^PRO DUCE 6 N o. 2 ’s 50-L b. lía « Crisp and Crunchy Ea. See Whal 5f Will Buy GR. PEPPERS Eo. 5c CABBAGE Lk_5c CUCUMBERS Eg. 5c 6 F»' KLEENEX Facial T issu e 100 Conni Zcnner’s Picnics Lb. 39c CHOCOLATE N c stlc ’s (Juik Liant .’IK-«/. Size / — GUNS THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1962 Hopkins Family All At Party POTATOES $1.00 CELERY r oA Uertionia £a«, or«|«* Goulds balanced flow shallow well system. No tank, no extras. Now $-J J 85 Only __ • F ully Insulated Wltk Flker«la«| • Interlocking Tkormostatt • 2 la a o r tlo n Elem ental C u t tom gloat lined model. Hot wotor in stan tly. 1 0 y to r warranty. 104 A N D A P L E A S U R E TO L IV E IN Senate Record Topic ol Talk Columbia county Republicans, 150 strong, turned out for a Sun­ day picnic to hear Sig Unander give his opinion of the record of Oregon’s senior senator. Also speaking briefly were the candi­ dates for office in the county, Ro­ bert Welwood, Mel Gregory, Roy Wilburn and Lawrence Meissner. Republican control of the state house of Representatives was pre­ dicted by Stats Central Committee Representative Fred VanNatta. He also urged all Republicans to regis­ ter, work for Republican candi­ dates and vote. County Republican Chairman Gene Carpenter, master of cere­ monies, told the crowd that he was very pleased at the turnout. He pointed out that the attendance was much larger than at a compar­ able picnic held by the Democrats on the preceding Sunday. Gene also announced that this was the first of what he hoped would be an annual event. Dick Leith, picnic chairman, spoke briefly and said he was hap­ pily surprised at the number and enthusiasm of those attending. The main course for the picnic was bar­ becued beef donated by local Re­ publican farmers. V E R N O N IA Society to Meet The Columbia County Historical Society will meet next Tuesday, September 25, in the 4-H dining room at the county fair grounds at Deer Island. A potluck meal will be served at noon after which a business session and election of officers will be held. All persons interested are invited to attend. One way to live within your in­ come is to keep your chin up and your overhead down. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! Education that fails to inform the mind and teach it to reason things out is useless. irTiän : Tune-up Time A tla s Spark P lu g s Echlen Brand P oin ts and C ondensors R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAzel 9-6691 3NXHXHIHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHZH3 5 ......... KING’S Grocery-Market H Ï X H Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More' H Z H X H Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Bost Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery JC X H —From your home-owned independent grocery. X 5 H H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING X ? H fcHXHXHXHZHXHZHXHZHXHZKXHX