CLASSIFIED ADS Sunday Picnic Held A l Clair Devine Home FOR SAI.E-General FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE: Girl’s 24-inch bike in good condition. $12.50. See Judi Horn, 558 South First Avenue. 34t3c WANT FARM. Must have water and buildings. Can pay cash. Write No. 11, N. E. 39th Ave., Portland, Oregon. 28tfc FOR SALE: Two saddle horses, $125 each. Both good with child ren. On? 2 "4 year old stud; one older mare. Will sell new saddle with either one, $85. James R. Gaston, Keasey Rt., Vernonia. Two miles up Bum road. 34tl PEACHES: Golden Hale, Western Pride, Kim Elberta, Hale Haven, ready now. Lloyd’s Peach Center, *4 mile south of Cornelius on golf course road. 34t2c NOW! You pick peaches. Red Ha­ ven, Western pride, Golden Jubi­ lee, Rochester and Improved El- bertas. $2.00 per bushel. Have fun- Save mon! All you can eat for nothing. Fruitful Acres, Wayne #nd Irene Hensley, Rt. 1, Box 348, Forest Grove. Kansas City Dis­ trict. 33t4c FOR SALE: Jersey-Swiss milk cow and month old calf. Cow five years old, heavy milker, gentle. $235. Frank Hays, Keasey Rt., Vernonia, HAzel 9-6782. 32t3 TD 6 International bulldozer for sale. Shalmon Libel, Mist, Ore­ gon. SKyline 5-2454. 32t3c NEW SHIPMENT saddlery just arrived. Large stock. Shalmon Li­ bel, Mist, Oregon. SKyline 5-2454. 32t3c FOR SALE: Cedar lumber and sowed posts, 7 to 12 feet long. $50 to $60 per thousand at mill. Ce­ dar slabs, $2.00 per cord. Ellson Cedar Products. Phone HAzel 9- 6894._____________________ 32tfc FOR SALE: Alfalfa hay, wire bales, conditioned. $25 per ton. Bill Sword, HAzel 9-6491 or HA­ zel 9-5411. 28tfc FOR FLOWERS for all occasions and potted plants, call your local florist, Spofford's Garden and Florist Service. HAzel 9-5863. _________________________ 28tfc EVEN-TEMP INSULATION CO. 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, Mitchell 4-3918,_________ 18tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. __________________________ ltfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of Bridge and State St. 27tfc TEN-POUND bundles of news­ papers for sale. Suitable for Starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle •fflee 8tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occa- |ion. Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9 5384 _________________________ 15tfc FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE OR LEASE: Three- bedroom house on 10th street, Riv­ erview. For information call HA- tel 9-3422__________ 34t3 FOR SALE: Two houses on one lot. Inquire at 1299 Bridge St. HAzel 9-5435. 33t3c FOUR-ROOM houae, garage with extra room, electric water tank, wired for washer, dryer, range; lawn, garden space 1 4 blocks from main street on Rose avenue. Mrs. C. O. Thomas, 876 Third St., Vernonia, Oregon 32t3c RETIRED COUPLE wants five or six-room house on extra large lot in town or two to five acres near town. House in good condition, or site for mobile home, preferably on creek or river. Write full de­ scription and price to Rt. 3, Box 733, Oregon City, Ore. 32t3 FOR SALE: Seven-room house plus 1 andJa baths, located on Ne­ halem River. Lots of built-ins, pa­ tio-deck, carport, and shop. Dan Lawler, Riverside Drive or call HA 9-3092 33t3c THREE BEDROOM house, living room, dining room, kitchen, glas­ sed-in porch, garage, large shop, on four lots. All redecorated. Available now $5500 On 4th St., Riverview. Contact Mr. Sozoff for k e y _______________ 29tfc FOR SAI-E: Five-room house. On city sewer. Needs some repair. Will consider car or trailer in trade. Write Lyman Hawken. Rt 1, Box 475, Warren. Oregon 29tfc People who are the parents of handsome, brilliant children are great believers in heredity. FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE: 1936 Chevrolet coupe in running order. Contact C. A. Van Aistine, 642 Third St., Ver­ nonia. 34tl TRUCKS ’49 CHEV 2 ’4 ton cab and chassis, 4 speed - 2 speed a vie, 8.25x20 tires. Spotl?ss interior. Real sharp. Drive it! ’60 CHEV *4 ton pickup. Fleetside, 3 speed. ’53 CHEV pickup, outstanding val­ ue. New engine, 6.50x16 tires, stock rack. '52 STUDE pickup. Real clean, a lot of truck for a little money. CARS ’61 FORD FALCON 2 dr. Radio heater. Sharp interior. Twilight blue. Ford’s best. 36 months, no down with approved credit. ’58 FORD 2 dr & 4 dr sedans. These two cars are real nice. 6 cyl and V8. ’56 PONTIAC wagon. Stick. Ra­ dio. A real buy. '55 CHEV wagon. V8 - PG. Every­ thing. Outstanding condition. Guaranteed. '55 CHEV 4 dr sedan. PG, Inex­ pensive. Mechanically sound. Dependable. ’54 CHEV wagon. PG. Fine fam­ ily car. Lots of room. Terrific buy. VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY "A Safe Place to Trade” Phone HAsel 9-5023 _________________________ 34tlc SERVICES BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public stenographer, notary public. New accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, 875 Bridge St. Office open Mon., Friday., 10-5. Closed Tues. Satur­ day, 9-1. After hours by appoint­ ment. HAzel 9-6005 or HAzel 9- 5895._____________________ 27tfc OPPORTUNITY! Your money can earn dividends and free life insurance. See your Credit Union. 959 Rose Avenue. 7tfc WORKING MOTHERS, let me help you. Ironing done reason­ ably $3 & up per basket. You need help, I can use money. Ma Vike, 1654 Nehalem St., Corey Hill. 5tfc Haberman's Neat PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Slock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2. Bx 141, Fcrest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ____________________________ ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Phone office, 698; home, 183. P ri­ vate surveying, engineering work. _________________________ 24tfc WANTED WANT to rent small 3 or 4 room unfurnished house not far from city center, by reliable tenant. Write to 1001 Woodland Avenue, Centralia, Washington. 33t2 WANTED: Suitable house to rent or lease, at least two bedrooms. Donald Lehman, Portland. Call collect. 775 2483 32t3 HELP WANTED: Young man for house construction work. Hi school graduate. Experience not neces­ sary. Must be willing to learn. Write work experience and ref­ erences to Vernonia Eagle office, Vernonia, Oregon. 32tfc MISCELLANEOUS GROWN German shepherds and Dalmatians free to good homes. HAzel 9-3272. 34t3c TO GIVE AWAY: Four darling black and white kittens. See them at 191 A street or call HAzel 9- 3715______________________ 34t3e FOR RENT FOR RENT Small, well furnished house on A street Very reason­ able Call HAzel 9-5571, 34t3c CHERRY TREE Apts, and rooms —Furnished, Private bath 830 Second St HA re I 9 -5tW2 24»fe Eagle Want Ads Cat Results— MIST—Those who enjoyed a picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dan­ ielson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard, all of Knap- pa and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon of De- lena called on the Devines later in the afternoon. Mrs. Lawton Waddell and Mrs. Shalmon Libel visited with Mrs. Geo. Peterson in St. Helens Sat­ urday. Martin Mathews spent last week end in Manzanita with his broth- in-law, Alvin Wright. Week end guests at the Hugh Cox’s were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Higgason and family. Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel cal­ led on Mr. and Mrs. L. Waddell Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Schlehuber and Mrs. Bud Hemeon called at the Sam Devines Monday. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Hel­ en M. Morrell, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Columbia County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same to me at 222 Columbia Boulevard, St. Helens, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication, August 23, 1962. Date of final publication Sep­ tember 20, 1962. Ira W. Morrell Administrator Cum Testamento Annexo Hjelte & Kalberer 222 Columbia Boulevard St. Helens, Oregon Attorney. 34t5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Ruby Lea Biggs, deceased, by the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same to me at 222 Columbia Boulevard, St. Helens, Oregon with vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication, August 16, 1962. Date of final publication, Sep­ tember 13, 1962. Charles L. Biggs Administrator Hjelte Sc Kalberer 222 Columbia Boulevard St. Helens, Oregon Attorneys 33t5c CLASSIFIED BATES THE EAGLE lu u m e i no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa lion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum, 3c each. Three inser­ tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: S1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8 cents each. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. Oernonia Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, Aug*is‘ 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oreeon under the act of March 3, 1879. Sub­ scription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50. N A T IO N AL IO IT O R IA L fcmw.uB.mLUj N EW SPAPER P U B L IS H E R S A S S O C IA T IO N NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass spent Satur­ day and Sunday at Bay City with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and girls. They attended the Tilla­ mook county fair and enjoyed go­ ing to the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tupper and Sandra drove to Hillsboro Satur­ day evening and had supper with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tupper and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Edson of San Diego were supper guests, also. Mrs. Edson is an aunt of the brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kraig of Portland are spending part of this week with her mother, Mrs. Lillie Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Deeds and sons of Salt Lake City, who have been spending some time here with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap, left Saturday to return home. Tuesday and Wednesday of last week they visited the fair at Seattle and also drove to Bremer­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Her- shey and Dev spent from Friday to Sunday at North Bend visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hagen. They all went clam digging while there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringle and Bill were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Olstedt at Beaver­ ton Saturday. The men attended the game at the stadium in Port­ land that night. Warrenton Home Scene of Picnic BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson and Elsa Richardson all went to Don Jen­ sens Sunday at Warrenton and en­ joyed a picnic. Mrs. Darrell Baker and Mrs. Jim Borders took in the fair at Astoria Saturday. Mrs. Mary Essen and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ronnstad of Seat­ tle are visiting at John Cahills and with other relatives. Mrs. Es­ sen plans to stay here for awhile. Katy Nordstrom did real well at the fair in Astoria. She received champion ribbons on bread mak­ ing, art and craft and flower ar­ ranging. Robert Berg and son Nickey went to Seattle to the fair last Tuesday. They also visited with friends and returned home on Thursday. Oernonia Eagle 'Freezing' Bullelin Available at Office Passes Attend Tillam ook Fair 4 Many colorful, as well as flavor­ ful, fruits and vegetables are in season during August in most Ore­ gon markets. Extension bulletin “Freezing of Fruits and Vegeta­ bles” is available by calling your county extension office. TV to OHer •What's New' The state department of educa­ tion is preparing a 90-minute in- service program to be televised on channels 7 and 10 at 1:00 p.m., PST, on Thursday, Augst 30, and rebroadcast at 1:00 p.m., PST, on Wednesday, September 5. The pro­ gram is being developed at the suggestion of the state advisory committee on ETV and raido as a means of reaching all teachers and administrators in the viewing area of the state educational tele­ vision network and as a means of spreading farther the services of the department staff in the days just prior to the opening of schools. The program theme is “What’s New in ’62 for Oregon Schools?”. Dr. Minear will lead members of the state department of education professional staff in presenting in­ formation on such topics as the leadership role of the state de­ partment of education in Oregon education, the Oregon program, certification, curriculum trends, methods of staff utilization, new teaching tools, ways of class room organization, and possibly school buildings. Content of the program will be directed particularly to ele­ mentary and secondary teachers and administrators. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Group Enjoys Week End Vacation A t The Coast MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson and Bruce of Clats­ kanie, Mrs. Charles Drake and son Larry from Havre, Montana en­ joyed a week end at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon are enjoying a visit from her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones of California. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine were supp?r guests of the Geo. Math­ ews last Wednesday evening. I 8 V I 1 How to give your car $ the best of care >; . v v 8 Your car represents one ol »„< • Î 5 your most important invest* X V m ents. T re a t it w isely by $ V having a mechanic check it X for top running >*< s periodically X 3 efficiency. And don’t forget to have £ your auto insurance program X kept u p -to -d a te , too! T h e right coverages can save you X thousands of dollars if trouble strikes. See us today for the full story on Hartford Auto insur­ ance. ÍÎ V BILL J. HORN ♦ Î 5 Vernonia Insurance > V ’ V ♦ Exchange Phone HA 9-6203 I 905 B ridge S tre e t •5 V ernonia, Oregon V V Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Come through Bank«, lake Tillamook road 1 V, mile, take first lefthand road. THURSDAY. AUG. 23, 1962 i ltfc representing Hartford Accident and IÎ Indemnity Company Î Member Hartford Group Hartford 15, Conn. 8 Insurance ATTEND THE 47TH ANNUAL COLUMBIA COUNTY Visitors Noted At Mist Homes MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox were Sunday dinner guests at the Will Carsons. Mrs. Inger Ashley and daughter Bertie of Longview were dinner guests at the Charles Hansen home Sunday. Mrs. Maude Rogers entertained the card party club members last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg of Astoria were Sunday evening vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel. Mrs. Leona Taylor of Florida and her son Ray Taylor and daughter visited the Charles Han­ sens Saturday evening. THURS.-SAT., AUGUST 23-25 DEER ISLAND FAIRGROUNDS Out Of Stale Visitors Noted At Oblack Home NATAL - PITTSBURG—Tues­ day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack were her aunt, Mrs. Mar­ garet Lingren; cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson and daughtzr Marie of Victorville, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs.. Reed Holding of Scap­ poose and Mrs. Maxine Kyser and children. Saturday visitors were Mrs. Oblack’s brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Hol­ ding of Sun Valley, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap, ac­ companied by Clyde Johnson, drove to Camas Sunday to visit Mr Johnson’s sister, Mrs. Kiuck- man who is in a nursing home. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay, Mrs. Lillie Henderson and Rich­ ard Peterson were Thursday ev­ ening guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and their houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Deeds and family. Visitors this past week at the R. S. Lindsay home included Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lindsay of Scap­ poose Wednesday, Mr and Mrs. N.ble Dunlap and their guests, the Deeds family Friday evening and Mr. and Mrs Roy Smith of Goble Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs Clarenc? Lindsay and family of Redmond spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay. Their boys remained to spend this week with their grandparents. FREE CIRCUS Three acts daily FREE HORSE SHOWS SEE THE COUNTY’S BEST IN • • • Agriculture Livestock 4-H and FFA 0 Arts and Flowers £ Homemaking Q Hobbies Rodeo Friday and Saturday evenings, directed by Colum­ bia Riders. Fair Adm: Adults Parking 50C 25c Children 25c Rodeo— $1.00