Secret Pals Highlight At Study Club Meeting Members of Vernonia Study club are reminded that gifts for secret pals are to be brought to this first fall meeting which will be held tonight, September 20, at the home of Mrs. Florence Mes­ sing. Mrs. Louis Towne will pre­ sent the program. Della Kappa Gamma To Meet Here Saturday Pythians Date November Sale Vernonia Temple Pythian Sis­ ters opened the fall season last Wednesday evening with an inter esting meeting presided over by Mrs. Cleo McNair, most excellent chief. Many Happiness Bags were turned in, accompanied by clever statements, some in verse about the happy occasions on which coins were dropped into the bags for use in the work of the order. Mem­ bers who live elsewhere accom panied theirs with letters of greet­ ing to local members. Those who did not bring or send their bags to this meeting are asked to bring them to the next one, September 26. The committee in charge of this project was Faye Davis, Leah Stiff and Catherine Lentz. The first week end in Novem­ ber, November 1, 2 and 3, was set as the time for the annual rum­ mage sale. Alice Weed, chairman of the committee, asks that mem­ bers begin turning rummage in to her now so that it can be readied and priced ahead of time. Following the meeting, a social hour was greatly enjoyed since members had not been together since June. It was especially nice to have Katie Wyckoff here from Forest Grove. Refreshments were served by Marie Shafer, Cora Lange and Mathilde Bsrgerson. The next meeting, September 26, will be the time for honoring those whose birthdays occur in July, August and September. Mrs. Dorothy Sandon will be hostess Saturday for the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority and ex­ pects members from throughout Clatsop and Columbia counties to attend. There will be a luncheon at the Washington school cafeter­ ia, served by the PTA after which the group will gp to the Sandon home for its meeting. Class of 1952 Holds Reunion Twenty members of the Ver nonia high school class of 1952, along with their families, held the ten-year reunion of the class Sun day at Anderson park. This was considered an excellent represen­ tation sines there were only 34 in the class. Those members who attended and family members with them were as follows: Jim Sozoff, wife and daughter: Margaret Michener Bartlett, husband, son and daugh­ ter; Beverly Closner Stuve and The hairpin lace afghan of Mrs. Seventeen ladies met Tuesday two daughters; Gordon Crowston, Laura Carmichael which took afternoon of last week at the wife and two sons, all from the sweepstakes honors in its divi­ home of Mrs. R. J. Ekhoff in the Beaverton area; Mary Tapp Mc­ sion at the Columbia county fair, Kist district to start off the year Donald, Lakeview; Martin J. (Buz­ repeated the honor at the state for the Timber Route Extension zy) Tapp. Spokane: Deraid Bor­ fair in the “over 70” division in Unit. ders, wife and two daughters, Jim which it was entered. The previous week, several Smejkal and Leona Hoehner First place winners are the only members of the unit had attend­ Smejkal and their son and daugh ones reported to the newspapers ed a county-wide meeting at Fern ter, Eugene; Robert Allen, his wife by the fair and the following are Hill Grange hall near Rainier at and son, Tacoma; Norma Elliott ones concerning reports which which officers for all units in the Adams and two sons, Carlton; Dar­ have been received since a pre­ county were installed. Those in­ lene Aspinall Godard, husband, vious list was given. stalled for the Timber route unit son and daughter, Vancouver; Lau­ Mrs. Stanley Chandler of Keas- were Mrs. Velora Sheppard, chair­ ra Steers Peterson, two sons and ey route took first in the Brown man and Mrs. Virginia Bsrgerson, two daughters and Alice Davis Swiss dairy cattle class for her secretary-treasurer. Ms. Vera Mil­ Fleskes, husband and son and three-year-old cow and for cow ler, vice-chairman, was unable to daughter, Forest Grove; M. C. with best udder. The J. C. Morans be present that day. Brewer, wife, two sons and daugh­ took first for junior bull calves in Mrs. Sheppard named committee ter; Larry Garner, Doris Hahmey- the Shorthorns and also had re­ chairmen at the meeting held last er Garner and their daughter and serve senior champion female and Tuesday as follows: Associated two sons; Deloris Thompson Webb, first for junior get of sire. country women of the world, Mrs husband, daughter and son; Janet Former Vernonia residents, Mr. Laurel Jensen; home and safety, Siedelman Fields and son, all and Mrs. Carroll Buckley, who Mrs. Alice Weed; civil defense, from Vernonia and Tom Peters now reside at Gervais, took cham­ Mrs. Muriel Arndt; program plan­ from Florence. pionships for junior and senior ning, Mrs. Louise Smejkal and One teacher, Ray Mills, and Mrs. Percheron geldings and also took Mrs. Weed. Mills from Cornelius joined the four blue ribbons on horses en­ At the Rainier meeting, year group and Robert L. Spencer, cus­ tered. books had been distributed which todian at the high school when outlined the program for this year. these folks were students, and DR. R. V. LANCE Several Make Calls For October, the subject is veg­ Mrs. Spencer also joined them for etable cookery and the lesson on part of the day. OPTOMETRIST During The Past Week this will be demonstrated by Mrs Letters were received from Vel­ ! Wed.. 10 A.M.— 5 P.M. MIST—Mrs. A1 Cavanaugh cal­ Beatrice Crawford and Mrs. Caro­ ma Snyder Harders who is living led on Mrs. Maude Rogers Sunday. line Cook at the next meeting of in Washington, Larry Brown who Phone HA 9-6565 Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey the unit which will be held Oc­ is in Seattle and Loren Mills who Complete Visual Care and son Devy called on the Sam tober 9 at the Vernonia Grange is in California. A letter was also Dsvines one evening last week. hall. received from Mrs. Dick McNair Other callers were Michael and The program for the entire year from Amboy, Washington. She had Debbie Devine of Kelso and Stan­ is one of great worth to all home­ been office girl at the high school ley Devine who is leaving soon makers and includes cookery, care while this class was attending. for Italy. of home furnishings, home lighting Some interesting sidelights are Mrs. Wayne Kyser and boys information and child guidance in­ that Laura Steers Peterson has the called on Mrs. Kyser’s folks at De- struction. The entire program is largest family-four, and the young­ • NEHALEM VALLEY Isna Sunday. one of adult education especially est child at the picnic was the not Mrs. Charles Hansen visited geared to the homemaker and pro­ quite five-months old baby of } MOTOR FREIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rassmusen at vides a constant source of infor­ Larry and Doris Garner. Had John Clatskanie Thursday. mation for use in meeting the Meiers, another member of the problems of everyday living. olass, attended with their new ba­ The Tuesday meeting concluded by, they could have beat that re­ with the serving of refreshments. cord by two days. Other ladies in the area interested Two members of the class have from ages 18 to 52. Prepare now for U.S. in being a part of the extension not married, Darlene Morgan and Lincoln Service helps thousands prepare for Civil Service (ob openings in this area during these tests every year. It Is one of the program and sharing in the worth­ Martin Tapp. Only one member the next 12 months. largest and oldest privately owned schools while projects are invited to come is deceased, Charlotte Davis who of Its kind and is not connected with the Government positions pay as high as $446 00 Government. to the October 9 meeting. passed away last year. a month to start. They provide much greater security than private employment and ex­ For FR EE information on Government lobs, Several did not bring family cellent opportunity for advancement. Many including list of positions and salaries, fill out positions require little or no specialized edu­ coupon and mail at once—TODAY. You will members with them to the picnic cation or experience. also get full details on how you can prepare due to various circumstances. yourself for these tests. Afghan Sweeps State Division Timber Rt Unit Launches Year i Phone HA 9-3462 PEO Chapter Opens Fall Season Tuesday Oernonia Eagfe Chapter BS of the PEO Sister­ hood will resume meetings Tues­ day of next week at the home of Mrs. Harry Sandon. Mrs. Albert Brunsman is in charge of the program for the evening. THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1962 Club Officers Are Installed Members of the Past Chiefs club met September 4 at the home of Mrs. Grayce Bundy with ten mem­ bers present. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Justin Folken, who was complet­ Members of the Vernonia Ex­ ing her year as president. After a tension unit were joined by mem­ short business meeting, the new bers from other units, including officers were installed in a candle­ Timber route and Chapman, for light ceremony by Mrs. Harry the preliminary meeting held Culbertson and Mrs. E. E. Gar­ Monday, September 17, at the ner. They are: President, Mrs. West Oregon Electric building in Irma Chance; vice-president, Mrs. preparation for the clothing work­ Frank Lange and secretary-treas­ shop for wool and woolike gar­ urer, Mi's. Carl Davis. ments. Following the meeting, the host­ Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county ex­ ess served delicious pie with cof­ tension agent, conducted the meet­ fee and tea. The hostess prize was ing. They also selected the dates drawn by Mrs. Mary Sawyer. for the training workshops at The next meeting will be Octob­ which leaders will be trained to er 2 at the home of Mrs. Mathilde conduct workshops in their com- Bergerson. munitiss. Leaders selected from the Vernonia unit were Mrs. Doro­ Read the ads, it will pay you! thy Carter, Mrs. Ella Cline, Mrs. Billie Tipton, Mrs. Betty Lamping and Mrs. Esther Hunteman. Per­ sons who wish more information may contact one of them. Mi's. Tipton, chairman of the DRY GOODS Vernonia unit, called a meeting of her officers September 14 at NOTIONS — GIFTS the West Oregon building to make plans for the unit during the com­ FIRE. AUTO AND ing year. Vernonia Unit Names Leaders H E N R Y & PO LLY HUDSON CASUALTY INSURANCE LINES Greed is humanity’s greatest fault—some people think they can eat their cake and have yours, too. f e Phone HA 9-6058 At Mile Bridge, Riverview r - .b / z r CARTONS OR CARLOADS... SHIP VIA S.P.&S.! w v zr i (PORTLAND) WANTED . . . MEN-WOMEN But to get one of these lobs, you must pass a test. The competition is keen and in some cases only one out of five pass. LINCOLN SER VICE, Pekin, Illinois Dept. I am very much interested. positions and salaries; (2) Seaside Takes Golf Trophy Don't delay—Act NOW! 94 Please send me absolutely FR EE ( , ) A list of U.S. Government Information on how to qualify for a U.S. Government Job. Name Age Address_________ ________ ___________ City_________________________________ Give Exact Directions to Your Home ★ F IL M - F IL M - F IL M ★ ■ H Z H X H X H X H X H Z H Z H X IH Z H Z H Z H X H Z H Z H Z 2 IN 1 COLOR FILM Makes Brilliant Color or Black and White 127 620 120.................................................ROLL Also 89 The New Perfect PANCHROMATIC FILM The Highest Quality Film Made. 127 120 620— Roll 40‘ 3-J1 COLORED MOVIE FILM $£98 8mm Colorchrome— Includes Processing PER ROLL I H Z H Z M Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H H A- 9 • 6 2 5 4 EHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ* A group of 17 golfers represen­ ting the Vernonia Men’s Golf as­ sociation, were at Seaside Sunday for a match which they lost 39 to 12, thus leaving in Seaside the revolving trophy which was at stake. However, the beautiful day made play pleasant and all of the men enjoyed the tournament. Those who went to Seaside were O. T. Bateman, Loel Roberts, Bill Nelson, Dave Knowlton, Wayne Thomas, Harvey Redmond, Horace Hertel, Ralph Bergerson, Moon Mullins, Bill Hom, Dr. T. M. Ho­ bart, Jos Magoff, Homer Fuller, Richard Fletcher, Dan Fletcher Tracy Hanson and Jack Anderson. There was less juvenile delin­ quency when Pop used the wood­ shed as an administration building. The size of your shipment isn’t important when you specify the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway because to S. P. & S. all freight is precious cargo, Teacher Spends Week End At Home In Misi MIST—Mrs. Ardys Hanson was home over the week en'i.from Mu­ lino where she is teaching. Mrs. Sam Devine attended the Stanley party given at the home of Mrs. Ira Peterson last Wednes­ day. Week end guests at the Ray Garlocks were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson of Lost Creek, Mrs. Sather of Rainier and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock of Warren­ ton. Those from here who enjoyed Saturday evening at Natal Grange were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Math­ ews, Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel, Mrs. Mary Sanders and son Dale, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grimsbo, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schlehuber and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews. deserving careful, red carpet attention. For safety, dependability and always on-time delivery, call S. P. & S. whenever you ship or receive. Convenient schedules to and from all major points in the United States! For Information Call: J. H TAYLOR Traveling, Freight and Passenger Agent American Bank Building Portland, Oregon CA 8-9111 S P O K A N E , PO R TLA N D an d SEA TTLE RAILW AY SYSTEM Generel Offices: American Bank Bldg , Portland, Oregon * Better Quality for Less Here! M J.B . RICE 1« o, 59c GRAHAM CRACKERS 59c WHIFF DOG FOOD 6 c.„»55c PUMPKIN 3 For55c PANCAKE M IX r w.„ 49c GRAPEFRUIT 2 49c DILL PICKLES » < w 29c 3 FLORIENT 59c BARBECUE BEANS 2ST 2 f „35 c SOS PADS S S S , 39c STARCH 49c HAMBURGER RELISH i S 3 /$ l GREEN BEANS X % ,™ .2 - 4 5 c SANDWICH CREMES X 5 /$ l S A M ’S FOOD STORE FREE D E L I V E R Y ----------- PHONE HA 9-5501