CRISCO SHORTENING | ■■ H — The Highly Unsat. Shortening 3-LB. CAN................... FLAV-R-PÀC Fancy Oregon Strawberry Halves 5 $ioo Frozen 10-oz. Pkgs. ONLY M A PKGS PKGS. BARK AND KERR JAR LIDS REGULAR WIDE MOUTH 5 Dm. 79c 4 Doz. $1.00 I* J FIRESIDE Pectin 3H-oz. Pkg....... CQc 4 2 9 5 9' For BETTY CROCKER DATE BAR Mix 14-oz. Pkg. For Occident Flour All Purpose Leslie’s 5-Lb. Bag 2-Lb. 2-L Pkg O £ f l | For OEc WILLAPOINT OYSTER Stew 2.„49‘ $J95 All Pure Milk 8?1 « No. 2 Potatoes 69' 20 ... 25-Lb. Bag Pickling Salt Fig Bars C Q« For : Pigs Feet | Hormel’s Pickled Netted Gems TOPICS OF THE TOWN Larry Akers arrived home Sep­ tember 2 to spend part of his 30- day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Akers on Timber route. He came here from Key West, Florida just after the con­ clusion of a three months cruise in the mid-Atlantic on th? USS John R. Perry. When he leaves here September 25 he will return to Key West. Guests last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson w?re his great nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stanley and son from North Sacramento, Cali­ fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cota and son Chris left last Thursday for San Francisco where he was to rejoin his ship, the USS Hancock, Tues­ day of this week. Mrs. Cota and Chris will remain there while he is based at Alameda, according to present plans. 20-Lb. Bag Weather Favors Circle Picnic O Grapes /I Pineapple |j[ Hvy. Syrup, No. 2’s Tissues Pkg. of 400............... Dry Milk QEc EC« Shur Lac Inst., 8-Qt. Size Pkg. 48-oz. Decantor......... DATES to Remember Ue ruoti to Eagle DRIVE IN FOR OUR TOP FLIGHT SERVICE PRICKETT'S MORTUARY Grocers HA 9 3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. SHURFRESH FROZEN KARO MAPLE FLAVOR Pancake Syrup United You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone 73E For /I Member & LOCKERS QQc For CROWN’S CHIFFON FACIAL Death Claims John A. Yeager U N IO N S E R V IC E 39 IL L ARKET OEc U.S. No. 1...............Lbs. ested to learn there were other (Will all organizations wishing the Hunteman families here, but to dates of their meetings to appear their knowledge there is no rela­ on this calendar please furnish tionship. the Vernonia Eagle office with The EUB Circle met for a pot information as to date, time and Dr. and Mrs. Oloff L. Hansen luck picnic at the city park last place of meetings. For special have completed their move from August 15 and enjoyed a bright, notices, information should be Beaverton to the Eby house here sunny day. There were twelve in on Monday.) members present and four guests: which they are purchasing. Oscar Weed spent part of the Mrs. Swanson, the mother of Mrs. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Labor Day week end in Portland Jessie Baldwin; Mrs. B. L. Mitch­ Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. at a convention for ham radio op­ el, Rev. Raymond Targgart and FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 erators which was held at the Me­ George Johnson. The group was pleased to have Mist-Nehalem Extension Unit, Bir­ morial Coliseum. kenfeld Community Center, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Murray had Mrs. George Johnson with them 10:30 a.m. again after many weeks of ab­ as guests the latter part of last Football, Loggers versus Rainier week her son and wife, Mr. and sence. Columbians, Greenman field, Mrs. Sam Murray, one of the Mrs. John Christensen from Casey­ 8:00 p.m. ville, Illinois. Other family mem­ newer members, gave a most in­ SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 16 teresting devotion from a book en­ bers who joined the group Sunday were her daughter and husband, titled “Prayer Can Change Your 75th Anniversary, EUB church, 11:00 a.m. followed by potluck. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Betts from Life,” by Dr. Wm. R. Parker and MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Vancouver and her mother and Elaine St. Johns. The Circle plans participation in Teachers Institute, St. Helens, all stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Charles day. Schools all recessed. the 75th anniversary of the Ver­ Evans from Hillsboro. Preliminary workshop, wool and nonia EUB church which is to be Week end before last. Mrs. Doris woolike garments, West Oregon G uests last w eek at the hom e Skidmore took articles for herself held September 16. Further infor­ Bldg., 1:00 p.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis were and several others to Salem to mation is elsewhere in this paper. The next meeting of the Circle Lions Club dinner meetings, Fire her sister, Mrs. Leora Norman and place them on exhibit at the state hall, 6:30 p.m. (Board at 5:30 daughter Sherrie from Portland. fair. Then, she and her daughter will b? held Wednesday of next p.m.) Other guests Sunday were Mrs. Nancy went to Seattle to attend week, September 19, at 1:00 p.m. Vernonia city council, city hall, Norman’s son and wife, Mr. and the World’s Fair. 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Leo Keen, with whom they Mrs. Pauline Lee has moved TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 returned to Portland, and Calvin from the Gilmore house on Rose Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge, IOOF Davis and Mike Berry of Beaver­ avenue to the McDonald house on hall, 8:00 p.m. ton. B street. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Mrs. Jessie Baldwin and three Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holsey and Washington - Columbia County children: Delores, Ronald and family are moving this week from Fire Fighters Assn., Fire hall, John Adam (Nig) Yeager, 64, Richard Fredrickson spent two the house nt the corner of Wash­ 8:00 p.m. weeks in California, returning ington and North streets to the one - time prominent Portland heavyweight boxer, died at Coos Nehalem Chapter OES, Masonic horn? Sunday. They took her Hershey house on B street. Temple, 8:00 p.m. Special meet- mother, Mrs. Bertha Swanson to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson and Bay Thursday of last week. A native of Russia, Yeager came Medical Self Help class, West her home at Bakersfield and vis­ sons Douglas and Stanley from Oregon Bldg., 7:30 p.m. ited Mrs. Baldwin's three married Junction City spent several days to Portland 50 years ago and was at one time business representa­ sons on their way down. last week visiting friends in this Claracy and Nancy Hartsell. area ns they were concluding their tive for the Sanitation Truck Driv­ Engagement Announced daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar vacation. Prior to coming here ers Union No. 220. For the past For Miss Ruby Wells Hartzell, arrived at the Vernonia th?y had attended the fair at Se­ 15 years he had been in Coos Bay Mrs. Maude Wells has an­ Clinic at 6:00 a.m. Friday morning attle and visited her folks at Rich­ and was part owner of the Coos nounced the engagement of her Bay Sanitation Service. all set to have tonsillectomies. But, land, Washington. The Yeagers also own a home daughter. Ruby, to Lt. Robert the stork that haunts this area Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curl from takes the word tonsillectomy as Paris, Illinois left Portland Tues­ here at which they have spent Bruce Bachman who is stationed a signal for making a landing so day morning by jet after a three- much time in recent years and at at Winnemucca, Nevada. A spring the girls waited while a pink bun­ week visit here with their son, the time of his death they were wedding is planned but no date dle was safely delivered to Mrs. Robert Curl, and his family and preparing to move here from Coos has been set as yet. Rnv l.una of Birkenfeld. This same with Mrs. Curl's brother and wife, Bay. Survivors include the widow, routine has happened several times Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman. since the new clinic opened here. While here they enjoyed many Juanita; a brother, Alex Yeager New residents on OA hill are side trips around the country, in­ of Denver, Colo., and three neph­ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hunte- cluding a stay in Victoria and ews, Orin, Harman and Jack Yea­ mnn who are in the process of Vancouver, Canada and a few ger, all of Portland. Funeral service's were held at moving from Klamath Falls to 39 days in Seattle to visit the World’s 11 a m. last Saturday at Ross Hol­ Mississippi avenue. He is a retired Fair. Southern Pacific railroad employe. Tom Wolf, who was taken to lywood Chapel. Vault entombment They purchased the house here Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ was at Rose City cemetery. some time ago in anticipation of land Monday of last week, had his this move. They have a son who left leg amputated at the knee the home of his sister and hus­ is now in Japan. They were inter- Friday afternoon. He is now mak­ band, Mr and Mrs Mik? Willard. Mrs. Gladys Worthington, first ing good recuperation and hopes to be allowed to come home next grade teacher at the Washing­ ton school, is ill with pneumonia week. John Larimore from Winston and Mrs. Irma Chance taught the 2 THURSDAY, SEPT 13, 1962 was a visitor early this week at last two days of last week and so far this week for her. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gardner were pleased this week to find an item in the Oregonian announcing their daughter. Mrs. L. Beugli of 7938 DERREL ROSE SW Capitol Highway. Portland, as the winner of seven ribbons at the Our concern it to give you con­ state fair including three firsts, siderate care, handle all details one second, two thirds and on? with a service of quiet dignity It's time lo lei us drain your crankcase and refill fourth place. All were on entries and beauty that will comfort in the yeast division of baking in you and your family for years with winter weight oil for fast starts in all weather. io come. which she entered nine loaves of bread, doughnuts, coffee cake and rolls. Thr?e prizes were in the first attempt division with her first doughnuts taking a blue rib­ bon, her first candied fruit sweet bread, a red ribbon and her French OF FOREST GROVE bread a white ribbon She had Please Call Collect also taken ribbons this year at the Multnomah county fair at Gresh­ 1920 Pacific Ave —Dial EL 7-3126 am. BO B'S 14-oz. Jar TOKAY lOH-oz. Can Tall Cans....................... O ft« ¡Beef Liver SEA ISLAND HAWAIIAN CHUNK M.C.P. QQ« ! Young and Tender...........Lb. O 10W-oz. Jar Bar B Q Steaks * PUR CO MARASCHINO RED Cherries •k Meat Department ★ CQ« Orange Jc. f t Q C« 12-oz. Cans............... For Top Quality — Low Price 4-H Forestry Club Proposed Boys and girls aged nine and ten who are interested in belonging to a 4-H Forestry club are to have that opportunity again after a two- year lapse, according to Clint Sei­ bert who has again offered his services as leader. All those interested are asked to meet next Tuesday, September 18, at 3:30 p.m. at the city park Scout cabin. Parents are invited to attend, also. Plans for club activities include a tour every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. unless weather prevents. Transpor­ tation home after the tour will be provided. Vernonia Study Club Resumes September 20 The Vernonia Study club will open its fall season Thursday of next week, September 20, with a meeting at the home of Mrs. Florence Messing at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Louis Towne will present the pro­ gram. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! •# o jj Theatre Fri., Sat. Sept 14-15 THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE James Stewart - John Wayne IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! CASH FOR CONES DOUGLAS FIR We are now buying Douglas fir seed cones. 1. Be selective in cones harvested and make field tests of cones before picking. Cones meeting specifica­ tions will be purchased, on basis of a measured bushel at posted prices. Inspection made at time of delivery. 2. Only mature, green-colored, unopened cones accepted. Brown, wormy, discolored or open cones not wanted. 3. Test cones by cutting lengthwise down the center of cone. Top prices paid for cones showing minimum of 5 good seeds per half-section. 4. Pick from trees; gather only fresh squirrel-cut cones. 5. Secure permission from, and make arrangements with landowners for collecting cones on their proper­ ty ; do not cut limbs or trees to get cones. 6. Know location of your cone collection by areas, and report elevations to our buyer at time of delivery. 7. Do not collect in the high elevations a this time. Crop conditions best at low elevations this year __ under 1500’. 8. Low elevation cones are ready now—act now for maximum harvest. Season appears to be of short duration this year, but we will accept cones as long as they are tight and of good quality. 9. Bonus payment schedule available to steady pickers. 10. Buying restricted to scheduled hours. FOR INFORMATION AND CONE DELIVERY CONTACT VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon SHALMON LIBEL Mist, Oregon MORY FEED AND SUPPLY Rainier, Oregon Agents For BROWN SEED COMPANY Vancouver, Washington