Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 06, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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    Piling Firm Ships to Many Areas
WORKMAN at Northwest Piling Co. in Scappoose
watches as long log is carried through the mechan-
ical debarker. Shredded bark is utilized for stock
Fair Visitors
Spot Ribbons
Gene Drips and Mrs. Sine Collins
went to Salem Saturday and at­
tended the state fair. Mrs. Collins
received a blue ribbon on her cro­
chet b?dspread, a red ribbon on
an afghan, and a white ribbon on
a baby afghan. She was 80 years
old when she made the art.cles.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder and
PICTURED here is the final shipment of a 200,-
000 lineal foot order that went to New York for
dock construction. It took three flat cars to hold
these 115-foot poles. Most of the logs for this ship­
son Bert attended a surprise birth­
day party Saturday evening in
Riverview in honor of their daugh-
t?r, Mrs. Donovan Reynolds. Oth­
ers attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. For­
rest G. Reynolds from Reedsport,
Mrs. Ex:e Weaver, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Reynolds and three chil­
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Linwood
Rsynolds and four children.
Mrs. Exie Weaver visited Satur­
day afternoon with her son’s fam­
ily the Claud Weavers in the Kist
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker
Demonia Eagle
THURSDAY, StPT. 6. 1962
and Mrs. Nell Thacker visited the
George L. Smith family Sunday
and also called at the Otto Stow­
ell home at Buxton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Todd and
family spent Labor day week end
at their cabin here on the Omar
Sheeley place.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reynolds
and children from Cornelius vis­
ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Les­
ter Shafer and family Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
and family from Seaside visited
Saturday with relatives on Timber
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt attend­
ed a family reunion at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Eva Tooley in Es­
tacada last Sunday. Mr. Birt has
recuperated nicely from his re­
cent operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley spent
the week end in Portland.
Earl Reynolds and friend Cathy
Lively from Seaside while enroute
to Portland Saturday, stopped off
in Treharne to call on friends and
Read the ads, it will pay you!
The people at
West Coast
Telephone are
as close as
our phone
BILL PRIBYL, shown here, is one of the three partners in the
Northwest Piling Company plant at Scappoose. Lyle McCleary and
A. J. Ahlborn, other partners, all share work load of creating thriv­
ing new business.
Additional photo page 4
Operating almost within the city
limits of Scappoo.-e, the Northwest
Piling Co. is a thriving, young
business creating a sizeable pay­
roll for Scappoose, and shipping its
product all over the United States
and world-wide ns well.
A corporation, the business is
owned by three St. Helens m n ;
A. J. Ahlborn, Lyle McLeary and
Hill Pribyl. Product of the young
industry is supplying pilings and
commercial poles to industrial us­
ers all over the nation.
The plant was started a year ago
on an 8*4 acre site which th?
corporation leases from the Charles
T. Parker Construction Co. It lies
directly east of the gravel pit at
This particular site was chosen
because of its close proximity to
rail, highway and mat'rials need­
ed; in this case timber ranging
from 90 to 115 feet in height.
Many of the logs used are ob­
tained from the immediate area,
local logging concerns bringing the
big sticks into th? plant. Some logs
are bought from the large com­
panies; also, as Pribyl pointed out
the trees used in this operation are
not saw logs, being of smaller di­
ameter than is used in saw mill
As each load is delivered to the
yard it is stacked awaiting its
turn to go through the mechanical
debarker, or debarked by hand,
then graded. A new debarker is on
order and will be put in operation
this fall. The ground bark is fed
to a choppr some distance away,
where it is currently being picked
up twice daily by Don Meier, own­
er of one of the largerr dairy farms
in the Scappoose area
The yard operates principally on
an ord?r basis, but keeps about
50.000 lineal feet of various length
logs on hand to meet unexpected
The bulk of sales from the yard
are made by personal contact, Pri­
byl stated, using letters and phone
ment came from the Vemonia-Mist area. North
west Piling Co. supplies timbers for heavy con
struction to far-flung places on the globe.
calls to potential customers rather
than advertising in industrial or­
The partners are very pleased
with the growth and location of
their business. Pribyl stated that
within a 75 mile radius of the plant
is th? only remaining timber left
for an operation of this kind.
Pribyl does not believe there is
any danger of running out of the
type of logs needed in their opera­
tion due to conservation and syste­
matic cutting now employed in all
the logging industry.
The corporation provides help
for the small tree farms in the
area, in providing a market for
their timber, advice in cutting and
thinning, and help in obtaining
reputable loggers to take the tim­
ber out.
The company provided full time
work for seven to eight Scappoose
and Warren men.
Vows Exchanged
RIVERVIEW — Larry Wright,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Wright, and Miss Vicki Douglas,
daughter of Mrs. Eva Douglas of
St. Helens were united in marriage
August 19 at the home of the
bride's mother. They are making
their home at St. Helens where he
is employed nt the Ford garage.
Friday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E L. Lloyd were
Mrs. Erlene Snell of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Atkinson of Seattle
and Mrs. Bob Rose and children,
Marvin and Pamela of Portland.
Mrs. Jim Haves of Gaston visit­
ed Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd Mon­
Labor Day week end visitors at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Francis
Wright were his brother and fa­
mily, Mr and Mrs Jack Wright
and three children of Prineville
Mrs. Grac? Peachey and son
George visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Ingle at Tillamook
Saturday Other visitors there were
her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs.
Louis Boeck of Phoenix, Arizona.
Do you have a question about your bill? Want to order an extension phone or some other
special service? Need repairs? For quick assistance, simply pick up your phone and^call us.
The people in our central business office anil repair department are standing by, ready to
give you fast, complete, friendly service. The business office and repair service numbers, by
the way, are listed in the front section of your telephone directory... the book that lists the
numbers of the nicest people we know.
11 th largest of more than 3300 independent telephone companies in the U .S.A .