CLASSIFIED ADS CARC In sta lls Officers. P la n s P la y tim e Program lor R etard ates FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Car, Truck THOSE interested in tap and bal­ let classes who have not yet con­ tacted Mrs. Rudy Domitrovich, please do so before October 1. Call HAzel 9-3745._____________ 39tlc 1960 WILLYS Station Wagon. Ra­ dio, heat?r, overdrive, Lifeguard tires. Ideal for commuter. Very clean. Call St. Helens 515, Hawk- en Motors. 39tlc FOR SALE: Dinette set, four chairs; electric range; oil heater, buffet. Contact Mrs. Fred Heck- enliable at Cherry Tree Apts, of- fice. Or call HAzel 9-5042 . 39t3c 1961 FORD V-8 half-ton pickup. Four-wheel drive, custom cab, ra­ dio, heater, defroster. Mud-grip tires, electric winch in front. Low mil sage, sharp condition. Phone Oscar Kaphammer, Midway 8- 4191. 38t3c MOVING! For sale: vacuum clean­ er, semi-automatic washer, sewing machine, bed springs, radio etc. Bledsoe, Mist Rt. r>?ar Tenth street. 39tl Deer, Elk, and Steer Hides Wanted JOHN ARTMAN Timber Rt., Vernonia 37t3 CORN silage. $5.00 per ton in the field. Contact L. E. Ellis, Mist Rt. HAzel 9-3311._____________ 37t3c CITY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SEPTIC TANK CLEANING All work guaranteed 5240 SW 173. Aloha—MI 4 7809 38t3 CASH f ir deer hides. John Siedel- man. HAzel 9-3421.________ 39t3c FOR SALE: Oakland automatic wood heater. L. E. Stiff. 38t3 FOR SALE: Propane refrig >rator, stove and water heater; tank-type vacuum cleaner with attachments; bathroom sink. Call HAzel 9-3863. 38t3c SHELL BELTS, rifle scabbards, saddle bags, made to order. Hand carved or plain. Phone HAzel 9- 3885, 38t3 CASH PAID on your farm for any kind of livestock. Eugene R. Geertz, 19050 East Burnside, Portland 33, Oregon. Phone MO­ hawk 5-9031 or MOhawk 5-2289. 38t0 FOR SALE: Myrtlewood, one foot or a hundred. W. N. Noakes. HAzel 9-5633,_____________ 38t3c APARTMENT available at River­ view Cabins. 37tfc A NEW TERRITORY DIVISION BY OUR COMPANY Will mean adding two young men to our staff, the positions pay a straight salary of over $400 per month plus commissions (both paid weekly). To be accepted you must have the following qualifica­ tions: 1— Be over age 21 2— Have high school education 3— Lik? to meet people 4— Own a good serviceable car 5— Be willing to be away from home four nights a week (al­ ways home week-ends) If you have the above qualifica­ tions and are looking for a job with a future, write to our personnel manager at Box 5041—Aloha, Ore­ gon, give your full name, age, phone number and address. 38t2c CARD OF THANKS SERVICES PAINTING Interior or exterior, by contract or hour rates. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Free esti­ mates. Phone HAzel 9-5855. W. D. Trotter. 3Bt3<- HELP for your budget! See your Credit Union for Savings and Loan needs. 959 Rose Ave., Vernonia. 87tfc BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public stenographer, notary public. New accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, 875 Bride* St, Hours, 10-5; Sat. 9- 1. Closed Tuesday. HAzel 9-6005 or HAzel 9- 5895. 36tfc WORKING MOTHERS, let me help you. Ironing done reason­ ably $3 and up per basket. 50c extra for pick-up and delivery. You need help, I can use money. Ma Vike, 1654 N halem St., Corey satfc Hill. FOR FLOWERS for all occasions and potted plants, call your local florist, Spofford's Garden and Florist Service. HAzel 9-5863. 28tfc State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx 141, Fcrest Grove. Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Flants, bouquets. Floral pieces (or funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAze' 9-6611. life FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of Bridge and State St. 27tfc TEN POUND bundles of news­ papers for sale. Suitable for Hurting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle office 8tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occa- lion Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9 5384 18tfc FOR SALE Real Estate Two bedroom house, good repair. Owner moving, must sell. $1500 cash. TWO BEDROOM home for sale or rent. Excellent condition. FIVE ROOM dwelling on South Second street. $2,500 Terms. REEHER REALTY 2007 21st, Forest Grove. See Bill Horn, Vernonia Branch Bank Building. FOR SALE: Five room house. On city ¡»ewer. Needs some repair. Will consider car or trailer in trade. Write Lyman Hawken Rt. 1, Box 475. Warren. Oregon 29tfe WANT FARM. Must have water and buildings. Can pay cash. Write No 11, N. E 39th Ave, Portland. Oregon. 28tfc FOR SALE Two 2-bedroom houses on one large lot One in good condition, one liveable. 1299 Bridge S t, HAzel 9-5435 37t3c FOR RENT WANTED FOR SALE: Cucumbers. "Boston Pickling Cucumbers." Also, slicing variety. Mrs. Norbert Pelster, one mile south of Riverview on Peb­ ble Creek Road. 3713 EVEN TEMP INSULATION CO. 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, Mitchell 4-3918.___________ 18tfc The Columbia Association for Retarded Children held their monthly meeting Sept. 20 at the chamber of commerce building at St. Helens. Miss Grace Rouma- goux conducted the installation of the following officers: Mrs. J. W. Thorp, president; 1st vice-presi­ dent, R. M. Hanefeld; Mrs. R. H. Robinson, secretary; Miss Fern Fisher, treasurer; and Ray God­ sey, director. Mrs. Elmer Goodwin, Haberman's Meat PROCESSING PLANT CLARENCE R. WAGNER, County surveyor. Court House. St. Helens. Phone office, 698’ home, 183. Pri­ vate surveying, engine, ring work S4tfc LEGAL NOTICE WE WISH to express to neighbors and friends our sincere apprecia­ tion for their cards, floral pieces and other expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement. They have meant much to all of us. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and family. 39tl WE WISH to thank all our friends and neighbors for their cards and flowers and sympathy in our re­ cent loss of husband, son and brother. It all was greatly apprec­ iated. Mrs. Frances Anderson Mrs. LeWanda Hitt and family Miss LaVerna Anderson Mrs. Mary Anderson Mrs. Helens Christensen and family Mrs. Dorena Ridling and family William Anderson Samuel Anderson and family Chester Anderson and family 39tl CLASSIFIED RATES THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th » undersigned has been by the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Columbia County appoint­ ed Administratrix of the Estate of Omar S. Poynter, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre­ sent th > same, duly verified, to the undersigned at the office of her attorney within six months of the date hereof DATED this 28th day of Sep­ tember, 1962 EVA M POYNTER Administratrix GEORGE WALISER Attorney for Administratrix 1931 Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon 39t5c NOTICE 37t3 Vernonia 4-H Forestry club held its first meeting at Clint’s Tree Farm on Keasey road September 18, 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. Eighte?n boys and girls, ages 9 and 10 rode the wagon behind the log team through Christmas tree stand of 60 acres. Some 6 rode on the horses. Among the techniques discuss­ ed and illustrated wer? limb cul­ ture, sprout culture, fork pruning, cone inducing, scarring, and the use of sheep to kill weed-tree stumps. Several tree species were iden­ tified. Mother trees and the rapid disappearance of slash was also shown. The club expressed thanks to Ralph Keasey whose pickup just barely hauled the members. Every Tuesday at 3:35 p.m. the club goes to the woods, weather permitting. In case of rain it goes to the Scout cabin in the city park. A few more may join. At the next meeting a plus and minus test of 10 questions will be given upon the previous tour. By a point system, a monthly prize can be won. Two years of 4-H Forestry can be easily covered in one by hold­ ing weekly get-to-gethers instead of the once monthly required in 4-H club work. Most of this is adult Forestry plus gun safety, sur­ vival techniques and camp craft. Specialists are imported frequent­ ly- P le a s e O bserve PAPER. R ed Hat D ays BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini­ mum charge SI.00. No informa tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. M IN IM U M charge 50c for 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum. 3c each. Three inser­ tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8 cents each. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. Demon ia Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Vernonia, Oregor Entered as second class mail matter, Augus’ 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oiegon under the act of March 3. 1879 Sub­ scription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50. N A T IO N AL ~ LOST: Beagle dog, female Black, white and tan Lost near Timber Rt. John Artman, Timber Rt., Ver­ Starts Program ACCEPTED Editor and Publisher LOST AND FOUND Forestry Club AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S O fficial N ew spaper of Lawrence Meissner believes in the Free Enterprise System that has made this the greatest country in the world, and he believes that Freedom should be Economic, as well ns Spiritual and Physical. Pd adv by Meissner for Representa­ tive. 198 Meissner Road, Deer Is­ land. 38t3c nonia. I CAN’T express my appreciation near adequately enough to my neighbors and friends for the many, many kindnesses that have been done for me and my family. Not only during the time I was in the hospital and since my re­ turn hom?, but also the months previous to my entering the hos­ pital. To be remembered by the tre­ mendous amounts of cards, letters, gifts, flowers and visits, was most pleasing and made my long hos­ pital stay a more pleasant one. The food that has been brought to us and the numerous other things that have been done since I came home are really appreciat­ ed, also. I’d like a special thank you to go to my parents, sisters and families, and husband and daughter for all they’ve done, with patience and faithfulness the past months. I was grateful for the prayers said in my behalf. Again, my thanks for each thought and kindness. They will never be forgotten. Kathleen Tiffney 39tlc 2nd vice-president, and William Willson, director, were unable to attend the meeting. Godsey ex­ plained the revised constitution and by-laws which were adopted by the members. Dr. Jack C. Smith will appear at a future date to explain the eye screening test and arrangements for the proposed clinic day will be made then. Mrs. J. W. Thorp and Mrs. R. H. Robinson will appear at the Council of Churches meet­ ing in St. Helens Sept. 26 to ex­ plain the meaning and goals of CARC. The Oct. meeting will consist of slides with sound track dealing with parental care and problems of the retardate at home. The following were appointed to serve as committee members: Ralph Dudley and Mrs. Sally Posch, ways and means committee; Mrs. Anna Martin, historical so­ ciety; Mrs. R. M. Hanefeld and Mrs. Tom Kennedy, telephone committee; Mrs. Elmer Goodwin and R. M. Hanefeld, program plan­ ning. The program plan for th? year, Mrs. Thorp announced, is the com­ pletion of the supervised playtime program for the retardates in Co­ lumbia county. Needed is a cen­ trally located building, preferably with a play ground or play area. Donations of playground equip­ ment and toys will be more than welcome. Anyone or organization willing to assist in the futherance of the cause is asked to call Mrs. J. W. Thorp, St. Helens 58. (D IT O R IA L b m a u L M iiiA i T f "Red Hat Days”, a program sponsored by public and private groups throughout the state, is called to the sportmen’s attention as the hunting seasons for 1962 get underway. A symbol of good sportsmanship, the Red Hatters remind all outdoor users to watch their manners as insurance to pub­ lic hunting. Phil Schneider, state game di­ rector, reminds all hunters that game is the property of the peo­ ple, but many of the hunting areas are private property. Hunting on such property is a privilege, not a right, and this privilege can be withdrawn by the landowner. The pledge of the Red Hat pro­ gram is threefold: To be law abid­ ing; respect the rights and prop­ erty of others; and to be careful with fire and firearms. "You don't have to wear the red hat." said director Schneider, "but you are serving your inter­ ests by observing the pledge.” Schneider added that "Your hunt­ ing license does not authorize trespass on private property,” and urged all hunters to ask the land- owners pet mission first. N EW SPAPER P U B L IS H E R S A S S O C IA T IO N A genius is an individual who has sense enough to get along with less fortunate human beings. BOWLING Demoni a Eagle MONDAY—WOMEN 6 Alley Oop League Child Group W L West Oregon Electric 9 Sam’s Food Store 9 Curl’s Grocery 7 9 Vernonia Clinic 7 9 Nancy Leonard, high game, 230, and high series, 605. Splits picked up: Genny Hanson, 4-5; Marlea Leffler, 3-10; Florenz Huff, 5-6; Vi Aldrich, 5-7-9; Nancy Leonard, 3-10. Three bowlers recorded a series of over 500 scratch this week. They were Nancy Leonard, 518; Vi Cameron, 507 and Marlea Leffler, 540. Board M eets Tuesday evening an executive board meeting of the Columbia Association for Retarded Children was held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Thorp. Present were Mrs. R. H. Robinson, Mrs Elmer Goodwin, Mr. R. H. Hanfield, Mr. William Wil­ son, and Mrs. Ray Godsey. The revision of the association constitution and by-laws was stu­ died. This will be submitted to the members at the next general meet­ ing to be held in the Chamber of Commerc? building, St. Helens, Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. All parents and friends of CARC are invited to attend. TUESDAY—WOMEN Quinn’s Insurance Standard Oil King’s Grocery Vernonia Drug High series, Marlea 8 7 4 5 5 Vi 3 Vi 6 Vi 6Vi Leffler, 496; Any theory is interesting, but accomplishment is more convinc­ ing. 190. Splits picked up: Delores Fred­ rickson, 5-6-10; Janet Fields, 3-10. WEDNESDAY—MEN Brunsman Hardware 9 3 Fisher’s Electric 7 5 Columbia R. Real Estate 5 7 Bob’s Union 3 9 Francis Crowston high game, 217, high series, 559. Splits picked up: Zeke Lemaick, 3-10 and 3-10; Norm Axon, 2-7. THURSDAY—MEN 8 4 Crown Zellerbach 7 5 Mill Market 5 7 Curl’s Grocery 4 8 Vernonia Milk High series, Ben Fowler, 549; high game, Ed Burton, 207. Splits picked up: Bob Curl, 3- 10; Tracy Hanson, 3-10; Ed Slowik, 3-10; Bill Nelson, 5-6; Dave Bruns­ man, 3-10; Dick Elliott, 5-9-7; Red Ade, 3-10 and 9-10. H ats Are M ade THURSDAY, SEPT 27, 1962 HENRY & POLLY HUDSON DRY GOODS NOTIONS — GIFTS FIRE, AUTO AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LINES Phone HA 9-6058 At Mile Bridge, Riverview - FUEL BILLS up to 5 0 % / At Unit M eet A small group, only nine, turned out last Thursday, September 20 for the first meeting of the Ver­ nonia Extension Unit at which Mrs. Emily Terrall of St. Helens was a guast. A potuck luncheon was served at noon. Mrs. Terrall was named as Mrs. Oregon for 1962 and went to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to compete for the Mrs. America title. That she did not receive but was named as Mrs. U. S. Savings Bonds and she has made many trips across the country in that cause. She related to the ladies Thursday many interesting facts about the Mrs. America competition and her bond work. Mrs. Terrall is an accomplished seamstress and homemaker and it was in competition with those ta­ lents that she earned the Mrs. Oregon title. Hat making is one of her accomplishments and she demonstrated the making of the pillbox hat and each of the ladies present made one under her direc­ tion. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting. Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, lake Tillamook road 1 '2 mile, take first lefthand road. ltfc w ith th e a ll new f i / H SAVING See the revolutionary B TOKÇfD-Alt PATENTED OIL HOME HEATER E that now gives you » SUPER FLOOR HEAT see it now! Coast To Coast Stores BRUNSMAN HARDWARE & ELEC. Vernonia, Oregon The 50,000-Mile Warranty Car TUES., OCT. 2 R E FR E SH M E N T S HAWKEN MOTORS 343 S. Highway — Phone 313 — St. Helens. Ore.