OF T H li l VALUES! Darigold Pint Tub MRS. CHESSHER’S FROZEN TASTE WELL MARGARINE ! I (HICK. PARTS Vernonia’s Favorite Spread 5 QC c “ d lb . $159 Darigold—Assorted "f C Flavors Half-Gal. / » ! HA 9-3492 _ Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. and 3 P.M. KLBLA KAHN FROZEN CHINESE Breasts......v PKGS. ■■ Shrimp Dinners GOLDEN BOY FANCY 20-oz. Pkg........... For Spotless Automatic Dishwashing Maple Flavor—22-oz. Bottle rmiiK Pancake rancane & « Waffle NEW! Ocident Buttermilk Mix For 3-Lb. Bag Ham Large 24-oz. Can Beans 20-oz. Family Size the weekend in Central Oregon with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Chamberlain and son Mark of Aloha. Saturday ev­ ening was spent watching the clev­ er performances of well trained quarter horses and the following day was spent in the Peterson Rock Gardens, both at Redmond. Paul Brunsm an of Paris, Illin ­ ois visited here from Friday of last week to Monday with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman, and nephews, Dave and Bert Brunsman and Ro­ bert Curl and their families. Mrs. M abie Graves. Mrs. H . A. DeWitt and Mrs. Lois Clark had a nice drive Monday when they took Mrs. E. J. Douglass to Day- ton to the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Del­ bert Dow. Mrs. Douglass had vis­ ited here the previous week. En­ route home, the ladies stopped at Newberg to call on Mrs. Walter Kent. to 5 K -Lb. Avg...............Each SUNSHINE GRAHAM CRACKER Richard Burns is now w orking in the TV sales department at the Lloyd Center Meier nnd Frank store. Mrs. Burns expects to go to work there, also, after the first of October in the sports depart­ ment. They have a small apart­ ment in Portland but will main­ tain their home here. Mrs. Burns received recent recognition by having her picture in the Septem­ ber 14 issue of Coin World with her money tie? on which she took second place at the Canby fair. She hud it hung with uncirculated silver dollars. She recently was a guest of the Tacoma, Washington coin club, also. Mrs. Ruth S oftly and son Art from Tucson, Arizona are visiting here with her mother and step­ father, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lar­ sen and with her brother, R. Hyde who is hospitalized in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H enry Andoregg nnd son Ralph visited during last week end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Borders and family at Fall Creek near Springfield. Saturday night was spent with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson nt Junction City. Mrs. Anderegg’s mother, Mrs. Josephine Dimbat, accompanied them as far Oerttonia Eagle THURSDAY, SEPT 27, 1962 Nabisco Old Fashion, Lb. Pkg. CROWN’S ZEE WAX Market Day Seedless 100-Ft. Roll 13%-oz. Pkg. Olympia Trip Made by Group as Salem to visit her son, Edward Dimbat. N ew residents on North street TIMBER RT. — Mrs. Marion Siedelman and daughter, Mrs. Jim Fields and Benny went to Olym­ pia, Washington last week end to visit Mrs. Siedelman’s daughter, Mrs. David Temple and family; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Don Siedel­ man, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prohaska and family and Mrs. Hattie Prohaska. Mrs. Dolly Brooks and two chil­ dren from Portland spent Satur­ day and Sunday with Mrs. Don Bergerson and children. Sunday the group went to Seaside and Astoria where they climbed the Astor Column. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beal took Mrs. Gilbert Britton to her home at Sweet Home Saturday and re­ turned here Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Thacker spent the past week in Clatskanie with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les Galloway and children. Patty Miller was hostess for a Stanley party at the home of Mrs. Don Bergerson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Bud Gibson and son Jeff and Mrs. Carl Wienecke visited Elva Tolke at Manning Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Hult and son Marvin from Sweet Home spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gibson and family. Mrs. Rita Shipley and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke were in Bea­ verton Friday afternoon. Mrs. Betty Pollock called on Mrs. Harold Shipley Sunday. Mrs. Philip Shafer and Mrs. Stanley Reynolds and daughter called at the Marion Siedelman heme Monday. They are former Vernonia residents now living at Cornelius. are Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Clason and eight children who have pur­ chased the Laws house and moved here from Beaverton. He is em­ ployed by Tektronix. G uests S unday at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Counts includ­ ed his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boeck from Port­ land and their daughter, Mrs. Ruth Larson of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pritchard and daughter, Mrs. Louise H. Smith and children Don­ na and Mark of Olympia, Wash­ ington. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange called on Miss Helmie Kauppi who is recuperating from major surgery. Mrs. A . D . L olley spent from Monday to Friday of last week at Astoria with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Bellingham and family. Thurs­ day, she and her daughter attend­ ed a Christian Womens luncheon at the Seafare restaurant. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Lolley were in Port­ land to attend funeral services for her niece, Mrs. Vera P. Hansen. Three m em bers of the N ehalem Valley Coin club spent last week end at Klamath Falls at the se­ cond annual convention of the Southern Oregon Numismatic So­ ciety. Mrs. R. M Burns went by bus on Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons drove down Fri­ day evening. Mrs. Burns returned home with the Emmons Sunday evening. Tom W olff, w ho com e hom e from the hospital Monday of last week, is making a satisfactory re­ cuperation from a recent leg am­ putation and is able to be up in a chair part of the time. Here to s?e him Sunday were three sons, John Wolf of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Wolf Jr. of Gaston and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolf and family from Portlnnd. Three V ernonia ladies __ 300 Can 11-oz. Bottle In Tomato Sc. Lb. 5ELTSVILLE YOUNG Tastewell Golden For spent ! Ends and Pieces........... Mix with your ground venison. FANCY GRADE Swift’s—By the Piece r n n j c s OF THE TOW N T he A rl Gardners Pound Cello Bag DEL MONTE FANCY For HEINZ VEGETARIAN BRADSHAW S Pl RE i HUNTER’S SPECIAL — SW IFT’S U.S. Fancy NALLEY’S LIMA BEANS AND started dally drives to Portland this week to attend classes at Portland State college. They ar? Miss Sunny De­ Hart for whom this is her junior year, Mrs. George Shaw who is taking special work and Mrs. John Carsons who is working toward her masters degree. Mi’s. Carsons is staying here with her parents, Mr. and Mis Ralph Reynolds un­ til her husband receives his dis­ charge next month after which they plan to live in Portland 2-Lb. DATES io Remember T H U R SD A Y . SE PT . 27 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge—IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. N ew s has been received from U N G U A R D E D 'INNOCENT I know he’s there, my guardian angel! There was a display of grief Homemakers county committee— by an angel that night Sept. 6, Home of Mrs. Marian Cassel, 1962 as he watched a human ex­ ercise his right as a free moral 10:30 a.m. Legion and Auxiliary potluck— agent. God gave to each human the right to choose and even if Legion hall, 6:30 p.m. Football — Loggers at Estacada, His heart did ache with love for humans when they made their S A T U R D A Y . SEPTEM BER 29 Set clocks back one hours at 2:00 choices. He has never yet taken away that right. a.m. Sept. 6, 1962, a little life came Deer Season opens. to an end! The life of the most in­ M O N D AY , OCTOBER 1 DEER SEASON HOLIDAY FOR nocent, darlinest, little spotted, SCHOOLS. baby creature, Larry’s fawn. He Lions club dinner meeting — Fir? suffered an hour, maybe a few hall, 6:00 p.m. minutes more, but oh those min­ City council — City hall, 8:00 p.m. utes! T U E SD A Y , OCTOBER 2 Picture the innocent, trusting lit­ SCHOOL VACATION tle nose as it was thrust through CONTINUES. the fence to receive the tidbit from Past Chiefs club — Home of Mrs. a beloved human, who surely Mathflde Bergerson, 8:00 p.m. couldn’t harm him when even cars Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge — and dogs didn’t come near when IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. he was trotting along, mewing his W E D N E SD A Y , OCTOBER 3 pleasure at being allowed to trot Medical Self-Help course — West down the streets behind his trusted Oregon Bldg., 7:30 p.m. friend. Surely he was loved by all Nehalem Chapter, OES — Ma­ humans who took so many pic­ sonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. tures. Surely he was cared for by God who watches even the spar­ FRIDA Y. SEPTEM BER 2« THE MAGIC SWORD Fuiten’s Chapel in the Hills 24 Hour Mortuary Service A Good jobs often dodge the fel­ low who has a lame reputation. Many people have asked me: “Why are you run­ ning as an independent candidate for C o u n t y Commissioner ?” H Z H X H You are entitled to an X answer! H After the primaries I was X approached by a host of H Democrats and Republi­ X cans stating they were H dissatisfied with the no­ X minees of their respective H parties who urged me to X H run. X Their trust and faith in me prompted my making a H personal survey of the County and 1 was surprised to X find a great number of voters wanting a change. H I am proud of my county and state and my sole interest X in this race is to contribute my talents and efforts in H improving county government and our county road sys­ X H tem. X I have no axe to grind—but promise an honest effort to H H distribute our tax dollars where needed efficiently and X X in a courteous manner. H 5 Vote X Walter C. Mathews g •I 01/ T h v a i r e SAFE AT HOME rows fall! Now picture that unhappy lurk- er, not fenced in, and not depend­ ent on human beings for his very life; but whose jealous, mean dis­ position could not let him look at Bambi without hating the happi­ ness he gave Larry, his family, and all the children in town. Who couldn’t stand to have others re­ ceive joy from giving loving care to the little, abandoned creature too tiny and weak to stand or take the bottle. Who was left in the middle of my living room floor those first few days, where we all worked to keep up the spark of life. Picture the heart tearing pity in the eyes of the guardian angel for both performers in that yard that night. Bambi’s little body is gone but his sweet ways are pictured in our memories. A guardian angel has a memory picture, too, for he watch a human make that awful choice and God saw the fall of him! I’m glad I didn’t. Mrs. George Johnson f lIH IH IH X H IH IH IH IH IH X H X H X K 4-H Leaders Plan New Year Phone HA 9-346? i I LETTER TO THE EDITOR . . . Four-H leaders have been busy reorganizing their 4-H clubs for another year. Supplies of 4-H ma­ terials have been received from the state 4-H club office for most projects and will be available to clubs as soon as their enrollments are sent to the County Extension office. Order blanks will be sup­ plied to leaders to facilitate a more efficient handling of materials. Boys and girls who are interest­ ed in joining 4-H or parents who are interested in getting their Juliaetta. Idaho who were enroute children started in 4-H or in being home from the Seattle fair. leaders may contact the county ex­ Mrs. S h erm an F isher cam e hom e tension office in the courthouse in last Thursday from Tuality hospit­ St. Helens, phone 462. According al to complete recuperation at to Robert H. Stevely, county ex­ heme from major surgery which tension agent in charge of 4-H she had the previous week. club work, there are more than 30 N ew re ¡dents on S ton ey Point projects available to boys and are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones girls in the 4-H club program. and two sons, aged 11 and 15, who Members must be between the have purchased the Harry Lasch- ages of 9 and 21 before the first | inger plac? and moved here from of January, 1963. Sacramento, California. Mr. Lash- inger has moved to St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lamb that they have recently visited the Lym an H aw ken of St. H elens i was in Vernonia Tuesday on bus­ 16,678-foot-high Sandia Crest near Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is iness. still in the airforce and stationed Mrs. Ben B rickel cam e hom e Fri., Sal. Sept. 28-29 Friday from Good Samaritan and in New Mexico. Sandia Crest is is making good, though slow re­ one of the outstandng scenic at­ tractions which affords a marve­ Mickey Mantle • Roger Maris cuperation from eye surgery. lous view of more than 10.000 Mrs. Lois Thayer had as guests Plus Friday and Saturday of last week square miles. On the crest are Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stevens and four of the world's highest TV daughters Glenda and Linda from antennae. Jim was married last year to a girl from West Virginia. The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stiff has been a happy and busy one this week Their daughter and »on-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Olan Pousson arrived Sunday evening X VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE from Farmington, New Mexico. With them are their two sons and two daughters, including the month old baby girl. They will •* leave for home the middle of next Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Res. Managers week Last Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Stiff were Mrs. X Phone HAzel 9-6611 J of E. J. Douglass and Mrs. Mabel 5e;e:e:eO»:e:e:e:e;e:e:e:sC»:e:e>:«B»:*:e:e:e:e:e:«»:e:eXe:e:e:e:eSe:e:eXe»»»S»:e:e:e:e. Graves. •*< You'ro A« Cloaa to the Mill Market A« Your Telephone 12-oz. Dinner............................ Syrup £ & LOCKERS C C C ★ Meat Department ★ W W Finish 2»75 Carrots 9 1 2 15‘ ¡Bacon B 3?1 W Lbs- ™ QCc Qßc Parsnips O 2RC Slab Bacon Q C c CloverHoney 5 L 2 O Qtf 49 b- C an WW S W eet and F,rm “ LbS ’ Hominy 1 ill Turkeys $0^5 Catsup O 2: • M 2 -3 9 Ginger Snaps Paper Cracker Crumbs 2 5 ’ Raisins O 2 -3 5 wJP LBS. LUMBERJACK PANCAKE 2 IL L ARKET COTTAGE CHEESE 21c : MELLO ICE CREAM COMI IN FO* " A CLOSI-UR NEHALEM VALLEY ! MOTOR FREIGHT ' X Independent Candidate For County Commissioner H H Pd. Pol. Adv. X H I X KH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH S: Don’t run out of MILK for the weekend! t.ET MORE DARIGOLD MILK S «