BREAKFAST IDAHON DRINK Tang Orange — Giant 21-oz. Jar ONLY ■■ INSTANT POTATO FLAKES Guaranteed to Please— Pkg. of 16 Servings "J ^ ^ |F o r M.J.B. COFFEE Lb 59* 2- Lb.$ l 17 IÍN S L Ì $ k 2 9 . 7 9 c ^ Fruit Cocktail 3 S1 Beans 3r Chicken Ravioli 5 »1 Floor Wax $125 A Bananas 2 29e Lemonade 5 ?1 Fish Sticks 55« Del Monte Fancy— 2H Cans /I Small W h ite...........2-Lb. Pkg. STOKELY’S SHELLIE Beans No. 303 Cans............ o Ul fi1 kJ CAMPBELL’S BARBECUE Beans 16-oz. Can POST’S GRAPENUT DENNISON’S CHILI J CON Flakes Came Large 16-oz. Pkg. 2. 6 9 2 65 With Bns„ laW-oz. BETTY CROCKER SOFTASILK GREEN GIANT TENDER GREEN Cake Flour Asparagus 2-Lb. Pkg. FELS-NAPTHA ALL PURPOSE Liquid Cleaner Quart Bottle 49 Mrs. Ruth Hartman is a house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aldrich while visit­ ing h?r many Vernonia friends. Miss Mildred Weed of Pasadena. California arrived Saturday for a two-weeks visit with her father, Oscar Weed, and brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed, and oth­ er relatives in Oregon and Wash ington. Other family members here Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elza Weed and son Dennis from St. Helens and Melvin Weed and son Bill fram Seattle. Mildred and her father returned to Seattle with Melvin and Bill and planned to at­ tend the fair while visiting there. Visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe are their granddaughters, Kelly Denise and Michelle Hinton from Portland who are here while their parents are attending a convention at Gearhart. Nestle’s— 9%-oz. Bai’s Plain, Almond and Crunch King Size Girls state convention. She is jun­ ior past president for the state or­ ganization. Mrs. Wilbur Davis, grand assoc iate conductress for the Grand Chapter, OES, spent the week end at home then left again Monday for Lakeview to continue conduct­ ing schools of instruction for chap­ ters in eastern Oregon. It was a busy week end for the Louis Towns family but their house is somewhat empty this week. Saturday they got their daughter Judy settled at Eugene where she will be a junior at Uni­ versity of Oregon this year. Mon­ day they took their second daugh­ ter, Virginia, to Portland where she entered nurses training at Good Samaritan hospital. Former residents here for the CWF RUMMAGE SALE. Fire hall. Sept. 21. 22. 38t3c Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Harders are Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Downing of Marysville, Washington. Additional guests for Sunday dinner were Mrs. Eugene Ward and son Ron from Cedar Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Raymond from St. Johns and Clayton Welty of Vernonia. that Miss Lenora Kizer, former teacher here, is in the Providence hospital in Portland with a brok­ en hip incurred in a fall last we?k. This is the second time she has had such an injury in recent years. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Haywood Guest from September 7 to 13 nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bateman from Los Altos, California who also were attending the Seattle fair and visiting former neighbors and friends in the Tacoma - Seat­ tle area. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Skidmore and their children. Nancy and Fred spent last week end at Eugene as guests of two of Mr. Skidmore’s sisters. Saturday, Mrs. Skidmore attended sessions of the F. L. Ocrnonia Eagle THURSDAY. SEPT. 20, 1962 • f o tf T l i v t i i r e Fri„ Sut. Sept. 21-22 WALT DISNEY’S THE LIVING DESERT Plus BIG RED News has been received mouth, her daughter, Mrs. Terry Staats and three children from Salem and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Leslie Brown from Forest Grov? were here Sunday for the EUB church anniversary after which they called on friends before leav­ ing for home. Mrs. Gladys Worthington spent s'veral days last week in Emanuel hospital for care while she was re­ covering from a ease of pneumon­ ia. She came home last week end and Tuesday she returned to her duti?s as first grade teacher at the Washington school. She plan­ ned to teach half days until she regained her strength. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Malmsten arrived Monday evening from El Segundo, California for a visit with his sisters, Mrs. Lois Clark and Mrs. J, H Thomas and their families and other relatives and friends in the area. They also plan to go to Seattle to the fair and into Canada before returning home. Guests Sunday evening for sup­ per at the home of Mrs. Mabel Graves were two sons and families, Mr and Mrs. Tom Graves of Ti­ gard and Mr. and Mrs Hale Graves NOW IS THE TIME . . . To Prepare for Safe Driving This Winter Winter tread tires help you avoid trouble in had weather driving. Ask us about tires designed for safetv. U N IO N here CWF RUMMAGE SALE. Fire hall. Sept. 21. 22. 38t3c Mrs. H. R. Scheuerman of Mon­ BOB S For Chocolate Bars anniversary observance at the EUB church Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. L. H. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss and Mrs. Franklin Malmsten, all from Portland. of 19 OA hill drove to Seattle last week to attend the fair. They re­ turned home Thursday. C $1 Spears— lOH-oz. Can TOPICS OF THE TOW N 2 2 35 3 85 ,... S E R V IC E H and family from Portland, and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil­ liams, Portland. All had attend­ ed the EUB church anniversary. Mrs. E. J. Douglas of Salem who also came for the observance at the church, is a house guest this week at th? Graves home. Mrs. Sherman Fisher was hap­ pily surprised Sunday before last. September 9, when her mother, Mrs. John Heifner and sister, Mrs. Gerald Smith, arrived from Ply mouth, Ohio. They had mad? the trip after receiving word from Mr. Fisher that Julia was to enter the hospital for major surgery. Mrs. Fisher is now recuperating at Tu- ality hospital from the surgery performed last Thursday. Mrs. Heifner and Mrs. Smith left for their homes Wednesday. CWF RUMMAGE SALE, Fire hall. Sept. 21, 22. 38t3c Mrs. E. J. Douglas was a lun­ cheon guest Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Junken. Mrs. Oral Faulkner of Portland was here Sunday for the church anniversary and to see her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer. Greg Kamholz left for Portland SWIFT’S PREMIUM ¡FULLY COOKED HAMS { Hock End ; Lb. Butt End Lb. Center Cuts Lb. 59c 89c i 49c i PORK i Neck Bones J Fix Like S p a r e r ib s 2 -L b s . :Bacon ! Dubuque Country Maid, Lb. & LOCKERS Fey. Golden Fruit You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone Picnic Frozen—12-oz. Cans. .. Booth’s Frozen .... 14-oz. Pkg. DATES to Remember Vernonia Extension Unit, West Oregon Building, 10:00 a.m. Vernonia Study Club, Home of Mrs. Florence Messing, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPT. 21 Football, Loggers at Seaside, 8:00 p.m. Columbia Encampment No. 89, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY, SEPT. 24 Nehalem Assembly Rainbow Girls, Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce board, West Oregon Bldg., 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY. SEPT. 25 Project leader training, vegetable cookery, West Oregon Bldg., 10:30 a.m. Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood, at home of Mrs. Harry Sandon, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26 Medical self-help class, West Ore­ gon Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Natal Grange, Natal hall, 8:00 p.m. I ♦ I BILL I. HORN I I Î ? ♦ Vernonia, Oregon K eprfjtn nn g Hartford Accident and indemnity Company Member Hartford insurance Group Hartford 15. Conn. 1 Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. TIMBER RT. — Mr. and Mrs. Milbert Wienecke and family of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wien­ ecke and son Darwin from Spring- field spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Mrs. C. L. Wienecke baked a lovely birthday cake for Carl Wienecke who celebrated his 75th birthday Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kells and girls from North Plains spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sny­ der. Mrs. Britton from Sweet Home is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beal who have just returned home from a trip to California and south­ ern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ridder- bush called on his sister, Mrs. Chas. Hascall Tuesday afternoon. !♦♦ I 8 ♦ 1 s 1 !♦ Let's Get Acquainted! Do you know this man? Born April 4, 1914 at Philadelphia, Penn. Came to Vernonia in 1925. Has two children. He and his wife own their home here and are in business here. He likes to keep people going, and making it hot for them. He is active in Lions club, Cham­ ber of Commerce and commun­ ity projects. He is a sports enthusiast. (Information supplied by J. W. Ni­ chols) Answer to last weeks quiz: Joe Grosche A friend of ours says he doesn’t want to die rich, but he is sort of wistfully hoping that his years and his money will come out even. r CASH FOR CONES Chapman Grange Bids 1 HA 9-3492 Seventy-fifth Birthday Observed Last Sunday THURSDAY, SEPT. 20 25* 52* IL L ARKET Aerowax Self-Polishing, l^-Gal. DOUGLAS FIR We are now buying Douglas fir seed cones. 1. Be selective in cones harvested and make field tests of cones before picking. Cones meeting specifica­ tions will be purchased on I asis of a measured bushel at posted prices. Inspection made at time of delivery. 2. Only mature, green-colored, unopened cones accepted. Brown, wormy, discolored or open cones not wanted. 3. Test cones by cutting lengthwise down the center of ? I One of the great advantages of youth is that you haven’t seen all of the old movies on television. ; IXL— 15-oz. Can..................... Sunday to start his junior year To Bazaar and Sale at Lewis and Clark college. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Larimore of There will be a bazaar and rum­ Portland called on his sister and mage sale at the Chapman Grange husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wil­ hall September 27 and 28 from 10 lard, while here Sunday for the a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to the church anniversary. sale there will be a white ele­ Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas phant table, fruit and vegetable returned recently from a two-we?k table, baby apparel and a plant vacation during which they went sale. Lunch will be served from to California. In San Francisco 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Look for they visited with an aunt and the directions posted along the uncle of Mrs. Thomas and in south­ Scappoose-Vernonia highway. ern California they visited with Wayne’s sister and hushand, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and family. Sightseeing included such places as Marin ?land and the Farmers Market. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Minger of Oakland. California have been vis­ iting here with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger and family. They have also been visiting other relatives and places of interest in the Northwest. Mrs. Ben Brickel entered Good Samaritan hospital Tuesday of last week for surgery on her eye due to "Hom etown Service . . . complications that had arisen in­ anywhere’’ ...n o m atter volving the retina. She is reported how far from home to be making good recovery, al­ though it is slow. you may be! Robert Cone and Marvin Crow- A country-» idc network of ston who are entering Oregon more than 200 claim offices State University at Corvallis as ! services the car insurance we freshmen this year, were on the write. Even if you have an campus last week for rush week accident far from home, you after which they returned home can count on fast, efficient for the week end. They returned help . . . the same kind we to Corvallis Wednesday of this give you right here! week for registration with Craig Davies who is a sophomore this year. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton H’att and their five-year old grand-daughter are guests at the home of his sis­ ter and husband, Mr and Mrs. Vernonia Insurance Ralph Reynolds and family. They Exchange made the trip here from their home in Sandston, Virginia by jet plane Sunday after receiving word Phone HA 9-6203 of the death Saturday evening of 905 Bridge Street his father, A Elmer Hiatt of Park- rose. Please advise us of your new address if you are planning to move. i ★ Meat Department ★ cone. Top prices paid for cones showing minimum of 5 good seeds per half-section. Pick from trees; gather only fresh squirrel-cut cones. Secure permission from, and make arrangements with landowners for collecting cones on their proper­ ty ; do not cut limbs or trees to get cones. 6. Know location of your cone collection by areas, and report elevations to our buyer at time of delivery. i. Do not collect in the high elevations a this time. Crop conditions best at low elevations this year __ under 1500’. 8. Low elevation cones are ready now—act now for maximum harvest. Season appears to be of short duration this year, but we will accept cones as long «is they are tight and of good quality. 9. Bonus payment schedule available to steady pickers. 10. Buying restricted to scheduled hours. FOR INFORMATION AND CONE DELIVERY CONTACT VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon SHALMON LIBEL Mist, Oregon MORY FEED AND SUPPLY Rainier, Oregon Agents For BROWN SEED COMPANY Vancouver, Washington