Vernonia post-haste Monday after she received the news of the twins and is assisting with the care of them and the other two children. Mr. Crawford will drive out in a couple of weeks to visit his daughter and family and take Mrs. Crawford home. A 7 pound 12 ounce son arrived Tuesday morning, October 2 at Tuality hospital, Hillsboro, for Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weigand. The new arrival has two brothers and a sister. Local grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolley. Grand Temple Dates Approach The Columbia County Home­ makers committee met last Fri­ day, September 28 at the home of Mrs. Marion Cassel on Mist route. The meeting started at 10:30 a.m. and m?mbers brought a sack lunch which was accom­ panied by the coffee and dessert supplied by Mrs. Cassell. Members of the committee who were present were Mrs. Inez Langdon, Scappoose; Mrs. Ellen Tannler, Rainier; Mrs. Mary Wal- in, Clatskanie; and Mrs. Helen Sandström, Clatskanie. Mrs. Sax­ on Barlow of Birkenfeld was un­ able to attend due to illness. The county committee is made up of representatives from the various communities who work with the county extension agent, Mrs. Margaret Allyn, to plan and coordinate the extension program so as to serve the best advantage in the county. The homemakers extension pro­ gram as carried out through the extension clubs in the various communities is a program of adult education planned especially for homemakers to keep them abreast of the changing pattern of modern day living. It is an out of school educational program to bring new practices and information to the people. The home extension pro­ gram is one phase of the overall three-phase program which in­ cludes 4-H clubs and the agricul­ tural program. It is a cooperative program sup­ ported by federal, state and coun­ ty funds and is open and avail­ able to everyone interested in tak­ ing advantage of the opportuni­ ties it offers. In Oregon, the program is under the direct supervision of Oregon State University, Corvallis. In the county, the extension office is the directing agency. The program is planned by the people themselves so as to give them what they want. The home­ makers extension program covers home living, money management, foods and nutrition, clothing, At the meeting of Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters held last Wednesday evening at the IOOF hall, plans were made for atten­ dance of the Grand Temple ses­ sions at the Multnomah hotel in Portland next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Charley Hickman will at­ tend as grand representative and Mrs. Frank Lange as alternate. Others who will be at the entire session are Mrs. E. E. Garner, sit­ ting past grand chief, and Mrs. Irma Chance. Others plan to go for part of the sessions and social events. A tea honoring the grand chief and grand chancellor will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Oregon- Washington Pythian home at Vancouver. This is open to every­ one and is a good time for seeing the home. Several plan to drive to Port­ land Monday for the opening ses­ sions of Grand Temple at which the Grand Temple degree is given. Informal reports from the ses­ sion will be given at the meeting here Wednesday night of next week, October 10. Also, members are to bring things they have for the rummage Standby— 46-oz. Tins sale to the meeting next week. The committee wishes articles turned in now so they can be readied and priced. Following that meeting, there Standby— 16-oz. Tins will be a silent auction so mem­ bers are to bring items for that, including baked goods, canned foods, etc. The last meeting was followed Standby— No. 303 Tins . by a birthday party honoring those whose birthdates fall in July, August or September. Committee in charge was Mrs. Cleo McNair, Mrs. M. J. Lamping and Mrs. Standby— No. 303 Tins............... Murel Folken who served delic­ ious cakes with ice cream, tea and coffee. Lovely dahlias from the garden of Mrs. J. A. Yeager, sis­ Standby Solid Pack— 303 Tins.... ter of Mrs. Lamping, decorated the tables. home furnishings and home man­ agement. “Die program is carried out in organized groups. These groups send representatives, called pro­ ject leaders, to central meeting places where they get subject matter to take back to their groups. This year, clubs in Columbia county will have a wool dress workshop, will learn new methods of vegetable cookery, learn the facts about social security, have lessons on child training, learn how to prepare low calorie meals, learn about cleaning of rugs and upholstery, better lighting and Hawaiian cookery and culture. This is an opportunity for all women to get continued training without cost and to continually better themselves and their fam­ ilies. YO UR FUEL DO LLARS with a fuel-saving 5 IE S I_ E H OIL HOME HEATER Lei's Get Acquainted! Do Yau Know This Man? HEATS FLOORS not ceilings! CAPTURES HEAT others waste! S IE G L E R P A Y S F O R IT S E L F W IT H T H E F U E L IT SAVES. ___ I.___ -____ - see it soon at Coast To Coast Stores Bom November 30, 1926 at Port­ land. Came to Vernonia about 1930. Married in 1953 at Stevenson, Washington. Has four children. Attended school in Vernonia. Served in the army. Is now in business in Vernonia. Is active in civic affairs. Has held an elective ofice in whch he served the community. (Information supplied by J. W. Nichols) Answer to last week's quiz, Art Gardner. HENRY & POLLY HUDSON DRY GOODS NOTIONS — GIFTS BRU N SM AN FIRE, AUTO AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LINES Vernonia, Oregon Phone H A 9-B0S8 At M ile Bridge. Riverview HARDWARE & ELEC. Vegetable Cookery is the topic for the lesson to be presented at the meeting of the Timber Route Extension Unit next Tuesday, Oc­ tober 9, at the Vernonia Grange hall. Mrs. Melvin Bergerson and Mrs. Mike Cook are the project leaders. The meeting is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. and Mrs. F. E. Fuquay and Mrs. George Smith are t« serve as hostesses. All ladies in­ terested are invited to attend. It’s no sin to travel the high­ way on Sunday, but the way some people drive is a crime. Ocrnonia THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1962 3 and DONALD L HALBERER R AY HAM N ETT ATTORNEYS Hamnett Starts Marine Training At San Diego Office in Vernonia Professional Bldg. Ray Hamnett, 1962 graduata of Vernonia high school, left recent­ ly for San Diego to begin basic training in the Marine Corps. He will study aviation mechanics. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamnett. 1 FOR A , FOR 1 1 FOR FOR 2 Betty Crocker— Reg. 43c ’KGS. Betty Crocker KGS. Big “G” KGS. ^0 BETTER QUALITY Vegetable Cookery Is Lesson For Unit MARSHALL C. HJELTE 10-LBS. Betty Crocker— Reg. 59c dent due to her plans to move soon to Salem. A new president will be elected at the next meet­ ing of the unit October 12. Change of hours for the Vernonia Office E4• $1 00 TOMATO JUICE 4 , $ 1 A 0 0 CREAM CORN 6 00 WH. KER. CORN 6 , $ 1 A 0 0 TOMATOES 00 $ 1 A 5 flour qa* ^0B0 ..Lii 98 $ 1 CAKE MIXES A 4. 00 FROSTING MIX 3 $ A 1 00 COLD CEREALS 4, $ A I 00 ANGEL FOOD 3 $ 1 00 (¡old Medal The installing team made up of past presidents of the Vernonia American Legion auxiliary unit has been very much in demand this fall and has had the honor of installing officers at a number of places. At a number of these, Mrs. Louis Towne who holds the office of district 1 president for the auxiliary, has been the instal­ ling officer. Places where the team has par­ ticipated are as follows: Septem­ ber 5, Metzger; September 11, Forest Grove; September 12, Bea­ verton; August 26, Clatskanie. They also were at Scappoose earl­ ier. Mrs. Towne has also been busy making official visits to units in her district which includes Clat­ sop and Columbia counties and parts of Washington and Tilla­ mook counties. She has made of­ ficial visits to units at Astoria, Warrenton, Scappoose, Seaside, Rainier, Hillsboro and Sherwood. The Vernonia unit has regret­ fully received the resignation of Mrs. Fred Heckenliable as presi­ A N N O U N C IN G PINEAPPLE JUIC S tr ET c H Auxiliary Team Much in Demand PKGS. FOR LESS * HERE! Will be open Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. instead of Wednesdays as Previously announced. Phone HÀzel 9-6565 5 « A lo o GREEN BEANS 5 s io A o TOMATO CATSUP 5 « Hl lo o STANDBY COFFEE 57' CHUNK TUNA 4 1 - 87' WHEAT HEARTS ..39' SWEET PEAS Standby 3-Sicvc— 303 Tins Standby 3-Sieve— 303 Tins 1 1 00 FOR 00 FOR r L ilt Standby— Regular or Drip Standby— No. c Cans 42-oz. Package PROTEIN PLUS 27-oz. Package EACH 40% BRAN 16-oz. Package EACH SAFFLOWER OIL Betty Crocker— Reg. S I.15 T-V DINNERS Banquet Frozen 28-07 9 BlH BOT. 1 FOR ^00^0 29C 79* Jr ^0 ^0^0 Chicken — Turkey — Beef — Mexican — Italian S A M ’ S FO O D ST O R E FREE D E L I V E R Y ----------- PHONE HA 9-5501