Oernotiia Eagle CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General 4 MHC Picnic Is Held fit Park FOR SALE-Car, Truck AN INVITATION is extended to FOR SALE: 1951 Pontiac 4-door dahlia lovers to see now while in sedan. Good condition and good bloom the beautiful collection of tires. Can be seen at Jacobs place Mrs. J. A. Yeagzr at Wauneta’s on Rose Ave. Inquire HAzel 9- 35t3 Dahlia Patch, 655 Rose Ave. Many 3882. varieties. Please, no pets or child­ ren and PLEASE DO NOT PULL STAKES. Leave orders with Re- TAP and BALLET classes. Call ta Lamping or Cleo McNair. 4 Mrs. Rudy Domitrovich, HAzel inches or over, 50 cents each 9-3745.________________ 35tlc bulb. Under 4 inches, 25c. 35t3c BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public CUCUMBERS for sale. Across stenographer, notary public. New bridge just below golf course. First accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, place on right. Dale Roberts. 875 Bridge St. Office open Mon., 35t2c Friday., 10-5. Closed Tues. Satur­ FOR SALE: Hid-a-bed, small day, 9-1. After hours by appoint­ table, large mirror, 26”x48”, whirl­ ment. HAzel 9-6005 or HAzel 9- pool wringer washer, white ena­ 5895. ____________ 27tfc mel trash burner, Frigidaire re­ frigerator, 6-cu. ft. Phone HAzel OPPORTUNITY! Your money 9-3276. ______________ 35t3 can earn dividends and free life insurance. See your Credit Union. STEWING Leghorns, 45c each, 12 959 Rose Avenue.__________ 7tfq for $5.00. Mrs. J. E. Lonnquist, Birkenfeld, Ore., SKyline 5-2431. 35t3c PROCESSING PLANT PEACHES: Golden Hale, Western State Inspected Pride, Kim Elbsrta, Hale Haven, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING ready now. Lloyd’s Peach Center, % mile south of Cornelius on golf Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday course road._____ 34t2c Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon SERVICES_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Haberman's Meat NOW! You pick peaches. Red Ha­ ven, Western pride, Golden Jubi­ lee, Rochester and Improved El- bertas. $2.00 per busbsl. Have fun- Save mon! All you can eat for nothing. Fruitful Acres, Wayne and Irene Hensley, Rt. 1, Box 348, Forest Grove. Kansas City Dis- trlct. 33t4c FOR SALE: Alfalfa hay, wire bales, conditioned. Second cutting, $30 per ton. Bill Sword, HAzel 9-6491 or HA 9-5411._______28tfc Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Slock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rl. 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Phone office, 698; home, 183. Pri­ vate surveying, engineering work. FOR FLOWERS for all occasions and potted plants, call your local florist, Spofford’s Garden and Florist Servioe. HAzel 9-5863. 28tfc EVEN-TEMP INSULATION CO. 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, Mitchell 4-3918.___________ 18tfc 24tfe WANTED WANTED: Week end baby sitting jobs, your home. Experienced. Diana Magoff, HAzel 9-6601. 35t3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Bean pickers. Free transportation. For information call HAzel 9-5573. 35tl FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est In flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6811. HELP WANTED: Young man for house construction work. Hi school graduate. Experience not neces­ sary. Must be willing to learn Write work experience and ref­ erences to Vernonia Eagle office, Vernonia, Oregon._________ 32tfc ltfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of Bridge and State St. 27tfc TEN-POUND bundles of news­ papers for sale. Suitable for starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle office FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ sion Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 15tfc FOR SALE Real Esiale YOU will look a long time before you will find a valu? like this. Three bedrooms, lot and a half, $7000 Easy terms. East side Vernonia. Two-bedroom house, good repair. Owner moving, must sell. $1500 cash. Two bedroom home in excellent condition. $2700, terms. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Hel­ en M. Morrell, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Columbia County, and has qualified. AH persons having claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same to me at 222 Columbia Boulevard, St. Helens, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified within six I months from the date hereof. Date of first publication, August 23, 1962. Date of final publication Sep­ tember 20, 1962. Ira W. Morrell Administrator Cum Testamento Annexo Hjelte & Kalberer 222 Columbia Boulevard St. Helens, Oregon Attorney.____________ __ 34t5c RF.EHER REALTY 2007 21st, Forest Grove. See Bill Horn, Vernonia Branch Bank Building. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Three- bedroom house on 10th street, Riv­ erview. For information call HA- zel 9-3422.__________ 3413 FOR SALE: Two houses on one lot. Inquire nt 1299 Bridge St. HAzel 9 5435._________ 33t3c FOR RALE: Seven-room house plus I and*3 baths, located on Ne­ halem River. Lots of built-ins, pa­ tio-deck, carport, and shop Dan Lawler, Riverside Drive or call HA 9-3092 33t3c THREE BEDROOM house, living room, dining room, kitchen, glas­ sed-in porch, garage, large shop, on four lots. All redecorated. Available now. $5500 On 4th S t, Riverview. Contact Mr. Sozoff for k e y . _______________ 29tfc FOR SALE Five-room house On city sewer. Needs some repair. Will consider car or trailer in trade. Write Lyman Hawkcn Rt. 1, Box 475. Warren, Oregon 29tfc WANT FARM Must have water and buildings. Can pay cash Write No. 11. N. E 39th Ave. Portland, 28tfc Oregon. DICK MAGRUDER of Clatskanie was selected as the Grand Champion 4-H showman for the third consecutive year. Dick will now retain permanent possession of the rotating trophy which has been sponsored by the Columbia county fair board. Dick was selected as champion showman in both the beef and sheep divisions but chose to use his grand champion steer of the fair in the showman­ ship contest. Elizabeth Ellis. Clatskanie, who stood second in sheep showmanship competed with her Two Honored At One Party MIST—Mrs. Dave Crawford en­ tertained at her home with a sur­ prise birthday party for Mrs. Sax­ ton Barlow and a stork shower for Mrs. Audrey Luna last Thursday, August 23. An enjoyable afternoon was reported by all attending. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kyser had as their guests Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sparks of Delena, and Mrs. Kyser’s sisters from Everett, Washington, also some friends Sunday Mrs. Kyser and boys vis­ ited at the Sparks home in Delena with her parents and sisters. Those who attended the Beeline party at the Mist Birkenfeld cen­ ter Tuesday everting were Mrs. Sulo Saunders and daughters, Rose Mary and Donna; Mrs. Wayne Ky­ ser, Mrs. Dave Crawford and her nieces. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wilson and two children of Jefferson were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox. Sunday they all were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hanson. lamb against Dick in the showmanship class with Jim Bellingham, Birkenfeld, champion swine showman and Carole Chandler, Vernonia, cham­ pion dairy showman. The judges agreed that this was a very close contest with each contestant do­ ing a slightly better job with their own animal but selected Dick on his all around ability in handling each of the other animals. Many Friends Seen At Reunion Held At Beaver MIST — Norman Hansen ac­ companied by his mother, Mrs. Charles Hansen, attended a family reunion at Beaver Valley Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hansen s friend, Mrs. Nora Kulju. Mrs. Han­ sen reports a most enjoyable day meeting old and new friends. A barbecue supper was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kyser Sunday evening. Those who enjoyed it were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawkins and baby of Tilla­ mook, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Robbins and children from Port Orford and the Robert, Roy and Bill Kyser families. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathews ac­ companied by Mrs. Alvin Wright and son David were among those who attended the fair Saturday evening. Mrs. Wright and David returned to their home in Manza­ nita Sunday. Mrs. Norman Hansen and chil­ dren accompanied by her sister Mrs. Charles Drake motored to Portland Sunday where Mrs. Drake boarded a train for her home in Havre, Montana. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Small, well furnished house on A street. Very reason- able. Call HAzel 9-5571, 34t3c Crawfords Hold Family Picnic CLASSIFIED RATES Oernonia Eagle MISCELLANEOUS MIST—The Mist Helping Circle met at Dass park August 23 with 10 members and two visitors pres­ ent. A picnic dinner was enjoyed. The next meeting place will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel were Portland motorists Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews and daughter, Marian, and Rose Mary Sanders enjoyed a couple of days at Newport recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford attended the fair Saturday. Marian Mathews spent a week at a church camp near Battle Ground, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine en­ tertained some friends from Cali­ fornia Saturday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case and Cheryl De- vine also were guests. Shalmon Libel accompanied Clair Devine and son to Deer Is­ land Saturday evening where they attended the rodeo and other fair events. William E. Durrant photo Lady Bowlers Start Season BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a Week Vernonia, Oregon The Monday night Women’s Bowling league started their fall season Monday evening. The name chosen for the league is the Alley Oops. Officers for the season are: pres­ DRY GOODS ident, Florenz Huff; vice-presi­ NOTIONS — GIFTS dent, Georgia Ray; secretary, El­ len Hanson; treasurer, Genny Han­ FIRE, AUTO AND son; sergeant-at-arms, Myrtle Cox. CASUALTY Standings after the first even­ INSURANCE LINES ing of bowling are: 2 I U. S. National Bank Phone HA 9-6058 2 At Mile Bridge. Riverview Sam’s Food Store 2 2 West Oregon Electric 2 2 Vernonia Clinic High game: Georgia Ray, 186; high MARR & STAFFORD series: Myrtle Cox and Florenz MEAT CO. Huff, 471. Splits picked up: Nancy Leon­ Rt 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. ard 3-10; Florenz Huff 3-10; Mary EL 7-7281 Groff 3-10 and 3-10; Ellen Han­ Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, son 3-10 and 4-5. and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. HENRY & POLLY HUDSON Case Home Is Picnic Locale MIST—Those who enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans and family, Mrs. Kenneth Stanford and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine. Mrs. Ida Condit is spending a couple of weeks with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews. Among those who attended the fair were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews and Bob and Walter Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford visited the Shalmon Libels Sunday evening. Mrs. Dave Crawford’s nieces who have visited here from Can­ ada returned to their home last Saturday. Susan Johnson spent the week end at Clatskanie with her daddy, Ray Johnson. TIMBER ROUTE — Visiting last week at the Ed Crawfords CHERRY TREE Apts, and rooms were their two daughters and their —Furnished. Private bath. 830 families. They were Mrs. Vem Second St. HAzel 9 5042 24tfc Hoge and four children from St. Louis, Missouri who came by train via Seattle to visit the world fair before coming on to Vernonia THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kauf­ cial responsibility for errors man and three of their four chil­ that may appear in ads pub­ dren from Redmon, California. lished in its columns, but in Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman returned case where this paper is at to their home Monday, leaving fault, will reprint that part of their son Bobby for a longer vis­ an adv. in which the typo­ it with his grandparents and tak­ ing with them two of the Hoge graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY children, Glen and David. Sunday ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED a family picnic was held at the AFTER TUESDAY N O O N Ed Crawfords in honor of the Hoge EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEKS and Kaufman families. Also at­ PAPER. tending were cousins of the Craw­ BLIND ADS with answers to be fords, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Norton handled by the Eagle: Mini from Seaside and their neighbor. mum charge S1.00. No informa They were driven to the get-to­ tion given relative to such ads. gether by the Norton’s daughter, POETRY accepted only as paid Mrs. Lilas Friary, from Salem. NOTICE TO CREDITORS matter. Rate: 5c per type line. Also Mrs. Nellie Hall and her Notice is hereby given that the M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 daughter’s families, the Bob Sa­ undersigned has been appointed words or less. Words over min­ gers and the Gene Stanleys from administrator of the estate of Ruby imum, 3c each. Three inser­ Forest Grove. The Crawfords’ Lea Biggs, deceased, by the Coun tions for the price of two. son and family, the Floyd Bushes ty Court of the State of Oregon CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 from Seattle were unable to attend for Columbia County, and has for up to 12 lines. Additional the affair Sunday but did drive qualified All persons having lines, 8 cents each. down Monday to visit his parents claims against said estate are here NO information on classifieds will and spend some time with his sis­ by notified to present the same be given out until after paper ter, Mrs. Hoge, who expects to be to nv at 222 Columbia Boulevard, is mailed. visiting here until Labor day. St Helens, Oregon with vouchers Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and duly verified within six returned Saturday night from their months from the date hereof. vacation to the mid-eastern states. Date of first publication, August Harry Weaver drove up from MAnVIN KAMHOLZ 16. 1962 his home in Seaside Friday even­ Date of final publication, Sep­ ing to call on his mother, Mrs. Editor and Publisher tember 13, 1962. Exie Weaver, and other friends Official Newspaper of Charles L. Biggs and relatives, Vernonia, Oregon Administrator Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Beal spent Entered as second class mail Hjelte At Kalberer a few days this past week visiting matter, Angus» 4. 1922 at the post 222 Columbia Boulevard office in Vernonia. Oregon under in Molalla and Estacada St Helens. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hascall the act of March 3. 1879. Sub­ Attorneys 33t5c scription price $3 00 yearly in the and Mr. and Mrs Carl Wienecke Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50. and Mrs. Gilbert Beal were in Forest Grove last Monday on bus­ N A T IO N AL IO IT O N IA I iness. Bert Snyder went on a fishing GROWN German shepherds and trip with his brother-in-law. Don- Dalmatians free to good homes ovan Reynolds, in the Columbia HAzel 9-3272_____________ 34t3c near St Helens last Saturday. n iw j h f u Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Snyder and TO GIVE AWAY Four darling family from Lebanon were week black and white kittens See them F U B U S H IB S end guests at the home of his at 191 A street or call HAzel 9- ASSOCIATION parents, Mr. and Mrs Carl Snyder. 3715. 34t3c NOTICE TO CREDITORS THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 1962 Mother and Children Visit. Attend Fair Come through Banks, take Tillamook road l ’/j mile, take first leflhand road. ltfc DERREL ROSE Our concern is to give you con­ siderate care, handle all details with a service of quiet dignity and beauty that will comfort you and your family for years to come. MIST—Mrs. Clair Devine and Cheryl and Rick left Sunday for Seattle to be house guests of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lou­ is McMann and attend the fair. They planned to return home I Thursday. Guests Sunday at the George I Mathews were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller and children of Klamath OF FOREST GROVE Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc- Croskey and children of Forest Please Call Collect Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews and 1920 Pacific Ave.—Dial EL 7-3128 their guests motored to the beach where a picnic. w nere all an enjoyed c u j u , ---- PRICKETT'S MORTUARY ¡S H X H X H X H X H IH X H IH X H X H IH X H fl N H X X H H Riverview X Phone HA 9-6015 H At the Mile Bridge H X "Where Your Money Buys More" H ALWAYS — Top Quality KING’S Grocery-Market ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H X H —From your home-owned independent grocery. H X X SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING H H X «HXM XHXHXHXM XM XM XHXHXKXHS