Mrs. Cavanaugh Hospitalized MIST — Mrs. Al Cavanaugh was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital Saturday for observation and medical care. Hugh Cox accompanied by Ray Johnson drove to Cove, Ore. to take home Susan Johnson who had spent a couple of weeks here with her grandparents and her daddy. Sunday visitors at the Dowling home were Mr. and Mrs. Alvery Trotter of Sweet Home and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling of Van­ couver Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell entertained her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jenkins of Seattle Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Marlene Kahoe of Portland was also a visitor Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen and family motored to Grande Ronde Sunday morning where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howry. They returned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Johnston of Rainier were callers during the week at the Claude Kysers and other relatives. Bird Season Attracts Hunters from Astoria Crawfords Have Visits From Five Children TIMBER ROUTE—Mr. and Mrs Stanley Hoge and children Glen, David, Scott and Lani left for their home in St. Louis, Missouri after a weeks visit in Seattle and a two week visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Buck) Kauff man and children from Redmond came after their son Bob who had been visiting his grandparents. They took the Hoge family to the train in Portland and then left for their home in Redmond. Last Mon­ day the Boyd Bush family from Seattle came to see his sister Jean at his folks home. The past two months has been a busy time at the Crawfords as at different times they have had visits from all five of her children. Many Visitors Noted At H. M. Reynolds Home MIST—At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Al Kivior and children and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver of Portland, James Oliver of Scappoose, Rich­ ard Agion of San Diego, Califor­ nia and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Her­ man of Mayger. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathews and the Bill McCroskeys of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. D. Stew­ art of Klamath Falls attended the fair in Salem Sunday. BIRKENFELD — Ron Tren- holm and his brother-in-law from Astoria spent the week end here Thackers Return Home pigeon hunting. From Visit To Alaska Al Berg played golf in Vernonia with Bill Larson Sunday. TIMBER ROUTE—Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham Wilbur Thacker have returned attended the state fair Monday. home after a months visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Van Winkle their daughter and family, Mr. and and family of Spokane visited for Mrs. Royce Newton, Darlene and a week with her brother and fa­ Robbie at Anchorage, Alaska. They mily Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nord­ report a very enjoyable trip which strom. was made by PNA from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Kerns of They saw many beautiful places. Los Angeles visited over the week Joe Ross and grandson from end with Mr. and Mrs. James Ca­ Portland called on Mr. and Mrs. hill. Wm. Falconer Monday. IT'S YOUR LAW Rtsptct For Law Makes Democracy Live ENDORSE THIS CHECK, — . PLEASE only," "for collection only." "Pay to Joe White only." This Most people today have means no further negotiation. Cnecking accounts. As nego- 4. Qualified endorsements uable instruments, checks al- remove endorser’s liability if lo w y o u to the check bounces. Here you transfer mon­ write “without recourse" on ey easily. the check’s back and sign your Two m a in name. ways to nego­ When would you use such a tiate checks: check? Suppose you are col­ by delivery or lecting funds for your club, by en d orse- a debt for a friend, or a busi- ment and, now and then, by ness associate. The debtor assigning them makes out the check to you. For checks made out to You have no stake in the "cash" or ^bearer," delivery check; you just want to pass alone negotiates them. It’s not it on to its rightful owner, a good idea to make out But you may have to endorse checks this way. Any holder it, though you don’t want to can cash the check without en- guarantee it. Should the check dorsement—a thief, a finder or bounce after negotiation to some other unauthorized per- other people you don’t want son. A merchant cashing it to hold the bag as an endors- may still have you sign the er. The qualified endorsement check for identification. solves this problem. You negotiate checks made 5. A conditional endorsement out to named payees by en- limits the rights of the person dorsement. There are several getting the check. "Pay to the order of John Jones, upon 1. A blank endorsement: The completion of my hom e" It endorser just signs his name, calls upon John Jones to hon- usually a poor idea. Anyone or this condition. But such getting hold of it can nego- an endorsement does not al- tiate it by delivery. As the ways work. Jones can still ne- endorser, you may have to gotiate it or cash it at a store pay if it bounces. or bank. Only he is subject 2. Special endorsements say to the condition, not the store who gets the money. On the or bank. Such an endorse- check s back, you may write ment may at least fix your pay to the order of John rights between you and Jones. Jones, followed by your When you endorse a check name. If Jones cashes it, he (except "without recourse"), must sign it, a way to show you guarantee that it is good,’ that he got the check. even though the first maker 3. Some endorsements cut may make a stop payment or off further negotiations: You deny that the reasons for sign a check, "for deposit making the check exist. LESTEH M. DUGAN, left and R. E. Collier, newly ap­ pointed district and circuit ministers of Jehovah's Wit­ nesses. Dugan will supervise the activities of some 18,000 Witnesses in the northwest. One of his first du­ ties will be to act as chairman of the fall circuit assem­ bly of Jehovah's Witnesses to be held in the Portland Public Auditorium September 7-9. Collier will direct the work of some 20 congregations of the Witnesses in Portland and surrounding areas. He will assume his duties about October 1. Witnesses Set Fall Circuit Tha Vernonia congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses will join 21 other Portland area congregations of the faith in their regular fall circuit convention this week end. The meet will be held in Portland at the public auditorium. It is expected that there will be some 20 delegates from the local congregation attending according Pevoto Resigns Pastorate Here to LaMoine Todd presiding minis­ ter of the group. The theme of the gathering will be “Spread the Word of Life” and will stress the individual’s Bibli­ cal obligation to bear witness to God and the approach of “Arma­ geddon.” The seminar will have as its featured speaker Lester Dugan, newly appointed Northwest super­ visor of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Highlight of the convention will be a free address Sunday after­ noon at 3 o’clock by Dugan en­ titled “The Bible’s Answer to Oui Problem of Survival.” The publie is invited. Reverend A. K. Pevoto, pastor of the First Baptist church here, submitted his resignation to the congregation last Sunday morning. N ote: Oregon lawyers offer this column so you may know about our The young mother was obvious­ September 2, to accept the pas­ laws. I t is to inlaws, not advise. torate of the Hillcrest Baptist ly shaken as she described the church at Gold Beach. Pevoto has epic day to her husband. “Junior served the local church for a few cut hisf irst tooth,” she reported. Ladies Arrive R om e “Then he took his first step—-and months over two years. From Trip To Alaska fell and knocked out the tooth. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Next Sunday at 11:00 a.m., he And. . .and then—he said his first MIST— -Mrs. Ray Garlock and Third S:., back ci Miller's Store will preach his farewell sermon Mary Garlock returned home Sun­ here after which there will be a word!” A. W. and Lillian Wilson, day from Alaska where they vis­ potluck dinner to which all their Ministers 9:45 a.m.—Bible school. B. L. ited Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bliss for friends are invited. The Pevotos Mitchell, director. Orchestra several days. Mr. Garlock met will leave next week for Gold them at the Seattle airport. Beach. prelude. Classes for all ages. THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1962 7 Mr. and Mrs. James Karr and 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship In announcing his resignation, his mother, Mrs. Lillian Karr, vis­ 6:15 p.m. — NYPS second and he expressed deep appreciation V. F. W. fourth Sundays. Kenneth Mish- ited with the Claude Kysers Sat­ for himself and Mrs. Pevoto for Vernonia Barracks BEN'S BARBER SHOP urday. They reside at Vancouver. ler in charge. Regular meetings: Veterans of World War I Mr. and Mrs. Max McCroskey the kindnesses shown them by the 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic services Expert Tonsorial Work church and others in the commun­ Fourth Lively singing of favorite and children of Pioche, Nevada re­ ity, especially during the time of Open Six Days a Week Meets 4th Monday Wednesdays, 8 P.M. turned to their home Saturday af­ songe Mrs. Psvoto’s accident and long each month al the Vernonia, Oreqon V.F.W. Hall ter having visited here for several Wednesday recuperation. Donald George, Commander IOOF hall, 8 P.M. 7:00 p.m.—Midweek service. All days with Mr. and Mrs. George J. E. Ade, Adjutant are welcome to “The Homelike Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart 4-60 Art Gardner, Commander of Klamath Falls have been week Church” Carl Davis, Adjutant end guests of the Mathews, also. NEHALEM VALLEY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST AUXILIARY 2nd Ave. and Nehalem COIN CLUB Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. Fall Season Begins E. E. Stratton, Pastor Meets last Thursday every month Mabel Gardner, President For E.U.B. Guild West Oregon Electric Auditorium, Cora Lange, Secretary 7-62 Services on Saturday: 9:30 a.m.—Sabbath school. 7:30 P.M. The EUB Guild, women’s ser­ 10:45 a.m.—Preaching, mission­ vice group of the Evangelical Patricia Burns, President ary programs, or Bible study. Richard Burns, Vice-president VERNONIA United Brethren church, will re­ Ruth Steers, Secretary sume meetings after summ.’r vaca LIONS Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VERNONIA EVANGELIVAL tion, next Monday evening, Sep­ 1. Be selective in cones harvested and make field tests UNITED BRETHREN VISITORS WELCOME tember 10, at the home of the pres­ of cones before picking. Cones meeting specifica­ CLUB Stale Avenue ________________________ 10-62 ident, Mrs. Robert C. Lindsay. MEETS FIRST AND THIRD tions will be purchased on basis of a measured bushel Raymond Targgarl. Pastor MONDAY EACH MONTH at posted prices. Inspection made at time of delivery. 1768 N. Ainsworth, Portland, Ore VERNONIA BRANCH KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 6:30 P.M., FIRE HALL BUtler 5-8159 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Harding Lodge No. 116 John Jensen, President 2. Only mature, green-colored, unopened cones accepted. 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. LATTER DAY SAINTS Vernonia, Oregon Neil Zimmerman, Sec. 3-62 Brown, wormy, discolored or open cones not wank'd. Carl Holsey, Sup’t. 925 Rose Avenue 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship I.O.O.F. Hall Branch Presidency — Elders Wil­ 3. Test cones by cutting lengthwise down the center of Second Nursery for small children. IWA Local bur E. Wilson. Henry T. Hud­ cone. 'Fop prices paid for cones showing minimum 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. Monday son, and Clarence Updike. 7:00 p.m.—Evening service. of 5 good seeds per half-section. of Each Month 5-14 Sunday: Wednesday Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Meets First and 7:00 p.m.—Hour of power, pray­ 9:00 a.m. — Priesthood Convenes 4. Pick from trees; gather only fresh squirrel-cut cones. 10:30 a.m. — Sunday school. Commander Third Thursdays er and Bible study. Robert E. McNair, Supt. Robert Wyckoff, Secretary 5. Secure permission from, and make arrangements 7:30 P.M. 12:15 p.m. — Sacrament Service. with landowners for collecting cones on their proper­ PYTHIAN SISTERS MIST-BIRKENFELD A.F.L. — CIO. Wilbur E. Wilson, presiding. Vernonia Temple No. 61 ty ; do not cut limbs or trees to get cones. COMMUNITY CHURCH Tuesday: Business Agent is at the hall, Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Sulo A. Sanders, Pastor 4:00 p.m. — Primary. Cleo Mc­ North and Washington Sts. 6. Know location of your cone collection by areas, and Shirley Berg, Sunday School Second and Fourth Wednesdays Nair, Pres. Superintendent of each month third and fourth Thursday 10 report elevations to our buyer at time of delivery. Cleo McNair, M.E.C. a.m. tc 12:30 p.m. 4-62 At BIrkenfeld Community Center Thursday: 10:00 a.m. — Relief Society. 7. Do not collect in the high elevations a this time. Sunday Cora Lange, Secretary 2-63 Laura E. Carmichael, Pres. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school for all. Crop conditions best at low elevations this year — Order of Easter Star Visitors Welcome at All Meetings 11:00 a.m.—Family worship. Nur­ under 1500’. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. sery for pre-school children. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC Wednesday Regular com­ 8. Low elevation cones are ready now—act now for Rev. William Delplanche munication first 7:45 p.m.—Prayer and Bible maximum harvest. Season appears to be of short , I.O.O.F- Bridge St. at 2nd Ave. study. Wednesday duration this year, but we will accept cones as long First and Second Sundays, Mass Saturday of each month Meets Every Tuesday as they are tight and of good quality. at 7:00 p.m. at Masonic Tem­ 7:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship and 8 P.M. Third, Fourth Fifth Sundays, recreation. ple. All visiting Pete Wiederkehr, Noble Grand 9. Bonus payment schedule available to steady pickers. at 8:00 a.m. sisters and broth­ At Mist Church Lee Rogers, Sec. 1-63 First Fridays, Mass at 7:00 p.m 8:00 p.m.—Sunday evening, wor­ ers welcome. 10. Buying restricted to scheduled hours. ship service. Isabelle Brunsman. W. M. MT. HEART REBEKAH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mona Gordon. Sec. 1-63 A. K. Pevoto, Pastor LODGE NO. 243 ASSEMBLY OF GOD A and Washington St. 2nd and Maple VERNONIA CHAMBER Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday Sunday services: W. C. Armstrong, Pastor evenings of each month in the OF COMMERCE 8:45 a.m., Sunday school. Clas­ 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school. I.O.O.F. hall. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. ses for all ages. Board of Directors report to Gertrude Schalock. Noble Grand 6:30 p.m. — Training Union. members quarterly. Board meets 11:00 a.m., Morning worship. June Ray, Secretary 7:15 p.m. — Evening service. 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., ' :30 p.m., Evangelistic service. _________________________ M t at West Oregon Electric office. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Prayer VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Vernonia, Oregon meeting at the church. Visitors invited. AMERICAN LEGION E. J. Ruff. Pastor Robert C. Lindsay, President First and Maple St*. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH VERNONIA Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Secy. Gene Weller. Sunday School Supt. North and Washington Sts. Mist, Oregon 7-82 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school POST 119 Bruce Robert*. Pastor 11:00 a.m.—Morning service. HAxel 9-6522 A. F. & A. M. ’ Meets Second & 6:30 p.m.—Classes for adults and 9:45 a.m.—Bible school. Fourth Friday* high school age. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Rainier, Oregon Mrs. Ruth Sullivan, Sup’t. of each month. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship ser­ A. F. & A. M. meets at 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. B. J. Horn. Commander vice. Agents For Masonic Temple. Stated 6:00 pm .—Chi Rho Fellowship E. L. Towne Adjutant 8:00 p.m.—Tuesday home study Communication t h i r d 6:30 p m.—Senior youth group AUXILIARY class Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Bible study Second and Fourth Friday* 9:30 a.m. Thursday—Ladies cot­ at 8:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Evening service Otilia Heckenliahle, President tage prayer at Virgil Snooks. Albert B. Brunsman. W.M. Vancouver, Washington Leah Stiff. Sec. 1-63 Harry G. Sandon, Sec'y. 7:00 p.m. Thursday — Christian 1 83 IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! service brigade. AT THE CHURCHES Ucrnonia Eagle LODGE ÄND CLUB NOTICES CASH FOR CONES DOUGLAS FIR We are now buying Douglas fir seed cones. FOR INFORMATION AND CONE DELIVERY CONTACT VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY SHALMON LIBEL M0RY FEED AND SUPPLY BROWN SEED COMPANY