j i r r m v r m - i t n a iu i r w — « M i f l l H f / ilB lZ J .n 'B — < J 7JtflI n-t Y .n g ii i . l i > — < - m i n i a J-i J « M i c t S w . n K u , m > Oernonia Ea— Mullins Enters Junior Class NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mike Mullins returned to Pacific Uni­ versity at Forest Grove Friday. He is a junior this year. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kraig vis­ ited Mrs. Clyde Henderson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and Sandra called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. vine at Mist Friday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson drove to Cornelius Sunday evening to get some peaches. Their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pet­ erson and girls of Vancouver were also there getting peaches so they enjoyed visiting, also. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and family enjoyed dinner Sunday in Vernonia with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Childs and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phillips and girls and Mrs. Wm. Lumm of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap drove to Oregon City Sunday and call.’d on Mrs. Warren Smith who is in the hospital. They also vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Don Wiley who are living in a retirement home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack drove to Portland Tuesday evening of last week. Texas Folks Entertained With Beach Trip, Dinner RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Dave Buckner of Pampa, Texas visited at the Ed Buckner home Friday through Sunday. They all enjoyed a trip to the beach. Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs Ray Buckner of Hillsboro and Mrs. Artie Buckner joined them for dinner The elder Buckners went home with the Ray Buckners that evening. Merle Cline spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Cline at Forest Grove. She has sold her place there and plans to live in an apartment after a trip east Mrs. Virgil Snook returned home Monday after spending two weeks in Portland for surgery and con­ valescing Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson at­ tended the funeral of Mr. Casper at Clatskanie Friday SEE US FOR YOUR ROOFING NEEDS 2-SPEED MULTI-CYCLE FROM AROUND THE WORLD • 3 W ater Tem peratures • Wash-Wear Cycle • Deep Turbulent Wash and Rinse. Actions • Automatic Pre-Scrubbing Cycle • Effective Lint Filter Mark I Royal Irish ENFIELD RIFLE AW-420 Only 95 L a te model bolt action. Uses Standard American sporting ammunition In 303 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER SPORTERIZED MODEL GUNS ’239 ABC Omatic clothes dryer with heat selection, porcelain top and drum, concealed $ - f Z » ft9 5 lint tra p __________ - L O i z it s a privilege and a pleasure to live in vernonia Natal Grange Has Shower, Plans For Booster Night NATAL - PITTSBURG—Natal Grange was a busy place Wednes­ day of last week as the HEC la­ dies met to do some cleaning. They also had a shower for the Hemeon family whos? home burned re­ cently. A number of the men were also busy waxing the floor and get­ ting in the wood. The Grange is having their booster night Satur­ day evening, September 15, at 8 o’clock. Preparations are being made for an interesting evening and anyone interested is urged to come since it is an open meeting. Stanley Parties Given By Ladies In This Area TIMBER RT.—-Mrs. Mary Jones was hostess for a Stanley party Thursday forenoon. Mrs. Vera Miller was the stylist. Others pres­ ent were Mrs. Claud Weaver, Mrs. Don Bergerson and Mrs. C. G. Wienecke. Friday aft?rnoon Mrs. Carl Wienecke was hostess for a Stan­ ley party. Attending were Mrs. Buddy Jones and children, Mrs. Carl Snyder. Mrs. Donovan Reyn­ olds and daughter, Mrs. Marion Siedelman. Mrs. Jim Fields. Mi’s. Velora Sheppard, Mrs. Don Ber- gerson and two children and Mrs. Wayne Miller. Relatives Are Involved In Beaverton Accident TIMBER R T —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke received word of the death of Mrs. Fritz Gindhart of r.ear Beaverton Saturday. Her daughter, Mae, and her sister, z\mber Hasti?, were hospitalized with serious injuries received in the same car accident. They are relatives of Mr. Wienecke S-Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Gates and three children have sold their home in Portland and moved to Sacramento. California where he is stationed at the air base. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shipley were dinner guests of his sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. C O. McCafferty in Portland Sunday. Mrs. Lura Shipley was also there. Conscience is the still, small voice that tells you somebody’s looking. Girl to Attend Bob Jones Univ. MIST—Rose Mary Sanders left a couple of weeks ago for South Carolina where she will attend Bob Jones University this next year. Mrs. Brower, mother of Mrs. Sanders, left for her home in Cal­ ifornia after spending some time here with her daughter and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds received word that they are great grandparents again. A baby girl ar­ rived at Miami, Florida for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young. Stanley Devine, Debby and Michael called on his cousin and family, Clair Devines, one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds called on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Her­ mans at Mayger Sunday. Myrtle and Lena Mathews, El­ len Devine, Nettie Cox and Mar­ tha Reynolds were among those who attended the linen shower last Wednesday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon who re­ cently lost their home by fire. The shower was given at the Natal Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs John Crawford were Vancouver business visitors last Thursday. Callers at the Sam Devine home last Friday afternoon and evening were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danielson of Apiary and Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Tupper and Sandra. Clatskanie Ladies Visit Mist Families Sunday MIST—Visitors Sunday at the Geo. Mathews were Freda Foster and Mabel McPherson of Clats­ kanie who also called on Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roper of Clatskanie called on the Norman Hansens Sunday. Mrs. Wayne Kyser and boys called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burnham and boys of Salem were Sunday din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shal- mon Libel. Fishhawk Home Potluck Locale MIST—Wednesday evening sev­ eral from here had pot luck sup­ per at the home of Lola Watson on the Fishhawk. After a delicious meal all enjoyed singing and vis­ iting. Dale Sanders is home from Cal­ ifornia where he attended school last year. Thursday of last week, Mrs. Mary Sandrrs, Virginia Hansen, Lola Watson. Saxton Barlow and Irene Kyser attended the home ex­ tension officers’ training and in­ stallation meeting at Fern Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Sulo Sanders have had as house guests Mr. and Mrs. Zank of Chicago, Illinois. SH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH XH g 5 KING’S Grocery-Market H g X H X Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" Riverview j At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality H X M ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H —From your home-owned independent grocery. ALWAYS — Best Prices H X H X H H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING X X H KNXHXM XHXHXM XHXHXHXHXKXNX! X