Stamm Group Attends Picnic C Z ’s S tam m T ree F arm held its 14th annual picnic Sunday, A ugust 26, at Rogers P ark. In spite of darkened skies and occasional show ers the picnic w as w ell a t­ tended by local em ployees and th e ir fam ilies plus a few form er residents of this area now em ploy­ ed elsew here by CZ. T he P o rt­ land office was also represented as usual. A bout 150 people enjoyed Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 1962 la u .H f W «ÜZXO food p repared by the w omen of the Mt. H eart R ebekah lodge as th e sun finally m ade its appearance and brightened the scene. A m ong form er residents w ere th e Ralph H artm ans from Seaside, the Clyde P itts fam ily and Troy Moore from Tillamook, th e R obert T errall fam ily an d Ja ck Robertson, Portland. Sign up and be counted am ong those u n d erw ritin g our co u n try ’s m ight. D efend FREEDOM by b u y ­ ing U. S. Savings Bonds — this m onth, n ex t m onth, all year around! Quart CANNED H A M Coma In and oak for your Boek-to-Sehoo I C IO Rular during thia Grant Sola» Evant. C ann ed L u n ch eon Can M eat C YD , O D E . Ramlngton KOOL AID 6 I k«* 25c A sso r te d F la v o r s D IL 7 Remington Express In tho Fomcus Croon Cor­ rugated Paper H ulll 12 Gouge, 4 or 6 shot RX124, RX126 (SB143-145) 16 Gauga, 4 or 6 Shot, RAX164, RAX166 (S B ,59-61) 20 Gauga, 4 or 6 Shot, RX204. RX206 ’ (SB179- SB181) Wostorn Sugar X In tho Famlllor Waxod Rad Popor Caaol 12 Gauga, 4 or 6 Shot SX124, SX126 (SB423 SB425) GUNS « »TR A N S IS T O R O PORTABLE L eonard 14 cu. ft. dble. door refrigerator. Mod. MA1011. Reg. $349.95, W ith SOFT 0 8 8 T rade s2 7 8 8 $ 2 7 .9 5 Complete with 4 r light batteries leather carrying coso and ear­ phone 6 Transistor Regularly $7.95 ± PORTABLE RADIO ’ •« * Save Money 4 on H a lr c u t il* • HOME HAIRCUTTING SETS Powerful 6 translator radio has loathar carry­ ing eoaa, aarphona and 9 volt battary. Completo 6 pleca «at: Clipper, blade», tapering ana Butch attachments, barber shear« and comb. Instruction«, One y e a r guaran tea. FROM AROUND THE WORLD h -------------------- - //M i ENFIELD RIFLE .303 L ata modal bolt octlon. Uses Stondard American sporting ammunition in 303 British Caliber. 39c German Made 7.65 MM Aluminum $4 .55 Value Dome Type .... 19 i l H c C SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER SPORTERIZED MODEL GUNS 6-Foot L adder Regularly $4.15 White or Colored The Room Orgonlzor fit» easily into awkward area», adding extra shelf space without taking extra room. CLOSET SEAT and COVER S2.22 White "U .S . Space Corp*” Colors ’ Colored Heavy sprayed enamel finish on moulded hard­ wood. Solldplostic hinge. COLORS.. OVAL ROASTER SCHOOL LUNCH KIT /« > # Regularly $1.19 w Compare of . U n lv e rta l Quart Size /f5 9 Quart alza far traveling and picnic«. Kaap« cex­ tents cold or hot longer. i $2.98 Modern Space design! Lots of room for lunches- completo with 10 ounce vacuum bottle. G oulds b alan ced flow shallow w ell system . No tan k , no ex tras. Now $ "8 4A / 85 Only .... rrrx T a n rt T .iia ir n r » — S h u r Lac In sta n t K-tRiart P kg. CRISCO N ew H ig h ly U n sa tu r a te d 79c 3-L b . NEW TW IST H a lf V a n illa Ice M ilk H a lf O ra n g e S h e r b e t Low in C a lo ries By S ta n d a r d D airy H a lf-G a l. H F 00C NAPKINS 10c Z ee W h ite P a ck a g e H O O D R IV E R U S. NO. 2 POTATOES ... $1.29 N e tte d G ents .->0 RADISHES and GRN. ONIONS B un.......... 5c PEARS 3 /8 9 c In l lv y . S y ru p N o . 2 1» C an s GRAPES 2 ib. 25c T hom pson S e e d le ss ENERGY L iquid D e te r g e n t 22 -o z. B o ttle O fi W YC CURL'S GROCERY Eat Batter—Buy Mora—Spend Less— Whan You Shop Herat HA 9-6341 97 M e n '* WORK GLOVES 8 ounce weight cotton work giovo«, eluta pat. 66< Built-In tree aid grav, well aid self-bastlnj rings for oven, tandai basting. Holds 3-4 lb. fowl, 6-7 roast. A rm stro n g B udgetone v in y l floor covering. S q u are $ " | 29 C old Pack C ongoleum v in y l F o re ­ cast floor covering. S q u are $ -1 59 Y a r d ------------ a> VACUUM BOTTLE DRY M ILK 59c $J Blue Enamelware 'Perfect farpfcwce C and H CANE 2 5 -L b .--$ 2 .5 9 Deliveries 3:00 P.M. Vernonia $097 Reg o> j $ ^ 79 $5 .25 Specially designed for strength and rigidity. P ail shelf, lock back, slats, rodded steps. > ß "f j C suy ■r tm « MCA? ANO $2?9 5 Foot STEPLADDJ 8-oz. Iro1' / 20-Gal. Reg. $4.25 25-Gal. Reg. $5.95 31-Gal. Reg. $6.30 Special Lightweight, ruit-proof aluminum lunch kit Is easy to keep eleanl Com­ plete with “ tested" pint size vacuum bottle. BISCUITS 3X29c P illsb u ry /) B u tte rm ilk G A RBA G E CANS LUNCH KIT /f« l« « Uses 7.65 Famous '91 Mauaar action. MM m ilitary or sporting ammunition. W h ite ’s O regon B lo sso m 5-L b. WIENERS Lb. m n AMMUNITION PRICES HONEY $1.19 Cot ta g e lfi-oz. T I'ins im O reg o n C h ie f S k in le s s . Supar-X Mark I Royal I r i c TO M . SOUP TOM ATO JC. o 70/* 10c O 7C C a m p liell’s 1 0 H -o z . Can Not a 5, Not a 6 Not a 7 B u t........ ARGENTINE MAUSER Pork & Beans X (hl T" For 3 | BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE SPECIAL COAST-TO-COAST STORES SNACK 5-Lb. Cans V an C am p s in s N o . 2 ¡H t t T int N O W IN PROGRESS SAVE NO W ! BUY NOW! 59c B o n eless, F ully C ooked, R eady T o E a t. .6 9 c +lval T2 Inch F/oxfbfe PLASTIC RULER SPACE SAVER AND ROOM ORGANIZER g < T n a iH < m « iU J 2 » HARjESTj 9 3 8 STORES IN 21 STATES I’K ID E C O A S T .T O -C O A l i * kl U T »— « T . n f l í aCTHfrU l.IÍ» — ¡TORES/ , Shoot tho All Timo Favorito«! , Performance Pfovonl M ORRELL — < 0 .1 t a i 104 1 9x12 L inoleum n Rugs. $ Reg. $6.95 Sim m ons S lum ber K ing M attress and B ox Springs $ J 4A50 Each ...... — B eau ty R est M attress. «>:o>:<*>>>>:*>:**’**‘*‘*'***‘*‘*'*'*‘*'*‘**'***‘*'*"*‘*‘*